What to do...Why can't I think of so many ways?

When the get out of class bell rang during the noon break, when the students in Class B of the second year escaped from the classroom like a refugee, Ryuto sitting in his seat was still scratching his head and thinking.

In the whole morning, Ryuto sent more than a hundred text messages to Ruri, like a sick boyfriend with a super controlling desire.

However, in fact, the relationship between the two is not boyfriend and girlfriend, more like... the relationship between mother son and stupid son.

Moreover, after a morning of text messaging, Ruri also developed a new understanding of Kiryu Ryuto.

In the eyes of Ruri before, Ryuto is a kind of honest, naive, but very nice guy.

It's just that after a whole morning, Ruri found that he was a little bit imaginative.

According to incomplete statistics, Ryuto’s "School Popularity Plan" includes the following:

First: set up a light music department and recruit several high school female students to drink tea every day , And at the same time moved towards Martial Dao Hall to perform hard.

Second: Join the basketball team, dye your hair red, start from the free throw line to jump and dunk, and prepare to dominate the national tournament.

Third: In order to save the gradually losing reputation of "Metropolitan No. 1 High School", learn to sing and dance, and become an idol at any time to make his debut based in school.


The above three plans are the most normal ones among the countless plans proposed by Ryuto. One can imagine how outrageous the other plans are.

In this regard, Ruri said that he didn't know what was in his mind. Why could he think of so many nonsensical plans?

Also, can you a rogue leader stop thinking about something? It feels like a girl thinking of spring?

"This is the first time I have seen a big yakuza guy so desperate to be welcomed by his classmates, Mai, do you think his brain...Mai? What about people?"

When Ruri, who was sitting in Class A classroom of the second year, instinctively looked to the right, he found that the table on the right was already empty.

Since Ruri is studying in Class A in the second year, Izayoi Mai, who is her personal bodyguard, is naturally there.

In theory, Mai should be by Ruri's side when class is over, but at this time the martial attendant suddenly disappeared.

Where did Mai go? The answer lies in the second-year Class B next door.

"Kiryu, I have something to tell you."

Just as the dragon head leaned his head on the table and was in a daze, a cold voice suddenly appeared. It came from in front of him.

This voice is...Mai?

Ryuto looked up and saw Izayoi Mai standing upright in front of the table, her face flushed slightly, her hands a little flustered, and she didn't seem to know where to put it.

Because it was in school, Mai was wearing a standard women's uniform at this time.

Little Pi shoes, pleated skirt, short sleeves and jacket, this uniform is naturally more suitable for her age than her work clothes last night, and it also makes Mai's temperament softer.

It's just that her stubborn attitude of a girl, combined with the rhetoric of "I have something to say to you", and the empty classroom with only two people, this scene is really quite easy to make people want to be crooked.

In the air, there is a romantic atmosphere.

The girl's slight short breath also brought the atmosphere in the classroom to the level of banned books.

And Ryuto also reacted immediately and said sincerely: "Sorry, Izayoi classmate, I think we are not suitable, you deserve a better one."

"Huh? Wait. Wait, don’t you think...Bah!"

Originally, Ryuto thought Mai would be sad and crying after being rejected by herself, but her face was mixed with nausea, disgust, Want to throw up and many other negative emotion expressions.

Took a deep breath, after forcibly holding back the emotion of trying to smash the stinky man’s face with a punch, Mai asked helplessly: "You don’t think... you think I’m Come to confess to you?"

"Don’t be ashamed, it’s perfectly normal to like me."

"Huh, don’t worry, you won’t like ghosts even if you like ghosts. Fuck on you!"

"It's all right, skip this topic, the atmosphere is a bit awkward, what did you just want to say to me?"

You are so embarrassed Say this? Who made the atmosphere so embarrassing!

If it wasn't for Mai who came here to apologize sincerely this time, she would really want to kick Ryuto on the wall.

But even though she was teased when she first came here, Mai resignedly bowed to Ryuto and said solemnly, "I'm very sorry, because of my misunderstanding last night, it almost caused serious consequences. , I hereby express my sincere apologies."

There is no doubt that Mai’s apology is sincere.

After all, just last night, this Kamiya's martial attendant almost beat Ryuto with a kick and almost strangled him to death.

So at the end it was discovered that Ryuto was actually a good person, and he saved Eldest Miss's companion. Then Mai can't apologize.

I have to say that Mai’s posture of apologizing is really quite standard.

She has a straight back, her hands and legs, and her waist has a forty-five degree angle straight down, her head is slightly lowered, and she looks at her feet.

Even if the "Japanese bowing master" is used as a demonstration, it is estimated that he will not be able to make a more standard posture of apology than Mai at this time.

However, although Mai’s apology is very sincere and her posture is very standard, Ryuto is still just shook the head.

Because of this scene, it seems to him very ridiculous.

"Raise your head, Izayoi Mai." Ryuto stood up from the chair and said in a condescending tone.

After realizing that Ryuto's tone did not seem to forgive herself, Mai asked helplessly: "Is the angle of my bowing not enough?"

"The angle of bowing? That counts. What is it? Which normal person would care about such trivial things?"

"Then what is your dissatisfaction with my apology?"

"I am most dissatisfied That...it’s your attitude that you think you can understand everything by bowing."

Speaking of which, Ryuto turned and sat on the side table, high up. Erlang's legs are cocked.

The Japanese have a bad habit and like to bow as an apology.

However, in the eyes of Ryuto and Yakuza, this is a meaningless and very shameless act.

I can't pay the money I owe others, bow.

What's wrong with the product or strategy, bow.

Even if he did something harmful to all mankind, he still bowed.

Bow bow, you bow with a hammer, and if you lower your head painlessly, you feel that your sins have been washed away? Can this change anything? Can this make any reflections?

For example, you, Izayoi Mai, almost killed me because of a misunderstanding. You want to finish with this bow? Are you treating people as fools?

Chun! So before Mai could react, Ryuto didn't know where to take out a sharp dagger and inserted it on the table next to it.

"You should not be embarrassed by bowing as a cowardly practice. If you are really apologetic...Cut off one or two fingers to show sincerity is also a matter of as it should be by rights Right? Right? Right? Right?"

Looking at Mai with a shocked face, Ryuto casually said to her something that sounded very unconventional.

However, this is not outrageous in Yakuza's world. On the contrary, it is their common sense and the obligation of a man.

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