The "title" this thing seemed somewhat tasteless in the eyes of Ryuto before.

After all, the only "title. Yakuza Master" he has is a double-edged sword. Although it increases "guts", it reduces "charm".

As Ryuto is born with "LV2 courage. Excellent passers-by", increasing Level 1 courage is not very meaningful, but the loss of Level 1 charm is very terrible.

After removing this nickname and replacing it with "outlaw", the attributes of Ryuto changed all at once.

The original "LV3 courage. Professional expert" has become "LV2 courage. Excellent passerby".

The original "LV1 Charm. Crumbs of the World" has become "LV2 Charm. Excellent passers-by".

Let me just say, this is the attribute I should have.

After seeing his "charm" return to normal, Ryuto's face showed a happy smile.

The newly replaced "outlaw" is useful, and it saves 200,000 yuan per death, which is a million miles apart compared to the addition of the title of attribute.

But the title is good because it does not have any side effects. Even if it is used as a whiteboard, it is better than the negative name of "yakuza".

After all, Kiryu Ryuto is already handsome, and his temperament after rebirth is not as bad as before. If a handsome guy of this level is to be rated as "the crumbs of the world", it would be too much. People.

So, the charm of Ryuto should have been born Level 2 level, only because of the reduction of the title, it was crushed to the level of crumbs.

The attributes of born Level 2 and the attributes of born Level 1 are not so big.

If you are born with Level 2, you only need to add the attribute three times to complete the order. The cost is "5 million", "50 million", and "500 million".

If you are born with Level 1, you have to add attributes four times to be full. The cost is "five million", "50 million", "500 million", "five billion".

So it was born Level 1 or Level 2, which is a difference of ten times the amount. In the end, Level 1 is a difference of 5 billion yen... I really have a headache when I think about it.

Although the charm of Level 2 is quite good, it is far from enough in Ryuto's view.

"Very well, if that's the case, let's continue! I'm soaring into the sky!"

Under Ryuto's shout that resounded through the rooftops, he slammed open." The "+" sign next to the attribute.

"It takes "5 million yuan" to upgrade from "LV2 Charm" to "LV3 Charm", confirm the payment?"

Of course! The moment he reached out to the word "confirm", Ryuto was arrogant and arrogant, with a posture of "I return to Earth Immortal".

Along with the light rays of light, Ryuto's attributes changed again.

Facts have proved that the promotion from "LV2. Excellent passerby" to "LV3. Professional expert" is quite huge.

Although the face is still that face, and the person is still that person, the effect of the enhancement of the charm attribute is immediate.

When Ryuto came to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the face in the mirror turned out to be pleasing to the eye.

The inferior yellow hair that was originally very cheap looks like the golden hair of Super Saiyan.

The ferocious eyebrows exude a male-specific masculinity.

The already handsome facial features are more perfect, enough to overwhelm thousands of young girls.

Of course, all of Ryuto's appearance has not actually changed, just the feeling it gives people.

The attribute of "charm" is sometimes difficult to describe simply as "handsome" or "beautiful".

This is a very complicated feeling, which surpasses the superficial external things such as handsome and beautiful.

This feeling is not so obvious in the game when I look at the vertical painting, but it is much more obvious if it is changed to the real world.

"Good guy...this is the charm of the "professional" level, which can bring such a powerful affinity effect."

Continuously from "LV1" After jumping to "LV3", Ryuto realized how strong this attribute is.

If he had entered the school with this "LV3"-level charm attribute this morning, the result would definitely not be the kind of scene where people hide and avoid.

After all, the charm of this level has reached the level of "acting star". It belongs to the real professionals, the kind with a halo, no matter what they do, someone will help them unconditionally whiten it.

Of course, the charming formidable power is not limited to this, it will become more and more scary if you go up.

In this game, there are two women with the strongest personal auras. They are the culmination of the attribute of "charm", and possess the monster of "LV5 Charm. Extreme Superman" level.

One of them is the big BOSS Tenmoku Nagahime. The charm of that guy is so high that you can hang her at a glance. With the same superhuman level of ingenuity, he can even brainwash people casually, which is simply inhumane. .

And the second one is the second heroine of the game that Ryuto will meet soon, Tsukimi Yuna.

Yuna is not as magical as Nagahime, but she is also full of natural charm. As long as the Eldest Miss speaks, everyone in the school can do anything for him at all costs without complaint.

So, although Ryuto's LV3 charm is okay against ordinary people, it is estimated that there is no room to fight back in front of Yuna... Let her be the last strategy.

In this way, Ryuto is immersed in his charm while waiting for the ebbing of time.

ding ling ling ling bell! Two hours later, the bell that represented the arrival of the afternoon get out of class time rang through the campus.

And the students of all grades also left the classroom with a smile, moved towards the activity department to which they belonged.

Although "Metropolitan No. 1 High School" is a top high school, the various activity departments in it are quite rich.

What football department, basketball department, chorus department, biology department, photo department, archery department, light music department, drama department, boxing department...all read down like the name of the dish .

"Okay, let's go."

At this moment, Ryuto, who was standing on the roof of the teaching building, also stretched, moved towards his first goal Walked.

In a short period of time, Ryuto's goal is still to find some reliable companions.

And the one he chose as the first companion was Akechi Goro, who is currently studying in the Healing Department of Class A in the third year.

When Ryuto came to the "basketball club" where Akechi Goro belongs, he happened to see a silhouette who was shooting a beautiful three-pointer amidst the screams of many female classmates.

Like Tachie in the game, Akechi Goro is a very handsome man.

His looks are handsome but not feminine, and his right muscles are not obtrusive and do not make people feel thin.

With the gentle smile that often hangs on his lips, it is no wonder that there are always many men and women admirers around him.

However, Ryuto knows a great secret of this guy, and no one in this World knows this secret so far.

And the big secret is that this handsome curative guy, who is loved by thousands of young girls in one body, is actually... an incurable secondary disease patient.

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