Currently, Ryuto’s total assets are as much as "31.17,800 yuan."

God, Kiryu Ryuto lived to this age. When did I ever see such a large sum of money?

If the money is used to buy jelly beans, when will I have to eat them?

Of course, the money is not in vain. Most of the money is stained with blood and sweat.

In addition to the several million that he owns when he opened the leader, in these five days, his net income was about 20 million yuan.

As I said earlier, the money is covered with blood and sweat.

To be precise, it is covered with other people's blood and Ryuto's sweat.

Have you seen Tokyo at four o'clock in the morning?

Have you been walking down the streets of Tokyo in the early morning?

Have you tried to sap someone behind someone's back quietly, and then quickly search your wallet?

You don’t have one, so you don’t even know how hard Ryuto the past few days’ work is.

Hey, let's not talk about it, it's all tears when I think of it... let's spend the money first.

Seeing the huge sum of money flashing on his attribute page, Ryuto's face has a fascinating smile.

The total assets of more than 30 million yuan is not too much, but not too much, it depends on how Ryuto uses it.

Well...First of all, let's just upgrade all the attributes that have not been upgraded.

Suddenly, Ryuto looked at his attribute column and looked towards the two attributes that had not been upgraded.

So far, among the five Great Attributes of "Intelligence", "Physique", "Courage", "Insight" and "Charm", only "Courage" and "Insight" have not been upgraded yet of.

The first upgrade of the attribute only costs 5 million yen, and it is quite a bargain to calculate it. What's more, the "gutness" item is born with Level 2.

In the beginning, Ryuto didn't think "guts" was any use.

It wasn't until he faced Tenmoku Nagahime that he was almost too scared to move when he faced Tenmoku Nagahime that time, did he realize the benefits of such a bold personality.

As for "insight", the benefits are even more obvious. You can see other people's emotions and actions more intuitively, and can provide very obvious help whether in daily or in combat.

So just after a few moments of Ryuto's arrogance, the two attributes were upgraded at the same time, giving rise to the golden light of upgrade.

After the upgrade, Ryuto's personal attribute becomes: Wisdom LV2 Physical LV3 Courage LV3 Insight LV2 Charm LV2.

Without changing any attributes through the title, his five-dimensional attributes now have a fairly good scale and are gradually developing towards the "bucket number".

Although upgrading these two attributes cost a full 10 million yen, compared to the cost of the second upgrade, it is almost as cheap as no money.

After all, starting from the second attribute upgrade, the upgrade cost of Level 1 will soar from 5 million to 50 million. This huge sum of money cannot be paid at all for the time being.

So Ryuto opened the long-awaited cash recharge store with the remaining 20 million yen.

Although there is a dazzling array of props that are also tempting him, Ryuto still thinks that the skill book will be a bit more realistic compared to the props.

Especially after trying the benefits of "Iron Bones" and "Bronze Skin", he can't wait to buy more and more powerful skills.

After reviewing the skill store, Ryuto was the first to see two particularly useful skills.

The two skills are, "Rogue does not die with bare hands" and "Parkour master".

The former can make anything on hand become a combat tool when there is no weapon, even the seat bench can be a weapon of attack, which can be called the essence of Jackie Chan’s tactics.

The latter is able to improve running speed and running dexterity, even in a very complex environment can run at full speed, called escape Divine Item.

These two skills combined with the previous Copper Skin & Iron Bones passive, should be enough to cope with the overwhelming majority combat environment.

Even if the professional mercenaries come to do things before, Ryuto can still have the power to fight.

Of course, the price of such a practical skill is also very practical. After all, the price of these two skills is 3 million yen each... million.

However, seeing two new skills with 20% proficiency in the skill column, Ryuto still feels quite happy.

After purchasing the skill, he picked up an ear scoop from the side and moved his wrist slightly. This weapon, which is not a weapon, shot at the wall with the speed and strength of a flying knife. !

sou! Squeak!

With a strong sound of breaking wind and a slight crunch, the head is round and blunt, and the weightless ear spoon penetrates directly into the wall five meters away, forcibly the ground is stuck. On top.

Although the depth of penetration is not very exaggerated, in terms of the sharpness and weight of the ear pick, the formidable power caused by this throw can be said to be quite terrifying.

Good guy, is this "the gangster does not die with bare hands"? It really feels like a little stone can beat people up.

Looking at the pair of hands that were nothing special on the surface, but had just made shocking movements, Ryuto deeply felt for the first time how terrifying potential he has now.

Today's "gangsters do not die with bare hands" only has a "20%" proficiency. If you continue to study or continue to purchase skill books to reach "100%", wouldn't it be that flying flowers and leaves can hurt people?

At that time, what kind of pistol, rifle, sniper rifle will be needed. Take a stone and throw it a kilometer away. Maybe you can punch a big hole in your head. The legendary internal strength expert is also simply this ah.

But the premise is that you have to have so many skill books to buy...After all, money is often available, and skill books are not often available. This thing is still a scarce material.

However, after purchasing these two skills, the amount left in the leader's hand is about 15 million. It is not a problem to buy a few more skill books.

However, there are too many skills in this skill store, and all kinds of messy skills are too complicated. It really seems that he has nodded dizziness.

What kind of stuff this is all...It's better to just look at what's on the last page.

After rumbling through the skill store with excitement and speechlessness for a while, Ryuto couldn't help but pull it at will, and then dragged the skill store directly to the bottom page.

But at this moment, what appeared in his eyes was the most unique "blank skill book" with no name written on it.

Huh? what is this?

Ryuto opened the blank book curiously and read it, and then he suddenly felt energetic.

Because the description of this "blank skill book" is: After purchasing this skill book, you can specify to increase the proficiency of any skill in the skill column by 20%.

His! It is actually a skill book that specifies any kind of skill upgrade! This is too... expensive, bastard.

Just when Ryuto wanted to cheer, he saw the "ten million yen" price of this skill book at a glance, and suddenly felt unable to cheer.

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