Starting from Becoming the King of Saiyans

Chapter 538: The Mystery of Saiyans Revealed, Kamba Rebellion!


Lin Chen turned his head and looked at Fuwa, the realm king **** of the sixth universe.

What he said just now seems to be revealing an unknown past to Lin Chen.

"Lord Foix, do you know what happened to Broly just now?"

"Yes, Broly just now, that was attacked by evil. In this world, there is only one person who can use breath to make a Saiyan's mind change and become an evil person. This person's name is Comparable. It is the evil Saiyan who once wandered in the sixth and seventh universes!"

"And Mr. Lin Chen, as far as I know, the Saiyans of the seventh universe, it was because of Kamba that they once declined!"

"Decay? Universe Seven?"

Gabe was a little confused.

The seventh universe that gave birth to powerful Saiyans like Lin Chen and Broly, why does the realm **** Fuwa say that they are declining?

But Lin Chen knew what Fuwa meant.

Indeed, if it weren't for the appearance of Lin Chen, the Saiyans of Universe 7 would have been on the verge of extinction in almost 90% of the hundreds of time-spaces known to the Dragon Ball world.

Although the limited number of Saiyans such as Monkey King and Vegeta are still active on the world stage, as a race, Saiyans are already doomed to perish.

At first, Lin Chen thought that all this was because the Saiyan's hometown of Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza.

But later, as Lin Chen himself became the king of Saiyans, he gradually realized that before him, the Saiyans in the seventh universe were actually not good enough.

Compared with the compatriots in the sixth universe, the Saiyans in the seventh universe are completely unworthy of being called a fighting nation.

Such a level, compared with the Saiyans on the sixth universe Shadara in the same period, how can it not be said to be declining?

But now listening to Fuwa's meaning, there seems to be the influence of this evil Saiyan Kamba?

"Lord Fuwa, please explain in detail!"

Lin Chen was shocked and asked curiously.

On the contrary, he was not in a hurry to pursue the two Zevr lifeforms who escaped.

"Is such that……"

Foix began to explain one by one.

When Lin Chen combined the story he told with what he knew in the past.

A little-known, or completely forgotten, Saiyan secret, finally began to be understood by the world again.

The story about Kamba begins with the civil strife of the ancient Saiyans in the seventh universe.

As far as Lin Chen knew, in the seventh universe, there was once a planet called Shadara, and that planet was the hometown of the Saiyans in the seventh universe.

Long ago, however, a civil unrest broke out among the Saiyans on Shadara.

The final outcome of the civil strife was that the Saiyan's hometown of Shadara was destroyed, and the remaining Saiyans had to start wandering in the universe, and finally were forced to immigrate to the planet Vegeta, which was also called the planet Zlav at the time.

According to Fuwa, the culprit who caused the civil unrest was the evil Saiyan Kamba.

Saiyans rely on the power of six Saiyans with the heart of justice to give birth to the righteous Super Saiyan God.

Compared with the righteous Saiyan god, Kamba is a complete Saiyan demon, a collection of all Saiyan negative emotions.

The evil power in him is so strong that as long as he gets close, no matter what kind of Saiyan, he will be infected by his evil.

Under the influence of Kamba, among the Saiyans who could call themselves righteous, they gradually became evil and aggressive.

Among them, those Saiyans who were only infected by the power of evil, just became fierce in personality, and began to fight bravely, bloodthirsty and murderous.

And those Saiyans who were directly contaminated by Kamba's bloodline gave birth to monsters called the legendary Super Saiyans.

These monsters are born with the terrifying power passed down by Kamba, but they are extremely dangerous and uncontrollable. Even if they kill their own Saiyan compatriots, they will be merciless. They are downright killing machines.

In order to resist the brutal rule and influence of Kamba, the Saiyans who were unwilling to submit gathered together.

Led by an ancient Saiyan named Amoshi, a protracted war broke out between the two sides.

The final result of the war was the destruction of Shadara and the defeat of Amoshi.

Under the influence of Kamba's evil power, Saiyans gradually forgot and lost the power of the past. In addition to retaining the power of relying on the huge tail, the former Super Saiyan was transformed because of the S cells in the Saiyan's body. Gradually became rare, began to disappear gradually, and finally became a legend among the Saiyans.

This is the seventh universe, the truth of the decline of Saiyans.

According to Fuwa, this Kamba traveled through time and space to the sixth universe after harming the seventh universe, trying to conquer the Saiyans here.

But this time, Kamba was unsuccessful.

Under the resistance of the Saiyans in the sixth universe, Kamba disappeared in the end except for the legend of the demon Saiyans in the sixth universe.

"So that's how it is..."

Lin Chen never imagined that the mystery of the Saiyans that had troubled him for a long time in the past was finally revealed today.

"Mr. Lin Chen, now that Kamba is still on Shadara! He already controls the Saiyan's palace. His companions seem to have gone to other universes. Before they come back, please be sure to send them as soon as possible. Solve it!" Fuwa asked.

Now that Xiangpa and Vados are not there, he can only pin his hopes on Lin Chen.

However, in fact, without Fuwa's request, Lin Chen will inevitably find trouble with Kamba.

"The demon of the Saiyan... hum."

Lin Chen sneered and looked down at Broly, "Broley, can you guys still fight?"

"No problem, Brother Links! I'll be careful this time!" Broly stood up and clenched his fists.

"Uncle Lin Chen, please let us help too!"

Califla and the others also volunteered.

Hitt and the others also nodded.

They were so embarrassed just now, all because of the previous battle with Kamba's comrades. Now that Fuwa has recovered their strength, they vowed not to appear again in the scene just now.

Only Fouy shook his head desperately, indicating that he was not a combatant, and would it be okay not to go?

Lin Chen directly ignored Fuwa's opinion. After confirming that everyone was willing to participate, he led everyone, including the realm **** Fuwa, to teleport and headed directly to the Saiyan capital.

Although Lin Chen had never been to the capital of Shadara, the evil aura of Kamba was as clear as the sun.


A second later, Lin Chen and the others had already appeared in the palace of the royal capital.

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