Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 1312 The grudge between elder brother and younger brother!

The passage of time is like a flying picture scroll, and every article is an indelible mark.

Under the banner of the World Government, masters from all worlds.

In order to participate in the audition assessment of the Top 100 Combat Power Competition in All Realms on June 1st.

Improve physical fitness and combat power in their own way.

Or when you have already set off to the location designated by the ‘Contest Organizing Department’.

There is a raging war here in the world of beast gods!

Originally, the World Government planned to support Kain Madhavis's 'New Patria'.

Let them take the modern weapons provided for free and unify the Patria continent and the Gracia continent by themselves.

The star army, navy and air force led by Colonel George Jr., Lieutenant Colonel Manfred, Lieutenant Colonel Carl, and Lieutenant Colonel Declan will provide assistance in all aspects when necessary.

But as the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Minister Irawan and Kain hit it off immediately and decided to push Patria continent quickly.

Then, in the name of the 'Kingdom of Patria', it officially joins the World Government.

And apply to participate in the ‘World Government World King Conference’ to be held on September 15th.

Because this meeting will be the last time that the local kings of Starfish will appear, and it will also be the first time that the kings from other worlds will participate in the 'World King Conference'.

Its significance is no less special than the 'Conference of World Kings' held for the first time after the establishment of the World Government.

For this reason, Minister Irawan personally contacted the Astral Legion headquarters in the giant world and requested that Colonel George and the others be allowed to directly enter the battlefield.

Together with the troops of 'New Patria', launch an offensive against the 'Northern Patria Alliance' and the 'Southern Patria Union' at the same time!

After receiving the report, Marshal Nikolai Zhekov habitually contacted the local headquarters of Haixing to request instructions.

But who knows that Minister Kong told him that the reformed Astral Legion has the right to handle non-emergency events in other worlds on its own.

As for what is non-urgent and what is urgent, they need to make their own judgment.

But one thing is clear, these matters in the world of beast gods are not urgent.

Don't bother the high command with this kind of civil war in a small and weak world.

You can solve it yourself!

Of course, if an accident occurs due to your decision-making, it will develop into a big trouble that the headquarters will pay attention to.

Then it should be punished, and it should be investigated and dealt with.

The latter words were not spoken by Minister Kong, but were heard by Marshal Nikolay Zhekov.

But he was still happy.

In any case, the Astra Militarum has gained a certain degree of autonomy and no longer needs to report every detail to its superiors.

Marshal Nikolay Zhekov was so happy that he agreed to Minister Iravan's request.

After receiving the order, Colonel George Jr. immediately discussed the combat plan with Lieutenant Colonel Carr, Naval Staff Officer Declan, and Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Manfrey, who were already out of the mountains and resting the aircraft carrier fleet somewhere on the coast of the mainland.

In the end, it was decided that Colonel George Jr. would lead the armored brigade.

With thirty T-95 main battle tanks and ten M-109 self-propelled howitzers as the main force, they helped the New Patria troops attack the Northern Patria Alliance.

They will drive out of the central mountain range where the 'Stargate Base' is located.

Starting from 'Frete Village', we attacked the capital Newford, which is 300 kilometers away.

Lieutenant Colonel Carr's aircraft carrier fleet sailed to the sea east of the capital Newford.

Responsible for destroying the naval fleets of the Northern Patria Alliance, the Southern Patria Union, and the Gracia Continent.

Completely control the sea power of this world.

Lieutenant Colonel Manfred's aviation regiment was responsible for air strikes against the forces of the 'Southern Patria Alliance'.

Leaving them unable to resist the attack of the army of ‘New Patria’

At this moment.

There is a vast plain between the northern area of ​​the Central Mountains and the ‘northern capital’ Newford.

It has completely turned into a terrifying battlefield filled with bullets and artillery fire.

The thick smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air.

Everywhere you looked there were craters, scorched earth, and bloody corpses.

At the beginning, they faced a tank group rushing out of the mountains, 50,000 New Patria troops, and dozens of demonic soldiers who were like monsters.

The troops of the 'Northern Patria League' stationed nearby were powerless to resist.

Until the capital Newford quickly gathered 300,000 troops.

Only then did the battle line stabilize in this area with a river.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

This battle situation has nothing to do with the word stable.

What are those running steel monsters?

Not only is the range so far that you can barely see where they are, but the accuracy is too exaggerated!

Inside the rear headquarters of the Northern Patria Allied Forces.

The officers, led by Colonel Martin Wall, were under continuous artillery fire.

There was loud discussion around a table covered with maps.

Their eyes, expressions, and voices were all full of shock.

Previously, the 'Northern Patria Alliance' and the 'Southern Patria Union' could fight against the 'Pseudo-God Soldiers' of 'New Patria'.

It relies entirely on muzzle-loading artillery and dream bullets.

Recently, they have another one in the North, a corrosive gas bomb researched from the corpse of former pseudo-god weapon Hydra.

But this kind of 'corrosive gas bomb' also needs to be fired from a front-loaded cannon.

Now we are facing the T-95 main battle tank with an effective range of between 6,000 and 8,000 meters.

Their front-loading artillery, which has an effective range of less than one thousand meters, has no ability to fight back.

There was even a situation where a 'corrosive gas bomb' was blown up, causing more than 200 of our own soldiers to be poisoned.

I seem to have seen something similar before in the information about the latest weapons of the Gracia continent, called a 'tank'.

However, its tracks are located on both sides of the iron box and go around the top of the car body. I will simply draw it for you to see.

Next to him, the blond and plump Second Lieutenant Lesa from the Intelligence Agency finished speaking.

Immediately open the notebook in your hand and bend down to draw on the new blank page.

But this action exposed the 'Snow White' in front of her who was so big that Tsunade felt ashamed of herself just by looking at it. (Unable to pass review, please check by yourself)

This made the officers present temporarily forget the urgency of the battlefield and their eyes were blank.

This also made the young Major Claude helplessly shake his head and turn his eyes away in a gentlemanly manner.

Soon Lieutenant Lesa put the drawn picture in front of everyone.

Isn't it similar?

Colonel Martin Wall nodded in agreement with a serious expression.

Indeed, although the shapes are different, it can be seen that their research and development directions are consistent.

So that guy Kain borrowed this thing from Gracia and then transformed it into a more powerful 'tank'?

The officers present looked at each other and felt that this was probably the case.

Although the two sides are now in an enemy-enemy relationship.

But everyone knows how talented the president's eldest son is.

Even if the other party didn't show any talent in weapon modification before.

They didn't think it was outrageous to 'modify tanks' for Kain.

Because Kain's younger brother is the Major Claude in front of him.

The Dream Bullet and Dream Knife with the Dream Stone as the core were developed.

As well as the Hunter Maneuver Device that allows soldiers to confront the God-like Soldiers head-on.

They also used this to form a Pseudo-God Crusade Force called Kudgras.

And personally served as the captain of the army.

Claiming to personally hunt down all the 'pseudo-god soldiers'.

Including his brother, Kain Madhavis, who betrayed the family and the country!

So no one like them would be surprised if these brothers came up with something.


When Claude heard that those T-95 main battle tanks might be weapons modified by Kain.

The whole person's eyes suddenly became sharp, and his eyes were filled with angry flames.

He also felt that this was very possible.

Because since the death of Dr. Alleyn, the only geniuses in this world are himself and each other!

Damn Kain, how evil do you have to be before you give up?

Too many people have died in this world because of you and you 'beasts'. Isn't that enough?

From a certain perspective.

The ‘Beast Hunting Divine Weapon’ refers not only to Hank, but also to ‘younger brother’ Claude.

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