Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 1358 Under the starfish, the Teigu is the strongest! (2-in-1)

It can be called a sea of ​​people, and the blue light flashes in the Ten Thousand Worlds Duel Arena.

It ends with ‘Guide from the Sea’ which has been identified as ‘the anthem of the world government’.

The 'Flag of Justice' with a black picture on a white background has been raised to the highest point of the flagpole and is fluttering in the wind.

Where once it frightened the Starfish people, now it makes them feel sincerely proud.

At the same time, it also frightens countless people from other worlds in front of the screen.

Inside the venue.

Ten majors from the army and navy headquarters who completed their mission walked down the flag-raising platform.

Once again, he walked in a uniform goose step towards the west gate.

The 500,000 spectators in the audience remained silent and watched as their figures with the coats of justice on their shoulders slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Until Stella’s clear and pleasant host voice sounded again.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us now welcome the top 100 contestants of the 'Second Ten Thousand Worlds' Top 100 Combat Power Competition'!


The originally solemn atmosphere returned to liveliness almost instantly.

at the same time.

Gorgeous music and gorgeous lights unfold together.

Whether it was the audience in the stands on the tenth floor of the ground or the audience sitting on the wind stone seats floating in the air, they all focused their attention on the east door that was opened again.

Sure enough, I saw three figures walking out first.

They are two men and one woman.

Among them, a beautiful woman wore a decent pink dress and walked in the front holding a sign with black characters on a white background.

She is the etiquette guide arranged by the 'Contest Organizing Department'.

And the Chinese characters for 'No. 0001 Kabane World' were written on the sign.

Below there are three lines of text in English, Halkhinian, and Falmat, but with the same meaning.

This is mainly to take care of the 'Zero Demon World' and the 'Farmat people' who have recently moved to the 'Giant World'.

After all, they had just joined not long ago, and Chinese characters and English were not yet widely available.

However, Im has already thought of a solution to this problem.

Let Brimire go to Albion Sky Island in the Zero Demon World and Aconcagua Continent South America in the Giant World, and release a large-scale void magic each time.

This will allow them to communicate normally with other worldlings under the World Government.

As for writing, you can build on this foundation and learn it slowly.

Unfortunately, Im's idea was a bit late and he failed to catch up with this top 100 competition.

Dear guests, dear viewers, the first person to enter the 'All Worlds Duel Arena' is the representative player of the 'Kabane World'!

Stella held the microphone in her hand and introduced enthusiastically.

The 'Kabane World' was the first member world to join the World Government in the year 1498 of the Sea Calendar. It was also the 'Agricultural Development Cooperation World' designated by the World Government. It was led by the 'King Kong Shogunate' led by General Sifangchuan Changpu. 'rule!

The ones who successfully entered the main draw of this year's top 100 competition are Arakawa Kibito and Kuaou. Both of them are samurai guards of General Shigagawa Iris. They are also the most representative and the most popular in the 'Kabane World'. The powerful 'Nun Form. Kabaneri'!

With Stella’s loud introduction.

Kibitsu and Kuaou, both with blue eyes, were wearing black Chinese kimonos that represented the formal wear of 'Hinomoto', and followed the etiquette guide solemnly.

In Kibito's hand, he also held a flag with the Logo of Kongokaku Shogunate painted on it.

The flag has a white background, with a golden pattern similar to a 'Celtic Cross' printed in the center, and two clusters of silver-gray silk threads hanging from the bottom.

In the last round of 'Reincarnation Paradise', players Arakawa Kibito and Kuaou achieved good results of 57th and 62nd respectively. I wish them better success in the next competition. good performance!

As soon as Stella finished speaking, the entire audience was very cooperative.

In an instant, thunderous applause resounded throughout the audience.

This also made Kibitsu and Gua Sheng a little nervous.

at the same time.

Cheers also erupted in cities across the world on Kabane's World Day.

In the government affairs hall of King Kong Guo.

The civil and military officials of the shogunate, headed by Sifangchuan Changpu, listened to the cheers from outside and the applause from the virtual screen. Everyone's face flushed with excitement.

Their name as the 'Vajra Guo Shogunate' has become famous all over the world this time!

If I have the chance to visit Starfish or other worlds in the future.

He calls himself Jingang Guo Shogunate Official.

Then the other party will most likely know which world he comes from!

That alone is exciting enough!

Not to mention, they have already received information revealed by the world government.

This world conference will then give each world more autonomy.

By then the connections between the worlds will be even denser.

In the duel arena of all realms.

When Arakawa Kibitsu and Kuao reached the center, the second group of figures walked out from the back door.

Interestingly, they are also three people, two men and one woman.

Dear guests, dear viewers, the person entering now is the representative contestant of 'No. 0002 Demon Slayer World'!

'Demon Slayer World' is the second member world to join the World Government in the year 1499 of the Hainan calendar. It is also the 'Industrial Development Cooperation World' designated by the World Government. It is an 'international organization' composed of sixty-three member states. The alliance's rule, and the chairman of the alliance is Dr. Muzan Kibutsuji of the World Government Biochemical Research Institute!

Stella introduced it to countless audiences based on the information she had memorized in advance.

However, her information is not complete.

For example, the identity of another life-returning instructor of the Military and Administrative Department of Kibutsuji Mukai was not mentioned.

“The ones who successfully entered the top 100 competition this time are Yimi Lichtenfeld from the ‘King of Maga’ and Konstantin Niedorubov from the ‘Bear Country’!”

The former was ranked 98th in the last round of 'Reincarnation Paradise', while the latter was ranked 100th. I wish them better results in the next competition!

Regarding the rankings of the two people, Stella was embarrassed to mention adjectives such as 'won' and 'excellent'.

I can only briefly introduce specific data.

The billions of viewers from all over the world were a little embarrassed, but generally they were happy.

No matter what, there are still two top 100 players guaranteed!

Especially the audiences from Maga Kingdom and Mao Xiong Kingdom were full of pride.

It depends on who can get a higher ranking in this race, Yimi or Constantine.

At that time, it will be decided which country can call itself 'the strongest fighting country in the world' in the next four years!

But what they didn't know was that Muzan Kibutsuji was the chairman of the League of Nations.

At this moment, his face was already full of displeasure, and his eyes flashed with a terrible chill.

For Wu Ke, it is simply embarrassing to emphasize the fact that one is ninety-eight and the other is one hundred.

First from last, third from last, what's there to be happy about?

But there was nothing he could do.

Almost all the masters who let demons destroy the world were sent to Haixing.

Otherwise, if those pillars from the Demon Slayer Team are allowed to participate, they will definitely achieve better results!

Facts have proved that combat talent is really innate and has nothing to do with physical fitness.

The ten people in Yimi were strengthened by him into 'super soldiers'.

Coupled with the blessing of breathing methods and various thermal weapons and equipment, isn't it still at this level?

Back then, the pillars of the Demon Slayer Squad, without their conditions, could still fight with their own Twelve Ghost Moons!

A bunch of trash.

A cold snort sounded from Kibutsuji Muzan in the office.

But he was also thinking silently whether he should cultivate a few seedlings himself.

Fortunately, there will be a passable performance in the next Top 100 Conference.

In a march full of passion and power.

Arakawa Kibitsu and Guaou in front are about to enter the west entrance gate.

Yimi and Constantine walked to the center of the field holding the 'Demon Slayer International Alliance Flag'.

But the attention of most people present has shifted behind them.

Dear guests and audience, the one who is entering now is the representative player of 'No. 0003 Giant World'!

However, their situation is quite special. They are all players from various races who migrated from 'Farmat World No. 0008' to the 'Giant World'!

Following Stella's words, everyone also saw this group of nearly ten people.

The ‘all races’ she mentioned was indeed fine.

Because only a few of them look like normal humans.

Some of the other contestants are centaurs, some are Medusas, dwarves, and demihumans, a beast species that looks almost exactly like the Starfish Fur Tribe.

And those few humans were the 'Apostles of the Lord God' who once fought against the world government in the name of 'sub-gods'.

A girl walking behind the ceremonial usher holding a flag with both hands.

It was Loli Mercurial, the former 'Apostle of Gomorrah' and now the 'Whitebeard's Daughter'.

Drawn on the surface of the flag in her hand is the 'Continental Outline' of the 'Farmat World' to commemorate her soon-to-be-disappeared hometown.

Behind Loli Mercurio were three people.

In the middle is Giselle, who was once the apostle of Handy, the God of Hades. She had two horns, silver hair, blue skin, and a pair of bat wings.

It is said that she is a descendant of the dark elves and bat-men, so she looks very strange.

On the left and right sides of Giselle are the two apostles of the ‘God of Light Freya’, who are also ‘former heroes of the empire’.

Maybelle Feng with golden armor and golden axe, and Graham Hotek with golden armor and golden axe.

However, they have lost their divine power and no longer have the strength to fight fiercely with the lieutenant general, let alone the ability to live forever.

despite this.

The two still ranked among the top 100 in ‘Reincarnation Paradise’.

Hey, husband, I have a request, can you listen to it?

On the lawn of Noah's Ark, Historia looked at Loli Mercurius and others in the picture, and couldn't help turning her head to look at Im and sighed.


Can you please raise the age for military service for men of my race, for example, to twenty years old? Historia begged softly.

As soon as these words came out, Esdeath, Yama, Mikasa and others all looked over.

Im immediately understood what she was thinking.

Do you hope that the eighteen or nineteen-year-old Eldian youth will have the opportunity to participate in this top 100 competition?

Historia nodded: Yes, you see, this is clearly in the name of our 'World of Giants', but the players are all people from other worlds.

I believe that among us Eldians, there will also be a strong person who can achieve the 'Top 100'!

Im thought under the gaze of the other party full of hope and pleading.

Indeed, as long as Ymir is willing to support it.

She can instill the power of the 'Nine Giants' into any Eldian.

This is considered a force that cannot be underestimated in the top 100 competition.

And even if there is no ‘Nine Powers’.

The talent is strong enough, similar to people like Levi and Mikasa.

It is entirely possible to break into the 'Top 100' with the help of the superb 'Three-dimensional Mobile Device Control Technique', the blessing of 'a certain Demon Slayer Breathing Technique', and superb sword skills.

Of course, this example is somewhat inappropriate, after all, Levi and Mikasa are both descendants of Ackerman.

But this is equivalent to relaxing the restrictions on the Eldians again.

From the initial almost slavery-like universal labor service to the lifting of universal labor service, only adult males over the age of 18 were allowed to serve in the military.

Now Eldian women, children, and the elderly can live and study normally.

From time to time, you can also use the phone bug to make video calls across the world with men in the military.

The quality of life is much better than under the rule of the Malay Kingdom.

It can be said that the Eldians now have no worries about food, clothing, housing, and medical care.

And they will not be discriminated against or abused by anyone, let alone be threatened by the giants outside the wall.

If men of eighteen or nineteen are allowed to stay on Parady Island, it will definitely further enhance the vitality of the entire society.

But what Im thinking is, is it appropriate to relax it again and again?

You must know that whether it is labor or military service, they are actually punishing the Eldians.

Because Allen, who is also an Eldian, not only organized most of the national and military power of the giant world to prevent the invasion of the world government, but even launched the earth cry to once penetrate the mainland of Starfish.


He also used the 'Super Titan' to blow up Bundy Wald, who was the general of the Army Headquarters at the time.

So he got angry and asked the world government to issue an 'Absolute Freedom Order' and an 'Eldian Labor Order'.

But now even Allen, the instigator, has become a general of the Underworld Army headquarters.

The punishment of the Eldians seems pointless.

But after all, he personally gave the order and cannot revoke it at will.

Whether it is the 'Absolute Freedom Judgment Order' or the current twenty-year period of 'Eldian Military Service'.

Not one second less!

However, Historia made a request to extend her service to the age of twenty.

You might as well consider agreeing.

Mainly, Im also hopes to see the golden lightning that blooms during the 'Giant Transformation' in the future 'Top 100 Competition'.

Okay, Stussy will take note and let the five old stars know after watching the opening ceremony.

Hear Im really allowed.


Historia was elated and full of surprise.

No, I, the entire Eldia family, will definitely remember Lord Im's kindness!

She stood up directly from the 'Queen's Seat'.

He folded his hands in front of his belly and bowed to Im.

Mikasa and Rico on the side also covered their mouths tightly, trying their best to suppress the excitement in their hearts, for fear that they could not help but cheer.

Im looked at the woman who bowed her head deeply and was speechless.

They seem to have forgotten that all these sufferings stem from themselves.

Now I'm just a little more relaxed, I'm so grateful

Im said calmly: You are blocking the screen, sit back.

At this moment, Stella’s high-pitched voice sounded again in the venue of the Ten Thousand Worlds Duel Arena.

The next ones to enter are the representative players from 'No. 0004 Teigu World'. There are as many as twenty-one of them entering the 'Top 100', second only to the Starfish Division. Let us applaud them and congratulate them. !”

【boom! 】

Applause that was far more enthusiastic than before exploded like thunder in the audience.

For Starfish viewers, they can have half the number of their own.

It is indeed remarkable and deserves praise!


Esdeath, who was also sitting next to Im, raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Those beautiful ice blue eyes were full of pride.

Under the starfish, Teigu is the strongest! (End of chapter)

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