Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 1366 The trouble of happiness!

Alexei lost in the first round, and there was no suspense about his defeat.

The most painful thing for the nuclear world is that Chapayev was also defeated by Jean Ango.

on the other hand.

The viewers of Demon Slayer World are in the same mood as them.

Neither Yimi nor Constantine made a good start.

Both of them lost to a ninja from the Sarutobi clan from the ninja world, and the 'sub-god' Ji from the world of giants, who was originally the 'god of Hades. Seer.

There is nothing we can do about this.

Although they have been strengthened in various ways, they have powers beyond mortals.

But the time to master it is too short, and the opponent has either experienced hundreds of battles, or received elite education since childhood, and has long been accustomed to this level of fighting.

For other viewers, today is a feast for the eyes.

Fifty duels were going on at the same time, which really dazzled everyone.

Here are swordsmen and centaur warriors, next to them are magicians and ninjas.

Over there are the fishmen and Kabaneri, animal-type ability users and female swordsmen from the elf tribe, pseudo-human beings and fur tribesmen.

Just highlight the word ‘chaos’!

Firearms, magic, ninjutsu, imperial tools, ministerial tools, breathing techniques, superpowers, all competing with each other, gave everyone a more intuitive concept of the word 'Mankai'.

Im also watched it with great interest. He had always wanted to see this kind of scene.

Compared with the first top 100 competition, this second one is obviously much more exciting.

He is now looking forward to the third Top 100 in four years.

At the same time, Im particularly concerned about Alexei's performance.

For no other reason than to observe the strengthening effect of the 'Regel's Stone' on people.

According to the Institute of Biochemistry, after various tests and studies.

They have determined that the energy of the 'Regel's Stone' is relatively mild, and it will most likely mutate in a favorable direction after being implanted into the human body.

The hidden danger is that it will put a certain load on the human spirit, such as easily becoming irritable and impulsive.

But this problem can be solved by improving your willpower.

Or practice the Demon Slayer Breathing Technique, which has the effect of activating spiritual power.

It has to be said that although the breathing method does not increase the combat power of a colonel or above, it can at most add some gorgeous illusion effects.

But it is indeed a good thing for people whose combat power is below the school level.

This is why the world government has made it a required course for all public primary and secondary schools.

Let’s talk about the ‘Regel’s Stone’.

The Biochemical Research Institute stated that since no serious hidden dangers have been found, it supports opening exchange options within the military.

However, one thing to note is that people who have been implanted with the 'Regel's Stone' can no longer eat Devil Fruits.

Because the 'Regel's Stone' has completely modified a person's bloodline factor.

Devil Fruits work on the same principle, so the two will conflict no matter what.

According to the results of human experiments, two situations will occur.

One is that the latter covers the former and the former's ability disappears, and the other is that the bloodline genes collapse.

In these two situations, the former is more likely and the latter is less likely.

It's similar to eating two Devil Fruits by one person.

The only difference is that if you eat two Devil Fruits, there will be no covering effect and you will definitely die.

However, Oniitsuji Mumei made a somewhat surprising guess.

That is, if the 'Regel's Stone' enhancer is fed an animal-type devil fruit that is the same as his transformed form, it may be possible to fuse the two abilities.

Because the impact of both on blood factors is largely the same.

Take Alexei as an example. His ‘Regel transformation form’ is a werewolf that can spit out sound waves.

If he eats another dog fruit in wolf form, fusion may occur.

I just don’t know whether it is mainly based on Devil Fruit or ‘Regel’s Stone’.

This is also easy to distinguish. Just throw a person into water with 'P substance' and see if he becomes powerless.

Now Wuxian's proposal has been accepted by the Institute of Biochemistry and is ready to be tested when conditions are more mature.

But now we still need to remind exchangers not to have two abilities at the same time to avoid irreversible consequences.

After watching Alexei's defeat, Im also agreed with the Biochemical Research Institute's view.

This 'Regel's Stone' is really very similar to the animal devil fruit.

The former, like the latter, also has three forms: humanoid, human-animal, and animalistic. After transformation, the physical strength will also be significantly improved, and it can also possess some special abilities with certain development potential.

The key point is that it has no weakness that is restrained by 'Substance P'.

Seriously, this contrast.

‘Regel’s Stone’ is much better than ordinary and ancient animal-type Devil Fruits.

An animal-type devil fruit comparable to dangerous species and phantom species.

Of course, the ‘Regel’s Stone’ also has shortcomings.

For example, after it is implanted into the human body, what form it can awaken and what abilities it can acquire are completely random!

Even the same animal form may have different special abilities.

Just like Alexei, he is in werewolf form, but his ability is to spit sound waves.

But if the other person is also in werewolf form, it may be the ability to breathe fire.

In comparison, as long as a devil fruit is recorded in the illustrated book, its approximate abilities can be judged.

And the ‘Regel’s Stone’ is purely based on luck!


The lower limit and upper limit of 'Regel's Stone' seem to be lower than those of animal devil fruits.

Let’s talk about the lower limit first, which refers to the improvement effect on physical fitness and vitality.

The 'Regel's Stone' is similar to ordinary animal-type devil fruits.

In terms of upper limit.

On top of the three forms of the animal-type Devil Fruit, there is also an awakening form.

It seems that there is no ‘Regel Stone’, or it has not been seen yet.

And in the development of special abilities.

Take Alexei as an example again.

The most he can do now is to divide his ability to spit out sound waves into two moves.

The first is a large-scale wolf howl, which is not very destructive, but has a considerable impact on the hearing of living creatures.

The second is to converge the sound waves and spray them out. The range is not large, but the destructive power will become stronger.

So can he continue to develop more tricks?

It depends on whether the 'Grael Stone' has this ability.

So until a more powerful instance appears.

It's reasonable to think that Devil Fruits are superior in this regard.

Overall, Regel's Stone should be better than normal species of devil fruits.

They have their own advantages and disadvantages compared to ancient animal-type Devil Fruits, but they are on par with dangerous animal-type Devil Fruits.

But not as good as the Phantom Beast type Devil Fruit.

In this way, there is an objective reference for ‘pricing’ and ‘grading’.

It is an epic secret treasure along with the Dangerous Animal Devil Fruit!

However, since there are now sufficient reserves of 'Regel's Stone' and there are relatively few dangerous species of devil fruits, its price will be cheaper.

Im's eyes scanned Alexei and Hank.

The 'Regel's Stone' and the 'Nimrod Weapon Manufacturing Technology' are really similar.

Moreover, the ‘Dream-like Weapon’ also needs to consume ‘Dream Stone’.

But the reserves of the 'Dream Stone' are much larger than the 'Regel's Stone'.

It now seems that if military soldiers of the World Government want to have the ability to transform into animal forms in the future, they will have to choose between these three.

It can be regarded as a kind of happy trouble, right? (End of chapter)

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