Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 269 Whitebeard’s unexpected attack!

How big was Noah's Ark?

This is a question that sea fans in previous lives have always talked about, and now Im already knows the answer.

Noah's Ark is divided into two levels, one is the deck and the other is the shiphouse. The cross-sectional area of ​​the shiphouse is about half of the deck.

After calculations by technical staff, the area of ​​the deck is 21 square kilometers, and the area of ​​each floor of the ship building is ten square kilometers!

What is this concept?

That’s 15,000 acres of land, 100,000 100-square-meter houses, and 3.5 kilometers in diameter!

to be honest.

Such a large space must be too empty for him to live alone. Fortunately, there are a large number of maids, chefs, doctors, and guards filling it so that it does not seem too deserted.

But even so, almost 80% of the rooms in the entire ship were empty.


Im very satisfied with the facilities on this floor.

With a pool and fountain comparable to a lake as the center, there are palaces at different heights, red soil-covered floors, a sea of ​​gold and red flowers, a clear and winding river, rockery mountains, lush green turf, elegant bamboo forests, and lifelike sculptures. , pavilions and pavilions with carved beams and painted columns, coupled with the bright sunlight shining through the crystal barrier above.

It has to be said that the people in the Construction Department have really perfected the word magnificent.

Compared to the sea of ​​stars and silver earth within the moon, he really prefers this more 'modern' living environment. The former is more like a secret realm where gods live.

Lord Im, the Amazon Lily Kingdom has agreed to join, and has agreed to hand over armed Haki to practice secret techniques, and to send soldiers to the land and sea armies to teach archery!

At this time, Im was wearing a pure white loose robe, lying half on the chair underneath him, facing a huge fountain that was like a waterfall rising up and pouring down.

The warmth of the sun and the feeling of cool water vapor hitting his face made him enjoy it with his eyes closed, but his ears were listening to the respectful report of the golden telephone bug placed on the platinum lead tray by the maid.

We are going to select some suitable candidates as your personal guards. Do you have any requirements?


Im opened his eyes and was very interested in Wu Laoxing's proposal. Although he had not seen the Nine Snakes female warrior in person, he could still imagine it through his past life memories.

Bikinis, cloaks, longbows, snakes, their appearances are all kinds of weird, and few of them can be called very beautiful, but it is really interesting to have a group of heroic and heroic female guards around them who are good at archery.

Since it's Nine Snakes Island, let's pick nine people. It's best to be over 1.8 meters tall, about two meters tall.

As for women, he really prefers those with less outrageous body shapes, like Stussy on the side, who is just right.

Understood, Lord Im.

Topman Wolverine on the other end of the phone responded respectfully, and then said: There is also a sweet Superman fruit, which has been confirmed to be eaten by Boya Hancock. Could you please bring it to you? By my side?

No need, let her grow up on Nine Snake Island, and let CIPHER POL send someone to teach her physical skills.

Im thought for a while and decided to forget it. Firstly, he really had no interest in raising a young girl. Secondly, he felt that Hancock's arrogant character would probably change after leaving the atmosphere of Nine Snakes Island where strength is beauty. It's boring.

Of course, without the experience of being a slave, she might not be as extremely arrogant as the 'original work'. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing?

Okay, Master Im.

After finishing the matter on Nine Snake Island, the phone bug had no intention of ending the call, but continued to report.

Our undercover agents in the Whitebeard Pirates sent back news that because Izo received a distress call from Kozuki's retainer Kikunomagi, 'Whitebeard' decided to go to Wano Country!

This information was a bit heavy. Im straightened up and his eyes became serious. He exuded an aura that was so strong that it made Stussy and the maid feel suffocated. The former was fine, but the latter's hand holding the tray was trembling.

He actually doesn't want to let the World Government and the Whitebeard Pirates clash head-on prematurely. Now everyone has so many things to do, there is no need to trigger a war.

Unexpectedly, Wano Country unexpectedly attracted the Whitebeard Pirates, so this conflict was inevitable, because the World Government could not give up the meat it had just eaten.

But, it’s strange, why did ‘Whitebeard’ suddenly take care of Wano’s affairs?

In the 'original work', even though Kozuki Oden was killed by Kaido, he didn't move at all, right?

Im thought secretly in his heart that something must have gone wrong, which caught Edward Newgate's attention.


It was the appearance of Bundy Walder and Kaido that made him realize that the World Government had intervened in Wano!

The former was captured and imprisoned in the city six years ago, and the latter was successfully imprisoned a few months ago. Now that the two are suddenly released from prison and join forces to deal with Kozuki Oden, it is not difficult to guess that they have something to do with the World Government.

If Kozuki Oden just died in the hands of Kaido, it would be a matter between pirates, and Whitebeard would certainly not care.

But when it comes to world government, that's a completely different story.

Sir Im, Wano Country currently does not have the highest combat power, so it is difficult to resist the invasion of the Whitebeard Pirates! Phone Bug said with a serious face.

Then what are you going to do?

Send Army Generals 'Moxi' and 'Akainu' to lead five warships to support Wano!

Im frowned upon hearing this suggestion.

‘Moxi’ is Bundy Wald’s general title, but the question is, can he block ‘Whitebeard’, and even if he can block it, how long can he block it?

No matter how you look at it, it will only take twelve hours to survive, not to mention Sakaski. At most, he can help block the captains.

Notify the Navy to send General 'Iron Fist' to lead five flying warships to Wano Country at full speed! Im immediately gave the order.

Yes, Lord Im!

Topman Woqiu Lisheng quickly agreed, but doing so would leave the Navy Headquarters without a general, which was not in line with the Navy's consistent rules.

But Karp is definitely much more reliable than Bundy Wold.



Seeing the hesitant look on the phone bug's face, Im said coldly and displeasedly: You have something to say!

Yes, yes, it's just that from Marineland to Wano, even if there are flying warships, it is unlikely that they can arrive in time. Topman Warball said distressedly.

After hearing this, Im nodded secretly. This is indeed a big problem.

Notify Mihawk to allow them to temporarily withdraw from Wano!

There are flying warships, and if Mihawk and the others want to escape, there must be no problem. He remembers the saying very clearly that people exist and the earth perishes, and everyone and the earth survives.

Yes, let's do it now!

There was a snap sound, and the phone bug closed his eyes. The maid slowly left with the tray in fear, while Im quietly stared at the blue sky and white clouds above.

In his heart, he actually liked Edward Newgate very much. If possible, he would not want to kill him. He would also like to see the figure of 'Whitebeard' on the battlefields of all worlds in the future.

But if in the end, this 'strongest man in the world' is unwilling to obey, then he will have no choice but to extinguish this extremely bright light with his own hands even if it has been placed in the course of more than 800 years of history.

Thank you very much to the readers of Seven Sins Demon for the 500 starting coin reward! bow! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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