Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 308 The military power of the demon-destroying world!

Area No. RL1995 of the Red Earth Continent, the headquarters of the Alien Strategy Committee.

This place, where outstanding officials and talents from various departments of the world's governments have gathered, has fallen into an extremely busy atmosphere.

The sound of discussions and arguments in various offices and conference rooms cannot be stopped by the thin walls and doors.

Even in the corridors, everyone's face was in a hurry. Although no one was making a lot of noise, the hurried footsteps were dense enough.

This is because as the chairman of the committee has dispatched additional CIPHER POL investigators, all kinds of information about Demon Slayer Japan is almost endless.

Text reports, picture reports, video reports, and even physical objects are all pouring in.

The amount of information and its richness are simply not comparable to those in the Kabane world. This forces the Outer World Strategy Committee to increase its recruitment of talents from other departments.

There is a conference room dedicated to the committee members in the command center on the highest floor of the headquarters building.

at this time.

Chairman Fernandez, Bulwer Gabriel, Maren Wilfried, Hobson Samuel and Kong Ming, five vice-chairmen gathered together.

Most of the six people's attention is no longer focused on ghosts and the Demon Slayer Team, because they found that except for the ghost dance Tsuji Mumei who is said to have lived for a thousand years, there seems to be no big threat to them.

In comparison, the military force of various countries in Demon Slayer World looks a bit impressive!

My lords, these warships in the image are pictures taken by investigators using telephone bugs after finding and infiltrating a place called Yokosuka Navy Yard based on information in newspapers.

The light in the conference room was very dark. The only light source was the virtual screen projected by the phone on the white wall. Beside the screen stood a young official in a suit and leather shoes with brown hair talking.

As we can see, the warships in this world are all ironclads made of metal, and the power source uses steam turbines. The firepower completely relies on the turrets on the deck. Our relevant departments have speculated based on these clear pictures. Approximate data.

At the same time, their warships are divided into 'battleships', 'cruisers' and 'destroyers'.

As soon as he finished speaking, the virtual screen beside him automatically switched the picture from the perspective of overlooking the military port to a manually drawn surface structure diagram of the armored warship from various angles.

This warship is called 'Mikasa' according to content in Japanese newspapers. It is a 'Shikishima-class battleship'. There are three other warships of the same type.

Its standard load capacity is 26,320 tons, standard displacement is 15,140 tons, length is 215 meters, width is 28 meters, draft is 8.3 meters, and the measured speed is 27.5 knots. In terms of firepower, it is equipped with 2 twin-mounted 305mm main guns and 14 single-mounted guns. 152mm guns, 18 single 76.2mm guns.”

What we need to pay attention to most is that the range of these artillery is extremely amazing. According to the content in the newspaper, the maximum range of the main gun is 13.5 kilometers, and the maximum range of the secondary gun is 16 kilometers, but the specific power is not yet clear!

Hearing this, the atmosphere in the already depressing conference room became more and more serious. The five chairman and deputy chairmen present all had heavy eyes and frowned slightly.

The maximum range of the main gun of our headquarters-level naval warship is 2 kilometers, and the side string secondary gun is shorter. Kong Ming, who is a vice admiral of the navy, said softly.

In other words, even if our naval fleet can enter the Star Gate, facing the naval warships in this world, it is very likely that they will be sunk directly without even being able to see them!

Chairman Fernandez and others really did not expect that the gap between the warships of the two sides would be so big.

In addition, Japan's strength does not seem to be very strong in this world. In many newspapers, you can see the names of countries such as the German Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Russian Empire, the British Empire, etc., described with the word 'powerful country'!

After listening to the detailed introduction of this subordinate official, Vice Chairman Maren Wilfried asked in a deep voice: What about the army, such as their weapons and equipment, and their strength.

It doesn't matter if there is a big gap in the navy. After all, our navy's warships can't get through, so it mainly depends on the army.

Upon hearing the inquiry, the official quickly controlled the phone to switch to a new PPT screen. Soon, secretly photographed photos of Japanese army soldiers and some internal scenes of military bases appeared on the projection screen.

To be honest, it's very clear, and I don't know how those people got it.

The army equipment in this world includes bolt-action rifles for individual soldiers, heavy machine guns with a caliber of 7.7 mm, and artillery with a caliber of about 15 cm. The level is roughly the same as that of the Kas Kingdom in the North Sea, the Kokokkady Kingdom, and the South China Sea. The Pred Kingdom is similar, but its army is larger.”

Although it is not clear how many troops Japan has, their newspaper contains military strength data of other 'powerful countries'. Although it may not be accurate, it should be no problem for reference.

For example, the standing army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is 450,000, and the standing army of Germany is 500,000, so Japan's standing army should also have hundreds of thousands. Considering the number of troops that can be recruited in wartime, the average number of troops in each country should be one million Above, even millions!”

The chairman of the committee fell into speechless contemplation again. What they were thinking now was that there was a huge population in this other world.

It seems that without using mid- to high-level combat capabilities, it will be difficult for our army to defeat the armies of this world.

Someone sighed.

Vice Chairman Mullen, if it is a small to medium-sized local war, our army should still have a great advantage with its more powerful weapons and equipment, but if it is a full-scale war with all countries in the world, that will definitely not work.

the youth officer explained.

What about the quality of individual soldiers?

Lieutenant General Kong Ming asked again.

Excluding those cannibals, the Demon Slayer Team, based on the Biochemical Research Institute's tests on secretly captured materials, was surprised to find that the physique of people in this world is similar to that of people in Kabane World, and they are very fragile. We are planning to capture them alive. A cannibal and a member of the Demon Slayer Corps.”

These words made Chairman Fernandez and others breathe a sigh of relief, and smiles appeared on their faces.

It doesn't matter if only the lower-level combat power is at a disadvantage. We can completely dispatch general-level combat power, or directly dispatch the highest combat power.

Lieutenant General Kong Ming shook the feather fan in his hand and smiled.

But no one knows whether there are more powerful weapons hidden in this world, and the Demon Slayer Demon Slayer Team needs further investigation.

Everyone has seen that this world is completely different from the Kabane world. We must be very alert!

Chairman Fernandez spoke in a serious tone, speaking not only to himself but also to everyone present.

Chairman, the investigators learned that Japan issued a ban on swords a long time ago, so we only need to find those people with samurai swords on their bodies, and we can basically confirm that they are members of the Demon Slayer Squad. This matter has been Notify all investigative teams.”

The young official smiled confidently.

Where are the ghosts?

Deputy Chairman Bulwer Gabriel asked. He was the oldest here, so he was most concerned about ghosts.

There don't seem to be many of these cannibals. Except for Captain Lasky, the other teams have not encountered them. However, there are quite a few in the Vine Raid Mountain, and they can't run away. We are going to have one or two captured secretly. .”

Okay, that's it, let's break up the meeting!


I solemnly declare that the worlds involved in this book are all parallel worlds, and all settings and data are subject to the content of this book~~ For those who insist on making excuses or taking things they know seriously, the author stated that he will consider deleting comments as appropriate. Those who are bad should be banned~~

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