Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 314 The third star gate! (A six thousand word chapter!)

The breath of water, the shape of picking up, and the flow of life!

Ningtaki Sakonji could no longer suppress the emotions in his heart, and a roar full of shock and unwillingness broke out from under the Tengu mask.

In an instant, a water dragon formed by water waves with clearly visible dragon scales emerged from his blade. Along with the continuous swing of the knife, bursts of dragon roars and splashes of water surrounded him, lifelike.

He really didn't expect that he would be helpless against an ordinary warrior who didn't know how to breathe.

this moment.

The self-confidence that the breathing method brought to the ex Shuizhu gradually collapsed. It turns out that even without the breathing method, can humans have the power to fight against ghosts?

But at this moment, Lasky spoke calmly while dealing with him. His words made Rintagaki Sakonji couldn't believe his ears.

I've probably figured out your breathing rhythm, can you see if it's like this?

The words just fell.

Lasky's figure also moved, and the katana in his hand cut through the air with a curve that Ningtaki Sasa was very familiar with recently. And this was not the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing was that there were waves of waves appearing on the blade. blue water flow.

The breath of water, the shape of picking up, and the flow of life, that's what it's called, right?

【Ding! when! Ding ding! Dang Dang! 】

In the roaring water and waves, Wuming opened his eyes wide and watched the water dragons, large and small, entangled with each other, spinning, biting, and colliding with each other in the field.

Those high-pitched dragon roars brought her the most extreme audio-visual effect.



With a resounding sound, the Nichirin sword in Nintaki Sakonji's hand was knocked out, spinning in the air more than ten times before being inserted into the ground in front of Wuming.

It's really interesting, a breathing technique that can strengthen physical fitness, mobilize and enhance mental power.

Although for people like me who have practiced life return, it has little effect except for the ability to create illusions, but it is a very perfect basic training method. It can be used to practice life return, seeing, hearing, and color domineering, and even Six poses provide an extremely smooth lifting process.”

Lasky seemed to be saying this to himself, or to Sakonji Nedaki, who was half-crouching in front of him and panting, but he was actually saying it to the Foreign World Strategy Committee through the image phone bug on Wuming's shoulder. Listen.

Return of life? Seeing and hearing the domineering power?

After hearing this for the first time, Rintagisa was confused and thought to himself: Is this why he is so powerful?

At this time, he made a decision in his heart, and took advantage of the situation to get into a standard earth seat from a half-kneeling position. He said to Laski in a very sincere voice: Mr. Mitsui, please be sure to join the Demon Slayer Corps. Your Power, your talent, will become the pillar of the ghost-killing cause!

The aptitude and strength shown by Lasky reminded him of the legendary founder of the breathing method, Enichi Jiguo. Now he has such combat power just by imitating the breathing of water. If the other party learns the most suitable breathing Magic and swordsmanship, how powerful would that be?

It is even possible to create a new genre one day in the future, right?

You said before that in addition to water breathing, there are many different breathing methods, right? It just so happens that I am very interested in them now.

Laski put the katana back into its scabbard and looked down at the back of Nantaki Sakonji's head with an expressionless expression.

Take me to see the strongest among you, and the leader. If he is a good person, I can join the Demon Slayer Squad!

No problem, I'll contact you right now!

Nintaki Sakonji suddenly raised his head, the expression under the Tengu mask was full of joy. He believed that with the strength of the current pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps and the charisma of the leader, he would definitely be able to retain this amazing talent. .

The crow!

He quickly stood up, not caring about the dust on his legs, loudly called a black crow over, and then said quickly to it: Immediately report everything just now to the master!

The crow nodded in a very humane manner, then fluttered its wings with a loud cry, and disappeared from the sight of the three people in the blink of an eye.

Can it understand your words? Can it also convey your words to others?

At this time, the curious Wuming came over and asked, carrying his nichirin sword in the shape of a bunt, and Ningtaki Sakonji nodded and introduced happily.

Yes, the turtle has a very high IQ and can recite orders in human language or talk to people with its own consciousness. It is considered a kind of ninja beast.

Ninja beast.

Lasky, Wuming and everyone in the command center instantly captured new information points.

Lieutenant General Kong Ming fanned his feather fan and smiled.

It seems that this Demon Slayer Squad has a lot of new things.

It's good. The more useful things there are, the more things we will gain in the future.

In Chairman Fernandez's view, not only the Demon Slayer Squad, but the entire world, including ghosts, will sooner or later be owned by the World Government, and the greater the World Government's gains in this world, the higher his political achievements will be.

In this way, it won't be long before Captain Lasky and the others can break into the Demon Slayer Corps. As long as they find their headquarters, they can gather people to take it down!

By the way, how's it going with Captain Gus?

Lieutenant General Kong Ming smiled and said: The plan has been passed on, but Captain Gus hopes to carry out this mission alone and let the fire extinguisher come back first.


Chairman Fernandez immediately refused and said in a cold voice: The risk of accidents for one person is too high. If there are two people, even if one of them has a problem, the other can at least buy us more time.

Furthermore, the two of them can also take care of each other. Although their ability to extinguish fires is not as good as that of Captain Gus, Kabaneri in the form of 'Nue' can at least help Captain Gus block the 'Twelve Ghost Moons' for a while, which is enough. .”

The leader of the Alien Strategy Committee didn't care about the life and death of putting out fires. Even Captain Gus's life and death only depended on how much time he could buy.


Lieutenant General Kong Ming didn't say much. The job of CIPHER POL is like this. We must be prepared to sacrifice for the world government at all times.

Soon, their ruthless decision was notified through the phone bug, and Gus and Yan Huo, who were taking Tong Mo constantly shifting positions in the mountains and forests.

I see.

After hanging up the call, Captain Gus sighed inwardly and chuckled to the fire extinguisher beside him: It seems you have to go with me to meet Kibutsuji Muzan and Twelve Kiyuki.

It doesn't matter, the work now is no different from before. It's just that the change from Karikata vs. the Shogunate to CIPHER POL vs. the other world is a little more dangerous.

Yan Huo looked at the rising sun that was about to appear on the horizon with a calm expression, and said: At least there is still one day, right? And it is not necessarily death.

She looked down at her tall chest. Under the clothes was a hot heart glowing with a faint blue light.

Also, I don't think the Kabaneri from our ancestral world are any weaker than the ghosts in this world. Who is stronger or weaker, who wins and who loses, you have to fight to know.

Captain Gus was stunned for a moment, laughed loudly, and patted the black jar with the child's grinding seal on the side.

Yes, yes, this 'winding' is nothing special. Although we 'nues' can't kill them, we can tie them up with black sticky thread so that they can't move!

But having said that, the ghost dance Tsuji Muzan who had lived for a thousand years still brought great pressure to his heart, and since it was the 'Twelve Ghost Moon'.

It means that the other party also has eleven superpower ghosts like Tongmo who have near-immortal self-healing ability and devil fruit-like abilities.

Now Captain Gus just hopes that his support force will arrive as soon as possible.

Starfish's homeland, the place of highest power in the world, within the power center of the Holy Land Marie Joa.

This is the design of 'Pluto' Pluto.

Shepard Ten Peters, who is in charge of CIPHER POL, smiled and put a thick stack of drawings on the coffee table in the middle. This was a design drawing that was re-recorded and drawn by professional technicians based on the content that was photographed.

I didn't expect Brooke's Underworld Fruit ability to be so effective in stealing things.

Regarding this design, the other four did not touch it. Topman Woqiu Lisheng looked at it and said: Have the war weapons used against us in the past fallen into our hands now? What is happening in this world? It’s so unpredictable, it’s really unbelievable.”

Although the design drawings have been obtained, 'Pluto' is still missing outside, and the original design drawings in Tom's hands also need to be dealt with, right?

Saint Jegalcia Satan held the crutch in his hand and continued the conversation.

Let him leave it before he finishes developing the sea train. This is something that can connect all the islands in a short time. I personally think its value is second only to the Star Gate. This 'Pluto' is not as good as it. !”

Marcus Mars, who is in charge of science and history-related fields, stood beside the sofa and said in a deep voice with his hands in his trouser pockets.

When the sea train line network is completely formed, we may be able to achieve the supreme goal of our ancestors eight hundred years ago!

Indeed, but now that we have this 'Pluto' design, are we going to build it?

At this time, Nazambalong V. Nasshou Langsheng picked up the design drawing on the coffee table, looked through the contents inside, and asked: Although it is impossible to let it pass with the current size of the star gate, we can try Stussy’s little fruit of power.”

As the top military leader of the World Government, he is interested in everything that can enhance military power. The temptation of 'Pluto', a legendary killer weapon that can destroy an island to the ground with one shot, naturally does not need to be much. explain.

This seems to require a lot of Adam wood. Do we have enough in stock?

Oh? Show it to me.

Topman Woqiu Lisheng raised his eyebrows and took the 'Hades' design drawing from Zambaron V. Nasthurang Saint. He immediately saw what the former said, but the various numbers on it were very strange. amazing.

Is this 'Pluto' so big?

As for whether the inventory in the treasure house is enough, I'm really not sure. Call Huggins over and ask.

Upon hearing this, Alexander Watson, the chief of staff who was on standby not far away, quickly went to inform Huggins, the dean of the Grand Deaconry, because the Holy Land treasury was under the management of the Grand Deaconate.

After a while, Dean Huggins, whose hair was a little gray but meticulously groomed, walked over quickly.

Dear Lord Wulaoxing!

Well, I called you here because I wanted to ask how many Adam trees we have left? Topman Woqiu Lisheng looked at the other party with an expressionless face.


Dean Huggins quickly stated the amount of Adam wood stored in his mind, and at the same time glanced gratefully at Chief of Staff Alexander Watson.

If there are only so many, it seems that it is not enough. Zambalong V. Nashou Langsheng frowned.

This made the atmosphere in the power room become depressing, and Dean Huggins, who was standing there to report, did not dare to breathe.

Is there any Adam wood outside? Where can I get it in large quantities? asked Topman Woqiu Lisheng.

There should still be some flowing on the black market, or those boats made of Adam wood can be dismantled, but this method requires a lot of time and the process is relatively complicated. However, there is still a lot of Adam trees in one place.

As soon as Dean Huggins finished speaking, Markas Mars continued: You are referring to 'Elbaf'.


After hearing the words 'Elbaf', everyone fell silent. After a moment, Topman Woqiu Lisheng waved his hand and said, You can go back.


Dean Huggins quickly bowed and saluted, and then quickly left the room of power.

So, if we want to create another 'Pluto', we must first solve this giant kingdom. That's good. I have long wanted to defeat them during my term!

A sharp look flashed in the eyes of Saint Zambalong V. Nasshou Lang.

Wano has been solved, so what can Elbaf do? It's time for us to make up our minds, either surrender and join, or destroy directly!

Indeed, they have become the only disobedient country in our rear. Shepard Ten Peter agreed.

Then report this matter and let Lord Im make a decision!

Topman Woqiu Lisheng also felt that on the way to conquer the world, the giants could not be left alone. They should either fight for the world government or die.

The worst case scenario is leaving some giant seeds behind and cultivating a brand new giant tribe from an early age.

Now let's talk about the second alien world. I think you have read all the information sent by the alien strategic committee. What do you think?

Marcus Mars found a sofa and sat down.

This is a country with a large population, a large number of troops, and many countries. Most of the technologies lag behind ours, especially in communications, but their warships, submarines, aircraft, and airships are either inferior to ours or better than ours.

Zambalong V. Nasshou Langsheng continued: In general, it is more troublesome than the Kabane world, but the threat level is only the same. We can try to avoid naval battles and directly send combat forces to attack the hinterlands of various countries!

I think we can find a way to control the top military and political leaders of Japan, especially that bullshit emperor, and use the entire human, financial, and military power of Japan as a puppet to gradually contact other countries.

This proposal of Saint Jegalcia Sartan made Saint Topman Wolli, Saint Markas Mas and others think deeply, but it also aroused the dissatisfaction of Saint Zambalong V. Nassurang , I saw him saying in an extremely strong and cold voice.

Hmph, I feel that since with the help of Im-sama, I have figured out the true strength of this Kibutsuji Muzan, who is only at the level of a mere lieutenant general, there is nothing to worry about. I can directly send a large army and high-level combat forces to suppress it. That’s it!”

Atop Noah's Ark, which was flying slowly in the sky during the first half of the Great Line, Im was wearing a loose gold-trimmed silver robe, with his hands behind his back and looking at the white sea of ​​clouds above his head.

At this moment, a sentence suddenly came to his mind.

[No one stands in heaven from the beginning, neither you nor me. Even God is the same, but this empty period of the Heavenly Throne is about to end. From now on, I will stand at the top. 】

This is a classic line from Sosuke Aizen in Death.

But people are different. I, Im, have been standing in the sky from beginning to end, and the Throne of the Void has never been empty.

The reason why he remembered this was because Noah's Ark had arrived in the waters of Gaya Island.

In other words, the sea of ​​clouds in front of you is actually the 'White Sea', and then three kilometers further up is the 'White Sea', and there is a large sky island called the 'Kingdom of God' and an island that really calls itself 'God'. 'Guy.

Even if Im knows clearly, the so-called god of the Sky Island people is just a title similar to king, rather than really thinking that he is an omniscient, omnipotent and supreme god.

But as the big boss behind the world government and the actual captain of Starfish World, he is still in a very unhappy mood, and the key empty island is still above his head.

When I arrive at Sky Island, there will no longer be any 'god' and 'god's kingdom'~

Im withdrew his meaningful gaze, and led Stussy behind him and the Nine Snake Guards who were on guard nearby to an open space that was surrounded by a circle of flowers and was about the same size as a football field.

Lord Saint Nerona!

At this time, a blond beauty with a water bottle and towel in her hand walked over quickly and greeted her nervously.

Im just glanced at Stella, who was extremely beautiful, and then focused his attention on Tezzolo, who was following a CIPHERP POL elite in the field and practicing physical skills hard.

This woman is indeed beautiful.

But he is not so obsessed with it that he even wants to snatch his wife away. He has seven emotions and six desires, but he will not be controlled by them.

I saw many large-tonnage exercise equipment placed in the open space, such as a large barbell weighing one ton, an iron bar weighing two tons, an iron millstone weighing three tons, etc.

In addition, there are various golden creations in various shapes.

But because Tezoro is currently practicing physical skills, these things just stay where they are.

Yes, my body looks much stronger than before.

Im very satisfied with the other party's serious attitude.

You must know that this boy eats Neptune meat every day, as well as highly nutritious milk and fish specially transported from the East China Sea. It can be said that the food standards are lower than his own.

All this is to allow Tezoro to reach the strength that the 'Ocean Shichibukai' should have as soon as possible.

Once he has mastered the six moves and has almost developed the ability of the Golden Gold Fruit, he can let it go and find an opportunity to awaken on his own and become the true 'Golden Emperor'.

Tezzolo's main mission in the future is to develop and control Starfish, and even the entertainment industry in other worlds, to provide himself and the world government with a steady stream of underground intelligence. As for making money, that is a side matter.


If necessary, he will also act as a high-level combat force to eliminate some existences that he wants to erase.

The so-called 'King Shichibukai' actually monitors important situations happening in the outside world for him in their respective fields, and at the same time helps him solve things that are inconvenient for the world government to handle.

The status is similar to that of Wulaoxing, they are both his direct envoys!

Returning to the palace where he lived, when he was about to pick up the ‘Yama’ on the sword rest and go to hell to continue hunting ghosts and enhance his soul, Im saw several new reports on the table.

Okay, let's finish the work first.

The first report states that the relevant departments of the World Government have begun to contact Fish-Man Island and the Seven Waters Capital to discuss the transformation of large-scale gas storage facilities and create a bubble that can cover the entire island for the Water Capital to withstand the annual 'Water Gods'.

But to fully implement it, it will probably take a year or two.

Im not surprised by this either.

The second one is about the full-body examination report of Marshall D. Teach from the Medical College of the Drum Kingdom. Although it is unclear why he can stay awake, it has been confirmed that he has a 'Chimera' constitution.

Generally speaking, there is only one set of blood factors in a person's body, and a 'Chimera' refers to a person who has at least two sets of blood factors in his body.

And Marshall D. Teach has three inside him!

Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's awesome. He's really an alien, so he can actually eat three Devil Fruits? Although Im had expected it, he still found it quite magical.

It's just that this guy's ambition is too restless. Even if he knows about Star Gate and other worlds, he will probably not be honest. He will only think about one day becoming stronger and finding a place to become king and dominate. This is a person who is extremely good at forbearance. A guy who refuses to be ordinary.

But the Stargate is in my hands, what can he do?

Im felt that his greatest confidence was not only his own strength that far exceeded Haixing's so-called highest combat power, but also his control over the star map and star gate.

This also allows him to dare to use anyone who is willing to obey. Even if someone's strength and ambition exceed his control in the future, he can simply close the star gate, abandoning at most one world.

In this way, the opponent only has the resources of one world, while Im and the World Government have more world resources behind them. Sooner or later, they will surpass the former, and then they will open the star gate to take them away.


At this moment, Im suddenly remembered that another year had passed.

Therefore, he can open another star gate, and then according to the instructions on the star map, after opening the third star gate, he can choose one of the three already opened star gates to upgrade it to a medium-sized star gate.

I saw Im quickly opening the star map, and sure enough, there was an extra star gate authority.

The first world is Kabane, the second world is Demon Slayer, what will this third world be? I hope it is a world that is helpful to me.

Of course, he actually wanted the self-healing ability of Onibatsuji Mumei without consuming physical energy and infinitely regenerating the body, but he would definitely not do it if he was asked to become a ghost.

Catch him when the time comes and send him to the Institute of Biochemistry.

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