Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 363 The appearance of the black charcoal cicada!

It's late afternoon.

The beautiful fire clouds turned the sky red, but today the color was slightly more ominous and bloody.

A little scarlet!

If someone in this era could look down at Tokyo from a high altitude, they would clearly see a large green area in the center of this city where land is at a premium and there are many buildings.

This is the imperial city and palace of the Foot Pot Chicken Kingdom, and the place they call the Imperial Palace.

Its north side is called Kitanomaru Park, its east side is called Higashi Gyoen, and its south side is Outer Garden. These three places are open to the public, which means that ordinary people can also come and take a look.

But not the west side, because that is the real imperial residence.

Whether it is the Fengming Hall where state banquets are held, the Changhe Hall where foreign guests are received, or the inner palace where the royal family lives, they are all here.

These palaces have green tiles and white walls, brown copper pillars, large lawns and dense woods, and a moat surrounding the entire imperial residence. They give people a more elegant and simple feeling than a sense of majesty.


In the Imperial Palace, there are two departments that are extremely important to the royal family. One is the palace hall responsible for their daily life, and the other is the palace guard responsible for their personal safety.

This palace guard is actually under the control of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

In other words, it is actually a group of police officers responsible for guarding, and the total number of people is maintained at 2,000.

at this time.

A well-built figure with a cold face, wearing a black suit, pulled a long black shadow under the setting sun and came to the edge of the moat.

Because it has already passed the opening time.

The Kitachibashi Gate in the north, Hanzomon in the west, Hirakawamon in the east, Otemon in the southeast, and Kikyomon have been completely closed.

The Sakashita Gate, Sakurada Gate and the main entrance to the south are even more heavily guarded, with knife-wielding police officers scanning the surroundings or patrolling back and forth everywhere.

Without any surprise, the members of CIPHER POL were quickly discovered and alerted.

In fact, these people don't look like ordinary residents, more like a group of gangsters preparing to attack the Imperial Palace!

But where did the gangsters get the courage to provoke the royal family?

Notify the Metropolitan Police Department immediately and ask them to send someone over!

The director of the palace inspection in charge of the main entrance is Mabe (dao4) from the Security Section 2. He first ordered a palace inspector behind him to go over, and then shouted a warning toward the outside.

This is the gate of the Imperial Palace. Unrelated persons are strictly prohibited from approaching. If you step onto the Second Bridge, we will arrest you for invading the Imperial Palace!

But his righteous shouting had no effect at all, and the men in black were still walking over brazenly.

No way, it looks like we are about to take action.

Seeing this, Manabe chuckled and shrugged, and said: It's okay, the opportunity is rare. If there is no such thing, the swordsmanship we have practiced for more than ten years will be useless. What do you think?

Hahaha, the minister is right. It seems they don't have any weapons. Let's use the scabbard to subdue them later~

I really don't know which family they are from, they are going to be in trouble!

The patrolling policemen standing guard laughed in agreement, while eagerly holding the scabbard with their right hands.

Unlike the police outside, these Royal Guard policemen do not carry guns, only swords. This can be regarded as a rule passed down from the Edo period.

Since then, the Imperial Family has been recruiting various swordsman masters as royal guards, and now they are selected from swordsmanship masters in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Anyway, the Metropolitan Police Department is not far from here, and this is the center of the capital, so it makes no difference whether you carry a gun or not.


Hey, Denben, how's the contact going? I'll be there in a few minutes. Let me guess, is it four minutes? Shinbe teased.

No, no, no one at the Metropolitan Police Department answered the phone!

I called three times and couldn't get through, and I called four acquaintances but couldn't get through!

at the same time.

The four CIPHER POL outside the iron gate suddenly accelerated, and their running legs turned into afterimages in an instant, and passed the double iron bridge on the moat in the blink of an eye.

【Boom! 】

The next second, a huge bombardment sounded, and the dozen or so palace policemen watched dumbfoundedly as a protruding fist mark appeared on the thick iron door, then a second, and a third.

The fist marks appeared very quickly, and within a few seconds, Nuo Da's iron door was already covered with fist marks.


With the final blow, the iron door finally failed to hold up and broke into more than a dozen curved iron blocks that sputtered out, sending the two unlucky guys flying out in the blood mist.

Manabe was completely stunned, and he didn't even notice the drops of blood splashing on his face and froze in place.

Minister! It's an enemy attack!!

At this time, Nobmoto, who had previously contacted the Metropolitan Police Department for inspection, woke up his colleagues with a loud voice. At the same time, he quickly drew out the samurai sword from his waist and pointed the tip of the knife with a cold light at it.


Manabe looked at the four black figures walking through the broken doorway and swallowed subconsciously. He wanted to say that the other party could punch the iron door open!

Okay, Mr. Dengben is very brave. Come to me and capture them!

However, he reacted quickly and immediately issued an order angrily, as if he was going to fight the intruders desperately.


Come on!

This made the surrounding royal patrols excited. They raised their samurai swords and rushed forward, shouting, but immediately behind them, Manabe's shouting came again.

Brothers, hold on, I'm going to call for backup right now!

After saying that, Minister Manabe turned around and ran away without hesitation. He believed in his own eyesight. There were no big objects on those four people, so it was impossible for the iron door to be blown open by some machine.

A fist that can leave a mark on an iron door, what will be the result if it hits a person?

He doesn’t want to experience it!

Suddenly, while running, Mabe felt a sharp sound piercing the air.

The next moment, a bright crescent-shaped light blade instantly passed through his waist. The speed was so fast that he didn't feel any pain for the first time. It wasn't until his upper body slipped that he realized that he had been split into two.

Before falling into darkness, he saw from the corner of his eye that a dozen of his subordinates had fallen lifeless in a pool of blood, with several broken blades scattered on the ground.

So soon. When.

At this moment, CIPHER POL also broke in from other directions in the Imperial Palace, and the alarm, which had not been sounded since it was set up, began to scream desperately, like a raped woman frantically calling for help.

Hundreds of royal police officers swarmed towards the four gates and fought with the men in black who rushed in.

Every use of iron, finger guns, paper drawings, and Lan Kou will take away a large number of lives.

Especially Lan Jie, who can basically cut all the bodies in a line into bloody pieces. The scarlet blood spurts out, along with the broken limbs, and scatters on the gravel-covered sand.

Inside the temple.

The emperor, who had just finished paying homage to his 'ancestor' Amaterasu, became shocked when he heard the wails and screams outside. The five cabinet ministers behind him were even more shocked.

What happened!

Prime Minister Kato shouted outside the palace, but no one responded, which made the atmosphere eerie and terrifying.

Hehehe, I knew that there must be a place where I can be found, but it's actually in another world, which is unexpected.

I saw an old woman with white hair and a face as ferocious as a demon walking into the temple with a sneer on her face, and behind him were screams.

You! Who are you? You are so brave! How dare you trespass into the royal palace!

Prime Minister Shibato Riku and Koyama Kai took two steps forward, blocking others including the Emperor and Prime Minister behind them. They were also soldiers, and although they were old, their courage was still there.

Hey, I'm called Hei Tan Mu Chan, but soon, this place will belong to me, so you are the ones who trespassed~~

After saying that, Heitan Muchan walked over with his hands raised and said with a smile: But before you die, let me touch you!

Thank you very much to the readers of Risheng Sanjin for the 100 starting coin reward! bow! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

Thank you very much to the readers of Starry Sky Xiaoyu for your 100 starting coin reward! bow! Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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