Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 480 Kuzan’s mission to be promoted to general!

The Bangzi in the Great Cold Bang Country are almost crazy.

Because this notice from the Alien Strategy Committee was not just sent in writing to the country's top officials.

It was also announced directly to the whole country through virtual video through video phone bugs set up in the central areas of each city.

This gave the officials of Da Bang Korea no room to suppress the news, and also caused the Bang Zi to suffer the strongest mental impact.

Just like that, they suddenly became slaves to the subjugation of their country?


I saw a young student wearing a black school uniform and carrying a schoolbag, standing in the central square of the capital, roaring angrily at the 'virtual big screen' in mid-air.

His name is Kim Sung-il, a high school sophomore.

Originally, he had an attitude of admiration and yearning for the emergence of the World Government, and he only wanted to study hard. After mastering enough knowledge, he was admitted to the Second Special Zone and became a researcher of the Demon Slayer Branch of the Academy of Sciences.

In this way, you will have the opportunity to go to the world called Starfish to see it, and even immigrate there with your family.

But he never expected that the world government would directly destroy his own country and turn everyone, including himself, into slave labor.

What is this if not a subjugated slave?

To him, this was no less than a nuclear bomb exploding in his mind!

That's right, why should we destroy the country!

What kind of labor force recruitment, I won't go!

Yes, don't go!

Damn world government, get out of our world!

Kim Sung-il's roar immediately inspired tens of thousands of men and women in the square. They gritted their teeth and waved their fists, constantly cursing at the 'notice of national annihilation' on the 'virtual screen'.

And such a scene is being staged in various cities in the Great Cold Country.

Not only that.

Countless people took to the streets and spontaneously flocked to administrative buildings in various cities for so-called street demonstrations, demanding that the country organize an army and prepare for a full-scale confrontation with the world government.

Especially in the capital, it has reached an unprecedented scale, as if people in the entire city have walked out of their homes, and all the main roads and streets are filled with dense crowds.

this moment.

Their extreme anger seems to have made them forget how terrifying and powerful the world government is.

However, these people may have forgotten it, but the senior officials of the 'Bangzi Kingdom' still remember it fresh. After all, it was only a year before the World Government conquered the 'Demon Slayer World'.

In the high-level conference room of Bangzi Kingdom, more than a dozen senior military and political leaders gathered together.

Your Excellency, the Ministry of National Defense has reported that the Mongolian Empire and the Mao Xiong Kingdom have blocked our national border connecting the mainland, and our coastline is also surrounded by the fleet of the World Government's Second Zone!

After President Bangzi heard what this young official said, his already serious expression became even more livid, and other senior officials and generals were also furious.

It doesn't matter that the World Government has been prepared for a long time, but these damn Mengma and Mao Xiong are here to add insult to injury!

It's better now. There's no place to run if you want to.

Now what?

At this time, sitting in the second seat to the left of the president, a bald man wearing an expensive suit said softly and hesitantly: You guys, can we talk to the World Government?

He is the largest chaebol in the Great Hanbang Country, the head of the Li family, and the chairman of the Sanbang Group, Li Ude.

Uh, what are you talking about?

President Bangzi asked in confusion, and other senior military and political leaders also focused their attention.

Let's talk about whether we, the high-ranking and powerful people, can be given preferential treatment. For example, we can be allowed to move to the 'Second District' and maybe have the opportunity to become citizens of the world government.

Li Wu De said expressionlessly.


The president and others were stunned for a moment, but hope soon arose in their hearts, and their eyes began to flicker. Since resistance is impossible, perhaps they can strive to join the world government.

As for the conditions, that’s easy to negotiate!

Their bargaining chip is the entire Great Cold Country, even if they give away all the country's wealth and technology.


Finally, President Bangzi cleared his throat and nodded calmly.

Can consider it.

Immediately, others also reacted.

Yes, yes, we can definitely talk about it!

That is, the total direct family members of us people are less than a hundred. The World Government will cooperate well for us and will definitely agree!

That's right, as long as we are allowed to move to the 'Second Zone', we will do our best to help the world government stabilize the country's situation and make the people at the bottom below obedient!

As they talked, these people became quiet, but the cold light in the eyes looking at each other was chilling.

They are preparing to sell the entire country and its citizens, because they can subjugate the country, but they do not want to become slaves!


These people's idea was to send a telegram to the World Government branch of the 'Second Zone' in the name of national diplomacy. There was no way, they didn't have such a good thing as a telephone bug.

Haha, what a beautiful thought, these self-righteous and stupid 'sticks'~~

Addison crumpled up the telegram in his hand with disdain and threw it into the trash can not far away. Then he turned the leather chair under him to face the large floor-to-ceiling window, and looked at the blue sky in the direction of the Bangzi Peninsula with his faint eyes.

He knew very well that the big guys in Haixing's hometown were preparing to eat up the entire Big Cold Country this time and turn it into a much-needed labor force.

The world government does not do this kind of thing once or twice.

Soon, all the 'sticks' will have to enter the 'Giant World' through the 'Medium Star Gate', and then start a new life on the other end of the 'Canberra Continent/Australia'.

This is a population of more than 10 million. Even excluding the old, weak, sick and disabled, it is enough to support the initial construction of the project!

But before the large troops arrive, we can let them help suppress the riot. Otherwise, the chaos will be too big and it will definitely give a bad impression to the people above.

Minister Addison thought of this, turned back again, and then took out a blank document and started writing.

He was planning to use some ambiguous words to make the stick presidents think that he had agreed to their request, and then asked them to complete their tasks first.

If you do it well, then the salary may be higher~

This side of the ‘Giant World’.

Im also saw the decision of the ‘Alien Strategic Committee’ to destroy the ‘Great Cold Stick Country’. To be honest, this had nothing to do with him and was entirely decided by the people below.

However, he also knew that this process would definitely cause a lot of riots and bloodshed.

After all, no matter where you are, people who dare to fight are indispensable. It is not surprising that there are hundreds of thousands, or even millions of resisters out of a population of tens of millions.

Oh? Do you want Qingzhi to lead the team to suppress it?

Im immediately understood what the Five Old Stars were thinking. They were taking the initiative to give Kuzan the last wave of military merit, and then he could be promoted to admiral naturally.

It's just that he felt that with Kuzan's personality, he was unlikely to be able to undertake such a cold task.

Well, the conquest of other worlds in the future will definitely become more cruel. It would be a good thing if this guy could realize this as soon as possible. Im sighed inwardly.

Besides, it’s not like Kuzan was going to commit some massacre.


Im inexplicably thought of other places: Speaking of which, it's already the year 1500, so is O'Hara's archaeological expedition coming back soon?

“I don’t know how many ‘historical text’ locations they found for me.”

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