Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 554 The God of Death looking at the snow-capped mountains!

The northernmost part of the empire continent.

This is the vast snowy area where the Randall people, known as the Northern Aliens by the empire, have lived for generations.

Because their strong bodies and cold-resistant constitutions can easily adapt to extremely low-temperature climate environments, their national pride is very strong, and they also have a firm will that is obviously stronger than other ethnic groups.

But after being completely defeated by the empire a hundred years ago, they became the empire's most important source of troops.

It was okay at first.

Now it is a little overwhelmed. In fact, the two opponents of the empire in the west and east are very strong, and they can only barely defend their borders for so many years.

So they began to feel more and more resistant and disgusted with the empire's conscription. There were really too few people who could come back alive from the two battlefields.

There are also some people who are very lucky to stay in the local area.

But when you think about it, you know that most of such precious places must be children of powerful and wealthy families, and it is the common people's turn to fill the remaining vacancies.

Just this probability.

Seka Fortress or Seka City was the former capital of the Randall Kingdom and now the capital of the Northern National Autonomous Region.

This is a rough city with houses, roads and walls built entirely of stone, and if the snow is not cleared every day, it will be covered with a layer of 'white'.

The men, women, old and young walking on the street were all wearing light winter clothes. There were stoves and kangs in every house, and the warm and bright firelight lit up every house.

But it also produced a large amount of black smoke, which shot straight into the sky through the chimneys, and was then blown away by the cold wind from higher places.

The center of the city.

A large dark castle stands there, like a silent giant watching over the entire snowy area.

People living here have recently discovered that the mobilization of troops is very frequent, and cavalry on fast horses can often be seen hurriedly coming in and out.

Soon, a strange news began to spread among the people, saying that strange black troops appeared in the east and were approaching here, and that their own troops were fighting them!

In Seka Castle, Numa Seka, who is currently the governor of the autonomous region, is listening carefully to the battle situation in the east. However, the more he listens, the more solemn his expression becomes and his brows are getting tighter.

In just a few days, there have already been nearly 10,000 casualties.

Sir, if it weren't for the assistance of various dangerous species in the ice field and General Bai Ya's timely adjustment of his fighting style and no longer engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the opponent, our defense would have collapsed long ago!

The knight who came to deliver the information had a look of horror on his face, his hoarse voice was trembling, and his eyes seemed to be recalling some terrible scene.

You calm down first.

When the Numa governor, known as the 'Brave of the North', saw him like this, he immediately stood up and walked to the other party with hot tea, indicating that the other party would take a few sips to warm up.

After the knight calmed down, he asked him to explain the more specific situation in detail.

Although they don't seem to have many people, each section only has two to three hundred people, and the total number is less than 3,000, but they are very strong, and each one of them is terrifyingly strong!

The swordsmanship they perform can not only produce all kinds of lights, shadows and sounds like wind, fire, thunder and water, but it is also extremely powerful.

The melee troops here are no match for us. One person on the other side can kill a dozen or even dozens of warriors with knives or spears. If two or three people join forces, they can turn a radius of a hundred meters into slaughter. field

Hearing this, Governor Numa could probably imagine the terrifying scene, and at the same time he also realized that the opponent was most likely an elite being like a disciple of the Imperial Fist Temple.

What about the firearms?

The knight replied with a bitter look on his face and a slightly desperate tone.

Sir, their upper bodies are all wearing tight-fitting underwear that looks like black vests. It doesn't look very thick, and it's not made of metal, but it can block our swords, spears, bullets, and even the minions of the 'Ice Fang Wolf'!

There are some of them that are even more terrifying. They are extremely tall and can easily kill even the first-level dangerous species. The black coats they wear are also invulnerable!

So our people often can only pierce their winter clothes, and then be hacked to pieces by the opponent's blades.

The governor of Numa was shocked and didn't know what to say. He only felt a heavy boulder weighing on his heart.

But you should have killed some of each other's people, right?

The trooper bit his chapped lips and nodded.

Before I set out, I killed a total of thirty-two people on the other side, and the minor and serious injuries were incalculable.

Eleven of them were killed by General Bai Ya riding the 'Polar Tiger' with his own hands. Ten of them were frozen by the ice breath of the 'Xiuplingaya Dragon' and then exploded with grenades. The last eleven were five hundred Many soldiers fought desperately to encircle it, and then concentrated 20 heavy artillery bombardments.

Numa was so shocked that he could no longer speak.

Lord Governor, as I said before, if we didn't have dangerous troops, enough bullets, artillery, and far more troops than the other side, we wouldn't be able to stop them at all!

After saying that, the knight could no longer hold on and collapsed on the ground, then hid his head in his legs and arms and cried softly.

It’s so tragic!

Anyone who has not been at the scene can never imagine what a hellish scene it was. Even if the cavalry on war horses tried to outflank and pull from both sides, they would be easily overtaken by the opponent riding a strange mechanical vehicle.

Thank you for your hard work, go down and have a good rest first!

After being silent for a long time, Numa raised his head and let out a long sigh. After giving some instructions, he walked back to the desk and wrote down these situations one by one on the letter paper.

He was writing a letter to the imperial capital asking for help.

Obviously, although there are 300,000 troops here, there are only three people including myself who can be called masters.

He is the only Teigu user, and he cannot stop the opponent's elite troops of thousands, or possibly even nearly ten thousand.

Opponents of this level can only call the empire's front-line troops, because they have more powerful and dangerous troops and imperial gear envoys, ministerial gear envoys or all the disciples of the Imperial Fist Temple!

Ten minutes later.

A white-feathered falcon unique to the snowy region flew out of the black castle with a small package containing an envelope, and quickly flapped its wings toward the imperial capital in the south amid the strong wind and drifting snow.

The next day.

Numa dispatched more troops to support General Bai Ya in the east, and sent an order to him to try his best to hold him back and wait for the arrival of reinforcements from the imperial capital.

In the next few days, the turmoil in the northern part of the empire increased, as tens of thousands of troops were mobilized from various camps.

There are also ninjas, secret agents, assassins from both sides, as well as CIPHER POL members who subsequently joined the game, fighting each other in every corner, town, and even snow-capped mountains on the edge of the snowy area.

Poisons, bombs, traps, and all kinds of insidious and cruel methods emerged one after another, turning living people one after another into corpses with strange shapes, and then buried them in the cold wind and snow.

Just at this time.

Maillard Olberg took his butler Daniel and Gilbert, and two personal maids, Cassandora, to the White Horse in the north on a 'ship' pulled by a large bird species. town.

The strongest assassin in the empire with the title of 'God of Death' was standing by the window of the three-story building with a charming smile, looking at the faintly visible snow-white mountain peaks in the distance.

Although I don't know who you are, it's best not to hurt my Moyo-chan, otherwise she will be really angry~~

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