Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 562: Launch a blanket bombing!

In the imperial capital, the official office of the Secret Investigation Department.

Minister, there have been many rumors about the unrest in the north recently, and there are also rumors about the world government from another world.

Green came to the minister's office and looked worriedly at Nadjeta sitting behind the desk.

Normally, with so many people in the court, it's impossible to completely block the information.

Nadjeta paused while looking at the intelligence documents, then raised her head and looked at the other party calmly: And the people will know about this kind of thing sooner or later.

But now the atmosphere is gradually developing toward panic. Some rumors even suggest that the empire and even the world will be completely conquered by the world government.

Green's face showed dissatisfied anger.

It is obvious that he hates such negative remarks that make others more prestige and destroy his own ambition.

Didn't we almost have our jaws dropped when we used your 'Five Visions' to interrogate the information about the World Government?

Nadjeta looked up at the ceiling solemnly, speaking softly as if mumbling to herself.

A super-large organization that has centralized the local world and conquered three worlds in a row. Why do we think we won't be next?

Green, you should know that the empire has not even unified its own world, but it has to face an existence that combines the power of four worlds.

So, it is actually a normal thing for people to feel fear.

Green fell into silence because he didn't know what to say. After a long time, he suddenly raised his head, clenched his fist and hammered the desk hard.

Minister, if that's the case, then I think the empire should immediately cease war with the Kingdom of Alkme in the west and the Kamiwa Island Kingdom in the east, and then disclose the information of the World Government to the public, and gather all the strength of our world to deal with this alien invasion. !”

Nadjeta was stunned for a moment when she heard this.

At first, I felt that what Green said was pure fantasy. How could it be possible?

But after thinking about it again, I felt that it was very feasible. After all, the world government's target of conquest was the entire world, and there was no need for the empire to take it down alone.

That makes sense. Come with me to the palace right away!

Nadjeta stood up quickly. She felt that there was nothing wrong with this idea and that he should inform His Majesty the Emperor immediately and then convene the ministers to discuss it.

But at this moment, the beautiful Amulli opened the door and ran in with a panic look on her face.


News just came from the north. After Volga City, Angulo City has also been lost. The 60,000-strong army and the 500 disciples of the Imperial Fist Temple who came to support were wiped out. The remaining 50,000-odd soldiers fled to Seka Fortress. !”

Najita frowned after hearing this. After quickly digesting the information, she asked, Where is the Zhu Tian Rakshasa of the Imperial Fist Temple?

He returned to Seka Fortress with the defeated troops, and even sent a letter asking the Imperial City to send him back using the 'Dimensional Phalanx'. He has important information about the enemy leader!

Amuli replied in a serious tone.

In addition, Montero City in the south of the Northern Snow Territory is also in danger. They have sent three consecutive letters asking for help.

It is said that there is a black monster on the opposite side that controls eight long knives like a spider. Every knife he swings will generate a huge sword energy that is hundreds of meters long!

Nadjeta could only nodded calmly, said she understood, and then quickly left the office with Green.

at the same time.

The imperial capital has begun to urgently arrange the banner of the 'Eight-Door Golden Lock', but the scope it can cover is limited. At most, it can only escape an area of ​​one square kilometer into another dimension.

What is the concept of one square kilometer? The area of ​​the Forbidden City in Im's previous life was 0.72 square kilometers.

Therefore, it is impossible for it to include the entire imperial capital.


The civil and military officials didn't care about this either. After all, their residences were quite close to the palace, so they would definitely not be leaked out.

Although the emperor himself cared about the people and cared about the people, he only felt guilty in his heart, and would not really choose to share the joys and sorrows, leaving himself in a situation where he could be assassinated at any time.

He is a wise king, but not a saint

Not long after, Nadjeta and Green came to the palace on horseback.

After receiving permission and being inspected by the imperial guards, the two men, led by a eunuch, arrived at the Xuanshi Palace where the emperor usually worked.

Only here they also saw General Bude.

turn out to be.

General Bude was planning to lead the air force to the north in the near future to fight against the invaders from other worlds, so he came to report to the emperor.

It was only when Nadjeta first conveyed the intelligence she had just received from the north, and then signaled Green to make a proposal to cease war with the east and west and join forces.

General Bude felt that he did not need to leave the imperial capital for the time being.

Your Majesty, the general thinks that Green's idea is very good, and if we can cease the war with both sides, then General Esdeath and General Brand will be free.

The emperor nodded thoughtfully.

He also felt that the World Government should not let the Empire fight alone, but there were two key problems. ,

Immediately, he said it.

Then how do we convince the Kingdom of Alkme and the Gods and Island Kingdom that the World Government's affairs are true and not some conspiracy of ours?

Also joining forces with them to fight against the World Government means that we have to open the defense lines on the east and west sides and allow their large forces to enter the empire. How to deal with the risks involved?


Nadjeta, Bude, and Green suddenly fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Green pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and spoke again: It's easier to make them believe that we can just send the prisoners we captured over there. They have their own means to get the information they want.

Nadjeta and the others nodded in agreement.

After all, they are two major civilizations that have been fighting against the empire for nearly a thousand years, and their methods of extracting intelligence are definitely not much different.

As for the second question.

The north has actually been completely occupied, so let the Kingdom of Alkme enter directly from Prato, while the Kamiwa Island Kingdom only needs to allow the navy to temporarily open the East China Sea.

Green recalled the map of the entire continent in his mind and continued.

The snow-capped mountains where the 'Star Gate' is located are located on the edge of the continent and are close to the East China Sea. In fact, launching an attack from the sea is the most suitable option.

In this way, they don't need to enter the hinterland of the empire at all. As for how to let them leave after the war, I personally think it is meaningless to consider this now.

The emperor was quite surprised after hearing his long speech, and then there was a look of appreciation in his eyes, and he wanted to find a time to send him to Zhongshu Province for training.

But now is not the time to talk about that.

Okay, I will ask all officials to discuss this matter at the next court meeting, but without further delay, those prisoners must be sent over immediately to let the East and West know about the World Government as soon as possible!

Your Majesty is wise!

Nadjeta and others quickly bowed and praised, and at this moment Bude suddenly suggested: Your Majesty, can we try to launch a ballistic missile at the Stargate base?

If it goes well, it will not only cause a certain amount of killing and damage, but also slow down the entry of their troops. If I find that they are not capable of dealing with ballistic missiles, then I can completely launch a covering bombing!

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