Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 564 How powerful are ballistic missiles!

Giant World, Canberra Continent (Australia).

The main road leading to the base where the Teigu World Star Gate is located has been paved with a solid and flat layer of cement.

On both sides of the road stood an army main battle soldier with a majestic figure and a fierce aura, carrying a long black sheath sword, and behind him was their personal heavily armored military motorcycle.

They held their chests high, raised their heads, and looked straight ahead.

When Douglas Barrett, who was five hundred and ten centimeters tall and wearing a black justice coat, led a dozen generals behind him who were all two meters tall and also wore black justice coats, they walked in front of them. When passing by.

Every soldier looked with admiration and awe.

Because that is not only the division commander of the first division of their first main battle corps, but also the general replacement 'Ghost Shark' of the army headquarters!

Again this time.

A front-line commander who conducts a conquest campaign against a different world numbered No. 0004, codenamed ‘Teigu’!

The division commanders, Lieutenant General Charlotte Owen and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider's 1st and 2nd Brigades, as well as the auxiliary corps' 400 main battle tanks and 200 heavy howitzers, have all passed through the narrow tunnel. Enter the 'Teigu World'.

A staff officer with the rank of major general from the Army Department was following Barrett two steps behind, reporting to him sentence by sentence.

Barrett strode forward and said in a deep voice without looking back: The number of auxiliary corps is not enough. Send the order to mobilize another 400 tanks and 50,000 auxiliary troops within a month!


Lieutenant General Owen and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider have captured Volga City, Angulo City and Montero City one after another!

The major general's staff responded quickly and then reported again.

Lieutenant General Owen sent a request asking whether to continue the attack on Seka Fortress, while Lieutenant General Ghost Spider met the empire's front-line army troops and also sent a request asking whether he is allowed to launch the first attack?

But this time, Barrett frowned and ordered: Let them suspend the siege and fighting, while maintaining a constant march and trying to hide their position.


Just as the two of them were talking, they had arrived at the 'Teigu World' Star Gate Base. At this time, Barrett noticed a figure wearing an Army Justice coat, walking towards the base gate alone.

Go over and ask which army that person is from, and then bring him here.


This time the person who answered was not the staff officer, but a brigadier general behind Barrett. He stepped on his foot and disappeared with a swish sound.

Others continued walking past.

Soon, the brigadier general intercepted the figure wearing a black gentleman's hat, then said a few words and brought him to Barrett.

Barrett looked down at the opponent expressionlessly and asked: Which unit are you from? Why did you go to Star Gate No. 4 alone?

At the same time, he felt a sense of awkwardness in his heart, but it was not very obvious.

Sir, I am Colonel Diarra of the Second Battalion of the Third Regiment of the First Brigade. I came here to buy local cigarettes on the order of the regiment commander!

Barrett saw the other party take out a Water City brand 'water hookah' box from his coat pocket.

Although he did not buy such slender and soft cigarettes because he liked smoking cigars, he also knew that some of his generals liked them very much, but this also made him feel ashamed.

Haha, captain, oh, that's the major general. Such a powerful official. I will send it to him with you later!

However, the other party seemed to be frightened, and he trembled and did not reply immediately. Barrett was too lazy to show off his power to a young colonel who was obeying orders, and waved his hand to signal the other party to follow him.

Seeing this, the latter quickly walked to the end of the team with his head lowered, looking pitiful. This also made the other generals dumbfounded, and then continued to follow Barrett towards the Stargate Base.

Maillard, who maintained his disguise, breathed a sigh of relief. The aura on Barrett was really terrifying. It was even stronger than the super dangerous species and full of danger.

At the same time, I was glad that I had anticipated the possibility of being interrogated in advance, so I bought this cigarette, which the boss said was the best-selling product, in advance at a store that sells local Haixing products to the Army General here.

In this way, I will have a reason to explain myself.

The next process went very smoothly because they were following Barrett. All the soldiers in black along the way saluted as they watched them enter the shrinking tunnel.


After experiencing several more blasts of disinfectant smoke, Maillard once again breathed the cold air of the northern snowy region, which made the corners of her mouth curl up slightly.

Then he deliberately slowed down and quietly distanced himself from the generals in front of him bit by bit.

After a while.

Barrett led his men to find Major General Nixa, the commander of the third regiment of the First Brigade, and then sternly questioned him about asking his colonel to buy cigarettes for him.

But he heard the report from the other party that two days ago, a colonel named Diarra of the Third Regiment lost his military uniform, coat and military ID card inside, and the ingredients of a drug that can make people fall into deep sleep were found in his body.

So they have reported the situation and are waiting for the investigation results from CIPHER POL.

This caused more than a dozen generals, including Barrett, to look behind them, only to find that the Colonel Diarra whom they had intercepted before had disappeared without a trace.

How can it be?!

This situation really shocked everyone at the scene, and Barrett even laughed angrily, and immediately used all his strength to display his Haki, but the result was even more shocking, because he didn't sense anything.

By the way, that awkward feeling was because he had no breath, but I subconsciously didn't take it seriously.

Barrett was upset.

All of them relied too much on seeing and hearing Haki, and never thought that there would be no aura in a person's body.

This is a natural blind spot in thinking.

And when the other party left, he didn't move at all, suppressing the sense of presence to the extreme. This is also very impressive. Even the members of CIPHER POL can't do it, right?

More than an hour later.

After a careful search by a large number of soldiers, the discarded military uniforms and coats were finally found in a hidden corner, sprinkled with odor-eliminating yellow powder.

After inspection and analysis by biochemical researchers stationed at the base, it was discovered that this seemed to be the scale powder of an unknown insect.

The occurrence of this incident made Barrett extremely angry, but he could not find anyone in trouble. After all, that person slipped away under his nose. Who could he punish?

We can only endure it for the time being, and then have people report these situations to the army headquarters in Haixing, which is the desk of General Akainu.

Because Sakaski is the commander of the First Main Battle Corps.

During this period, the Star Gate Base in the Snow Valley on the Teigu World suddenly sounded a sharp alarm.

And Barrett has also activated the ability of the Superman Fusion Fruit, merging with a nearby snow mountain and turning into a snow-white giant thousands of meters high.

He looked up at a conical green warhead high in the sky, dragging a long flame tail and flying down towards him at a speed of more than twenty times the speed of sound.

Ubuyashiki's prophecy was indeed correct. If I hadn't come, the base below would have been severely damaged. Fortunately, we deliberately left Inferno Anjuro in the base.

Then let me see how powerful this so-called 'ballistic missile' is!

Tomorrow is the 1st. As a young author, I am still the same as before. I will take a day off. No updates~~

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