Starting from pirates and conquering all worlds

Chapter 764 Your Majesty, why are you disobedient?

You! You actually want me to annex Henrietta's country?!

Anger suddenly surged in the King of Wales's heart, and the respect in his eyes instantly turned into anger, but the beautiful bird and horse nodded calmly as if he didn't see it.

Yes, I have learned about the nobility rules of this continent. When a king wins another queen, two countries can merge into one.

You don't have to merge!

The King of Wales yelled with an angry look on his face: Even if there is no Henrietta in the Tristeyn Kingdom, Duke Mariano can be promoted to the throne. There is no need to merge with Albion!

What if Duke Mariano dies?

Wha, what?

The King of Wales was stunned and continued:

As far as I know, there are only two members of the Tristein royal family now. If one of them is gone, then Princess Henrietta must become the queen.

Your Majesty, wouldn't it be a good thing to allow the Kingdom of Albion to expand its territory and allow us to have a piece of land on the continent of Halkekinia?

The King of Wales was silent for a long time, his dark blue eyes looked deeply at the beautiful birds and horses, and after a moment he asked quietly.

Tori Mima, who are you, and what is your true purpose?

Your Majesty, I have already said this. We are escapees and adventurers from Hinomoto overseas. Our purpose is to help you and the Kingdom of Albion.

Amata Mima looked at him and answered softly.

What you call help, I think after I annexed the Kingdom of Tristeyn according to the plan you just mentioned, then the next step should be to launch a war of aggression against other kingdoms, and the first target is Gal, who has a conflict with me. Kingdom of Mania!”

The Prince of Wales had already thought of what Tiantiao Mima had done before.

Forging large quantities of artillery and shells, expanding the number of magic warships, transforming and mass-producing bolt-action breech-loading rifles, training rifle regiments, and so on.

Now that I think about it, these are all the military forces arming the Kingdom of Albion.

But it is not used for self-protection, but for invading other countries!

You are wrong.

But Amata shook her head in denial, which made the King of Wales frown, but the former's next words made his eyes widen.

The target should be the Elf Kingdom of Nefertus in the Salaha Desert.


You should know that the wind stones of the Elf Kingdom of Nefertus are the core energy source of the magic spacecraft. I want to obtain these high-value resources for the Kingdom of Albion.

After hearing Tiantiao Mima's explanation, the Welsh king's expression softened.

After all, it did sound like he was thinking about his country, which made him start to wonder if he had really misunderstood and that the other party actually had no ill intentions.

Tori Mima, you may not know that elves are a very terrifying race, and their technology and magic are more powerful than us humans.

Otherwise, even you know that they have a large number of wind stones, and why would the various countries remain indifferent for so many years?

The King of Wales explained the situation patiently, but the beautiful bird and horse smiled and said:

That's why I suggested that you merge the Kingdom of Tristeyn first, so that we can strengthen our side.

You have seen the void magic that Louise released before. Just let her use it on the elves again.

When the elves are defeated, then whether it is the wind stone or their technology, it will all belong to us. We can even capture them, and even their magic will be ours to use. Why not?

The King of Wales opened his mouth and was speechless.

He will probably never forget the scene where Louise instantly defeated an army of 70,000 people with a burst of white light magic.

Thinking about it this way, Amata Mima's idea seems feasible.

But, this is an invasion, and it is still provoking a war between humans and elves!

Your Majesty, are you afraid of war?

The beautiful bird and horse looked puzzled, and the King of Wales quickly said: This is not fear, but awe. We should not start a war easily!

And once an invasion of the elves is launched, His Majesty the Pope of Romania will definitely intervene!

But Mima Tiantori sneered: Then take Romania with you. I don't believe they are not interested in massive wind stones and advanced technology.

Furthermore, the elves do not believe in Brimir and even call him a demon. They have an incompatible relationship with Romania.

The King of Wales was dumbfounded.

Because what Mima Tiantori said is right, the elves believe in the ‘ancestors’, and they call humans like them ‘barbarians’. Anyway, the relationship between the two parties is indeed very bad.

But again, the elves are very strong. Once a war breaks out between the two races, there will definitely be countless casualties!

The King of Wales argued with difficulty, but this made Tianniaomeima laugh out loud: Your Majesty, huge benefits naturally come with huge risks. You should understand this truth.

And one war can completely eliminate the pagans and alien races. Isn't it worth it?


The King of Wales had nothing to say and began to think deeply, while the beautiful bird and horse stood patiently in front and waited.

After a long time.

I'm sorry, I hate actively invading other countries, let alone annexing Henrietta's country, because the royal families of our two countries are direct descendants of Brimir, and they should help each other!

Now it was Amatori Mima's turn to be silent, and finally let out a long sigh.

Eh - what a pity.


The King of Wales snorted in confusion, and heard the beautiful bird and horse say: I originally thought that I could maintain a happy relationship with you until the end, but now it seems that it is not possible, why can't I just be obedient?

what are you up to!

The King of Wales became alert and touched the hilt of the sword at his waist with his right hand, but he immediately noticed something strange.


Yes, he was like this originally, and the knights of the guard in the palace should also draw their magic swords and surround Tiantiao Meima, but now they are motionless.

[Tap, step, step, step]


Following the sound of footsteps, a handsome man with long gray hair walked in, then walked behind Mima Amata and knelt down respectfully.

Lord Sky Bird!

The King of Wales was shocked: Valut!!


It was Varut who almost killed him with a sword before. He was the former leader of the Griffin Magic Guards of the Kingdom of Tristein, but he was not killed by Amado Meima.

Yes, Varut was not killed at that time, but was handed over to the Kingdom of Tristein and then imprisoned in prison.

Why does that appear here?

Don't worry, I won't hurt you, nor will I hurt your country. Instead, I will give you a big opportunity, but before that, you need to cooperate with me.

Tiantiao Mima did not explain Valut's situation, but comforted the King of Wales with kind words.

Then he turned his head and ordered: Let's get started.


Valut stood up slowly, then raised his right hand towards the King of Wales, and saw a silver ring with a square purple gemstone on his index finger.


The King of Wales was frightened and was about to dodge to the right, but the purple light bloomed too fast. He stopped on the spot as soon as he made the move, and his body was no longer under his control.

Hey, you should be able to obey me now.

Tiantiao Mima didn't care at all about the purple light, and walked slowly in front of the other party, showing an extremely elegant and handsome smile.

You will thank me when this is all over, Your Majesty, but my plans need to be adjusted a little.

I recommend the new book Net King: My Skills Come from the God of Death by the Czech shit shoveler author Konoha: Naruto Taught by Aizen.

The quality of high-quality authors is guaranteed, and the King of has elements of death!

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