I saw some readers who said they had questions about the loss of the first city wall, so let’s explain. The intensity of the monster siege varies according to the size of the city and the number of guards in the city. The average player’s city is only as large as the area in the 3rd city wall of Isengard, and there will not be so many monsters. The reason Isinger is difficult to defend is because the area is too large, resulting in too large number of monsters refreshed, so it is difficult to defend!


The time now is more than two o'clock in the morning, and it will be three o'clock in ten minutes. The monsters outside the second city wall are still resting under the outside city wall. It seems that the system regulations are still very binding on them! Vinda is explaining tomorrow's task to several main generals at the gate of the second wall.

Demon spirit Knights have all been sent out of the city. Now there are no soldiers on the city wall who can be used as emergency reserve forces. The Night Seeker has to serve as a front-line blocking task. The wizards are obviously not suitable for these tasks. They are better than one against the enemies outside the city, but they are not as good as the archer for the close enemy mages.

I walked to Vinda's side. He wanted to salute and was stopped by me raising his hand. "You continue!"

"Yes!" He turned back and said: "Tomorrow's strategy is to use the height of the city wall to carry out a suppressive attack. The main battle goal is to prevent the enemy from approaching the city wall. Of course, we It is impossible to block all enemies. I mean don’t let One-Eyed Giant get close to the city wall. Today you all saw their tactics! The consequence of being close to them can only be to lose the second city wall like yesterday! So, no matter what. Let One-Eyed Giant get close to the city wall!"

A blood lord said: "But my lord, our mage can’t accurately locate it, and the archer doesn’t have enough firepower to suppress the One-Eyed Giant!"

A dead Divine Knight next to him came out and said: "I said Vinda, did we go out for an assault in person?"

"You mean only five of us?" Wei Da looked at the dead Divine Knight who made the suggestion.

"If you feel dangerous, you can bring the blood lords. Everyone is super powerful. Don't worry about those little monsters, as long as you can kill One-Eyed Giant, can't you?"


"What about the commander? You took the commander away. How do we defend?" Vader's words immediately calmed everyone down.

I walked into the discussion circle. "If it's just dealing with One-Eyed Giant, I have a way!"

"City Lord has a way?" A dead Divine Knight next to me looked at me in surprise. "We don't have many long-range attack troops!"

"Have you forgotten it?" I pointed to the top of the Spirit Gathering Tower.

"Eye of Hell?" None of the dead Divine Knights responded.

"The Eye of Hell is an expert in precision strikes. It can hit 200 specific people in a large group of people in one minute. The Eye of Hell in the Lost City can hit a flying cannonball. We It’s not a defective product. Isn’t it a trivial thing to deal with some monsters?"

"It makes sense! Then trouble Sir City Lord to talk to the Eye of Hell. After the battle begins, give all the One-Eyed Giants. Kill it!"

"You can go up and say no to it!" I don't want to run back and forth!

"Sir City Lord don't know?" The dead Divine Knight next to him asked strangely.

"What do you know?"

Vida also asked suspiciously: "Didn't I tell you?"

"What did you tell me?"

"I probably forgot that! In fact, the Eye of Hell is only mobilized by the City Lord, no one can control it except your order! If you can't see you, it will not listen! "

"Oh! That's it! Then I'll take a trip by myself!" There was no way, so I had to run back to the Spirit Gathering Tower to chat with the Eye of Hell. "Eye of Hell, can you hear me?"

The orange red eyes that were burning with blue flames turned and stared at me, and a distant and slow voice rang. "Yes, Sir City Lord!" The voice seemed to be made purely from the throat, not only with echoes, but also very low and hoarse. It sounds terrifying, but it has a sense of temptation!

"That..." I forgot something because of its voice! "Oh! Well, after tomorrow's battle begins, you have to kill all the One-Eyed Giants you can see as quickly as possible. You must never let them get close to the city wall!"

"Yes! Sir City Lord!"

"Okay, that's it! By the way, since you have one eye, you should see things very clearly, right?"

"Yes!"< /p>

"How far can you see?"

"With good visibility, I can see what an ant is doing 500 kilometers away!"

Sure enough Like I guessed. The eye of hell is so big that it has caught up with the astronomical telescope. As long as the ability is expected to be far away, you should be able to see very far things.

"Can you see the rear of the rare beasts? It should be in that forest. Take a closer look. Is there something like a headquarters in it? The monsters yesterday (now it’s Sunday) It’s early in the morning)’s behavior clearly shows the logic inconsistent with their intelligence, which can only show that they have a headquarters or something, and there may be a creature with a high level of intelligence to coordinate in the back!"

"Let me try! The dark night also has a certain effect on my vision!" The eyes of hell suddenly turned outside the city, "City Lord, please close your eyes, I will pass on what you see!"

I closed my eyes, but the image of the forest outside the city immediately appeared in my eyes. Although the eyes of hell said that night has an effect on it, the picture I saw was still very clear! The monsters stood densely packed with the open space outside the city and extended into the forest. The picture was further pulled in. Through the gaps between the trees, you can barely see the movement in the forest. Of course, thanks to our logging campaign to build the city, we have cut down all the larger trees in the forest, and now it has a gap in the east and a big hole in the west.

Looking at the situation in the woods carefully, we quickly found some details. An area in the forest is guarded by a large number of high level monsters, and these monsters are obviously scattered in a circle. This layout can only tell one thing, and that is what they are guarding! Looking forward in the direction of their backs, I quickly showed me something like a tent. For the first time in such a long time, I have seen monsters with a high degree of intelligence. The gorgeousness of this tent is definitely not comparable to the rags worn on the wild boar warrior!

At this time, the curtain of the tent was opened, something came out, but a few leaves covered the guy's head, and it was hard to see what it was. But its body looks very strong, and its muscles are quite developed. This guy has a silver breastplate (no sleeves) and a skirt on his waist. Although they are all short equipment, at least he has basic armor. Although these two things are short, they have completely protected the vitals of the body. Although it is not certain that this guy is the boss of the monster, at least he is the boss!

What this strange guy said to another monster who walked in from outside the camp, and then it returned to the tent, and the monster who talked to it... how to say it! This may not be a monster, because I look at it like a person! Although he has a hunchback and six arms, this guy is very human-like, and his appearance reminds me of a ninja! A ninja with six arms!

The monster spawned by system will definitely not be a player. Besides, Chinese players will not be a ninja class, not to mention that it has six hands! foreign? impossible! The system announcement says very clearly, except for monsters and players in the guild, everyone else will automatically teleport out of this area, and no players will come in! Then it must be an NPCmonster!

I was guessing, the guy turned around and showed a pair of eyes with faint red light. It looks like it is indeed a monster!

"Okay, let me quit!" I said to the devil's eye.

The screen once again returned to the world I saw myself.

"City Lord see it clearly?"

"En!" I nodded. "Okay, I still have things, don't forget tomorrow's task!"

"Got it!"

Go back to Vinda, the meeting is over, everyone is going Assigned work.


"Sir City Lord!"

"I have already told the Eye of Hell, you don't have to worry about One-Eyed Giant Yes. And I saw some strange things."


"The other party has a command system!" I said what I saw just now.

Vida was very surprised. "They are just monsters. Although some of them have basic intelligence, they can't talk about command. At most they are combat instincts!"

"Combat instincts? Then how do you explain One, which was originally used for remote support? -Eyed Giant suddenly became Vanguard Battalion? Temporary changes can't be done by combat instinct, right? Also, the guy I saw has a relatively complete armor, and it looks like his equipment is not bad!"

"Is there really a command system?"

"Do you think I was joking with you?"

"No! I'm just so surprised! We underestimated the monster's ability! "Vida thought about it: "Then our plan will change. What is Sir City Lord's plan?"

"What about you?"

"Subordinates or I want to hear what Sir City Lord means first!"

"Why don't we write our own ideas and see if they are the same?"




The two of us turned around and wrote our own meaning on the city wall with the gravel on the lower side, and then we both covered it. After one, two, three, we let go of our hands together. Although the two people wrote different things, they meant the same. Vinda wrote about catching the thieves first, and I only wrote two words-beheading!

The two people laughed when they read each other's words. "I want to go together!" I patted Vader on the shoulder. "Who do you want to go?"

"I definitely can't do without! But this kind of action must be expert, and strive to kill with one shot. I am afraid that there are only my four brothers in the entire city. It's suitable!"

"Call them over now!" Such an important task must be explained clearly.

Four dead Divine Knight rushed over quickly. "Big brother, what's the matter? Oh! Sir City Lord is here too!"

"I have a task for you!" Vader pressed the four people against the wall. "Sir City Lord just used the Eye of Hell to detect the enemy's rear, and found that the enemy has something similar to the command system. There should be one or more high level monster commanders."

" Don't you want us to serve them?" a Dead Divine Knight named Raphaela immediately guessed what we meant.

The other dead Divine Knight, Renault's tone was unexpectedly determined. "Boss! We are Knight, not killers! Are we doing the sneak attack behind it?"

The third Knight spoke up, her name is Sith, and she is the only woman among the five! "As a dead Divine Knight, it is our duty to harvest life, but we have our own habits!"

The last dead Divine Knight is called Aman, his biological age is relatively old: "I am willing to perform this task , But I have to decide how to do it!"

Vida took a deep breath, I knew he was about to start training, but I was the first to talk about it. "Agree, no matter how you do it, as long as the task is completed at the end!" I now see that the command post is a thorn in the flesh, as long as it can be pulled out, I don't care how to do it!

Under the threat of Vader, the other three Divine Knights agreed to attack, but they decided to let the last Divine Knight take the command and play according to his wishes!

I kindly asked the dead Divine Knight: "Do you need me to send you out now? The ship is in the port, and the river is still under our control!"

< p> "No need, we will find a way tomorrow!" Although the Knight agreed to attack, he obviously didn't like my decision. Knights have problems with their brains. Whether it is Light or Dark God Palace, their Knights are not normal! The death of Dark God Palace Divine Knight doesn’t care how many people are killed. For them, even if I let them slaughter the city and kill all the old and weak women and children they saw, they would not care, but the word sneak attack is used in all Knight’s dictionaries. nonexistent!

The next time is to constantly arrange some messy little things. Managing a city is definitely not as simple as it seems! In order to ensure that the 8-hour battle is not affected, I calculated the time and went offline again. Before going online again, I solved all possible interference problems, and then went online on time. The time is now 11:50 noon. I am standing on the top of the city wall. The players in our guild behind have all arrived. The monsters leaning against the first city wall in front have also stood up again. The war is about to start again!

The system announcement sounded again: "The second siege is about to begin. This battle will last for 9 hours, and the attack intensity will also increase. I hope everyone will continue to work hard! Now the 30-second countdown begins. 29, 28, ... 3, 2, 1, the battle begins!"

Almost stepping on a point, the first volley of the magic crystal cannon knocked down the monster that had just been prepared! at first I am still a little dissatisfied with Isinger’s fort design. All 280 magic crystal cannons are installed on the second city wall in the middle. Now I know how important this is. If they are all placed on the outer wall, I don't know what to defend with now!

At the beginning of the battle, it resumed the phenomenon of yesterday’s monster paving. A large range of monsters rushed to the city wall and began to attack the city wall. However, today’s main force is no longer the wild boar warrior. They are extinct, and today's main force is the 450-level vinewood troll. These things grow like a big moving tree, and their arms are natural big hammers, specially used to smash city walls!

"Attention demon pupil guard, change the rocket!" Vader's order is absolutely timely and correct. The Fujiki Troll is a pile of moving firewood, and it will catch fire!

After the Fujiki Troll was killed easily, the troops behind began to be in trouble. The One-Eyed Giant, which made great achievements yesterday, finally rushed up, but this time we were already prepared! The Eye of Hell, which used to burn in the monster pile with a giant beam, suddenly extinguished the beam. Then, hundreds of thin orange-yellow beams fired almost at the same time as raindrops. The light rain did not show any signs of thinning, wave after wave of emission. After the light rain baptism, the monsters found themselves unharmed, but soon they discovered that all the One-Eyed Giants that were charging had fallen down. Every injury was the same. They were the only ones on their heads. The huge eye was burned into a big hole.

I really did not expect that the rate of fire of the Eye of Hell is so exaggerated, and the aim is so good! When I saw the One-Eyed Giant that let the first city wall fall yesterday, everyone was shocked. But in the blink of an eye, all the One-Eyed Giants fell to the ground with blue smoke on their heads!

My job has been changed. The lightning cannon on the Ju Ling Pagoda has been handed over to Rose. As a super meat shield, I don’t have the heart to let my wife take risks on the city wall and send her to it. Ju Ling Pagoda controls the lightning cannon for me, and Bingbing continues to suppress the enemy with a calming tune on the top of the tower! I went directly to the city wall to participate in the battle myself. My attack power is so high that it would be a waste not to come up to fight!

After One-Eyed Giant was killed, I turned around and said to the four dead Divine Knights: "You can start!"

I thought they would leave the city wall immediately and go elsewhere Going out of the city to assassinate the other's leader, but to my surprise, they were out of the city, but they jumped directly off the city wall! Originally I was worried that they would be crushed, but a few simple Wind Element magic solved the problem! Don't worry about them being broken into meatloaf, I started to worry about their mission. Jumping from here is jumping into the monster pile. What's the difference between this and dying?

In my worry, the four guys landed lightly, and the monster next to them rushed up without the slightest hesitation. It was Aman who landed first, he took two single-edged swords today, left and right hands one on each side, this posture is about to kill! Sure enough, as soon as he landed, when a monster rushed up, he used his right foot as a fulcrum. As soon as his body turned to the back of the monster, it was followed by a knife. The process of speaking of which was quite complicated, but he completed it very quickly. I only saw a flower in his silhouette, followed by a golden flash, and the monster became two halves from the middle and fell to both sides!

The golden light didn’t flash once. In fact, from the time when Oman landed, the golden light kept flashing. I could only see a piece of golden light flashing and moving far away, with only one spot behind. Fragments!

The beautiful Miss Sisi is more terrifying. She uses heavy swords with both hands. Usually women don’t become Knights. Even if they become Knights, they rarely use heavy weapons, but she just uses them, and Actually he even used the heavy sword to dance like feathers that are as long as hers! I can only see the brilliant red flash dancing like a jumping flame to keep up with Oman, but she also left countless corpse fragments by her side.

The next two Divine Knights who landed at the same time did not die quickly either. Raphaela used long halberd. It was rare for Knight to use this before, but obviously Raphaela was special. It seems that he has the slowest movement among the four people. In fact, he kills the most enemies. The reason is simple, because the halberd is so long. No matter how he dances, this thing can always bring down a large piece of monster!

Renault is more stable, he is holding a machete with a long blade. The big sword with a slightly greenish handle looks very thin because it is too long, but its formidable power is probably second only to La Fira's long halberd. Renault never made a move, and followed Lafira closely to let him open the way. If it didn't work, he would seem to casually wave a knife, but the result was that everything within 50 meters of this straight line was divided into two neatly! Good terrifying Blade Qi, when will I be able to play Sacred Dragon's Teeth to this realm?

Four dead Divine Knights went all the way out of the city in the surprised eyes of our players. Although the city is full of monsters, none of them can get close to them, less than level 750. Even their Blade Qi can’t stop their monsters. Some monsters that are rare to exceed level 750 can rush in front of them, and then they will inevitably become seventy-eighty segments and fly out!

There is nothing to say at all, strength is strength!

When I lost my mind, something happened next to me. A scream made me look back immediately, but what I saw was a white blade!

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