After entering the research institute, I discovered that there are actually only four great halls surrounding a courtyard, and most of the staff including NPCs are concentrated in the great hall on the street! The first thing we entered was the great hall on the side of the street, where most of the staff were office workers, and the courtyard behind the hall was filled with a lot of messy materials. There are great halls around the yard. This is the real research part. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people cannot enter here!

After entering the yard, we first entered the great hall opposite, this is the magic science laboratory, where the floating technology was born. There is almost nothing to understand here in a mess, and I'm not interested when I look at it. The next target is the great hall on the left side of the yard. This place specializes in mechanical principles. Unlike the Magic Science Laboratory, the things here are generally without power, mainly transmission devices. But there is something very attractive here, that is the cannon!

Europe’s rear-mounted artillery technology is obviously one level higher than that of Asia. Although it has not had a battle with European battleship, the performance data is known. In the absence of huge might fire yao, the European artillery can still maintain the same formidable power and range as the Asian artillery. This is a very high achievement, and what I pay more attention to is the cost of the European artillery! I don’t know why the cost of the cannons here is much lower than ours. Basically, the cost of two stamped cannons can be purchased for three German cannons. If you have a factory, the price is cheaper!

"Do you sell this technology?" I pointed to the artillery I was fancying.

Ashford seems to be a little embarrassed, I know my request is a bit too much. The combat readiness resources are different from other things. After sinking for one minute, Ashford opened the mouth and said: "Can you wait for me for ten minutes?"

I thought he was going to reject me, now it seems there is a way! Hurry up nodded! "Of course!"

Axiu Fude turned around and ran out, but he didn't come back after half an hour passed. The person who stayed with me kept apologizing to me and said that the chairman. It will be here! Fortunately, there are a lot of good things here. I will slowly turn around if he doesn't come back. Anyway, the guy next to him is Chief-In-Charge. He knows everything and he explained it in detail!

Ashford finally returned after forty minutes. "I'm really sorry! Our internal opinions are not uniform, so we have lost some time!"

"So what is the result?"

"It is possible to sell, but we don't need money!"< /p>

"No money? What do you want? I don't have anything to change with you!"

"Why not?" Ashford shook his head and said, "My subordinates Just notified me that the battleships of your fleet are equipped with very advanced propellers, and the power is at least five times that of our propellers. Is this technology not enough?" I just wanted to say that the technology is not ours. As a result, Ashiu Fude interrupted me and said: "You needn't say, I understand that the thruster technology is more valuable than my artillery technology. Of course I won't make you lose money! Please follow me!"

I Suspiciously, he followed him to the corner of the hall. He clicked on the wall, and a door appeared on the wall. There was a secret room! This secret room is not too big, about the size of an ordinary classroom. Everything in the room was covered with canvas. Ashford walked over and pulled the canvas off. Two things with silver light appeared before my eyes!

"What is this?"

Ashford one after another introduced: "This big one is a cannon!"

"I see it Obviously!"

"This is not an ordinary gun, this is our guild’s treasure, a super-heavy gun with a range of up to 100 kilometers! This time I bought the fire yao technology with you for it, yes With your fire yao, its range should reach 120 kilometers. This range is basically 4 to 6 times that of other countries’ artillery. We can completely rely on the formidable power of ultra-long-range artillery to get them out of the enemy’s range! With this thing , The British and the French are easy to deal with!"

"But the sight range of our lookout and telescope is more than 90 kilometers? Even if the weather is good, 100 kilometers is the limit! How do you shoot targets out of sight? What about accuracy? You can't rely on coverage shooting, right?"

"Of course! Our method is to use outposts to observe the fleet! This outpost is nothing like this. The new invention is just a small battleship. What we designed is to install a large number of propellers on this ship, except for two small-caliber self-defense guns, so that its speed will be quite terrifying. When shooting Let the outpost ship reach between us and the target, observe the enemy’s position and notify our team with a semaphore, and then we can shoot accurately. Anyway, the outpost ship just observes the shooting effect and does not need to enter the enemy’s range, plus its small size and speed It’s fast, it’s not easy to be hit even if it enters the enemy’s range. It’s definitely a very good design!" An outpost reconnaissance vehicle came to the enemy's vicinity and irradiated the target with a laser, and then the long-range artillery just fired a shell in the approximate direction, and the shell would follow the laser reflected by the target and fly over! Ashford’s technology is simply a variant of that laser guidance technology, but I have to admit that the accuracy of this method is first-rate!

"What's that next to it?"

"This?" Ashford pointed to the smaller thing and said, "This thing is a continuous ballista. We designed It is mainly used for air defense!"

"Repetitive ballista?" Doesn't that mean it is a rapid-fire machine gun? "How about the rate of fire of this thing?"

"The fastest speed is two rounds in three seconds, but it often gets stuck! This thing is still in the research stage and has not been finalized!"

" Add these two technologies together, and I’ll change it!” The giant wolf, who was parachuted by flying monster during the last monster siege, almost broke through the defense and entered the spirit gathering tower. If we had a rapid-fire ballista, we could basically eliminate air power. Invasion, this is a good thing! Although Atlantis said that it should not be easily transferred when it was sold to us, he did not say not to transfer it! It shouldn’t be easy for me to use this technique for two techniques.

"Deal!" Ashford answered simply this time. It is estimated that when he brought me in, he considered that I would ask for the two together.


Send Rose back to the ship to get the technical scroll, and Ashford and I shook hands again. The business of the two games is very attractive. Although it is exchanged with technology, it still feels different from spending money. I always feel very happy, so I am in a good mood. "If there is any use in the future, please speak up to my place. Our Frost Rose Alliance is willing to become an ally of the Iron Crusade!"

I thought Ashford would treat me politely, but he suddenly A popped sentence: "Really? I really need your help!"

Dizzy! Forget about the cultural differences between the East and the West! What Chinese people say to help next time is generally a kind of polite language, which belongs to the language of the scene, which can be understood as a diplomatic rhetoric without any effect. But the cultures of the West and the East are very different. Ashford thought I really wanted to help, and he really needed help! There is no way, the words have been said, it's not good to go back right away!

"What is it? As long as I can do it, I will definitely help!" It is still necessary to vaccinate first, and explain it if it fails!

Ashford may not be very sure: "Actually, it only needs you to try it. It doesn't matter whether you can finish the CD!"

"What the hell is it?" It looks tricky, Ashford said that means that he doesn't think I can complete this job at all!

"We received a very important guild mission. The mission asked us to collect 30 purple leaf clover! Whether it’s picking it ourselves, grabbing it from others, buying it, or just planting it ourselves In short, regardless of the method, as long as you can get 30 plants, you can complete the task!"

"This grass will not be so scarce that there are not enough 30 plants in total, right?"

"The quantity is enough It's very huge!"

"Then it is very scattered and difficult to collect?"

"The purple leaf plants all over the country grow in one place!"

"Oh! I see, that place is in a peculiar topography and cannot be entered!"

"The place is a flat mirror-like plateau with two broad roads to go up, not to mention people, just Carriage can be driven in!"

"Why can't you get it in such a good environment?" I suddenly remembered: "Isn't it a troublesome monster nearby?"

< p>"You are right!" Ashford nodded helplessly, and then sighed: "First we posted the acquisition notice, but no one could get it! Later we decided to pick it up by ourselves. At first we sent it. A 7-person squad went in, but...!"

"What's the matter?"

"Hang it all back!"

"Then send someone !"

"Later, I sent another Ten Men Squad, and it turned out...!"

"It's over again?" I asked tentatively.

He is nodded! "Finally we decided to stake all on one throw and mobilize players above the average level of the guild to go together! More than 7,000 people went up together, and within 3 minutes, they walked 200 meters! Then..."

"Have you been killed again?" Seeing Ashford's nodded again, I doubted: "Are you kidding? Seven thousand people were cleared in 3 minutes, and no one rushed more than 200 meters? What monster is so powerful Isn’t it the place where Dragon Clan gathers?”

In my impression, there seems to be no monster that can be as powerful as this. If there is one, it is a dragon! But a dragon can't kill 7,000 people in a blink of an eye! Unless it is a Dragon Clan gathering place like Dragon Island, if it is that kind of place, not to mention 7,000 people, even 70,000 people can't last 3 minutes!

Looking at Ashford and waiting for his answer. "It's really a gathering place, but it's not a dragon! It's another thing, something we don't know how to describe! The quantity is quite large, and we have seen about tens of thousands!"

"No wonder! You are only seven thousand people, and there are tens of thousands of them. If the level is not much different, 3 minutes is good! But it is still not right! They have a quantitative advantage and they can do you in 3 minutes, but With so many of you piled together, how did they attack? It’s not possible to attack seven thousand people at the same time, right?"

"This is the key! These things fly, and they fly very fast. , We simply do not have time to react!"

"Don’t you have a continuous-fire ballista? Can't you push that thing up?"

" The limit is the same as the artillery!"

"Understood!" The artillery limit is only limited to cities and battleships. Although the artillery can be dismantled and transported away, you can leave the battleship or city artillery. There is no way to use it. There is only one possibility to use cannons in the wild, and that is siege warfare, but there are still limitations, that is, you can't leave the target city too far! Since the continuous-fire ballista has the same restrictions as other cannons, it cannot be transported away!

"Since you want me to help, please tell me as much as possible. I need to know the data of these things, the more detailed the better! By the way, do you know what their weaknesses are? How did you attack? Physical attack or magic?"

"Come with me, I will tell you slowly!" Ashford took me to the great hall on the right side of the yard, at first I will return I was curious about what the last great hall was for, and I was shocked when I came in! This is a specimen room! There are a large number of biological specimens in the great hall, which are grotesquely shaped! Ashford took me through the front specimens to the back part, which is rather strange here. Some equipment is placed! He led me to a set of full-body armor, which was combined and stood like a person. "Look carefully!"

I took a closer look at the armor and studied it for a while. The armor is very ordinary and has no characteristics. After walking around it a few times, the only strange thing is that there are 4 holes in the armor! There is a triangular hole with a thick arm in the abdomen of the armor, and a similar hole is also pierced in the corresponding place at the back. There is a much smaller circular hole on the top of this hole, which is located in the heart of the human body. There is a small hole of almost the same size behind the helmet of the armor!

Anyway, these four holes must have been the life of the armor owner. Ashford's armor may be convenient to tell other people the characteristics of this injury. "This is that kind of thing?"

Ashford nodded: "Did you see anything?"


"Armor belly The two holes are very large, and there is no obvious sign of curling. If you guessed correctly, these two holes are caused by something very sharp passing through the user's body from the front, and this thing was very fast at the time! As for the small holes in the heart and back of the brain, it seems that there is a special reason. It is estimated that this monster left when sucking blood and sucking brain plasma!"

pa pa pa pa! There was applause behind him. Ashford said: "Your analytical ability is very strong!"

"It's nothing!" I have only seen trauma dissect many times in the Longyuan base, so I understand the cause of trauma better. ! You know that ballistic trauma is also Long Yuan's strengths!

Ashford pointed to the hole in the abdomen of the armor and said: "This armor is actually a set of backup equipment for me. Let others study it, so I have not repaired it, but saved it for research purposes! The monster's name is'long spear', and there is a two-meter-long triangular pyramid on its head. When the monster is flying, these three The pyramid is just up ahead of the monster!"

"Isn't that the Knight's spear?"

"Yes! That's why it was called the long spear! That day! It swooped down from my front. With the help of the dive, its speed was amazing. It almost came to me in a flash! I didn’t have time to react and it was penetrated in my abdomen!"

"No Is it one strike certain kill, right?"

"no! I was not dead at the time, but I heard the system hint that I was severely injured and my body was disabled! In fact, it was a kind of paralysis effect, but I didn’t Know how long the specific time limit is! After I was penetrated by it, it began to climb and took me up to the sky. Although I only lost one third life at the time, two transparent tentacles protruded from the monster's head. First. A tentacle inserted into my heart, and then I saw red’s blood flow from the transparent tube to the monster, while the other tube remained unchanged until the last point in my life, the other tube suddenly went around When I got to the back of my head, I only felt the pain in the back of my head and it died. It is probably because it started to suck the brain!"

"It seems that the attack method is quite ordinary, it is nothing more than speed! As long as it can pass through That attack will be fine!"

"It's not as simple as you thought! I suggest you don't mumble about them!"

"I got it!"

< p>"By the way, the data obtained from the people who were killed, the detailed data of long spear was obtained after a bit of integration. Long spear is a level 800 creature, and defensive power is relatively normal for creatures of this level. However, the HP is low. The speed is not quite clear, but one thing is for sure, its speed is faster than any creature I have ever seen! Attack power should be said to be relatively weak, it stands to reason that 800-level creatures can easily kill us in seconds Yes, but long spear can’t do this. Of course, it’s also possible that it deliberately didn’t kill us in order to suck blood and brains. This is not necessarily true. Anyway, it’s not wrong to be careful! Group activities, dozens of patrols in groups, once an enemy or food is found, it will immediately attract a large group!"

"Feeling used to be like bees! It is indeed a bit tricky ! Fortunately, your task is to want purple leaf grass instead of long spear. If you sneak in secretly, it should be possible! "

"Don't even think about it! Ashford interrupted me: "Long spear doesn't have any organs that look like eyes, at least we have never seen them. In other words, it is simply blind, and the stealth skills of assassin and thieves are meaningless to it, anyway it can't see anything! There must be other ways to find the target in long spear. It is most likely to be an ultrasound like a bat, or a thermal imaging technique like a rattlesnake! In short, invisibility is useless for it, otherwise we would have gotten the purple leaf clover long ago! "

"It's really a troublesome creature! "

Ashford looked at the sky outside. "I suggest you wait until it's completely bright before going!" These things simply don't need light, and the night is better for them! "

I mean my eyes. "I'm a night visioner!" "

"But my people are not! "Axiu Fude said: "How many people do you need?" I'm going to gather now! "

"There is a guide who will take me to the plateau! In addition, do you have any pictures of purple leaf clover? At least let me know what it looks like! Although I also have Appraisal Technique, I can't identify it one by one, right? "

"We don't have a single plant here, so there is no way! However, it is easy to recognize. That thing has only three leaves, and it's purple, nothing grows except the leaves! Also, don't think of it as an ordinary plant. It doesn't look like a plant, but rather like a crystal stone! Don't worry, that thing is very special, you can see it at a glance! "

"If it's as special as you said, then no problem! You can let me go now! I also have a mission when I come to Germany this time, so I can't delay too much time! "

"Okay! If you can complete the task, I will buy the purple leaf grass from you in accordance with the conditions announced by at first! "

Ashford took me back to the Conference Hall. Rose and the others are trading two technical scrolls with the Iron Crusaders. Seeing me back, Rose came over. "The transaction has been completed," Shall we go to the death mountain range to pick up Legion in the fog? "

"No, wait, I'm going to do a task! "

"How long does it take?" We don’t have much time! "

"At most one day! I must be back before dark at night! "Long spear doesn’t care about the night, but I can’t! Even though it’s night vision, it’s limited after all. My night vision is far away. If it’s too far away, I still can’t see clearly! If I can’t complete the task at night, I’ll come out by myself, or simply Hang it back, anyway, I can't lose the equipment when I die, and the magic dragon suit will be automatically repaired. There is a teleportation point on the Biling. I went back to the Biling when I died. It only lost two levels without much loss!

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