The other two teams sent out after the first sample was received have also returned. After the merger, we will continue to track the remaining red dots. The next thing went very smoothly. Although these biological weapons were relatively agile, the brain seemed to have some problems. One by one was silly. In a short while, we got dozens of live samples! I contacted the base via a satellite phone and asked for a hydrofoil to ship the captured samples. Although I was lucky, it was very inconvenient to move with so many samples! announced that when we found the wreckage of the aircraft, the hydrofoil aircraft also reached the shore, and transported everything in the wreckage to the shore in one go, but the capacity of the aircraft was not large enough. , Only a large culture tank and some biological samples were installed. In the end, there were more than a dozen samples and a few large-scale instruments that could not be transported away. The base said let us watch first. The second aircraft is on the way! announced that we found a cave on the coast. After transporting the things in, a team of 7 soldiers were left to guard these things, and I took the remaining personnel into the woodland again , I suspect that the last woman is still alive! But whether she can find her depends on her own luck. We only have one hour. We will leave after the remaining biological samples are on the road. I am impossible to let the B1 team members take risks for her alone! posted that after entering the jungle, the lucky nose became the only indicator. Fortunately, I was very sure that I smelled the smell of alive women. All the people on the island were the only woman. The people on the island are all dead, and she is the only one who is still alive, so we are basically sure that this is her! released the road halfway through and suddenly stopped fortunately. I noticed his situation and stopped immediately. Looking up, Lucky was looking up at the sky in the distance. I jumped on the lucky back in twos and threes, and then moved towards the direction he was looking at, but I didn't see anything! I adjusted the helmet eyepiece to 40 times magnification and finally saw a black spot. After continuing to magnify it, I can see it clearly. It is a U.S. military B-4E super bus. This is a large transport aircraft. In addition to its high take-off weight There is also the advantage of being very fast. It is a strategic transport aircraft specially used by the US military to deploy strategic strike forces!

The plane released by is still far away from us, but it will soon be over our heads at its speed! None of us brought large weapons such as bazookas, because we did not expect to need large weapons! It seems that we have to wait for the plane to drop the troops inside and we will eliminate it one by one! released. I shouted to the team members who were still standing below: "Come on all, change armor-piercing sniper shells!" released everyone Climb up together to prepare for the sniper. I plan to eliminate all of them in the air when the troops are airdropped. No matter how powerful your equipment is, it will not be an active target if you haven't landed! announced that the transport plane lowered its altitude and started to slow down. When it was about to reach the top of the island, a lot of small black spots suddenly fell under the plane. "Isn't it bombing?" The warrior next to him was taken aback! released I took a look with the sniper scope. "It's not a bomb! It's an E-29 tactical cuff!" This is an airborne equipment specially developed by the US military to replace parachutes! This thing has its own rocket deceleration device and surface data collection system, which can automatically determine the ignition time of the retro rocket to ensure that the cuff will land in the shortest and safe time. The rapid landing is very important to the survival of the soldiers. Many soldiers open their umbrellas. Was blown too early by the wind and missed the landing point and was killed by the enemy! This thing is safer than a parachute, and it is also bulletproof, so it will not be attacked by a sniper during the airborne. At the same time, this thing does not need training. The paratroopers just walk in, close the door, and let the plane throw him out! Only a country like the United States, whose lives are more expensive than diamonds, would come up with such an exaggerated single-soldier lander, which the Chinese cannot afford!

Announced on Our sniper plan can no longer be realized anyway! At such a long distance, the armor-piercing projectile can't penetrate that layer of cuff! If only paratroopers in body armor arrive, but this cuff is too thick! Forty-eight cuffs were thrown out, and these things fell rapidly. They ignited and slowed down when they were more than a dozen meters away from the ground. The height was already in line with the treetops, and there was no way to intercept them! released the cuffed aircraft did not leave, but began to hover in the air! Originally wanted to let him go, didn't expect this guy will not leave! I took the team members and jumped off the ground, turned around and ordered luck! "Go up and pull that big guy down for me!" released "No problem!" released Lucky on the ground motionless look The transport plane no smaller than him flew towards us, and when the plane passed over our heads, he jumped up violently. Lucky turned over in the air, with his limbs facing up, and hung onto the plane from below. His front paws gripped the roots of the front wing of the plane, and his hind limbs firmly hugged the tail of the plane! Immediately after the lucky wings made a violent force, the whole plane turned over in the air together with the lucky, but the lucky turned over to the plane! The payload of a transport aircraft is indeed very large, but it is also limited. Fortunately, it weighs 100 tons. How can an aircraft bear it? What's more, the aircraft is still full of belly! Fortunately, the plane was easily pressed to the ground with a slight downward force. The huge inertia caused the plane to open a several kilometers long passage in the dense forest before it stopped! posted me and the B1 team members had already followed up, and we jumped up as soon as the plane stopped. Fortunately, the cockpit was pulled down easily. When we arrived, only three of the crew members were alive! Of course, these people are to be killed all, and no excuses can be left to the Americans! confirmed that there was nothing worth disassembling in the plane and was about to leave. Fortunately, he suddenly raised his head and looked around alertly. "Something is coming!" posted "What is it?" I asked immediately. released "I don’t know! It smells a lot like what you are holding on your hands!" released me Looking at the gun in your hand, I thought to myself what's the smell of this thing? The warrior next to him suddenly reminded: "I'm afraid he was referring to engine oil!" released "there is the smell of lubricating oil? Is it a mechanized unit?" another warrior asked. published and I denied: "Impossible! The air-dropped cuff just now can’t fit tanks!" published "Is it an infantry mecha?" "The last warrior won the bid! released "Hurry up and cover!" I immediately asked everyone to find a place to prepare for battle!

Sure enough, after the release of, I soon heard a low and low mechanical sound, which felt like the sound of a high-speed rotation grinding wheel. It was probably some kind of electric motor! In a short while, more than 40 humanoid robots appeared at the end of the tunnel caused by the crash. These things were fast, as if they were sliding on the ground by jet engines on their feet! These things are about two meters high, and it feels like there should be someone driving them inside. It is similar to the iron armor of the dragon's edge, but it is smaller, and its mobility is obviously better than that of the iron armor. Although the United States is getting worse and worse now, it is still an old technology powerhouse after all, and its technical foundation is still very solid! released these mechas. I don’t know if it’s too arrogant or not realizing that the plane was shot down. I actually rushed all the way without stopping. There is simply no meaning of concealment and searching! While we were watching, a mecha suddenly raised its gun and fired at a concealed position of a member of the team. These mechas were equipped with multi-barrel revolver guns and fired with formidable power. The player didn't respond and was knocked out from behind the cover! He heard his voice in the headset, no groaning, just a report: "C6 report! Multiple shots throughout the body, no fatal injuries! Lost the combat capability, request to withdraw from the battle sequence!"

www.cmfu. com issued "Agree!" I quickly answered, and ordered the other team members: "Enter the fighting state, open fire at will!" issued "Understand!"

www release_________________________________________________

The firepower on both sides of the release quickly began to become a net of fire. The bullets flew horizontally, and there was a sharp sound of bullets passing through the air everywhere! The two sides were fighting hot, the side forest of the U.S. mecha suddenly moved, and then a large group of flames rolled from the forest and rushed over, and the lucky head appeared on the edge of the forest. As he turned his head, Flame took care of the first few rows of mecha! The ultra-high temperature flame immediately caused the weapon system outside the battle mecha to fail, but the back mecha that had not been burnt was defensive and immediately spread out in all directions. released the intensive firepower transfer. The target was all concentrated on the lucky person. At first, he was lucky and panicked to avoid it, but when he found that the bullet hit him, besides sending out ding ding dong dong There was no effect except for the sound and some sparks, and immediately began angrily attacking the American mecha again. Those American special forces quickly realized that the monster in front of them was not afraid of bullets! A mecha bravely dodges the flames of luck and rushes to luck, and then he actually starts to use flamethrower to breathe fire! published Lucky Scale Armor, not even afraid of bullets. How could he be afraid of fire? The mecha that was frightened by a paw of luck quickly flashed aside, and the place where he stood just now was smashed. Pit! Before the mecha who drew away from the attack had no time to be proud, suddenly a big tail fell from the sky. The ping-pong-pong smashed, mecha became a discus, and the lucky destructive power is really scary! released a pink mecha at the back. When she saw the mecha that rushed forward became a discus, she immediately rushed up like crazy. Luckily, she swept across the palm, but she was violent. When it flies, this thing can actually fly for a short time! But fortunately, I don't want to eat that set. Mecha who flew up only saw a big hole flashing blue light rushing towards him. bump! pink mecha was lucky enough to bite off the second half! released the remaining half of mecha, spinning next to us, something fell out of mecha and fell in front of me. That was a pretty beautiful woman, but now she is only half of her left, and she's gone from the waist down! She was not dead yet, she just stretched out her hand in my direction desperately trying to catch something, and she seemed to want to say something, she just kept spraying blood and didn't say anything! In just a few seconds, the outstretched hand slowly dropped, but her eyes never closed! released the surviving mechas, all of them started to go crazy and rushed towards luck, but they all seemed useless! Several apparently larger mechas quickly retreated to the edge of the forest. I clearly saw a launch tube rising behind that mecha, and a ball of flames emerged from the tail section of the launch tube. I immediately realized this was missile! "Lucky! Get out of the way!" released Lucky. He heard my voice in his earphones and quickly noticed the missile launched. But the distance was too close. The missile had already fired when I shouted, and counting the lucky reaction time, the missile had come out when he noticed the missile! announced that the missile flew to Lucky's head with the trail of white. It was too late to dodge, and a blue arc suddenly lit up between the three long horns on Lucky's head. bang! A ball of flame lit up on the lucky head, and everyone heard the long dragon roar! The impact of the explosion made Lucky a step back, and his head shook! The American mecha that launched the missile raised the right hand symbolizing victory to express his excitement. released, but their excitement and my worries did not last long. After the smoke cleared, the lucky head was revealed. The only difference was that its nose seemed to be blackened. NS! Lucky scales are obviously harder than armored vehicles. The just now is either an anti-aircraft missile or an anti-tank missile. In short, the formidable power is not enough and it didn't penetrate the lucky scales at all! The missile severely angered Lucky. Before I issued any order, he took a sharp breath. I hurriedly shouted in the communicator: "All down!" released all of us The team members were immediately motionless on the ground, and then we felt the strong wind and intense heat like a typhoon passing by! Lucky flames ignited all nearby trees like scattering, and flames were everywhere! The mecha that fired the missile was burned into a pile of solution without any preparation, and the mecha next to it also suffered. A few ran quickly out of the flame's coverage area, but luckily rushed up immediately, and they shot all into a discus with their palms! released Lucky to kill all the enemies in an instant, but he didn't seem to be enjoying himself, so he flew to the sky to look for enemies. Maybe it's more unlucky! The submarine carrier of Little Japan discovered that the dispatched squad had lost contact, so it surfaced again and was lucky enough to be seen. released him without the slightest hesitation and rushed up and started to vent crazy! My team members and I couldn't see what we were lucky to do in the underground. We thought he had targeted some of our ships, so we hurried to catch up! released the diving mothership before it surfaced. Fortunately, it landed on the deck. When he swept his tail to the control tower, his sharp and hard tail easily penetrated the hard anti-pressure The steel plate entered the command tower, and then a strong electric current entered the hull, and all the electronic equipment in the boat exploded almost at the same time. It is a pity that because of the electric cage principle, the current cannot electrocute everyone in it, but this does not mean that they can survive! released the lucky anger that did not abate at all. It tore the entire command tower from the hull. The team members and I had several hundred meters away from the coast and heard the huge Metal distortion! The distorted sound of the 60-centimeter-thick pressure-resistant steel plate was like a giant beast's dying wailing, and we hurriedly rushed to the beach! posted that when my team and I arrived at the beach, everything was over. The huge diving aircraft carrier had become several parts scattered on the beach with a radius of one kilometer. Half of the hull is still in the water, and the tail is erected more than a hundred meters like a leaning tower, while the other parts are large pieces of metal. The most funny on the coast, dozens of wreckages of various airplanes are piled together like a car scrap site, except that the piles are airplanes! released a large number of small Japan on the sea flopping in the water, fortunately, they are squatting in the water and pressing them one by one into the water to play. I saw our hydrofoil appearing on the sea in the distance. It seemed that the mission was over, and it suddenly occurred to me that the female soldier was still on the island! Quickly press the intercom. "Lucky! Hurry up, come back when we have enough fun, we have something to do!" released Lucky, looked up at me, and quickly ran ashore, he went ashore After turning around to face the sea, there was another flame, and then turned and ran towards me! I jumped on my lucky back and said to the team members: "You leave the protection samples, you will wait for me here when the shipment is over, and I will be back soon!" With luck, she quickly lifted into the air and flew towards the female soldier with the smell. We quickly found the target, and the female soldier climbed to the top of a hill by herself, looking dying. We didn't land, but fortunately, with our superb flying skills, we caught her directly and took her to the beach. announced that the shipment has ended, and the hydrofoil aircraft has returned. With the team members, we also started to return. It was not until we took off that we saw the British special forces arriving slowly in the telescope. Fortune telling! released. Luckily, he still uses high-altitude flight, but I specially let him slow down and fly as steady as possible! A total of 36 people came, including me, but 37 when we came back! One of the B1 team members was seriously injured and the other slightly injured, but there was no mortal danger! That female soldier is not necessarily anymore! There was a huge horrible to see wound on her back, which seemed to have been treated briefly, but it was still bleeding slightly. released "Do you have emergency medicine?" released "We only have this!" Butterfly took out a simple syringe. "But this thing is a bit fierce, I don't know if she can resist it!" Bottle of green solution. "What is this?" released "Emergency Rescue Mix, which contains many kinds of mixtures, and the effect is very good, but I don't know whether the ordinary person's body can withstand it! This time in North Korea, we injected one for a comrade of the Korean People’s Army, and he died immediately. Only then did we know that this thing is not for everyone!"

www.cmfu .com post I put my finger on her neck to feel her pulse. "Forget it! Giving medicine to a dead horse! She won't be able to live without injection anyway!" After waiting for more than ten seconds after the injection on, the female soldier's heartbeat suddenly No more, I was scared to give her a cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but fortunately, the heartbeat recovered again. After about twenty minutes, her face gradually began to have blood, and her breathing became smoother. It seems that her physique is not bad!

When the release of was approaching the base, she suddenly woke up. The first sentence when she opened her eyes turned out to be: "Has the sample been recovered?"

www.cmfu .com released Butterfly with a tactical backpack to raise her head. "Don't worry, it's over!" released "Where are my comrades?" released "All your comrades died, you The only survivor!"

The female soldier released by coughed violently when she heard it, and blood came out in the end! There is really no way we gave her another sedative to stop her coughing. I'm afraid she will be too excited and hurt her lung lobes! posted that the female soldier just fell asleep, luckily suddenly said that an enemy was approaching! At first, I was surprised that there was an enemy, and it really appeared after a while. There were a total of 12 fighters, and the red plaster on the wings indicated that this was a Japanese fighter! announced that although the enemy plane was close to us, it did not attack but flew around us a few times. It is estimated that the appearance of the giant dragon frightened them! I don't care about them, you can watch it if you want, anyway, the mission is over! Although the existence of luck needs to be kept secret, it is aimed at the people. The main purpose is to prevent panic. The technology is kept secret to the point where it is not used. The degree of lucky gene complexity can either be created casually, or they can get lucky blood samples. No such technology! released 12 fighter jets and finally entered the attacking position after a few minutes. I quickly asked everyone to fix themselves. After a while, the lucky action must be very fierce! announced that two fighter jets quickly arrived behind us, and two missiles flew out at the same time. "Lucky, get out of those things!" posted "No!" Lucky didn't listen to me, but suddenly turned around and took two air-to-air missiles in one palm. Going down, the two missiles exploded with a bang after they were blown off. There is simply no threat! The air-to-air missile is designed for the soft metal of the aircraft. Fortunately, even the anti-tank missiles cannot penetrate the scales. The formidable power of the air-to-air missile is even more useless! Several fighters were scared and didn't know what to do. They simply didn't know what else they could use except for air-to-air missiles! released Lucky and suddenly dived below the clouds. Although the fighter didn't know what to do, it immediately followed. But Lucky didn't pass through the clouds but stopped in the clouds. He quickly turned around and hovered in the air. All the fighters behind saw Lucky drilled into the clouds, they habitually caught up, but when they entered It was only in the clouds that the target displayed on the radar did not pass through the clouds. Fortunately, waiting for the fighter jet to chase in in the clouds, he flicked his tail violently, and the first plane that rushed in immediately turned into a pile of debris. The second and third one that followed up was blown by the huge wind he used his wings to turn his head and flew out of the clouds. Of course they never almost changed back to the course again, and the strong wind broke the wings of both planes!

The three planes of the first echelon released by were finished in an instant, and the next three echelons immediately understood the lucky trick. The last two echelons were okay, because the distance was long and they barely leveled out, but the three planes of the second echelon could barely lift the planes. The three planes passed by at high speed against the upper surface of the clouds, but suddenly two huge claws protruded from the clouds, and the planes flying on both sides were caught in the palm of the hand by the lucky one! released and turned over, we left the clouds again, but we were lucky to have two more big toys in our hands. In terms of lucky size, these fighters are like aviation models! The pilots in the plane tried desperately to push the afterburner, but no matter how hard they tried, the plane couldn't move! Lucky grabbed a plane and shook it violently, then looked at it over and over, and finally threw it to the last remaining fighter in the second echelon. The plane might be trying to rescue his wingman, but he didn't expect to be lucky enough to throw it out with a fighter jet as a dart. The two fighters collided impartially, turned into a big Fireball and fell down! announced that another fighter pilot who was caught by luck saw this scene and hurriedly pulled the catapult, but the lucky reaction was too fast. He turned his head and took the catapult just in time. He bit into a pile of parts in his mouth and spit it out again! I hurriedly said to Lucky: "Don’t mess up that thing in your hand, it's useful to take it back!" I just remembered that the latest Japanese main fighter jet was chasing us. OK!

Released by Listen to what I said. Fortunately, I quickly handed the fighter without a pilot to the back paws, and the front paws are still left to fight flies!

At the launch of, the 6 fighters were finished in an instant, and the remaining 6 were killed. Fortunately, I don’t chase them, I know I can’t catch them anyway! Fortunately, there is still no way to compare with airplanes in straight-line speed. His advantage is that he is flexible and can do any aerobatics! Fortunately, he can hover in the air, fly upside down, and fly sideways. He can turn whatever he wants. The most important thing is that he can stop and stop. This is something that fighter jets can't do! posted that when we were approaching China’s territorial waters, suddenly another 12 fighter jets and a very huge plane flew over, luckily suddenly laughed, and then turned towards that The big guy flew over. "Master, do you want to move this back?" Lucky and I have become accustomed to scraping the land in the game, and I want to move back when I see things!

Posted on I took a look at that big guy, I don’t know what kind of plane it is, but it should be a good thing! "Try it, and if it's not too much trouble, pull it back too!" publishes "Okay!" publishes that big plane Seeing that Lucky rushed over, he quickly climbed up and wanted to dodge. But relative to the fortunate flexibility, such a big plane is simply a tortoise and a fox. Lucky turned around and jumped onto the back of the plane, and then used the front grip to grab the wings of the plane to fix it!

The 12 fighters who came after the release of did not understand how the big guy who followed them became prisoners. With a mentality of revenge, the 12 planes rushed up together. As for the remaining 6 at first, they returned directly. Their weapons are really rubbish! announced that one of the 12 aircraft at the head of the aircraft suddenly opened its belly, and a missile that was much larger than an air-to-air missile stretched out. Big K said next to me: "The American ASK23 anti-ship missile can bomb an aircraft carrier into the sky with one, and it is guided by radar and electromagnetic waves. Fortunately, I am afraid I can't stop this large missile!" posted that I hurriedly pointed my head to the cockpit of the plane to scare the little Nippon playing lucky and said: "Lucky! Did you hear? That kind of thing is more powerful, you can't touch it, you will get hurt!" released Lucky and looked back. "Okay, remember! I will stay away!" released_______________________________________________________ released the missile just after talking about it It was launched, and the giant anti-ship missile rushed up at a fairly fast speed. Fortunately, he inwardly shouted and threw the big plane in his hand to block the missile. As soon as the plane and the missile contacted, there was a big explosion. The shock wave made my body shake, and I felt like my heart was about to jump out! announced that the first missile missed, and the aircraft immediately behind fired a second! Lucky hurriedly flew up, and the missile immediately followed a turn and flew up. Seeing that he was about to catch up, luck suddenly swayed to the side, and then the wings fell in the air and flew upwards and turned into a dive. The missile does not have this flexibility, and it rushes through immediately! Fortunately, he didn't dive all the way, he just turned around again as soon as he dodges the missile, and sprayed a mouthful of Long Yan. The missile exploded in the air!

After released the two missiles, the third one flew over again. This time, he was lucky and surprised. He turned and moved towards the fighter plane and flew over. Those fighters knew what lucky they wanted to do, and immediately began to escape. But the reaction seemed to be slower, and I was in the middle of the fleet in a blink of an eye. Cold light flashed, 4 planes fell in black smoke! At the same time, fortunately, the left and right claws each caught a plane, turned around and threw it. The plane on the left claw and the missile behind came into close contact and turned into a ball of Fireball. If I remember correctly, he seems to have launched that missile. I don't know what it feels like to be hit by the missile I launched! released the unlucky plane on the right paw and the plane without a pilot on his hind paw. Now there are 6 enemy planes left. Lucky didn't intend to let the six planes go, and turned around and rushed over, but this time one of the remaining planes ran faster than one and all of them ran away immediately! announced that all six aircraft ran far away and launched anti-ship missiles, and then these six aircraft began to circle far away from us. Six planes only fired six missiles, because this missile is too big, and a fighter can only carry one!

Posted by, I was lucky to see 6 missiles lined up in a row to chase up and plunge into the sea. Soon we were stuck on the sea surface, but the next six missiles were also posted. The sea was flying, and it was about to catch up. "Lucky, fly steady!" I started to aim at the missiles behind when I picked up the gun, and the other team members were inspired to start aiming. There was a burst of gunfire and two missiles fell into the sea, but four more followed. announced that the butterfly took out an anti-tank grenade from his body, then pulled off the insurance, counted for 4 seconds, and gently threw it back and upwards. The exploding time of this grenade was 9 seconds. After counting four seconds, there were only 5 seconds left. She threw it upwards, and the grenade had an airborne time. When the grenade fell to its original height again, it was exactly 5 seconds, the grenade exploded with a bang, and the missile just arrived nearby. The shock wave immediately got 3 missiles, but there was still one still chasing us! posted something I suddenly thought of. "Big K, what fuse does this missile use?" released "Inertia plus collision double trigger! Forward G force reaches 6 G and detonates (brake and backward acceleration) When the G force moves forward), or the bullet will explode within 0.1 seconds after it hits the object!"

Released by, "That means it won’t explode as long as it doesn’t stop suddenly or hits the bullet? " released "It should be! Our information is given by the Cuban government. We have not obtained this kind of missile ourselves, so there is no research data! But based on the Cuban government and our country The relationship It shouldn't be give us false information!" released "Okay!" I quickly said to Lucky: "Lucky! Find a way to its side, hug it carefully , Don’t slow down suddenly!" released "Understood!" Fortunately, we suddenly turned our wings, we flew over the missile and suddenly decelerated. After all, anti-ship missiles are not as flexible as air-to-air missiles, not to mention luckier than air-to-air missiles. The missile rushed over the head again, and luckily it caught the missile with his left paw accurately. Everyone's hearts mentioned their throats. Waiting for a few seconds, it didn't explode! Cuba's information is indeed correct! released Luckily holding the missile and smiled triumphantly: "haha! I am the Airmaster!" released "You are just an air Demon King, you haven’t seen the real Airmaster yet!" announced that the remaining 6 Japanese planes have returned home helplessly. They only brought one missile,

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