Now, except for the players, almost all of Isengard has been sent out by me to find the damn underground river. If my estimation is correct, there must be an underground river near Isengard. . I stood on the top of the city wall with Vina and Vader, looking at the work outside, praying that we must discover the underground river before Guangming Legion transports the slate!

But things are not so smooth. Everyone has searched almost every inch of land near Isengard, but there is still no way to find a damn underground river. I start to wonder if my estimate is right. That's right! It is said that so many people should have found it a long time ago, but why there has been no clue? Could it be that the underground river is very deep?

"President!" Suddenly someone called me, and when I looked back, I saw an unknown German MM.

"What's the matter?"

"Team Leader Woma said Isinger’s peripheral power system is not equipped with magic crystal, and the lighting in many places is not bright. We install equipment It’s inconvenient!"

"I see, you go back first, I will install it right away!" Really, there were not many players in Isinger, and it was useless to light up the lights in many places, in line with diligence and thrift. I didn’t have the lighting of the peripheral equipment, and now it seems to be impossible! Most of the magic crystals are piled up with the Mother Earth, so I had to open the space door to get the magic crystal. Called the small dragon girl back to help me carry the magic crystal, she will go against Gravity Technique, it is safer to carry these precious things.

A relatively large disc-shaped magic crystal was moved out. I walked over to the magic crystal and took a look. It’s pretty good, it’s about the same size! I was about to let the small dragon girl transport this magic crystal to the auxiliary power room below, but suddenly something changed outside the city.

In front of Isengard, no more than ten kilometers away from the city, suddenly a dazzling beam of white light shot out from the ground. A hapless giant dragon couldn't dodge and hit the beam of light and immediately turned to ashes! As soon as the beam of light appeared, it began to spirally swing, and soon a big hole was burnt out by the white beam of light on the ground! "Not good!" I hurriedly shouted the plague with my spiritual contact: "Quick! That hole! Blow it up!"

The plague looked back at the beam of light, and immediately reacted and rushed over with the giant dragons. But it is too late now! Twenty-two seraphs flew up suddenly from the entrance of the cave. This was a level 1000 BOSS, and it turned out to be double digits at a time! As soon as the angels came out, they opened up to guard the Formation. The defense Formation supported by twenty-two seraphs at the same time, even Dragon Clan is definitely not capable of being destroyed instantly, our defense seems to be failing!

It's not just the appearance of the angels that surprised me. After the 22 angels opened the Formation, two white Divine Beasts appeared underneath. These two things look very bears, but they are much bigger! After the two guys came up, they plunged their heads into the hole and started to pull something. After a while, I knew what they were going to do!

The two Great White Bears actually pulled out a magic light cannon from the hole. Now I know what happened to the light beam just now! The magic light cannon in the hand of the Guangming Legion stationed in the canyon suddenly disappeared, and then the carriage carrying the magic light cannon was found in the bright Legion camp in Rock Valley without heavy equipment, but the magic light cannon was missing. Now Understand the reason, it turned out to be shipped here! Just like I thought, the underground river is very deep, and the magic light cannon is to make a big hole in the ground so that the slabs can be transported out!

After the first sect magic light cannon came out, the two bears actually put their heads down again. Soon, the second magic light cannon appeared at the entrance of the cave, and the two cannons arrived at the same time! The giant dragon led by the plague has been outside the magical Formation, but no matter what they attack, the defense wall built by the 22 top angels is not so easy to break!

From here, I can clearly see that the umbrella of the Magic Light Cannon begins to rotate, and the water crystal pillar in the middle of the'umbrella' also begins to shine again. I quickly notified the plague. "They're going to launch, get out of the way!" The formidable power of the Magic Light Cannon is unbeatable. Giant dragons can only sacrifice their lives in vain now, so it's better to avoid it!

Giant dragons are scattered one after another, but the magic light cannon is still gathering energy. Finally, the entire water crystal pillar lit up, and the huge diamond once again emitted dazzling rays of light. Judging from its aiming direction, the target is actually me! "Flash!" I pushed Vena and Vader out.

The magic light cannon finally fired, and a beam of white light shot directly at the top of the city where I stood. My instinctive hands cover my eyes and wait for the resurrection.

The wind whistling in my ears, I can still feel the high temperature that almost steams me through the magic dragon suit, but the strange thing is that although my health is dropping rapidly, I am not dead! I opened my eyes suspiciously. All around was a piece of white. The beam of light surrounded me. There were huge beams of light above and below me. But miraculously, there is something in front of me, it is so crystal clear and near-transparent, the beauty cannot be added! That was the magic crystal that the small dragon girl used against Gravity Technique just now. It kept floating there, and it just blocked me behind when the beam of light struck.

All the players, devil beasts, giant dragons, and the army around Isengard are all watching the city head. The beam of the Magic Light Cannon hit the top of the city directly, but everyone saw that the beam suddenly turned a corner after reaching the top of the city and all shot into the sky.

I immediately understood that magic crystal can actually reflect the attack of the magic light cannon! As soon as the 10-second limit is reached, the beam of the Magic Light Cannon disappears immediately. The Heavenly Masters of Light God Palace stared at the head of the city in amazement. The attack just now cut a straight ditch on the city wall. All the things blocking the way along the straight line between me and the Magic Light Cannon were cut flat, but I was still standing there. In the real city, almost all the vicinity where I stood was burned and melted by the formidable power of the beam, and even my magic dragon suit was full of blue smoke! But I did not hang up!

The chin of the Bright Master who operated the Magic Light Cannon almost fell off, and the Magic Light Cannon that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome was actually reflected! But they didn't believe in evil, and another magic light cannon next to it suddenly fired again, and the target was still me! But this time I will not be passively beaten.

As soon as the beam reached me, it diverted and shot towards the sky. I endured the high temperature and pressed my hand on the magic crystal and started to turn the magic crystal. Because the magic crystal starts to rotate, the reflection angle changes, and the reflected beam also rotates. I adjusted the magic crystal to face the magic light cannon, and the shining beam was returned to the original path.

The mage below realized that it was a step too late to turn off the magic light cannon. The reflected beam swept over the magic light cannon that was just launched, instantly turning the thing into a pile of debris. ! But because the transmitter stopped its output, I didn't have time to destroy the other one too!

The light beam stopped, and my hands only felt hot pain. Although the magic crystal successfully reflected the attack of the magic light cannon, it also became extremely hot, and the ground around me was almost full of smoke. !

The magic light gun started to turn, it seems to be going to attack the giant dragon, I can't open it here, they want to change the target! Suddenly two pipes were sent into the big hole, and water jets spurted out. They were cooling the remaining magic light cannons, and it seemed that they wanted to launch again!

While cooling down here, our most annoying thing finally appeared in the cave-the magic stone slab. A slate with pale-yellow was sent to the ground, and several light mages were starting to place this thing. This is in trouble!


In this way, it seems that it will be too late if we don't run, so I hurriedly contacted Woma's chat. "Woma! Is the anti-gravity device finished?"

"It's finished......!"

She was interrupted by me only when she said three words. "Start now! Raise Isinger up!"


"Don't say anything, start it now, if you don't start it, you will never need to start it again! "

"Okay!" Woma's voice suddenly switched to the guild channel to broadcast to the whole guild. The sound amplification magic array on the spirit gathering tower also amplified the sound, and now the whole Aixin Gedu echoed Woma's voice. "Isinger's anti-gravity device starts the experiment. Please catch nearby objects. There may be some bumps when it starts! First, close the city gate!"

The lifting stone gate in front of Isinger slowly fell down , The gates on the two-way three-way city wall are all closed by themselves.

"Isinger sluice closed, No. 1 and No. 2 ship locks are locked!"

Suddenly water surges at the entrance of Isinger port, and a City Wall section of the river is slow The lifted up to seal the entire Port of Isengard, and then the ship lock in the waterway slowly rose from the bottom of the water to block the river.

Woma's voice continued. "The power core transforms energy!"

All Isinger's lighting equipment began to malfunction, and the lighting in the Underground City part began to flicker. The magic crystal cannon was already in place. It suddenly turned off!

"The countdown to the start of the anti-gravity device. 10, 9, 8,..., 3, 2, 1, start!"

This time not only Isinger, but the whole Aixin The cursed ground near the grid began to vibrate violently. The earthquake-like shaking is getting more and more intense, I have already run big and found a flagpole on the other City Wall section to hug it, otherwise I can't stand firmly at all, the city is shaking too hard! This time is just the time for players to handover their shifts. Players in China just started to go online at this time. Players who just came out don't know what's going on, they feel that the city is shaking so badly they are looking for places to fix themselves.

In the urban structure design room, as soon as Xiaoyao Daodao went online, he felt that the city was shaking violently. The blueprints placed on the shelves all around the room all started to jump, the bookshelves fell to the ground, and the jars for stationery also fell off the table. Xiaoyao Knife took this for a while and pressed that for a while, but still couldn't control these things, and finally just ignored it and hid under the table and waited for the vibration to end and then slowly cleaned it up! But things are not that simple!

The Guangming Legion teleporter outside the city thought that we were going to use a heavy weapon, and quickly put the teleportation slab on the ground to start the magic array. Transmission Formation this thing, to put it bluntly, is space swap. It's that simple to change the space of the transmission area to the target area. This kind of asymmetric Transmission Formation actually only transmits a fan-shaped area, and its guiding array will swap the space around itself with the distant main array. After the mage placed the Transmission Formation, the angels hurried up to the stone slab, and the undamaged magic light cannon was transported back to the cave. Once the Transmission Formation is activated, everything outside the guide array will be transmitted to the main array, so the magic light cannon can only receive the underground first. This Transmission Formation will not transmit the things below, it only transmits 10 meters above itself. Space within!

The magic light flashed on the guiding formation, and some giant dragons and city guards tried to stop the angels while they were hiding in the guiding formation and could not support the magical formation, so they all rushed up. But they were still not fast enough. Just when the dragon running at the front was about to touch the Transmission Formation, it was white light flashed, and a blue barrier suddenly appeared around the guiding formation. This cylindrical barrier is 10 meters high, just enough to seal the guiding array inside. The giant dragon rushing to the front hit the barrier but couldn't get it open!

Suddenly flashed again after the barrier appeared, and a golden halo spread out. The halo gradually expanded to an area as large as the magic array of Iwatani, and then began to expand upward and downward instead of expanding. The golden halo quickly turned into a 10-meter-high golden ring curtain, which just formed a magical area with the blue light curtain inside. Many giant dragons and our soldiers have been sealed in this area and cannot get out!

Guiding the mage on the formation to sing the last paragraph of incantion, suddenly, the rays of light flashed in the enclosed magical area. The light curtain disappeared, everything is different! The giant dragon and soldiers that were originally sealed in that area are gone, replaced by densely packed bright Legion! It is easy to see from the equipment and units that this is the bright Legion of Iwatani. Transmission Formation transmitted the entire Iwatani magic array. At the teleportation boundary, it can be clearly seen that the ground under the foot of the army from Rock Valley is yellow and rocky sand, which is completely different from Isinger's gray and black muddy ground full of various bones.

At the same time, the rock within the valley has also changed. The guards and giant dragons who have just been sealed in that area appeared together at the original Guangming Legion station in Iwatani. The land on both sides is completely opposite. Changed!

Almost a few seconds after the appearance of the bright Legion, the dark Legion that has travelled a long distance has also arrived! This is really the messiest time for Isengard!

When Dark Legion saw Isinger, he found Bright Legion standing between himself and Isinger. Al Ni almost jumped up from the columbine, and the general who had just gone online was also startled. . But what shocked both the light Legion and the dark Legion was the more and more violent shaking of the ground! Dark Legion is better, after all, they are far away. Bright Legion is not good, the nearest of them is less than 800 meters away from Isinger’s city wall! The vibrations here have caused many Paladins to fall off their horses.

Isinger finally sounded the final announcement of Woma: "The anti-gravity device is fully penetrated, and Isinger lifted into the sky!"

The people of the light Legion and the dark Legion heard it With this announcement, the dark Legion was surprised, and the bright Legion was shocked.

Isinger's vibration became more and more severe, and my hand holding the flagpole was numb. The waves on the sea outside Isengard rolled, like a tsunami. After the continuous shaking for more than ten seconds, one after another crack appeared in the land beside Isengard's outermost city wall. The crack became bigger and bigger and began to crack continuously. Suddenly Isinger shook violently, and the bright Legion and the dark Legion outside the city immediately turned their backs!

Everyone saw Isengard’s city wall start to rise, the soil around the city was turned over by the city wall, and the large rocks and debris were flying around. The Guangming Legion soldiers closest to the city wall panicked and started to run backwards, because the cracks caused by the city wall had stretched under their feet! But some people still ran slowly, the land was collapsing faster than they thought, and many of Guangming Legion's troops fell down with their men and horses.

Isinger is still on the rise, and the speed is getting faster and faster! After 7 minutes, people finally saw that the lower edge of the city wall had left the ground, and Isinger got off the ground and rose. Countless soil and some debris still stuck to the city wall and under the city began to fall like rain. The shaking stopped as soon as Isinger left the ground, and the collapse of his body also stopped immediately. Both Bright Legion and Dark Legion looked surprised at the huge monster rising up. Think about it, a medium-sized island-like city has risen into the sky. What is this concept!

The suffering of Guangming Legion is not over. Isinger has risen, but has left a huge pit on the ground. Isinger is connected to the sea, so the sea is impossible to flow in from such a big pit. A large amount of sea water rushed into this big pit, because the momentum was too great, the waves rushed to the foot of Light God Palace here, the huge swell rushed to the shore and pulled many people into the water!

It wasn't until Isengard completely ascended into the air that the commander of Legion came back to his senses from shock. "Quick! The magic light cannon! Shoot it down. You can't let it rise into the air. It won’t be able to reach it when it flies!"

The magic light cannon in the cave was pushed out immediately, and it It's ready to launch!

When the magic light cannon attacked, the small dragon girl next to me was unfortunately hit. That piece of magic crystal was not enough to block the small dragon girl's area. The small dragon girl who died once was resurrected immediately with the help of Xiaofeng's resurrection ability, but this time she paid special attention to the magic light cannon. As soon as she saw that the thing was about to be launched, she immediately alerted me.

"Master, that thing is going to fire again!"


I quickly stretched my head from the city wall to see, and sure enough, the magic light cannon Head is ready to launch! I quickly took out a larger magic crystal from the space door, hugged it, and flew out of the city wall. Flying to the city with the magic crystal, I plan to use the magic crystal to reflect the magic light cannon, anyway, I can't let him attack Isinger.

The mage who operated the Magic Light Cannon also noticed me, and he immediately said to the human next to him: "Knock out that magic crystal, that thing can reflect the attack of the Magic Light Cannon!"

< p>Several high-ranking angels flew up immediately. The small dragon girl and some nearby giant dragons came up to block the angels, but an angel rushed over. The 1000-level big boss is not something I can deal with. Maybe I may kill her with the devil, but now I am no match for one-on-one.

Almost no response, this beautiful angel came in front of me. I rushed to open the absolute barrier, and the Seraphim headed into the barrier. I can clearly see her beautiful face across the transparent barrier. According to Xiaochun's Light God Palace hierarchy, I glanced at her badge on her chest. Be good! It is a high level angel Captain, basically a general Level 1 angel, with a large number of executive-level figures of various angels under his team!

While the absolute barrier has not disappeared, I rushed towards the magic light cannon holding the magic crystal. The beautiful angel followed me and beat it hard, but it didn't work, but 20 seconds passed quickly. The barrier shattered, and I was immediately leaned by her. I wanted to turn around and fight back, but she moved too fast and the attack had already arrived.

With a crisp pinging sound, the magic crystal I was holding in front of my chest was smashed to pieces. She was about to make up for me when a giant dragon next to her finally rushed to lead her away! But the magic crystal in my hand has become thousands of small fragments. What can I do with this?

Suddenly there was a plague call next to him. "Be careful behind!"

As soon as I turned around, I saw the magic light cannon that reached the firing threshold, but the fragments in front of me were all scattered. The magic light gun started to fire at exactly the same time, and a beam of light shot up. Following this route, it could just kill me and attack Isinger behind me by the way!

But things always change at the most critical moment. The light beam first hit the scattered magic crystal fragments. These little things are simply small reflective surfaces. Because of the irregular shape of the fragments, the magic light shot randomly all at once. The light beams emitted by the magic light cannon were emitted everywhere by the fragments, and a single incident light turned into tens of thousands of small beams and bloomed everywhere!

The entire periphery of Isengard was in a mess. A large number of light beams fell on Guangming Legion's own array. There were explosions and countless soldiers were affected. A few beams also flew to the farther side of the dark Legion, but the number was relatively small and did not cause much damage. Another part of the beam flew up into the sky, and many giant dragons had their wings burned, but none of them threatened their lives. A part of the light beam directly hit Isinger's city wall.

The whole city wall is blooming everywhere, and the small beams of formidable power are not enough to penetrate the city wall, but big pits are exploded on the city wall, but they are not penetrated!

This situation made Light God Palace startled, and the originally designed attack turned out to be such a virtue!

Speaking of miracles, the most miraculous thing this time is that I, who is closest to the little magic crystals, were only burned through the armor on my shoulders by a beam of light. I have nothing to do with myself. Just trying to be proud, suddenly a heavy object hit my head and almost smashed me down! Feeling that the thing was soft, I caught it and saw that it was the six-winged Seraphim from me just now. A small hole was pierced in her waist, and it looks like she was injured by the magic light cannon, hehe, call you to kill me, deserve it! Just about to throw her down, I suddenly remembered that she was a level 1000 angel and was in a comatose state. If such a big pie fell into my arms, don't let it go for nothing. Biting the right hand glove with her mouth, she pulled it off and put her hand directly on her forehead. "Skill: summon!"

Get it! One time success! The beautiful angel immediately turned into a... crystal? Why didn't the angel become a pet egg? But it's all the same! I touched the edge of the armor on my left hand with the right hand, and immediately there was a blood hole in my hand. Drop blood on the angel crystal, and the crystal instantly turned into a...? I rely on! The angel is indeed a strange creature, and turned into a little angel. I thought it was the beauty just now! It turned into a little girl who looked only five or six years old! "Okay, you will be called Jingjing from now on! It actually came out of the crystal!" The little angel's slightly smiled as he was talking, unexpectedly showed two canine teeth! Oh my! Isn't this the fangs of vampire? Is it demonized by me again? That should also be a fallen angel? No time to manage, let's run with Jingjing first! The army of light below is still there to watch!

Obviously, the magic light cannon is going to fire again when it runs again. I don’t have any magic crystal in my hand, so I can only run with Jingjing! I hope Isinger can stand it!

The dark Legion outside the city finally stopped being in a daze. After opening the battle, the dark Legion began to attack the front line of the bright Legion. Bright Legion here is also not to be outdone. After all, there are 15 million troops who have come over. Although tens of thousands of people have fallen into the pit just now, it does not affect the overall situation! The two armies began to collide with each other, and Eisinger could clearly see the black and white front, and neither side could make concessions.

I haven't reached the city wall and the magic light cannon fired again. A beam of light hit Isinger's shell without any barriers. Bang! There was a huge explosion, and fragments flew across the irradiated area. I took out the leaves of the city tree and asked about the city. "How? How about the loss?"

"There is nothing for the time being. I didn't penetrate the bottom rock just now. Isengard's bottom surface is the thickest! But there are two more times of this strength. Attack, you’re about to be beaten through!"

"I know!" Hurry up to the city, but be sure to get back a piece of magic crystal before the enemy fires again! Now I really regret why the magic crystal cannons are all above the city! It would be great if there were also below! Later, you must move all the cannons down!

I just flew to the city wall and landed, when Isengard was ascending suddenly shook and stopped and continued to ascend. Voma's anxious voice came from the private chat. "The president is not good!"

"What's the matter?"

"The magic crystal in the power core seems to be not big enough, and the output power is insufficient. Now the magic crystal The crystal is extremely unstable, flickering, and beeping!"

"How long can it last?"

"I don't know! This thing may stop at any time!"

Isinger has only risen more than 800 meters, and there is seawater below. It may not be broken if it falls, but the Bright Legion is below. If they catch it, it will not be over!


Suddenly Isinger shook violently again, and I vaguely seemed to hear an explosion. Sure enough, black smoke emerged from a ventilation ditch on the opposite city wall. I suddenly felt that Isinger's ground was not right, and soon I confirmed that it was not my illusion. Isinger is starting to tilt!

I quickly contacted Woma. "What happened?"

"Because the output of the magic crystal is unstable, the No. 74 anti-gravity machine just on the side of the sea exploded! It can fly with other anti-gravity machines, but it is close to the sea. This side is a little slanted because of lack of power!"

"Hurry up and find a way to restore balance!"

"Got it!"

There was another explosion just after speaking. , This is incredible, Isinger is even more crooked. The city wall facing the sea is much lower than this side, and Isengard’s ground and the horizontal have an angle of 30 degrees. Legion, who had just returned to the city by suicide, found that the city began to tilt as soon as it came out. The building materials on the ground and some messy things began to slide towards the port. Everyone had to find a place to fix themselves!

The tilt was just under control, and suddenly there was another explosion. This time the sound was very clear, and the explosion happened next to me. Sure enough, the exhaust vent not far away began to emit black smoke, and there was a vague flame bursting out! A large area of ​​fire began to appear in the Underground City of Isengard, and many places burned.

This explosion just ended, and a series of explosions happened near me. This time almost all the anti-gravity devices on my side were exploded, and Isinger's tilt gradually returned to level. But before everyone was happy, the city began to lean towards the continent again. The thing that had just slid past has slid back this time!

This time the tilt is more serious than the last time, the city is getting more and more crooked, and the tilt angle has reached 45 degrees. Many players did not grab anything and rolled along the straight street from Isengard's end to this end. NPCs are not much better, especially those non-combat NPCs. They don't have battle strength, and most of them don’t know how to make magic. The city is crooked. , Many people started to follow along, and some even rolled out from the roof of the second floor!

Isinger's interior is now in chaos, because the tilt is too strong, and all the water in the port flows into the city. The flood rushed along the street all the way to the bottom of the city wall here before it was stopped. There were a lot of fish in the water, and even some small civilian wooden boats rushed here along with the flood!

The water is all concentrated in the direction of the city gate. As a result, the weight of the city gate increases and the tilt becomes more serious. In the end, the angle of inclination reached 62 degrees, and the entire Isengard was tilted. The Bi Ling in the harbor went ashore and ran outside the Ju Ling Pagoda, and the bottom of the ship was also knocked out of a big hole! Many players are almost hanging in the city now, and the 62-degree inclination simply cannot stand!

Suddenly the real Isinger made a huge sound like a dragon roar, feeling like the deep sound of twisted steel, and like the call of the deep sea rare beast. Although this sound didn't sound loud, it spread quite far, and even the dark Legion and the light Legion who were at war couldn't help but look back!

After the huge strange sound, Isinger suddenly trembles violently. Since Isinger left the ground just now, he has been flying very smoothly, and now he is shaking again! I suddenly noticed that Isengard seemed to be moving, the city was sliding inland, and the height was gradually lowering! It is said that once the anti-gravity device is activated, it will remain still at a horizontal angle, but now Isinger has definitely started to move!

Woma's voice rang. "President! There is a crack on the magic crystal, and now the power output is intermittent, so the whole city is beginning to shake!"

"I know, but did you know Isinger started to move?"


"Impossible! Once activated, the anti-gravity device cannot be moved!"

"But we are indeed moving!"

Fired at the same location three times, and with a bang, a big Fireball leaped up in the city on the bottom layer of Isengard, and Isengard's bottom was finally penetrated! But the mage who fired was slapped. The angel Captain next to him shouted angrily: "You fool, what did you hit?"

"I don't know! Didn't it fall off?" He swore to be beaten unfathomable mystery.

"You idiot, it fell towards us!"

Isinger's height is getting lower and lower, and he keeps moving towards the light Legion. The Guangming Legion below was scared and hurried to flee, and he didn't care about the war! But Isinger is too big, it is too difficult to get out of its range! And the dark Legion taking pleasure in other people's misfortune is blocking them over there, just not letting them escape! Seeing the huge city in the back rushing over, and the dark Legion in front of them is still blocking the way, the soldiers of the bright Legion are almost crying! The soldiers are not fighting anymore, they are simply pushing forward and want to run away! The flying angels and Divine Beast flew up and tried to run through the air, but a group of long spears dragging the flames suddenly flew out of Isengard and knocked down the angels and devil beasts who dared to leave the ground. Although long spear is not as high as an angel, they are the sky kings. As long as they are in the sky, they are fearless!

The angels who just took off were crackled and knocked back to the ground, and the giant dragons also ran to join in the fun! There was a sound of crying in the entire Guangming Legion. Looking at the giant city rushing over from behind, Guangming Legion had completely collapsed!

Finally, the corner of Isinger’s city gate touched the ground, and the whole Isinger shook violently, and quickly restored the angle of inclination. The city wall touching the ground is like

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