"The technology just mentioned can greatly increase the success rate of the immigration plan and give us enough time to prepare enough immigration ships. The following technology is relatively useless That’s an exaggeration, but maybe some of you will be more interested, because this is a completely military technology."

"Military?" The President of the United States asked: "What type of technology is it?" Weapon?"

"No, it should be said that it is a shield technology." I explained: "You should have seen us use electromagnetic shields before, and everyone knows the effect. All have very good deflection and blocking effects. The disadvantage is that they have poor resistance to large-mass objects. There is also an extreme contrast in the protection of energy weapons. Some energy weapons will be completely blocked, and some are completely useless. "

"Then what is the technology you are talking about?" Sure enough, someone is interested in this, but I think there must be a lot of people who like this thing, because at present, this thing is practical It is also possible to use it for civilian use.

After sorting out my thoughts a bit, I began to introduce: "The backing theory of this technology is a theory called zero-degree force field. According to this theory, the shield formed by it can theoretically be carried. Under the destructive power of any weapon known on Earth, even a direct nuclear attack will not cause any problems."

"Is it so strong?"

" It’s not a matter of strength, but a matter of principle.” I said: “You are not in scientific research. You may not be very clear about all the cutting-edge things. I will try to explain it briefly. Everyone knows that we live in space, any object All need to have enough space to exist, but what if the space disappears? This kind of shield is to put it bluntly to create a region of "nothingness" between oneself and the enemy. This space of nothingness is just like outside the edge of the universe. It is the absolute nothingness that does not exist. Any object and energy must have space as a support to exist, and this kind of nothingness cannot support anything, that is to say, when energy or matter enters this area, it will be like an item that has lost its support. ."

"You mean that something will fall into this black hole-like thing?"

"no no no, nothingness and black holes are two concepts of safety. Black holes are The dense space formed after the mass concentration is highly concentrated, and the three-dimensional space is collapsed due to the high concentration of space, so the space in this area touches the fourth dimension and produces a four-dimensional space, which is a black hole. But four-dimensional space is also space, and nothingness is zero-dimensional space. There is no time, no space, and nothing you can think of. It is true nothingness."

"Then if there is an enemy attack This piece of nothingness, for example, if a cannonball flies in, or a laser beam enters this area, what will happen?" Of course, it can only be the former technical officer who can ask this kind of reliable question. I fainted.

I thought for a while and said: "In theory, nothingness can become space, but it needs a prerequisite to become space, that is, there is a layer of energy to support a space. In this regard, the creators It seems that I haven't studied it clearly, but the pilgrims have studied this very deeply. According to the pilgrims, space itself is a kind of energy, it is the only energy that can exist in nothingness. If we imagine nothingness as The sea and space are ships on the sea, and matter and energy are the cargo on the ship. When the cargo falls from the ship, then a very simple thing will happen, that is, the cargo becomes a new ship."< /p>

"The cargo has become a ship?" The technical officer asked suspiciously, and then suddenly reacted. "Oh... I see! You are talking about conceptual cargo. These cargoes are cargo when they are placed on the ship, but once they fall into the water, the cargo becomes a floating object, and the essence of the ship is a floating object, which is After the cargo falls into the water, it is essentially no different from the ship. If someone climbs onto the floating cargo, the cargo is his ship. Is my understanding correct?"

I smile nodded and said: "Yes, it is very correct. After the cargo falls into the water, it becomes a ship, and the space energy follows the same principle. Space energy creates space in the void where matter and energy can exist, and if there is matter and energy Leaving the space, then it will disintegrate, because nothingness cannot support the existence of matter and energy. However, the disintegrated matter or energy will not disappear. Through the mass-energy equation, we know that mass and energy can be transformed into each other, and Energy cannot be tragically created or annihilated. It can only be transformed from one form to another. Nothingness can not make energy really disappear. What it does is to convert all the energy that enters it into space energy, because nothingness only allows Space energy exists."

I explained that the tycoons and heads of state around here finally understood. A guy in military uniform confirmed: "What you mean is that as long as something enters nothingness, whether it is a cannonball or a laser beam, it will immediately become space energy, and the attack itself is equivalent to non-existence. Is it?"

I nodded again. "That's right. Any matter or energy will become space energy when it enters nothingness, and the device I said is essentially unable to operate on nothingness. What it does is to extract the space energy within the scope of action and transform it into Other energies, so there will be a big hole in the space, and there is nothing but nothing in this hole. When other matter and energy fall into this hole, it will become new space energy, and then be absorbed again, as long as the matter that enters It does not exceed the absorption speed of the energy absorber, it cannot pass through this barrier. By the way, after the completion of this device, not only does it need to consume energy, but it can be used as a Generator. It only needs to input energy for use when it is started. Initialization, once the device is started, it does not need any energy support, but will continuously output energy."

"Your consciousness is that this thing can not only be used as a shield but also provide for our spaceship. Extra motivation?" a very fat tycoon stood up and asked with excitement and trembling.

I definitely replied: "It can be understood this way. In fact, this device is not very effective in terms of protective shields. Although the area in the middle of the device is almost invincible, in fact this The shield itself is quite easy to be destroyed. As for the reason... just look at this structure."

I showed you the new blueprint. To be honest, apart from the difference in details, the shape of this thing is almost the same as the previous space ring. This thing looks like a ring, but the difference is that there is a U-shape on one side of the ring. The structure connects the two ends of the ring. In fact, this U-shaped structure is a support with a structural reinforcement and a propeller, and the main equipment is actually in the loop.

When I first saw this thing, everyone was still a little confused, but soon everyone reacted.

The empty space generated by this void shield is a circular plane inside the ring, and the surrounding ring is actually exposed outside the void shield. In other words, if the enemy can hit the outer circle, the shield itself will be destroyed. That's why I said that this thing doesn't make much sense. The protection of the shield itself is the biggest problem, because the impossible edge of the shield is built behind the void force field, so this ring of void generator becomes the biggest weakness.

Of course, it cannot be said that this thing is absolutely useless. First, because the exposed part of the ring is obviously impossible to exceed the volume of the spaceship that needs to be protected, we can use the strongest metal to build the outer ring of the ring. Although we may not have enough high-end metal to build immigration ships, it would be much simpler if it was just a ring. Second, the ring itself is not fixed, so it is not so simple to hit.

According to the practical experience of pilgrims, they usually build these shield devices very small. Generally, the diameter of each ring is less than 50 meters, and most of them are less than ten. Meter. Compared to the cosmic battleship, which is several kilometers long, the volume of these protective shields is really small. The way they use this small shield is to use it as a floating shield. These small shields all have an automatic power system. They can fly around the battleship. When the battleship is attacked, these shields will actively block the attack path, and then try to use the void in the center to catch it. The enemy's attack. This is a bit like playing badminton with others. You must try to catch the ball with the net in the middle of the racket, and if the ball hits the racket instead of the net, it means that the "racquet" will be destroyed. Of course, not catching the ball is worse, because that means that the spaceship will be hit directly.

"In fact, this thing is mainly used as a blocking device for energy extractors and low-speed weapons. For example, it is good to deal with space torpedoes."

"Aliens fight interstellar Do you still use torpedoes in war?" someone asked.

"Generally speaking, many people in modern times suspect that missiles in future space warfare may not make any sense, because the distance between the two sides in the universe must be very long. With the foreseeable technology now, the battle in the universe is actually two One hundred million kilometers away, the two sides can start shelling. It takes more than ten minutes for various directed energy weapons at this distance to hit the target, and physical kinetic energy weapons such as missiles may take several hours to fly near the other side. The probability of being intercepted by the opponent’s weapon is too high, so many scientific hobbyists believe that missiles and the like in space warfare have no future. But according to the situation of pilgrims and creators, space torpedoes are actually Not only has it not been eliminated, but it is quite easy to use. At least among the three warring parties, there are a large number of spaceships that use space torpedoes."

"How could this be?"

"Actually The answer is simple." I said: "The first is to surprise. The method of using space torpedoes is often not a direct attack, but to launch torpedoes into space by electromagnetic catapults and let these torpedoes be everywhere on the battlefield like cosmic garbage. Floating, these dormant torpedoes will suddenly attack with flame hair when they need to be used, which is very difficult to deal with, because they may attack from any direction and you can't guard against it.

Secondly, the torpedoes in the interstellar war are all camouflaged when they are launched. On Earth, air resistance must be considered. The missile must conform to fluid mechanics, and it needs to have a slender structure. But space torpedoes don’t need to be considered. The shape problem, it can be any shape. At present, most of the space torpedoes will be disguised as meteorite fragments. This thing is very common in space. Moreover, both sides will throw a large number of camouflage meteorites into space before the war The inside of this balloon-like meteorite is air, and the outer layer of high-tech camouflage skin can deceive most of the detectors. And the cost of this thing is very low, basically every time a space encounter, a battleship can be Millions of these meteorite balloons are thrown within seconds, and there are many detectors, space torpedoes, and floating guns mixed in them. It is unrealistic to completely clean up these floating objects, so the torpedoes camouflaged in them are actually very There is a good chance that a sneak attack will succeed. Because sometimes these torpedoes will only start when they float near the enemy’s spaceship, and the opponent’s interception weapons have no time to react.

Third. Although the speed of space torpedoes is very slow, That is compared with energy weapons such as lasers. Compared with battleship, the speed of space torpedoes still occupies a huge advantage, and these small things are very fast, usually with multi-warhead separation technology, and some types of large space torpedoes even Equipped with shield , As long as you can carry out a few hard attacks, you can rush to the enemy's side, and such torpedoes can't stop it at all. Moreover, although the price of a torpedo with a shield is not low, if it can severely damage an enemy's space battleship, it will make a lot of money. The value of a space battleship is at least hundreds of thousands of times that of this torpedo, which means that as long as it can kill a battleship with hundreds of thousands of torpedoes, it is cost-effective. Based on the above characteristics, guided torpedoes in space warfare are actually very versatile. Cooperating with kinetic energy weapons and energy weapons, it can form a multi-level collocation of high, medium and low, fast, medium and slow, and the battlefield flexibility is very high. And if these torpedoes are thrown out, they can be recycled if they are not used up after the war, which is very economical. Some types of torpedoes will even take the initiative to separate the warheads at the last moment, and then the projectiles will actively slow down to stop hitting the enemy ship. After the war, the torpedo body is recovered and replaced with a new torpedo. The torpedo type myriad of the space age has everything, anyway, it is very powerful. "

Head #1 suddenly asked: "The void shield you mentioned earlier is mainly used as an energy generator rather than a shield, isn't it? "

I nodded and said: "Yes, this device can continuously generate energy, as long as it does not fly out of the boundary of the universe, it will have endless energy. "

"So, I want to know how efficient the energy conversion is, how much energy can be produced, and what effects can these energy be used to produce? "

"About this...how to put it...the amount of energy produced is actually not very large. The Void Shield itself consumes a lot of energy to produce void, so most of the energy it produces is used to generate the shield itself, so the external output will not be too much. But in space, we cannot replenish chemical fuels. It is always good to have energy. The energy generated by these devices is enough for our super electromagnetic engine to continue to run at low power without shutting down. The super-electromagnetic engine plan in the space migration ship we designed before is started at intervals. After all, even the use of nuclear power and solar energy may not be able to last for thousands of years, so we need to save some use. But with this thing, our super-electromagnetic engine can always be in a low-power operation state, which can greatly improve the acceleration and cruising speed of the spaceship. In addition, this is after all an additional energy reserve, which can be considered as an additional insurance. . "

"You said that this thing can accelerate spaceship, does it mean that our fleet can continue to launch the sailing time? "Chief One asked.

I shook my head and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. The super-electromagnetic engine itself is a low-thrust engine. Its advantage is that the propulsion does not decrease with the increase in speed, but its output is actually very low. Its strength lies in the continuous acceleration capability for the entire voyage for thousands of years rather than the short-term acceleration capability. Therefore, even if it can delay our launch, it can give us more than ten days at most, which is of little practical significance. "

Head No. 1 nodded and sat down while muttering: "A few days are also good." "

"Are there anything else besides this technology?" "The President of the United States asked.

I continued nodded and said: "Yes. In addition to this, there is actually another technology that I think is meaningful. "

"Quickly talk about what it is. "

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