As we packed a family of three in the dormant warehouse and shipped out, the three people heard the sound of the call bell, so they began to choose to go offline.

"Nerve connection disconnection countdown 3, 2, 1..." I only felt that the picture in front of him went black. Asamiya Athena’s mother, Inoue Sakura, immediately felt his eyes light up again, and paused for two seconds. After adapting to the brief dizziness caused by the redirection of the nervous system after going offline, Inoue Sakura sat up on the bed, and then lifted the helmet with both hands and lifted the helmet from his head.

After the sight was restored, Inoue Sakura looked around. The hotel room was still the same, but she always felt something was wrong, but she quickly ignored it. After sitting up on the bed, I walked out of the bedroom and came to the large living room. I saw my son and daughter just walking out of their respective rooms. There was no one in the living room outside, all three of them were very puzzled. It is said that the call bell was woken up just now, and the call bell is manual. Someone must press the call button next to the person wearing the helmet to activate the call bell in the game to remind the player to log off. But the three people heard the ringtone offline but none of them saw it, which made them feel quite strange.

Just as the three people were a little confused, the door to the living room was suddenly opened, and then the attention of the three people was immediately attracted by Athena Asamiya who entered the door. Seeing the eldest daughter who has been working in the field for a long time, the three members of the family were a little excited, so they did not pay too much attention to some details. For example, Athena Asamiya's expression was quite strange. She has been observing the environment in the room glanced around, but her attention to her family is not particularly high, which is completely different from the normal reaction of people who have not seen their family for a long time. But because the three of them were all excited, they didn't notice these abnormal reactions, and Athena Asamiya quickly returned to normal and started talking with mother, younger brother, and younger sister.

After a family of four chatted in the hotel room for a while, Inoue Sakura suddenly remembered that we were coming, so she asked Asamiya Athena: "Athena, where are your friends? Didn’t you say you want to eat together? Are they?"

Athena Asamiya was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted and said: "Oh, they are not my friends."

"Not friends?" Sakura Inoue was stunned obviously.

Asamiya Athena hurriedly explained: "Those are actually the bosses of our company, and the man is our boss. The women are all high level supervisors."

"Your Boss?" Inoue Sakura asked in surprise: "Why do your Boss use military vehicles, and there are weapons on them!"

"This will be difficult to explain for a while, but you can rest assured That's it, it's not illegal. The company I'm working for is actually not the original one."

"Are you hopping?" Asamiya Athena's younger sister asked in surprise.

Asamiya Athena nodded and said: "Yeah! Do you know that? Now the outside market is sluggish, and the companies that have closed down one after the other, our original company can't stand the pressure and closed down, but I found the next home in advance, so I didn’t tell you, I’m afraid you are worried. That’s the boss of our new company just now. This company has a military background, and its main project is munitions, which was developed by the company’s weapons department. Many things in the company will be tested in the company first, so Boss uses the armored vehicles in the company, and the guns too."

"No wonder there are robots in the car!" Athena Asamiya's said the younger brother. This kid seemed to have changed in front of this elder sister, as if he was afraid of her.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. I will take you to dinner first. I will have some business for a while. I will make time to explain to you why I called you all of a sudden. Now Don’t ask first. Anyway, this matter involves some black government information. I can’t tell you now, and you must not tell others casually, otherwise you might kill you!"

"So Is it serious?" Asked the younger sister of Athena Asamiya, "What the hell is going to kill?"

"Anyway, I really can't say it now. You just have to listen to my arrangements. Am I? Can it harm you?"

"We believe in you." Inoue Sakura said very seriously: "Athena, you have always been the pillar of our family. If we don't believe me, who can you believe? Anyway, I’ll know tomorrow, and we’re not in a hurry."

In the next time, a family of four went to the hotel’s restaurant and had a super sumptuous meal, except for Athena Asamiya. The other three people were very surprised by the luxury of the meal, and what made them a little puzzled was that the taste of the meal was a little good and abnormal, anyway, they had never eaten something so delicious before. If it wasn't for the fact that I just took off the game helmet not long ago, I thought I was in the game. After all, only the food provided by the high-end restaurants in the game would be so delicious. You must know that the actual ingredients are difficult to be perfect for various reasons. Some are the storage time of the ingredients, some are the technical issues of the chef, and the changes in various materials themselves, so it is difficult for the food to reach the extreme mark, but in the game The sense of taste is virtual, and as long as a deceptive signal is given to the brain, a variety of extremely perfect tastes can be produced. This is why everyone knows that the food in the restaurant in the game simply won't become nutritious, but they still like to spend a lot of money in the game to eat a big meal instead of just using steamed buns to solve the hunger value problem. After all, the human pursuit of food has long been out of the stage of survival. Everyone pays attention to eating well these days. Apart from African refugees, it is estimated that not many people will eat just to avoid starvation.

The delicious dinner was completed in a happy family atmosphere, and then Asamiya Athena sent everyone back to the room and briefly said that she would come and explain the situation with them tomorrow, and then she still had work. Leaving the suite for excuses.

Leaving the room backwards and closing the door of the living room, Athena Asamiya leaned back against the closed door and showed a warm smile. This expression is usually hard to see on her face, you must know She is a real ninja, cold-blooded is the basic requirement.

Just as Athena Asamiya leaned on the door and recalled the warm time with mother, younger brother, and younger sister, the corridor outside the room suddenly began to darken, and then the walls and floors began to fade. It began to disappear, and it was replaced by darkness. Only the edges of the wall and the floor at the edge of the corridor and the edge of the door frame can barely be seen. The entire world seems to have become a stick figure style, and the colors have completely disappeared. Only the lines are left.

This amazing change should have been scary, but Athena Asamiya turned a blind eye to everything in front of her as if she hadn't seen it. She just kept a smile and raised her hands on the empty space on both sides of her head, and then lifted it up like she was grabbing something. The surrounding pictures suddenly change, the black line world disappears, and the picture that appears in front of you is the picture of a driving car. Ling and Xiaochun sat on either side of her from left to right, with Yeyue sitting in the back seat, and Masaga Matsumoto in the front passenger seat.

"It's done?" Masaka Matsumoto asked back.

Asamiya Athena nodded handed the helmet in her hand to Yeyue behind her, then looked at me from the rear mirror and said very solemnly: "Purple Moon, thank you!"

"It's all my own, what kind of politeness is not a trouble for me." I said with a smile.

Asamiya Athena said with a serious expression: "Although it may be no effort at all for you, it is life-saving grace for me. Without your help, our family of four I can walk up to three mouths, and someone will inevitably be left behind. I don’t dare to think about what to do if something like that really happens!"

"In fact, this matter is not as exaggerated as you think. Now the plan has changed a bit. The immigration plan may need to be postponed, so the Japanese government should be able to take more people away. Of course, I don’t guarantee that they will use the remaining time to build more spacecraft. But at least in terms of form. The situation has improved."

"I will remember your help anyway." After that, Athena Asamiya asked, "By the way, this time I picked up so many people at once. Wouldn't the Japanese government say anything?"

"Let them be bold." Yeyue said arrogantly.

I smiled and replied: "There is indeed some movement in Japan, but what about this kind of thing... In fact, we are helping them reduce their troubles, but these guys feel like we are taking advantage of them. To put it simply, I want to take the opportunity to do something good."

"It cost you all!" Athena Asamiya immediately apologized.

I laughed and said with a smile: "hahahaha! You don't think I really bought your family for a good deal?"

Athena Asamiya Looked at me with a surprised expression and asked: "Are you going to smuggle out?"

"Smuggle? no no no, I'll leave clearly and see what they dare to do to us." I said again. Said: "By the way, we will have to trouble the Japanese government for a while, and we may not be able to go with you. I will let the people in the company pick you up. Don't worry. The Japanese government will only dare to call now. That's it, they really dare not let them do it."

Athena Asamiya nodded and said: "Anyway, I believe you, you can arrange it as you say."

Matsumoto Masakazu suddenly asked: "By the way, Purple Moon, can we start to transform after we go back?"

I said with a smile: "It depends on the arrangement. I don't know when It's your turn, but your names are already in line. I can confirm that."

"I look forward to the day when I become Dragon Clan." Athena Asamiya said, "If it could be changed at the beginning If you become Dragon Clan, maybe my father won’t die!"

"Don’t think about it, even if you become Dragon Clan, it’s impossible for you to use your strength for that kind of thing." Ling said.

During our chat, the car has driven into a large empty field. This place looks like an empty field for containers, but at this time all the containers are on both sides of the field. When piled up, they formed two walls of the same thing, which lay across the sides of the venue, blocking the outside view.

After we got off the car, we saw the convoy coming in one after another. One after another vans with the Longyuan Group logo drove into the square, and one of them drove directly in front of us. Asamiya Athena and Matsumoto Masaga immediately stepped forward and opened the back door of the car by themselves, only to see the sleeping cabin with a family of three before lying in it.

Yes, Athena Asamiya’s family has never been offline. They thought they were offline and met Athena Asamiya, and then they had a meal together. But all of that is an illusion. When they choose to go offline, they are not really offline, but they quit from "Zero" and are connected to a virtual world similar to "Zero". This virtual world is very small, its area is less than 50 square kilometers. If Ma Gong Athena's family left the hotel and went around, they would find that they could not get out of the hotel at all, because we simply did not design the outside environment of the hotel. .

In this virtual world, only the interior of the hotel can be moved, and the hotel can only be seen within 50 square kilometers, that is, there is a similar background, and there is nothing else .

The reason why we choose to use this hotel to pick up and drop off all the family members in Japan is because we only made this virtual space, so if we go to other places, it is difficult to guarantee 100% realism. What was found.

In order to avoid accidents, our choice is to trick these family members into the hotel, then put them all into the dormant cabin, and then pull them back to the country together, and then tell them what they really want, if they don’t want to follow If we leave, then we will send them back to Japan. That is not a trouble for us. On the contrary, if someone expresses objections here and causes something to happen, it will be a big trouble.

Because we don’t want these people to do anything, we use such a system to make them think that they are in reality, but they are in the virtual network. It’s just a change of scene. .

Asamiya Athena carefully removed the three coffin-like dormant cabins from the car with the help of Matsumoto Masaga and another staff member. Several dormant cabins were taken down from every car in the convoy behind, and the field was temporarily full of dormant hides, at least one thousand at a glance. These are actually only a small part of the total number of people. We have two other transportation points that are exactly the same. This is just one of them. So the dormant cabin here is actually one third of the number of people.

After all the dormant cabins were taken down, a huge dark shadow appeared in the night sky moved towards here, sliding silently.

"Nightmare 2" our Longyuan Group's quietest transport aircraft, mainly used to project pioneer troops or bomb key targets behind the enemy. This kind of transport aircraft, which can almost be used as a glider, can fly for a long time after turning off the engine, and it will not produce infrared signals and noise because the engine is not working. This kind of aircraft can effectively evade synthetic aperture radar and other detections. The equipment's surveillance can fly over the enemy's radar station silently, and will never disturb anyone. That's why it has the title of Death God in the dream.

The first nightmare landed on the ground lightly like a huge feather, and then slid a short distance on the parking lot and stopped immediately. The glider is characterized by its slow speed and can be docked for short distances.

As soon as the plane stopped, we immediately got busy. More than a thousand sleeping cabins have been loaded with a kind of storage facility like a container with wheels, and then the people in the plane pulled out the hooks Hang this thing and pull it into the cabin. A nightmare can carry about six such containers, and a container contains 252 dormant cabins. We have five containers in total here, all of which were pulled onto the plane at once. After gathering the containers, everyone boarded the plane. After less than two minutes, the plane restarted, pulling a huge flame into the night sky, and it was too late when the Japanese government discovered the launched plane, because once this thing took off, the speed would soar. To the point of horror, it is slower than missiles.

"Okay, everyone has been sent away, it's time to do business."

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