I exchanged so many things with the pilgrim leader in the spirit net network, but General Shibuya didn’t know, so he saw that I was in a daze over there. Then I went to look for the door, and then stood still on a seemingly flat hull hull.

After waiting for a while, I still didn’t move. General Shibuya wanted to come over and ask me what I was doing, but before he could move, I suddenly stretched out a hand. Pressed on the shell on the side of the spaceship.

Because Yeyue touched it before, it caused a big earthquake and almost killed people. Now that I was about to touch the shell of the spaceship, General Shibuya was so frightened that he was ready to find something to block him. But before I found something, it suddenly occurred to me that I could open the shield, so I ran to my side, and found that my hand had been pressed on the hull shell before running two steps, but imagine The vibration in did not happen.

"Open the door." I yelled to the door in front of me, and... there was no response at all.

Although my contact did not make this spaceship vibrate as before, it did not have any effect. The spaceship still maintains its original appearance without the slightest change. The shell of this spaceship does not even change. The black markings before shining again became completely golden, which looked like a large piece of gold. No, this thing is much brighter than gold. It looks like the kind of golden made by chemical pigments, which is more shiny than real gold.

After waiting for a few seconds, I started to be a little confused when looking at the unresponsive door. Didn’t you say that you can open the door as long as you shout?

I was in a daze on my side, and suddenly I heard the pilgrim leader reminded in the spirit net network: "You are using the Earth language, of course spaceship has no response! Use the language of the creators. That’s fine."

"But I can’t!"

In fact, I can’t say that I can’t, I should say I can’t read it. In fact, because of the Fourth Special Zone, I have accepted the creator’s text information entry, so I can correctly recognize the creator’s text, but I don’t know the pronunciation of these texts, so I can understand it, but I can’t say no. come out. If I were to communicate with the individual creator in writing, there would be no problem, but if I needed to speak, it would not work.

"This is in trouble!" The pilgrim leader also said with some embarrassment in the spirit net network: "We pilgrims use dark matter communication, and rarely communicate through voice. The creators, though I’m an ally with us, but I’m not a scientist. I didn’t have much contact with them before, and I didn’t know how to use their language. Now I can’t teach you!"

"Wait a moment "I was about to talk, Nuwa suddenly received a message from the spirit net network, and then I waited less than two seconds and received a package from the boss. After downloading and installing it from the spirit net network, I understood it instantly.

In fact, what Nuwa sent is very simple, it is the language pack of the creators, which not only includes text information, but also includes specific pronunciation methods. Of course, I already know the text part, but now I just re-record the pronunciation part. There is an auxiliary brain, my learning speed is faster than the computer, and I completed the language learning in an instant.

After a little bit of listening, I used the words of the creators and said to the door in front of me again: "Open the door."

"Beep." A very clear and sweet prompt. The door did not open after the sound, but a light green screen suddenly lit up on the door, and a string of text appeared on the screen, and it was the creator's text.

When General Shibuya saw these words, he grabbed a recording tablet from the technicians around him and copied it on it. Then he thought about it and took a picture at the door. a photograph.

I didn't care what General Shibuya was doing, but looked at the words of those creators. This text is just a reminder, and it is not too complicated. I can use the creator's text proficiently a long time ago, and of course I immediately understood the meaning of the above.

Actually, there is no special thing written on it, that is, it tells me that my identification information is not detected, and I need to provide verification information.

Although I said that I wanted to verify the information, I didn't know what to use to verify, but after only a second or two, I suddenly remembered it. Since the creators said that our DNA information records were imported into the large spaceship of the fourth zone, based on my understanding of the creators, their battlefield management system should issue this identification information to all spaceships. In other words, even if this spaceship does not have my login information, it should be able to recognize my DNA code. Of course, this is just a guess, and I am not sure about the specific situation for the time being.

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly did something that surprised General Shibuya, because he actually saw me put a hand on his tongue and got some saliva on his tongue, and then he wiped it directly. Lights up on the screen. In order to open the outer shell of this alien spaceship, General Shibuya and the others have tried many methods, but they have drooled on the spaceship... This method is a bit weird, isn't it?

Before the puzzled General Shibuya had time to express his opinion, he suddenly realized that there was a reaction on the screen. The text displayed on it suddenly changed, and then he started to swipe the screen, but he didn't know a word, he wanted to record and couldn't keep up with the speed, so he quickly turned on the camera function and wanted to record the text information.

My side is different from General Shibuya. I know the creator's words, so I can understand it naturally. The text message displayed above tells me that DNA analysis is in progress, and the ones that are displayed on the screen are comparison information. After that, a line of hints was directly given, which made me feel really cool. Because this string of text means-the database has not been detected, and the information cannot be checked.

General Shibuya glanced at me after seeing the text stopped, and found my expression very depressed, and quickly asked: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

I nodded and said: "The database of this spaceship is damaged, and my identity information is lost when it fails."

"Huh? What can I do then?"

"I'm worried too!"

I was thinking of a way. The text on the door of didn't expect suddenly changed, and it became "Starting to link to the military network..."

This information suddenly changed again after a pause of less than two seconds, and the content became: "Connected to the high level military network, authentication is successful. Upload identification information, waiting for feedback."

This Just after the tip was over, Nuwa suddenly contacted me from the spirit net network. "Hey, guess what did I find?"

I was thinking about how to open this damn spaceship. I didn’t think about other aspects at all. Suddenly I heard Nuwa’s voice and couldn’t react to it for a while, so He asked casually: "What did you find?"

Nuwa was very excited and said: "The small spaceship in front of you is actually connected to the main computer of the Fourth District, and your DNA The identification code was sent over and asked the main computer to query the database for a reply. I have intercepted the query request. What identity do you say I want to send you back?"

"Nonsense, of course, what identity is it? Just use what." Is this count as every cloud has a silver lining, there is no way out? Actually such a thing can also make me run into.

"I suggest that you do not have such a high status. Since this spaceship can connect to the fourth zone, it may also represent other spaceships. You know the technology of the creators, These central processors have very strong logic. If your identity information is found to be inconsistent between two networked spaceships, what do you think will happen?"

Nuwa didn’t say that I didn’t expect, I also reacted to this statement. "Yes, thanks to you for thinking about it. In that case, please send me the county-wide information that the Fourth Special Zone gave me."


I am here. As soon as Bian finished speaking, he saw that the message on the door panel in front of him suddenly changed to: "Identification passed, welcome back, Commander."

As the text displays the message shining, the door of the face money Suddenly it was sunken inward to a depth of more than one meter, and then moved laterally to give way to a passage. At this time, General Shibuya was not calm, he rushed in in a hurry, and was dragged back by me.

"You want to die?"

General Shibuya looked at me questioningly and didn't know what I meant.

I helplessly explained: "This spaceship is obviously different from the previous ones. Its functions are very complete, and there is no sign of damage. It is hard to guarantee that there is no safety protection system in this thing. I have You don’t have any identification information. If there is a laser barrier or something, do you still want to die?"

Because I was so excited, I didn’t expect these General Shibuya to hear it. My words were also scared into a cold sweat. What I'm talking about is actually very likely to happen. If he really rushes in recklessly, it is normal to be sliced.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace." General Shibuya gave me a ninety-degree bow as he said goodbye, so I hurriedly helped him up, lest he change for a while Into a bowing competition.

After comforting General Shibuya, I stood at the gate again and stepped in. The entrance of the spaceship is not too big, and the position of the cabin door on the plane is similar, so it can be said to be relatively narrow. Although it is not spacious, it is enough for one person. Even two people can actually come in side by side.

After entering this gate, it is the passage, but it is as narrow as the outside entrance, about one and five meters in width. It does not have the wide feeling in the spaceship that I imagined. At least it is completely incomparable with the internal structure of the Fourth Special Zone. The internal passages of the Fourth Special Zone are super spacious. Some internal passages are wider than the eight-lane highway, and there are really internal commuter cars. Of course that is the main road, and considering the size of the fourth special zone, that kind of thing is really necessary. Although this spaceship is the size of an aircraft carrier, it is obviously not so spacious, and there should be a lot of things inside.

After walking two steps, I suddenly remembered that I don’t understand the situation in this spaceship at all, so random rotation is not a problem. After all, this thing is as big as an aircraft carrier, and the passage inside must be tangled and complicated, even if it’s not like a maze or dead ends, but it must be very time-consuming to find something valuable, so it’s obviously wrong to run around blindly like this. of.

Think about the text display on the previous door, and you can also actively communicate with the mothership. It means that the door is not a simple door lock control system, but the main computer is in contact with I communicate, so in this way, there should also be a control system in the ship.

After thinking about this situation, I directly looked up and said in the creator's language: "Main computer, this is the first time I boarded a ship. Can you show me a map or something here?"

"Of course you can commander, I have detected that you belong to the enhanced lifeform and can be directly connected to the network. I now open the internal network port to you, and you can link to the internal network to complete information download and ship command and other tasks."< /p>

"Okay, thank you." As I said, I started scanning the network, and I found a wireless network here. Of course, it is not the same as the port settings on Earth, but I am a design product of the creators, which means that I follow the same technical standards as this spaceship, and naturally it can be connected without barriers. Soon I successfully connected to the spaceship network, and then I immediately found out that it is very similar to my heart-spirit net network.

Because the spirit net network is open, when I enter this network, it means that all members of Dragon Clan have come in. After logging in, we all found that this thing is really similar to the spirit net network. The two seem to be the same, but maybe they really come from the same design idea.

Because this network is very similar to the spirit net network, I figured out how to operate it very smoothly. 1st Step I downloaded the spaceship information first, and then I was dumbfounded.

This spaceship said before that my personal information was not retrieved. I always thought that the database of spaceship was damaged, so I could not find the information, but after downloading the information of spaceship, I found out that simply is not the database. Damaged, but there is no database at all.

"Xinxing. Do you remember why your database was demolished?" Xinxing is the name of the main system of this spaceship, as well as the name of this spaceship.

Xinxing directly replied in the network: "My database has not been removed, but has not been installed."

"What? No installation?"

"Yes. My construction progress is only 99.97% completed, and 0.03% is still unfinished. So I am still under construction strictly speaking."

"That means you are a ship A battleship that hasn't come into service?"

"No, I'm a special support ship that hasn't come into service yet. I'm not a battleship."

"Okay. Then you Can you tell me where else you have not finished?"

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