In the early morning of Saturday, the surface of the Sulawesi Sea was still shrouded in mist. There was no wind and waves on the calm sea, everything seemed so peaceful. But in this quiet mist, a huge fleet is approaching at high speed towards the Makassar Strait at an unimaginable speed.

There is a reason for choosing this route. First, our spy reported last night that there will be heavy fog on the strait today, and there is no wind. It is a suitable weather for beach grabbing. Second, of the five main islands in Indonesia, four of the four that we need to be responsible for happen to be on both sides of it. Third, the mission of our main fleet is to patrol the sea, and of course we must start with the central area of ​​Indonesia. Fourth, our Chinese guild is responsible for the most enemies on the island of Sumatra. Entering from the Makassar Strait can first establish beachhead positions on Kalimantan and Sulawesi, which have a low density of enemies, so as to attract enemies to leave Sumatra. , To facilitate our follow-up attack. The last reason and the most critical is that those damn bastards parked my Noah at the Port of Lauter Island. We can rush down the Makassar Strait to get our Noah back first. If we are slow, the ghost knows what those Indonesians will do to our boat. It would be better if it was dragged away, if it was destroyed, then I would really cry to dry my tears!

Indonesia's players are basically not online early in the morning. Saturday morning is a good time to sleep in, and most of them have not yet been online. The rare battleships on the sea did not notice us, but our fleet went all the way deep into the strait. In order to cooperate with the operation, we also mobilized a part of the mist fleet to come to help, what we want is their fog to help us penetrate the enemy's interior and attack suddenly.

I have reached the fleet with the guild leaders through the Transnational Transmission Formation of Windmill City. The flagship Tyrant of the fleet is walking in the center of the fleet. Through the high observation room, we can see the enemy through the fog. trace. The spies' communications were suddenly received by the battleship command room.

"Chairman, this is Dolphin One."

"I am Purple Moon, what's the situation?"

"The main guild in Indonesia The fleet is now rested in their respective ports, and no large fleet has left the port. Currently, Indonesia’s largest Hong Bang fleet is in the port of Samarinda, and on the opposite coast is the newly completed Sini Rain City, Indonesia The second largest fleet and the third largest fleet are in the ports of this city. At present, the battleship of 2/3/2021 in Indonesia is in these two ports."

I immediately looked at the map. Down. "Understood. You are watching the movements of other fleets now. Also, tell Dolphin II to pay attention to the deployment of forces on Sumatra, and report any situation at any time."


< p>After hanging up, I reconnected to another communicator. "I am Purple Moon."

"This is the Ranger, do you have any orders from the president?"

"How is Noah's situation?"

"Noah is in the port in front of me. I can see it from here. Indonesians have done a lot of research on it in the past few days. They have figured out that this is an advanced mobile city, but they There is not enough funds and technology to complete it. Last night we also eavesdropped on one of their meetings. Some people wanted to sell it to Indians to make some money. Others said we would definitely intercept it, so we should dismantle it on the spot. We have a chance to grab it back."

I turned pale after hearing the report. "If Noah has anything to report immediately, the fleet has entered the middle of the Makassar Strait and is approaching the target."

"We understand, and good luck."

"I hope Come on!"

Our fleet is divided into three off the coast of Samarinda. A total of 1,800 battleships will remain. Indonesia's second and third largest fleets and Indonesia's first fleet in the Samarinda port opposite. In order to ensure that they were not discovered, we placed the ships on loan from the Fog Fleet in these two fleets to protect them with the fog. The fog that formed naturally in the south will gradually increase, and the main fleet does not need artificial fog to protect it. The more than 2,300 battleships of the main fleet will head south, encircling Lauter Island and regaining Noah. At the same time, the battle between Samarinda and Sinyyu will begin at the same time.

The enemy should concentrate on those two cities. We will take the opportunity to attack the islands of Sumatra and Java. By then, the guilds of Papua New Guinea will also launch an invasion campaign to cooperate with us. When the time comes, the whole area of ​​Indonesia is blooming. They are too busy to reinforce them. They are attacked everywhere and they are impossible to save. If they are smart enough, they can quickly gather to a sturdy Fortress City city while the Transmission Formation can be used. This may cause us some casualties. If they are divided into guards, we will just defeat them individually.

A small fleet has just left from Lauter Island and began to sail along the strait. Their destination is Samarinda. There are only three ships in this small fleet. Although they are all battleships, they are all wooden hull ships, belonging to the cannon fodder class. This small fleet passed by our lead ship in the fog. Our fleet in the fog simply did not find each other. Their tonnage is too small!

An Indonesian player stood on the bow of the ship and took a deep breath to the people beside him: "I like the feeling of being in the fog the most. It's so dreamy, like a dream."

Next to The people immediately objected: "Only you, a lunatic, would like it, I am not interested."

The third player walked out of the cabin. "Fog is the most dangerous climate. We are scurrying in this strait like a blind. If we hit someone else's boat, it will be extremely unlucky!"

"Doesn't this boat have long oars?" Let go of the oars, in case there is a boat, we can make a turn and avoid!"

"That's right."

Three Indonesian battleships put down their long oars, almost Just a few seconds later, the hydrophone operator on the Tyrant suddenly yelled: "Suddenly! My God! There are hundreds!"

I almost didn't fall off my seat in shock. Come down. "Are you not mistaken?" Even if the Indonesians have torpedoes, it is definitely not a simple matter to launch hundreds of torpedoes at the same time.

I just finished speaking, the listener said again: "No, no, it’s not a torpedo, what kind of sound is this? It’s strange!"

I immediately activated the fleet. The channel requires all listeners to concentrate on distinguishing what sound it is. Rose raised her head and said to the observation room above: "Did you see anything?"

The above has not yet answered Chuang Wang's first: "The fog is too big, I am afraid that condensation on the observation mirror will affect the battle for a while, so let They turned off. There is a pilot ship ahead, and there is something they should be able to see."

Suddenly a listener yelled: "It's the oars! That sound is the long oars used by the wooden shell battleship! "

The other listeners reacted immediately when he called. Our guild has long eliminated the wooden shell battleship, let alone the long oars. As a result, everyone did not respond to the sound of it's been a long time since we last met.

As we reacted here, the three battleships have also approached our battleship. The Indonesian player standing on the bow asked the person next to him: "What is the dark shadow?"

"The dark shadow?" The man did not recognize what it was after watching for a long time. So I called other people over.

When everyone is talking at once, the distance is gradually getting closer, and the black shadow suddenly reveals a huge silhouette from the fog, which is a huge bow like a small island. . The Indonesian player was stupid almost instantly, and the middle one of the three Indonesian battleships was facing the Tyrant and crashed into it.

A bang drew everyone back from shock. The Tyrant smashed the wooden shell battleship into a pile of wood chips like a model. People even only hear the impact and don't even feel the vibration. The super battleship Tyrant, with a displacement of 237,000 tons, and this unknown wooden shell battleship are not of the same magnitude at all. They are simply the difference between a big whale and a small goldfish.

The collision happened too suddenly, the Indonesian crew all fell into the water, and the two battleships on both sides were too late to save people, so they turned around and ran away. They know that they are impossible to run through these ironclad ships, but the big guys can't turn around properly, they can start the chat channel and send the message as long as they can get to the shore. The two battleships passed through both sides of the Tyrant, and then fled out through the small seams between the fleets.

The fast cruiser Glory saw a wooden hull ship approaching and immediately accelerated. The destroyer Hibari next to him immediately cooperated with him and leaned up to the wooden battleship in the middle. Without a bang, the wooden battleship even fired at us. With a sound, the shell hit the sidestring of the Glory, but it had no effect other than rubbing off a piece of paint. How could such a mortar that fired a solid iron ball hit the armor of a cruiser, even if it was a fast cruiser.

The Skylark quickly moved closer to the Glory. The two ships successfully sandwiched the wooden shell battleship between them, and then they continued to turn the rudder to move closer, only to hear the sound of the wood breaking, and the wooden shell battleship was caught. It's forcibly crushed.

The other wooden shell battleship is much luckier than this one. The battleship Huashan and Mount Tai that flanked him did not even hit it. That damn wooden boat actually had a steam engine, it didn't use that thing at first, so our hydrophone never found them. Now he suddenly activated this secret device, and as a result he suddenly accelerated and ran out of our battleship. The Huashan and Mount Tai banged into each other with a bang but did not catch the damn rotten wood battleship.

The Indonesian wooden shell ship quickly rushed to the coast after leaving our fleet. A destroyer on our side, which was on the extension of the fleet, suddenly let out a blast, and a torpedo entered the water. The wooden battleship was hit before it ran far, and there was a loud bang, and the battleship vanished in a huge Fireball. This episode made us rush towards Lauter Island at an accelerated pace.

We thought that battleship was finished, but it turned out that someone on board left in the small speedboat before the torpedo hit them. The fog was so heavy that we did not see the boat leaving. The search team only saw a pile of wreckage in the past, thinking that the enemy had been wiped out, but in fact three people ran away.

As soon as these three guys got ashore, they immediately notified the president of their guild via private chat. Because there was a video to testify, their words were immediately accepted. The Indonesians moved quickly, and Noah was dragged out of the port and began to move. People in various cities began to get nervous, all ports were in a mess, and everyone ran to supply the battleship to prepare for the battle.

Thanks to the fact that I sent a lot of spies to my mind, I received the report as soon as the Indonesians acted. "President, the Indonesians seem to know our actions. All cities have entered a state of war, and our actions have been restricted. The 7th Ranger team was discovered just now, but they have led the enemy away. We are now Noah is being monitored, and the Indonesians seem to be dragging it away."

"Do you have a way to stop them?"

"If Dolphins 3 and 6 are used to defend themselves The torpedoes sinking a few tugboats should slow them down. If we go to blow up the harbor trestle, it should also hinder them for a while."

"That's enough, do it now. Try our best. Hold on, we will be in range of the main gun in ten minutes."

"I think it should be possible!"

"It should not be, but must be."< /p>

"Yes, definitely."

I transferred the communication to the two fleets off Samarinda. "Crowd King?"

"I am here."

"We have exposed, and start the birthday team plan ahead of schedule."

"Understood."< /p>

In the port of Samarinda, a large number of people are running to the battleship, and some fast-moving battleships have begun to anchor. But unfortunately, they are still a step slower. The track of one after another white in the water quickly rushed into the harbor, followed by an earth-shaking explosion, and Indonesia's only giant battleship with more than 150,000 tons blasted up a huge Fireball. Immediately after this big guy was attacked by more than a dozen torpedoes in a row, the battleship immediately began to tilt, but it still persisted in not sinking. The Jakarta super battleship has a displacement of 189,000 tons. It is the only battleship in Indonesia with a breakthrough of 150,000 tons, but it is a pity that it has not sunk any battleship so far. However, it is not that it has not sunk other ships. Many small fishing boats used by players in our country have been sunk by him, but they have not collided with the Chinese battleship.

Many mines on the Jakarta began to flood, but the damage control team was still good, and the battleship never sank. It began to slowly adjust its angle and prepare to fire back, but will we give it this chance?

A giant dragon swooped down from the sky carrying eight blockbuster bombs. He threw all eight bombs down with a breath of oh la la. Because it is a dive bomb, so the accuracy is very high, eight all hits. Eight bombs, each weighing three thousand pounds, with no difficulty knocked off half of the Jakarta deck. Immediately behind the giant dragon was a team of long spears and began to dive and drop bombs. These small bombs really didn't make much sense against battleships, but their target was the small houses in the harbor. These stone buildings cannot stop bombs, and the ammunition, fuel, food, and medicines inside are all important materials. Boom boom boom, a row of Fireball leaped up in the port, and those precious materials were all over.

The American players stood on the boat and whistle: "Yo throat! It's fun! It's much more fun than watching it in the cinema!" They just finished talking about a long spear whistling over their heads, frightened. They narrowed their necks. You can watch a lot of these American player movies, but there are really shock waves that fly over your head in cinemas that cannot be simulated. They were shocked just now, but as soon as the long spear passed, they immediately started jumping and shouting for cheer. It was too energetic!

The King Chuang commanded the super battleship Storm to use the cannon to turn off the turrets in the port one by one, while the other battleships focused on the battleship in the strikes port. Most of the players in Indonesia have not yet boarded the boat, and many battleships are just a dozen people, and they can't go out at all. A group of players ran out from the harbor. They rushed to the battleship in an attempt to get the battleship out, but the accurate low-altitude bombing of the long spear quickly destroyed the wooden trestle bridge and sent them to the sky with the players running on it. .

The trestle bridge was destroyed, and the players behind dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety jumped into the water and swam towards the battleship, but more torpedoes entered the port, and their targets one after another Sank. There were vortices caused by the sinking of battleships everywhere in the harbor. Many people were drawn into the vortex and never came up again.

The King Chuang commanded the naval guns and knocked out all the turrets. The fleet began to move towards the port. As the distance shortened, the accuracy of the shells was significantly improved, and the remaining individual battleships were also sent one after another. Seabed, these battleships without an operator are completely good fixed targets, and one hit is accurate.

Although the battleship Jakarta was hit hard, it never sank. King Chuang ordered the follow-up troops to stop attacking the ship. At first’s torpedo destroyed its operational organization, and later bombing made its artillery dumb. Now this target is not threatening, and it can be repaired and sold to nearby small countries. Our guilds look down upon this kind of tattered battleship, a small country with no manufacturing capability is very much in demand. After all, the Jakarta is also considered a huge ship, if it weren't for a surprise attack, it would still have a lot of battle strength.

The first squadron led by King Chuang as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves generally ploughed the harbor, and the work after that was the landing operation. With the cooperation of a large number of American and German players, the city was occupied, then the German flag was hung, the city definition was cancelled and the city was re-applied, and the city officially became a German land. After the port was settled, the huge ships in the fleet quickly left the port. On the opposite side of the strait, the Second Squadron was attacking Siny Rain, but according to the spy’s report, the Siny Rain City had just been built and had not yet been equipped with gun emplacements. King Chuang left all the capital ships to the first squadron, and the second squadron only had small and medium-sized battleships. Now that this side is over, the large-scale battleship must of course go over and help.

That part of the American players also followed the large battleship to the Sinny Rain on the opposite bank. There is really a lot of gunpowder here. The battleship of Samarinda was not prepared, so it was settled simply without resistance, but the battleship of Sinai just happened to be going out for something, so it started to install supplies a long time ago. Upon receiving the news of the foreign fleet's invasion, the fleet immediately armed to prepare to resist the attack. The second squadron arrived relatively quickly, blocking most of the opponent's battleship in the port, but a small part of it ran out, and as a result a real naval battle broke out.

When the King Chuang arrived, the fleet was playing lively. Cannonballs flew across the sea, and occasionally there was a giant Fireball raised by the battleship exploded in the ammunition depot. The deafening explosions, terrifying shock waves, and the strong smell of sulfur on the sea made those American players very excited. American players are not like ours. We have frequent wars with Japan, but the US fleet basically can only bully the surrounding small countries, there is no war to fight, so this large-scale naval battle is still very exciting for them.

"Be careful!" King Chuang caught an American girl who suddenly fell from the turret. "Why did you climb onto the fort? Don't let it go? We're still fighting!"

"It's a pity to not watch such a fierce battle. My name is Luna, Petra's Guild Vice-President. What do you call the handsome guy?"

"My name is King Chuang, the commander-in-chief of the Frost Rose League navy."

"It turned out to be the commander of the fleet! Xinghui. Thank you just now."

Chuang Wang Wuxin chatted with her, politely said: "no effort at all. I have something to do, let me leave." Then he climbed into the turret and began to explain the matter.

Luna muttered outside: "It's strange, why is this guy so cold. Is my charm broken? Or are Chinese men like this? No, you can't make him so arrogant. How dare you not pay attention to me? , I have to let you pay attention."

The King Chuang suddenly sneezed unpreparedly: "It's strange, who is talking bad about me!"

"Captain , The Indonesian fleet has entered firing range." The report from the observation room interrupted the idea of ​​​​breaking the king.

"Shoot and fire, kill one by one from the largest to the smallest, don’t keep any of them."


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This chapter is 6,000, and I still owe 5,000. It should be possible to complete it at once tomorrow.

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