"I hope your method is feasible." Hong Yue turned around and walked a few steps, then suddenly remembered something back. "Almost forgot, Voma asked me to tell you that the operation of Windmill City is not normal."

"What does it mean to be abnormal?"

"I don't know, you go by yourself Let’s take a look! It looks like it will take a while before the enemy’s assembly is complete."

"Understood, you should go ahead and do your job!"

Every time, just one Everything was messed up during the war. In reality, it takes four to six months to prepare for a local war in advance. We almost completed the preparation in a few days. Thanks to the convenience of Magic World!

After arriving at Windmill City, Woma was not found, but the operator said that the city’s power facilities have been flashing sparks, but there are no problems yet. I went to the power room and took a look at the power extractor. It turned out that it was flashing an arc, and it was impossible to get close outside.

"When did it start like this?"

"It has been four hours, and it is getting more and more serious." The German MM took a piece of paper and handed it to me . "This is the internal energy pressure we measured. The internal pressure of this thing has been increasing. Voma estimates that there is a problem with the internal energy coordinator, but now the energy for this Sky City comes from here. We are impossible to shut it down!"

"It’s okay, don’t stop for now, we need his support. You try to keep it running, as long as you can persist until the end of the battle."

"We don’t I can guarantee that it can last for that long. Eight hours should be ok. If it is longer, I’m afraid...?"

"That’s okay. Please make sure that it doesn’t fall off for the next eight hours. Now."

"Let’s do our best!"

The power equipment of Windmill City is obviously going to be dying. I know that most likely it is because of the continuous use of transnational Transmission Formation since its completion. . The power core extracts too much energy, causing the core to overheat. As a result, it melts a part of the parts inside. It can barely be used now, but it may fall at any time. My expectation is to support the enemy's full attack, in case it really falls. At least it can be used as a bomb.

Basically all the guilds in the city have arrived, and the preparations for the enemies outside are also over. After the last enemy walked out of the Transmission Formation, the huge space gate suddenly disappeared, and the huge Legion suddenly appeared on the plain outside the city of Samarinda.

"Purple Moon? Are you back?" The eagle suddenly appeared behind me.

"Yes? Didn't you go to Germany to help transport the equipment?"

Axiuford came up from behind: "The stuff has arrived, look over there, it’s being installed Well."

I followed Ashford’s hand and looked at it. Sure enough, many people are hoisting a huge weapon, but the shape of the thing is a little strange. I don’t know what it is for. . "What is that?"

"High-power field device."

"What is it for?"

Axiuford shook his head. "Don't look at me, I don't know. The technologists have to bring me to experiment. The problem is that they still refuse to tell me the specific use. They just say that must be installed on the city wall."

I looked at the huge machine again. It has a large base, which is more like a fort, but the superstructure doesn't look like a cannon. "It's always useful anyway! I hope that when the time comes can come in handy."


The enemy leader was killed by me, the most Strong forwards have also been integrated by me, so the current command is a little messy. After the space door was closed, they spent nearly 3 hours on the spot before finally finishing the reorganization. At this time, we had already waited for more than an hour.

When the enemy moves at first, the player on our side quickly enters the bunker under the city wall. Before the battle begins, long-range weapons are fired at each other. At this time, standing on the city wall is not a good idea.

"Start attacking!" A newly elected command from the enemy issued the final order, and tens of millions of enemy troops began to rush towards the city.

I connected to the communication of Windmill City. "Send the air force to clear the air force of the other party first."


The take-off deck of Windmill City was extremely busy for a while, and a large number of air forces flew from the take-off deck. A large number of players from various guilds rushed out riding their summon creatures. Of course, the long spear and giant dragon of our guild also participated in the battle, and we sent a large number of city guards to participate in this air battle. The floating position of Windmill City is on the plain in front of Samarinda, so our air force can start the battle early. Although our air force is huge, there are not a few enemies. A large number of flying beasts rushed up with various flying knights.

This is the first time that many players have seen such a large-scale air battle. Millions of air forces and nearly a thousand types of flying creatures are fighting together. The scene is probably unforgettable for ordinary people.

After the flying creatures took off, the deck of Windmill City was vacant, and I appeared on this deck with my tank. The tank has now returned to its normal size, but it seems to be larger than before, and the two more horns on his head have been deformed on the back of the launcher.

I pointed to the front and said: "Tank, what is the formidable power of your new cannon under the experiment."


The tank stretches out The limbs raised the transmitter on my back, and I quickly informed myself in front of me to get out of the way and not be accidentally injured. There was already a mess in the public channel. As soon as I finished shouting, everyone started to complain, but they quickly gave up the route.

At the right time, the transmitter on the back of the tank flashed suddenly, and a purple beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky across the battlefield. Of course the enemy could not hear my warning. They were wondering why the enemy in this airspace suddenly ran away, but the sudden appearance of the light beam made them understand the reason, but it was too late.

The super ray of the tank is obviously not as thick as it was in Demon Realm, but there seems to be no change in the formidable power. All enemies near the ray launch path have been swept in. The purple rays seem to have a very high temperature. The enemies near the rays watched the rays pass by them in horror, but before they were lucky enough to be hit, they suddenly self-destructed in the air. I stood next to the tank and looked at this invincible huge might. Unlike other people’s surprises, I can clearly feel the formidable power drop. When the tank is in Demon Realm, the ray is far more than this formidable power, and it has dropped significantly here. The reason why everyone seems to be ruthless ray is because they have not seen the real formidable power of Demon Realm. The formidable power of a hydrogen bomb is larger than that of an atomic bomb. Everyone knows this, but no one can tell the difference in their formidable power when watching it live, because both are very strong. The ray of the tank obviously does not have the destructive power that ignores everything in Demon Realm, but the formidable power is still infinite when dealing with these creatures, so the formidable power has not changed, in fact it has dropped.

This launch is not as continuous as it did in Demon Realm. After the tank eliminated the enemies on this line, the tank began to turn its rays to sweep those nearby enemies, but the launch only lasted for seven or eight seconds and ended. .

"The tank, how did it stop?"

"Magic." The tank replied to me while putting away the launcher: "I feel my strength is declining, and this thing has absorbed me. I’m very weak, so I can’t sustain the continuous launch."

I quickly opened the tank’s attribute list and checked the status. The health value has not changed, but the stamina and mana are almost used up. It seems that the energy of this new launcher comes from the magic of the tank itself, but this one is much better than the previous magic crystal cannon. Mana and physical strength can be restored relatively quickly, and it would be more convenient if the priests of darkness and the priests of light were nearby. The Life Sacrifice of the Dark Priest can quickly restore mana by consuming life, while the Song of Life of the Light Priest can quickly restore health. As long as the two work together, the mana can be quickly replenished.

Although there are no priests by my side, I have Goddess. Xiaochun's light power absolutely surpasses any priest of light, and Ling's dark magic absolutely surpasses any dark wizard. If the two cooperate, it is an invincible combination. But the problem now is that it is a miracle that the two usually don't fight, and it is a very difficult problem for them to cooperate.

I summoned two Goddess and came out to talk to them about my thoughts. I originally planned to face their refusal to spend some time. They didn’t expect them to say a word and started to follow me. Request to restore the magic power to the tank.

In fact, this recovery also needs to consume the magic power of two Goddess, but this is equivalent to using the power of three familiars to make up for the consumption of a transmitter, and it is the same as the tank’s No. 5 battery Compared with the meager magic value, the two Goddess are simply magic power stations. I want to wait until their magic power is exhausted, and the tank may have burned all the enemies.

The new method is indeed very effective. The tank quickly started the second launch, and this time it continuously launched for more than 20 seconds. After only a ten-second rest, it started its third launch. In addition to tank weapons, there are many other weapons in Windmill City. The anti-air artillery in the city quickly wiped out the enemy's air force. Soon the enemy realized that the thing flying above them was a dangerous target. A large number of enemies flew towards us one after another.

I hurried to inform my personnel who were fighting nearby in the war channel. "Everyone pay attention to block the enemy and don't let them approach the Windmill City."

"You said it is light!" A player struggled to pull out a lance from a monster, and then directed the mount to pounce on another flying beast past. "We...ah...there are so many damn enemies, why are we busy here!"

"That's right! We are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers!" Another player intervened.

This war channel is a channel owned by all attackers and all defenders during the war. We set the war channel as the command system. This time we limit the right to only the guild president and Vice-President level personnel can speak in it, and other people can only listen but not speak.

"Everyone, try your best! Block everything that can be blocked. We will use anti-aircraft fire to intercept the ones that are really unstoppable."

"Okay! Everyone, work harder, We bought the cities in the back with money. If you lose it, you will lose!"

The unknown president speaks a little bit thickly, but the effect is still good. Everyone heard this immediately. It has become dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety. Although the latter city was only bought by a guild, if it can be preserved, it means that the latter city will not have problems, so protecting Samarinda is actually protecting its own interests. This guild leader's encouragement made everyone crazy.

Excited friendly forces have indeed greatly increased their efficiency, and the enemy’s losses have continued to increase, but after all, our overall numbers are not dominant. The enemy still often crosses the defensive line and enters the vicinity of the city. I released all my flying familiars and let them take care of guarding around the city, but this little power is obviously not enough to protect our city.

Suddenly a giant locust-like creature rushed through our direction and posted it to the city. There are no people around to stop it. The tank’s energy has not been replenished. Only me can shoot. By myself.

Jumped out of Windmill City, spread his wings and flew towards the monster. The guy's flying skills didn't seem to be very good, and I easily landed on his head. Pulling out the part that eternally inserted its head and body, cut it down, and cut off the entire head along its head. The locust without its head is still flying, but it can no longer recognize its direction. The huge body slammed into a fellow of the same kind and fell to the ground together.

I just jumped away from its body, and a giant red bird rushed next to it, but at the same time a winged canine creature entered in the other direction. Fortunately, I was able to Avatar, expand two Avatars in one breath, and then stopped two monsters one by one. My body couldn't be cleaned either. The third and fourth rare beast rushed over. I was blocking this side, not the other side. I really want to have more Avatars!

Hesitation can't solve the problem. The only way is to solve one first, and then kill it before the other one has caused too much damage to the city. I fought with one of the two flying dogs, this guy is not low level, it is very difficult to deal with. The other one escaped the interception artillery fire and successfully reached the edge of the city. Fortunately, this idiot did not directly damage the exterior of the city but flew inside. Although we no longer have an air force, there are not many ground troops. As soon as the guy entered, he was chopped into meat by a fearless warrior. mud.

With this lesson learned, the rare beasts in the back also learned to be smart, and they began to directly destroy the peripheral equipment of the city. The Windmill City could not be built too large due to technical reasons, so many equipment were installed outside the city in a way that the enemy could seize the opportunity. A rare beast with long fangs was taken to the edge of the city by another flying beast, and then the rare beast jumped out.

I followed up with a sword and cut the flying beast in half, but the rare beast has successfully grabbed the wall of the city and placed it outside the city. I quickly notified the operator inside: "Raise quickly, there are enemies outside the city, rise to a high altitude and throw them down."

"No." The operator inside immediately replied: "If it can be ascended. We went up after the flight unit left. After the launch, we didn't need to stop at this height to fight. But now the power core is very unstable. We really don't dare to do extra moves. The thing may explode at any time! "

"It's really troublesome! Then let the fearless warrior come out and solve it. That guy has almost climbed to the observation pod!"

"Got it."

< p>The rare beast like a mutant gorilla just climbed out of the observation cabin when a small door beside it suddenly opened. A fearless warrior jumped out of it with a rope on his waist. This group of MMs really have a way. They actually think of attaching a seat belt to the fearless warrior, but to be honest, this design is really convenient.

The rare beast hangs outside by its own strength. Although it can grab things like a gorilla, it can't move flexibly anymore. Fearless warrior is different. He brought a safety rope and was bolder in everything. The fearless warrior crawled to the orangutan side with his hands and feet together and threw himself at it. The orangutan was already struggling to crawl, but suddenly it rushed on to a person and it immediately couldn't catch it. The warrior and the monster fell together, but the fearless warrior fell only a few meters before being pulled by the rope, and of course the monster could only fall into a meatloaf. The rope was slowly pulled back, and the fearless warrior also returned to the city, but it was not over yet.

The enemy seems to have discovered that this assault method is very effective, so a large number of flying beasts and ground creatures began to attack without interruption. Because of our strong interception, many flying creatures threw rare beasts before they got close enough. Of course, a large number of rare beasts were thrown to death alive, but the enemy still spared no effort to repeat this throwing. The meatloaf game does not care about casualties at all.

Only all kinds of rare beasts were thrown over first, but then the enemy started throwing human soldiers here, some of them still carrying lassos. Because the lasso with the grappling hook is easy to hang on the protruding parts of the city, it is easier for these human soldiers to step on our city. At first, the guards could barely deal with these guys, but then they became more and more, and there was not enough space in Windmill City, and the number of guards could not be too many, so some of them couldn't stand it.

The enemy keeps gathering, and when the number is almost the same, they begin to destroy everything around them. A guy stuffed his weapon in from the orbit of the rotating blade, and when the blade reached that position again, the gear naturally twisted the weapon in. With the harsh sound of zhi zhi quack, the blade turned slower and slower, and finally there was a metal cracking sound, and the blade was completely stuck.

The two rotating stabilizing blades stopped one, and the city began to lose its stability and began to spin slowly. Seeing the success of the upper man, the enemy below also inserted the weapon into the blade track, so the second stable blade also stopped working. The two blades stopped turning one after another, and the rotation of Windmill City immediately began to speed up, but I don't know if it was lucky or unlucky. Suddenly, there was a loud metal twisting sound, and the blades of the First Layer were bent down horizontally. The huge area of ​​the blades acted as a speed brake, and the speed of the city's rotation immediately slowed down again.

Shortly after the stabilizer wing broke, the enemy climbed up the air inlet on the top of the city. Of course we know that this is an important part. A large group of 1000-level fearless warrior guards here to keep the enemy from approaching, but the disaster still happened. An Indonesian player mixed in the NPC and climbed to the top of the city. During the fight, he fell to the ground. As a result, an explosion happened under the city and the whole city was shaken. The guy took the opportunity to climb forward hoping to get through the defensive circle. He successfully crawled between the guard's legs and got to the vicinity of the air inlet.

The guy still doesn’t know where the entrance way is connected, but seeing the guards protecting this place like this, he thinks that this thing must be connected to the vital part of the sky city. As a result, he does not have the slightest hesitation. Jumped in. The fearless warrior stretched out his hand to pull him, but it was a pity that he didn't catch it.

The guy was proud that he had successfully broken through the defense and entered such a critical place. His face was full of smiles, but unfortunately he couldn't laugh anymore. The passage sent him directly in front of a giant turbofan, and the high-speed rotation of the giant turbofan made a deep buzzing sound. There is no place for the smooth air intake. Although the guy saw blades with high-speed rotation blades and scratched wildly, he couldn't slow down his falling speed at all.

With a desperate scream, he fell into the interior of the turbofan, followed by a burst of crackle and various noises, the red liquid inside the turbofan was scattered and spilled everywhere. Yes. The propulsion port below the city suddenly ejected a cloud of flames, and then some strange metal fragments fell out, which were the pulpy armor fragments that the idiot was twisted and some of the blade parts of the turbofan.

It is said that this incident should arouse vigilance, but Indonesian players seem to have no technical concept at all. Indonesian players who have successively boarded the city discovered this explosion and fire. One of the players loudly said: "The Suffering Tower must have gone in and destroyed the equipment in the city and caused an explosion. Everyone, please go in and help!" It doesn’t matter if he says so, the Indonesian players behind will immediately one A gleeful breakthrough guarded the defensive line jumping into the air intake of the Voron thruster. I don’t know whether to cry or laugh anymore when I saw this scene. This group of brainless guys really mad at me!

With a scream from the air intake, those giant turbofans were completely changed into meat grinder. One by one Indonesian players were beaten into blood foam, but their armor and body also caused serious damage to the high-speed rotation turbofan.

Suddenly the air inlet made a terrifying sound like a monster's dying roar, and then flames sprayed out from the air inlet and exhaust at the same time, and the turbofan unit was completely shut down. I quickly rushed into the city, and many enemies have already arrived here. After killing a few people, I saw a German MM operating the city. "Evacuate, evacuate now!" I couldn't rush over and could only shout to her.

She nodded immediately turned around and rushed back to the control room, when the huge abandon ship alarm sounded. Most people understand this general warning. I also gave our own people an order to leave Windmill City on the War Channel, and everyone immediately followed suit.

The last one of our players and NPCs left Windmill City and I rushed into the control room, where a dozen Indonesian players stood staring at the densely packed crystal control panel. These high technologies are a bit too advanced for them.

When they saw me coming in, they immediately rushed up without the slightest hesitation. But I didn't come to desperately, kick the guy in the front and knock down the people behind, and then jumped over them to the front of the console. After pressing a few buttons, the console rose, and a handle enclosed by a crystal cover appeared below. I smashed the crystal shell with a punch and grabbed the handle. An Indonesian from behind has already rushed up. He hugged my neck and dragged me back. My hand was still hanging on the lever. When he pulled me, he just pulled the lever up.

Turning around and punching the guy who was in the way out and overwhelming the guys who had just gotten up again, rushed back to the handle and pressed the button on the top of the handle. Almost as soon as that button was pressed, all the machinery in Windmill City stopped operating at the same time, but the core energy extractor turned red. The red arc in the power room flowed along the wall, and several Indonesian players who rushed in used their habit to dismantle the power core, and they all turned into roast ducks.

Although Windmill City is a miniature city, it is a city after all, and it weighs no less than 10,000 tons. Although the vacuum cabin in the upper part of the city can provide a lot of buoyancy, it cannot support all the weight. The city that loses power falls to the ground like a big iron mound.

I only had 15 seconds to escape after turning off the instrument, so it must be too late to walk through the gate. Facing the wall, he drew out Eternity and chopped it up. "Storm of Swords!" A few sword qi flashed past, and the wall exploded directly. Put away Eternal and jumped out of Windmill City, and there were two guys behind me jumping out, one of them didn't touch me, but the other one hugged one of my legs.

"I'm dizzy! Give me down!" This guy holds me and makes me fly so hard, I'm not a devil beast, but it's hard to fly with people! After banging hard on his head for a long time, he didn't let go. This guy kept calling him a fear of heights, and no matter how I hit him, he wouldn't let go. "You bastard, you have a fear of heights and climb so high to make my city like this, you go down to me!"

"Ah! I won't go down!" That guy's voice is all wrong .

This guy is really troublesome to hang up like this, but he won't let go no matter how he hits him. I simply brightened the claws: "You don't let go, are you? Then drop your arms together."

Bend down and cut off his two arms at the shoulders. After losing his fixation, he Immediately screamed and fell. It took a lot of effort to pull the two arms that were still holding me tightly and threw them down together.

That damn guy wasted me too much time. I couldn't reach a safe distance with a person, but now there is no way. Windmill City, which lost its power, finally touched the ground after I threw it at that guy, and the time seemed to slow down at that moment. The huge city squeezed to the ground like slow motion. When the bottom of the city was completely squashed, the city suddenly began to collapse inward. There are all enemies under Windmill City, and they have only now discovered that the situation is not right. Just now they were celebrating the success of knocking down this big guy, and now they have not had time to put down their cheering arms.

The collapsed city suddenly flashed a bright spot, and then suddenly returned to normal speed for a normal slow motion. The high-temperature flame in the loud noise of heaven shaking, earth shattering instantly enveloped everything within a radius of one kilometer. The shock wave spreads outwards at a speed of one kilometer per second, and a large number of metal fragments are mixed in the enemy’s stumps and flies all around frantically. Anything that blocks them will be sieved and divided into countless fragments. They spread out together.

In the sky, I hurriedly summon Jingjing to come out to save my life. As soon as Jingjing’s absolute barrier unfolded, the shock wave sent us to the sky together. The huge mushroom cloud on the ground rose to a height of several kilometers, and the shock wave smoothed everything all the way. Thanks to the fact that we made Windmill City a little farther away from Samarinda, and Samarinda has been strengthened many times and barely survived the shock wave. Unfortunately, many cannons were blown by the blast and fell under the city wall. The smooth armor plate that Samarinda has just reinforced now acts like a hedgehog, slowing the metal fragments. If it weren't blocked by the city wall, these things would surely sieve everything in the city wall.

It took more than ten minutes for Jingjing and I to return from the sky to the ground. Eagle and Ashford’s covered in dirt commanded everyone to restore their defenses on the city wall. Seeing me coming down, the eagle ran over immediately. "Where are you going again?"

"Don't mention it, I was right above Windmill City when the explosion, the shock wave hit me all the way to the top, almost turned into a man-made satellite!"


Ashford played said with a smile: "That's fine, we will have all-weather super spy satellites in the future."

"How is the situation below? Is anyone injured?"

Eagle Road: "We have nothing to do here. The city is relatively strong and the ground shock wave is very severely affected by the terrain. There are not many huge mights here. There are several casualties, all of them were dropped, directly I didn’t find the damage. There were a few guns on the city wall that were blown down by the blast, but they were basically still usable. p>"They were not sheltered on the ground, and the explosion was closer to them, which is more unlucky than us. The scouts just said that they were still rearranging the troops, and it seemed that they had been hit hard."

De squeezed up and said: "How many explosives do you have in the city? This formidable power isn't this too ridiculous?"

"We didn't have explosives!"

"What was it just now?" Ashford asked in surprise.

"It is the self-destruct formidable power of the power core. That thing is almost like an atomic bomb. It accidentally exploded in Isengard last time and almost didn't fly the port."

< p>"Good guy, I thought your city was a suicide bomber!"

"Suicide weapons are something Japanese people like. We don’t have that interest, but the city can’t be supported anyway, and it’s on the ground. It’s not bad to burn both jade and stone afterwards."

"It’s a pity that the city in the sky!"

I smiled and said: "That thing is an experimental model, even if it’s true in the future. It’s impossible to use this shape to make the Sky City! We are just in time for this large-scale national battle experiment to test the actual combat value of this thing. Now that the experimental data is obtained, whether it can be preserved is of little significance. ."

"You are so willing to spend money."

"Nonsense, is there any money for war?"

"The enemy, the enemy has attacked "We were talking about Windmill City, but a member next to him yelled.

I turned and looked towards the outside of the city, and the enemy really started to move here again. The air battle just consumed part of the enemy's air force, and the explosion later killed a lot. Now the enemy's air force is far inferior to ours in terms of quality and quantity, but the enemy's ground forces are still huge. That kind of explosion is indeed endless formidable power, but there are more than 10 million enemies! A large area of ​​standing there was crushed in darkness, even if it did not hide, it was impossible to be completely wiped out by an explosion. The remaining enemy troops began to approach our city, and the speed was quite fast.

Ashford immediately used the war channel to command. "Attention, everyone, the enemy is approaching, set up all the cannons, and prepare the fire to clear the field."

All kinds of artillery in the city began to adjust their angles, and one round was pushed into the barrel. The fleet also lay horizontally on the sea and began to prepare to use naval guns to support the city's operations. Most of the players in the American guild brought guns, and they all started to attack at the shooting holes on the side of the city wall.

When the enemy rushed to the city only three or four kilometers away, with my order, ten thousand cannons fired in the city immediately. The battleship on the sea made a rumble of cannons, especially our super large-caliber naval guns, and smoke rings were ejected from the muzzle flames. Flowers bloomed on the ground outside the city in an instant, and the barrage was dense and there was no interval at all. All enemies entering the range were swept away almost without leaving. The powerful artillery advantage allows us to try our best before the enemy approaches the city wall. Destroy the enemy more. Taking into account the problem of accidental injury, our artillery will only attack the target one kilometer away from the city wall. Once we get close to the enemy within one kilometer of the city wall, we will no longer shoot.

The attacking speed of these enemies is super fast. Although our barrage is so dense that the shells sometimes collide with each other in the air, the enemy is still rushing forward without turning back. These guys are almost like a big sword club, shouting impervious to sword and spear while rushing forward. They don't have any technical content at all. They rely on more people to bully us and fewer people. Fortunately, we have a lot of guns.

The enemy rushing at the front is the cavalry. They quickly broke through our artillery into the vicinity of the city wall. After the artillery fire loses its effect, it is the world of American players. Their muskets are the most effective urban defense weapon at medium distances. A burst of guns sounded, and the cavalry in the charge began to plant one by one, but the cavalry behind all raised their shields, and the attack effect after that was significantly reduced.

The enemy reached the city wall under the attack, and all the cavalry stopped imme

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