After I put away these bottle gourds, Erlang Shen said that he was in a hurry, and then left in a hurry. I looked at the pile of bottle gourd in front of me and suddenly had a special idea.

Start the guild channel to issue a notice: "Attention everyone, the people in the following list have gathered at Isinger's central square. There are important things."

Isinger is being Before the destruction, I bought an hour to make arrangements, so the main thing that was really lost in this incident was the immovable buildings. The things in Isinger and our other cities were basically moved away, and the personnel Most of them were evacuated early, and not many people really lost in the Four Divine Beasts attack.

Two hours later, all the people on my notification list are almost there, and the remaining ones are not important. I informed that there are only 300 people who are going to arrive, and now they just form a circle here, and I stand in the middle.

"President, what is calling us over?" a player asked.

"It's like this." I piled up the bottle gourd: "You guys are all those who dropped in this attack. The Celestial Court just sent the compensation item."


"Are these bottle gourds?" a MM asked.

I nodded: "There is Immortal Pill, which can be upgraded."

"That's very good, it will be much more convenient for us to upgrade to this thing in the future."

Sure enough, someone thought of saving this thing for later eating. I quickly explained: "No, no, no. These Immortal Pills are custom-made, and are compensated according to your downgrade situation, so you must not wait to eat them later. For example, this bottle gourd." I picked one up casually. "This indicates that the level is 679, which means that no matter who eats it, you are directly upgraded to level 679. If you eat more than 679, then you will be downgraded."

"I rely on So insidious!" some players shouted.

I immediately said: "Actually, my main job is not to send Immortal Pill to you this time, but to buy Immortal Pill with you."

"Buy Immortal Pill?"


I nodded: "Now I will send you the ones that I don't need, and I will tell you those who don't get them in a while." Then I started to send Immortal Pill to the names one by one. Those who didn't come were handed over to their acquaintances for help.

Although more than 300 people have bottle gourd this time, all I really need is 23 of them. After all the unnecessary bottle gourds have been posted, I said to the remaining 23 humanity: "Okay, now you are left. I will start to talk to you about the situation. The first thing to explain is that I will not force it. I set a price. If you are willing to sell it to me, you can sell it. If you don’t want it, send it to you."

"The president needs to take it, and there is no need to pay. Anyway, I will use Level 1. The effect of making up is not great." said a long and handsome Chinese player.

A German MM next to it also said: "The president needs to take it. Anyway, I am a career and it is useless to rank."

Another Chinese MM said:" Anyway, our level is low. Level 1 is easy to practice. There is really no need to buy it. Compared with other guilds, the welfare of our guild is much better. This is nothing."

I smiled and said: "What is your name? What level is it now?"

The little girl immediately replied: "My name is Poisonous Mushroom. I only started playing "Zero" recently, and it's only 27Level 3 now. ."

"haha, I don’t think you know that your Immortal Pill is the third most valuable of the Immortal Pill I am going to acquire this time, right?"

"Ah ?" The little girl was taken aback for a moment.

A person next to him asked: "No, President! I'm much higher than him, and now I'm at level 479, can it be said that mine is first and second?"

I laughed: "You are indeed second, but it is the countdown."


A smarter player next to him immediately called out: "I understand Now! The president wants to use this thing as a weapon. The lower the level, the more powerful it is."

"As a weapon?" Others still don't understand what's going on.

The player who understood what I meant explained: "Although the purpose of this Immortal Pill is to upgrade us, but in order to limit us to use it later, it takes advantage of it. Celestial Court made it No matter how many levels people eat, they will become the corresponding level of Immortal Pill. We eat it to upgrade, but if it is expert? An enemy with more than 700 levels only needs to eat the Immortal Pill of the poisonous mushroom MM just now. It will become more than two hundred levels, have you seen a super weapon that drops five hundred levels at a time?"

"Oh!" With the sound of breathing around, everyone finally understands the terrifying point of this thing. .

I think everyone understands, and I started to explain: "Okay, now let’s talk about the situation! The 23 of you are below level 500, and everyone is destroyed in the city. I have only lost Level 1 or 2 at the time, which means that the replacement is still below level 500. It can be said that your level is very good, at least much better than those at level 600 or 700. So I bought you The Immortal Pill has little effect on you."

"En." Everyone nodded agree with me.

I continued: "This is the case now. The Immortal Pill that I bought is calculated according to the level complement, which is simply calculated according to the difference with level 1000. Like a poisonous mushroom younger sister, she is in the city. She died once when she was destroyed, but then she failed to resurrect and dropped two levels, and she is now 27Level 3, which means that her Immortal Pill actually reached the level 27Level 5. 1000 minus 275 equals 725, I follow Level 1 What do you think about buying 5 crystal coins?"

The poisonous mushroom said excitedly: "Level 1 5 crystal coins? Then I can get 3625 crystal coins? That's more than 30,000 renminbi. Ah!"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Is it too exaggerated?" Poisonous mushrooms were a little scared. Although now (this now refers to the era of the protagonist, not 2006) the average monthly income of the urban population in China is about 13,000 yuan, but playing a game and playing a game to play a month or two of salary, most people still It would be very surprised.

"I only look at value when I talk about business. These things are absolutely worth the price if they are used against those experts."

A player considered Heavenly Dao for a half: "This is really a bit too That’s too much. I think one crystal coin at Level 1 is almost the same!"

I thought about it, and then said: "Well then, 2 crystal coins per level."

"Agree." Everyone nodded.

After a short while, I settled all the money to them, and then these 23 Immortal Pills belonged to me. Hehe, this is Immortal Pill for low-level people, but it is poison for high-level people. The most powerful player in this acquisition is Immortal Pill, a player who just joined our guild. The target level of this Immortal Pill is 10Level 7, which means that no matter who eats it, it will immediately fall to 10Level 7. If nothing else, this Immortal Pill I plan to find a chance to pour down the gun god, that guy is the only guy who has the strength to challenge me one-on-one. The Japanese people always rely on numbers to press me down, and they don't take any shots in terms of individual strength.

After the acquisition is over, I will go offline first. Wei Na and the others work a lot now and can't always hang around with me in the game. After I quit, I took them to the training room, where the instructors from the B1 unit were already waiting for us.

The task now is to train Vina and their skills in fighting and weapon use. These things are all operational skills, not just reading a book, just like riding a bicycle, you don’t really practice Several times, no matter how many books I read, I can’t learn it.

Today's primary training item is the shooting of individual weapons. In the study cabin, they have learned the detailed knowledge of various weapons, but they have not personally operated it, and now it is practice. Although the physical strength of the biochemical man is very good, it is still necessary to learn to use weapons.

After they officially started training, I left the training ground. I learned to shoot. I don’t need to practice anymore. Now what I need to practice is how to control the stability of the brain waves. I don’t want Vina and the others to be free Receive my brain waves.

The research director gave me a strange set of equipment, and then asked me to stand in the room to practice with this set of equipment. The working principle of this set of equipment is very special. Its main function is to assist in training my brain so that I can control my brainwave leakage freely.

The supervisor told me that when I look at a light and imagine turning it off or on, the device on my head will receive my stream of consciousness, and then it will control the light switch. What I want to practice now is that when I want to switch a certain light, the light still does not respond, even if it is qualified. If I can control the leakage of brain waves, this instrument will not receive the signal, so the light will not turn on and off according to my will.

The day's practice is quickly over, and I still can't control my brain waves proficiently. The instrument on my head is too sensitive. As long as I think of a certain light, that light will turn on and off immediately, and it is impossible to hide it. However, the research director told me that today's training is still effective, because the signal received by the instrument at night is obviously not as strong as in the morning.

After finishing my special training, I went to the weapon training ground to pick up Vina and the others from class. As soon as I walked into the shooting range, I heard a deafening sound inside, as if someone was fighting in front of me. In order to reduce the noise, the underground shooting range is equipped with a large number of sound-absorbing equipment, but the sound-absorbing equipment cannot eliminate the noise emitted by the weapon itself. They can only absorb the echo.

After I got to the shooting position, I knew how intense the training was today. The bullet shells all over the floor showed that each of them had fired at least tens of thousands of bullets.

I look at the B1 team member who is in charge of coaching. "How are they training?"

The B1 player shook his head: "Not as good as an ordinary person!"

"Huh?" This answer was unexpected. I thought that these supermen could become sharpshooters in a day, but I know that the evaluation is not as good as the ordinary person.

A weapon next to the guide said: "Their physical strength is different from ours and ordinary person, and their strength habits are different. Our method is completely unsuitable for them to use, so we have no way to guide. They."

I pointed to the bullet shells all over the floor and said: "So you just let them shoot and find their own feeling?"

"Almost!" Instruct nodded and said: "But it seems that this method is not very effective."

As we were talking, there was a continuous burst of noise from a position next to him, and Skye was holding a heavy machine gun. The blast fired from there, and didn't stop until the bullets were empty. Skott pressed the button next to him, and the display screen on the wall next to him immediately showed the appearance of the gun target.

I stretched my head and took a look, then helplessly shook the head. I just used a universal magazine for machine guns. A shuttle has 200 rounds of ammunition. There are only 3 holes in the entire target, and two of them are on the corners, and the chain is not touched. The only one that is considered to be hit by the bullet. On the ring line of the outermost ring, it does not count as one ring.

"It seems that when you shoot, the place where you aim is the safest."

Scott scratched his head awkwardly: "I don't know how to do it. Obviously, I did it according to the instructions, but it was a lot worse."

At this time, Ling in a position next to him also put down his pistol. As a result, when he presses the button, the image is not displayed, only one The mechanical sound: "Missing the target!" If you miss a shot after a shot, it will be like this when you press the check button. You can tell you the mop without displaying the image at all.

Xiaochun, Jingjing, and Lingling are also practicing in the uppermost position. Standing in the middle, Xiaochun took a silver pistol and it looks like an alternative beauty. She emptied 16 rounds of the super-long magazine in a standard posture that could be used as a demonstration. At the same time, Jingjing and Lingling next to her also finished their bullets.

After Xiaochun pressed the button, the voice that appeared was the same as Ling: "Missing the target!" Three wrinkles appeared on her face immediately.

Jingjing next to Jingjing pressed the switch of trembling in fear, and when the screen came out, she jumped up happily: "Zoom! Zoom!"

The Lingling beside him is also called I got up: "I was hit too!"

The two guides ran over immediately, and I followed. There are 8 holes in Jingjing's target, and Lingling's is the same. The guide looked at Jingjing's target and then at Lingling's target. He turned to me and said, "A sky full of stars, a sky full of stars! Middle school students are better than this, but this is the best result so far! "

Another guide suddenly snatched Lingling's gun: "Did you shoot with this gun just now?"

Lingling was nodded. The guide handed me the gun. "How did a revolver that can only hold 6 bullets make 8 holes?"

I just noticed that this gun has a large caliber, but the bullet holes on the target are very small. . The instructor next to him pressed the contortion on Lingling's target position, and the mechanical sound rang. "7 rounds of the Kalka pistol for the competition, one round of the domestically produced 9D2 large-caliber revolver."

Halo! Only one of Lingling's targets was shot by herself, and the other seven shots were shot by stray bullets shot by Xiaochun in the nearby position. I walked over and clicked on Jingjing's position, the result was almost the same, 8 holes and 5 rounds were shot by Xiaochun's gun, and she herself got three shots.

One guide said helplessly: "With this Spear Art, I am afraid that only a single-soldier bazooka can hit the target in the future!"

I said to the two guides: "I see They are not suitable for ordinary training. You won't use them tomorrow. I'll think of another way!"

The two nodded instructors left, and they also knew that this could not be forced. I turned around and said to Vina and the others: "Okay, put the weapons away and go back with me. This is not the way to hit, I will ask a technician to help you see what causes you to always fail to hit. Now first Go back and steal the wood with me."

Place everyone back online, and we are again in Isengard. I first took out the bottle gourd given by Erlang Shen, and then took out the Immortal Pill. Holding the Immortal Pill, I started to worry. My Immortal Pill is pink, about the size of an apple. I don’t know what other people’s looks like. I don’t seem to be normal anyway.

I also poured an Immortal Pill from the bottle gourd I bought. The color is the same, but the size is only the size of mung bean. Is it obviously different from mine! After putting this back in, I poured out the other Immortal Pills one by one and looked at them. Everyone is almost the same size, all of which are about the same size as mung beans, but mine is very big. Does it mean that the higher the level, the larger the dose? Well, probably for this reason!

Because Immortal Pill is too big, I can’t swallow it, so I decided to eat it separately. I licked it first, it didn't taste much. Bite it up: "Ouch!" Damn! Hard as a rock! It's no wonder that the immortal in the mythology is swallowing the Immortal Pill, because it turns out that it can't be bitten!

If it's peanuts, you can swallow it. The problem is that this is the size of an apple. How can I take it? I couldn't bite, I decided to hit it. I borrowed a hammer and ingot iron from the blacksmith, wrapped the Immortal Pill in paper, and hit it down with a hammer. It felt like it hit the iron plate and the hammer was bounced.

Looking down, there was a semicircular pit on the ingot, but Immortal Pill was gone. When I looked up, I realized that it was connected to the hammer, and half of it was stuck in the hammer. The blacksmith looked at the Immortal Pill next to him and said, "Are you sure that this food is for food? How do I feel that this food is not edible?"

When he asked me, I also began to doubt it. NS. "Does the Celestial Court want to repay the bill? That's not right! To repay the bill, you should rely on other things, you can't care about it! Is it that Erlang Shen got the wrong prize? This is not the Immortal Pill? But the color is the same! Except for the size Is there anything wrong with being bigger?"

Because the smithy is invalid, I don’t plan to experiment here anymore. Holding the Immortal Pill while walking toward Transmission Formation, he muttered: "What the hell is this? Is it the Immortal Pill? Or is it wrong?"

※※※※※※※※※※※※ ※※※※※※※※※

5 thousand in this chapter, 12,000 left.

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