While flying around in Celestial Court, the monsters and I who were far away in the Pacific didn’t feel good. Since the bottle gourd started spraying water, the vortex on our side reappeared, and this time the vortex was more terrifying than the last time. The sea water that originally entered the bottle gourd came from different locations in the oceans. The water began to flow into the bottle gourd after the vertical well merged. A large number of water currents collided with each other and weakened their respective impacts, so the flow rate dropped instead. Moreover, the flow of the main channel is limited. The seawater from an ocean has to share this channel, so the flow rate of each side is not high. Now the space connection devices of the major channels have exhausted energy, and only our side is working. , The sea water had no flow restriction and began to surge crazily into the bottle gourd.

A super vortex appeared in the Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​this vortex is not large, but the suction power of the strange block of rotation speed is super strong. The most painful and desperate thing is that I and these monsters, after finally getting out of the bottle gourd, are actually about to be sucked back.

"I don't want to go back!" A monster looked at the seabed cave that was approaching. The entrance of the seabed cave suddenly speeded up and went crazy upstream, but most of the monsters lost their strength, and the vortex continued to strengthen. It's just staying in place after exhausting all my strength.

"Come on, everyone, don't be sucked back." I yelled down, riding on the back of the Vajra devil fish.

The Vajra devil fish who was riding on me complained: "You said it is light, you are not swimming together, are you? Uh... oh, it's going to be sucked down, yeah...!" Vajra The manta ray suddenly lost control and was spun with a whirlpool.

The high-speed vortex fainted me instantly, and when my hand slipped, I was thrown from the back of the devil fish. The two of us were rolled further and further as soon as we separated. The main reason was that my speed couldn't resist the current. Although the monsters are weak, they are monsters after all. Although the devil fish is not as powerful as the monsters, but he is a fish, and I am the least good at swimming. My most powerful propeller in the water is the wings, but opening the wings at this flow rate will definitely go down faster.

I got to the seabed after being carried by the whirlpool for a few times, and seeing the entrance of the cave, I plan to make the last effort. I stretched my hands to both sides, and the two dragon's tendons were beaten out at the same time. Originally, I expected them to hang on the seabed rock to hold me, but the situation is obviously a bit complicated.

The vortex is a rotating vortex, not to mention my super vortex, the speed is much higher than the normal vortex. After the two dragon tendons on both sides were knocked out, they moved forward less than five meters in total and began to deflect to the right. The huge torque generated by the super speed of the vortex caused the two ziplines to not fly out and hit the target but were rolled back. The two ropes rolled onto myself at lightning speed, and after a second I was tied into a big dumpling.

With my hands and feet restrained, I not only couldn't swim, but I couldn't even control my balance, and my body began to be swayed by the sea. The hole in the blockbuster red lava swallowed me like a huge mouth of a rare beast.

In the high-speed rotation, I couldn't see anything around me at all, and vaguely felt that I had hit a soft object, and then that thing actually stuck to me and rolled into the tunnel with me. The horizontal passage was relatively short, and I flew out of the horizontal passage and hit the wall of the vertical well together with this sticking thing. Although this guy couldn't make a clear hit, I thought it was worth it because the dragon's tendons that were entwining me loosened. I quickly activated the zip line recovery device to retract the cable head, and I was entangled again and it was finished.

I immediately wanted to pull off the things stuck on my body after I got out of my hands, but when I pushed my hands, I suddenly felt two soft things. What stuck to me turned out to be a person and a woman. For a moment of a daze, we have passed through the vertical passage and entered the mausoleum area. When the water flows here, it enters a relatively spacious area, and the flow rate drops instantly. "Small dragon girl!" Call reinforcements quickly!

"wa!" The small dragon girl was swept out as soon as she came out, but she quickly transformed into a dragon shape and caught me with a dragon claw.

Because the speed of the water flow has slowed down in the wide area, the small dragon girl took me in the vicinity of the hole and found a place to fall down.

"Master, how did this happen? Why did we come back here?"

This place is full of fragments of boats, obviously the small dragon woman is with me On the side of the wreck of the ship inspected. According to the estimation of the small dragon woman, we should have gone out long ago, but we didn't expect to turn our heads and we actually returned to this position.

"This is a long story, anyway, we went out for a while and then we were sucked back!"

"Suck it back?" The small dragon girl was stunned. "Isn't the bottle gourd already full? Even if the channel is open, there shouldn't be water coming in?"

"So you are here?" Shui Xu and three other Great Demon monsters appeared above us at the same time .

"Are you guys sucked in too?"

Yin Yao stood there with his head down and stretched out a hand and pointed backwards: "None of them ran away, all came back. !"

Bi Tuo next to him said angrily: "I finally got rid of it, but I was sucked back! It's...! Hey...!"

Shui Xu also said: "This damn vortex, how can it appear as soon as it appears?"

Small dragon female said: "My master and I were talking about it just now! The bottle gourd is already full and shouldn't be flooded! Could it be that...?"

"The seal is broken?" Several of us screamed almost at the same time.

"Will it really be that the seal was broken?" Qiong Lin was more cautious.

I shook my head: "I'm afraid it's not as simple as breaking!"

"How to say?"

"If the seal is really broken, bottle gourd The spouting speed of the mouth will be unimaginable. The small bottle gourd mouth seems to be able to jam even an egg, but it is actually wider than the mouth of the Yangtze River. The bodies of you monsters are the same as the hills and not all from that mouth. Coming in? If there is really no seal at all, the current speed of the water will at least increase by more than a hundred times. But it is clear that although the speed of the water is fast, it is still restrained. It is not completely flushed out like a flood."

"Then what do you mean...?"

"The seal is loose, but the looseness is incomplete, and part of it is still blocked."

"No matter whether it is complete or not, Anyway, there must be a hole in the bottle gourd that is spraying water out, otherwise it won't be rushed in." Don't think that Bi Tuo is a big boss, and his words really hit the nail on the nail.

Yin Yao immediately said: "The suction here is so strong, we probably won't be able to get out without regaining our strength."

Small dragon female suggested: "The spout should be easy Get out! The speed of the water coming out over there is no need to try to charge ahead."

I immediately denied: "But the bottle gourd is so important to the Celestial Court, even if it’s not in the Celestial Court now, Probably it is also being watched by the Divine Immortal. You monsters go out...? What's not safe, right?"

"I can't control so much now." Shui Xu said: "We have been so many years The only goal is to leave this damn ghost place, and now I finally have hope in front of me. I won’t be willing to die if I don’t try it once."

"In that case, let's go look for the exit, shall we?" Depressed for too long, even the most cautious Qiong Lin supported this obviously very risky plan.

Bi Tuo turned to leave, I quickly stopped him. "Don't worry! At least we have to gather everyone together first! It doesn't matter if we go out from here, if we go out from the bottle gourd port, we will meet Divine Immortal 100%. You are not as strong as before. I’m a little hopeful. If you go out one by one, it’s better to just commit suicide and save trouble."

"It makes sense, let everyone gather."

The monsters were quickly concentrated one by one. Got up, and then we were ready to move towards the exit. The water flow in this underground space is not fast, but as soon as the hole drool out of the ground accelerates again, we are almost thrown out.

After getting out of the ground, it is much simpler. As long as you keep going upstream, you will naturally reach the bottle gourd mouth. As we approached, the monsters became more and more sure that their judgment was correct, because the weird things floating in the surrounding water were converging with us towards the bottle gourd. We are swimming by ourselves. These things must be because of the current. It seems that the seal is really broken.

At this time, the bottle gourd missiles in the Celestial Court are still flying up and down, left and right, and the Divine Immortal has been messed up one by one, and the relatively low-lying areas in the Celestial Court are obvious. The water has started to rise, and if it continues at this rate for a while, it should be full.

The seal of the bottle gourd mouth is more severely damaged by the water flow. The more the formidable power of the seal decreases, the faster the water flow. The final result of this vicious circle must be the complete disappearance of the seal, when the time comes The entire bottle gourd suddenly exploded, and the water inside would suddenly appear in this space, and then the trillion cubic meters of sea water would suddenly spray out. The result is estimated to be similar to the comet hitting Earth.

Bottle gourd can tell from the inside of bottle gourd. I stopped and said to the monsters: "Wait a minute."

"What's the matter?" The monsters watched together. Hold me.

"I have something personal. I hope you can wait for a few minutes. I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years. You won’t mind these few minutes?"

"It’s okay , Purple Moon, you quickly go and quickly return." The monsters speak much better than Divine Immortal these days.

I quickly went offline, took off my helmet, picked up the phone, and found a member who happened to be offline to answer the phone in the dormitory area of ​​those girls who were transferred from Sakura Club. "Hey, is it the president?" The girl on the other end was obviously excited.

"It's me. I need your help now, so listen carefully."


"First of all, you know our guild Is there a wrong bottle gourd in it?"

"Qiankun bottle gourd, right? I heard that you and Ms. Rose were both loaded in."

"The bottle gourd is now Are you still in the guild?"

"Not here. The bottle gourd was taken away by Erlang Shen after the 4 of you entered. He said that it will be kept by Celestial Court and will send you back when you come out." The girl was nervous. Asked: "What? Is this bad?"

"Okay. Of course it's good. Fortunately, I took the time bomb."

"Bomb? That bottle gourd will explode. Is it?"

"Well, and it's bigger than the atomic bomb formidable power."

"So scary?"

"Okay, now some I want you to convey the matter to Hong Yue."

"Yes, you say."

"I can't explain the reason to you now, the matter is a bit complicated, and there may be disaster soon anyway. Happened. I want you to prepare according to my requirements. First, let Isinger go into the water, move into the sea, and then dive."

"Let Isinger dive?"

"Yes, I need to seal all channels except Transmission Formation to dive underwater, the deeper the better. Other cities should start to prepare for flood prevention immediately, emergency equipment should be prepared in the city, and the personnel should also be prepared. It’s best to reinforce the buildings in the city."

"Does all cities have to do this?"

"Yes. Including our overseas cities. All need to be reinforced. By the way, you let Hong Yue send someone to notify Ashford and Feng Yin Miomi, and tell them to reinforce their city. Just notify them. If you don’t listen to them, you have to make it clear to us. It’s the notice. Don’t blame us if something goes wrong."

"Are there any more?"

"Also. I want all the ships to return to port, the ships near Isengard It’s best to move to Tianmen Island and tell the port to lock all ships with chains. Don’t be afraid of trouble. It doesn’t matter if you lock a few more." Do you pay attention to anything?"

"Don't worry too much about the personnel, but I want to tell you that all the more time-consuming tasks that have not been started are best not to accept, and the ones that have already started must be completed as soon as possible. Leveling people still follow the practice, but it’s best to pay attention to the situation and throw it back to the city scroll if it is wrong. Almost that. Oh! I almost forgot, tell them that all mining areas are best to stop first and use a large area of ​​protection magic Put mine Seal the pit or cover it with a rain-proof cloth to prepare for waterlogging. In addition, it is best to cover the mountains with anti-cavalry ground nets to prevent landslides. "

"Are there going to be a flood?" "This MM finally heard that all my preventive measures seem to be flood prevention.

"It is a flood, but I don't know where it is and how strong it is, but it is definitely the wind and waves in the sea. It will be very big, and all ships are probably dangerous as long as they go to sea. "

"Understood. I will inform Hong Yue Vice-President. "

I returned to the game after explaining the guild. The monsters were still waiting for me quietly. After all, it was only a few minutes. "Okay, let's go. "

Outside the bottle gourd, all units are getting busy. The Divine Immortal of Celestial Court are busy catching the bottle gourd, and the world is also busy preparing, but only our guild is busy. And the Iron Crusade and the Warm Blood League.

Although I was very confused about this news, Ashford and Feng Yin Miomi chose to believe me. After all, everyone is an alliance guild, I don’t need it. Joking with them about such a big thing, besides, our own guild has also made various preparations to make them more sure that I must have known some news, so I inform them in advance to pay attention to preparation.

Feng Yin Misty For this matter, Ashford and I went to our guild to ask the girl in person. The girl who answered my phone gave me a more detailed message. After listening to the description of the girl, the two of them had the same thoughts as the girl. , They are roughly determined that this is a global flood, so we must prevent it in advance.

There are quite a few guilds who have discovered the strange behavior of our three guilds, but everyone is not clear. What are we going to do, so they just waited and watched and did not prepare for us. Many free players found it strange after entering the trading city of our three guilds, because all the buildings were reinforced with wood and stone , It seems like an earthquake.

Furthermore, in Celestial Court, the bottle gourd is still flying around. Erlangshen jumped up from the side and wanted to catch the bottle gourd to put it on. Sealed the magic circle, but after he jumped up, the bottle gourd suddenly turned and turned his back to him. The water jet immediately sprayed on Erlang Shen, and Erlang Shen only felt that he was hit by something and he was dizzy. Yes. After he got up, he found himself lying on him.

"Purple Moon? Why are you here? "Erlang Shen is on my stomach because I said that although I and Divine Immortal are not in the same group, they are not enemies, so I first went out to see the situation, but I came out first. Erlang Shen.

I got up suddenly. "Huh? True Lord Erlang? "

" is the deity. "

"Why are you here?" "

Erlang Shen said angrily: "I should ask you about this, right? "

"Ask me? "I looked around, and I was in Celestial Court for a long time. When I was glanced around, I suddenly found something flying towards us at a very fast speed. I pulled up Erlang Shen and rolled out together, that Something hit the ground where we were lying just now, bounced up and flew away. "Damn! What is that? "

"Qiankun bottle gourd! "

"Qiankun bottle gourd? You said that was the bottle gourd that put me in? "

"You are right. "

"How did it become like this?" "

"You ask me? Who am I going to ask? "

"True monarch, who is this?" "The other Divine Immortal on top of Erlang Shen and I also crawled from the ground.

Erlang Shen introduced: "This is Purple Moon, the one that was persecuted by the previous Vermilion Bird last time. "Erlang Shen introduced to me again: "This is the true monarch of Earth Spirit, and I am a neighbor, and his temple is next to me." "

"Xinghui! Xinghui! "The two of us just lay on the ground like this and suddenly gave up paid respect.

sou! We are paying respect, and the bottle gourd turned back and wiped off the top of our heads. The water column behind the bottle gourd took us. The three of them went outside the Lingxiao Hall, and my armor was poured thoroughly before it was dry!

"How long has this thing been flying?" "

"It's almost one hour! "Earth Spirit Zhenjun said: "It is estimated that the monsters in this thing will come out if this thing continues. "

Is this guy a bit foresight! I was about to answer when the bottle gourd came back. Just as it flew over our heads, a bunch of black objects rolled out of the water column of the bottle gourd’s mouth. Needless to say, the monsters came out.

The Divine Immortal was messy enough, but suddenly tens of thousands of monsters came out and frightened Divine Immortal. The Divine Immortal didn’t know the seal in the bottle gourd. It will weaken the power of the monsters. Their perception is that the monsters in bottle gourd are very fierce.

The monsters just rolled out and they were rolling everywhere in a mess. Fortunately, the Celestial Court is big enough. , The monsters did not fill the space. At this time, the voices in the Lingxiao Hall were chaotic. There were the screams of fairies, the panic shouting of the heavenly soldiers, the chaotic shouts of the Divine Immortal, the groans of the monsters, and the monsters. The voice of interrogating each other, of course, there is also the biggest voice—the rumbling sound of the bottle gourd flying around with water.

Do you know what chaos is? Just look at the current Lingxiao Hall. I know.

Do you know what shock is? Just look at Erlang Shen.

Do you know what confusion is? Just look at the expression on the face of the current Jade Emperor. .

Do you know what a dilemma is? Just look at the heavenly soldiers who want to rush in to protect the shelf but don’t dare to know about it.

Do you know what the enemy is like? Look at the expressions of the monsters.

After all the monsters came out, the super chaotic Lingxiao Palace suddenly changed from extreme movement to extreme silence. If it weren’t for the Qiankun bottle gourd, it’s still spraying water. The water flies up and down, whoever sees this picture will think that the time in Celestial Court has stopped!

My face is now the most complicated expression and the most thoughtful, but I wear a mask and anyone can watch it. No more, and even if I don’t wear a mask, no one has time to lead me. My eyes keep walking on the faces of the monsters and the Divine Immortal, hoping to grasp the changes in everyone’s thoughts, by the way I have to stay. Pay attention to where the bottle gourd is flying. Now Celestial Court is in a delicate balance. Once the deadlock is over, I don’t know what the consequences are!

The monsters are worried. They are afraid of Divine. Immortal kills them to the last one or puts them back into the bottle gourd. They are now over-consuming their demon power, and there is no Have the ability to protect yourself. The Divine Immortal didn't move, and of course they wouldn't move either. As long as they waited a little longer, their demon power would recover a little bit, and the hope of escape would be greater.

Divine Immortal are also worried. In Divine Immortal, those who participated in the battle know how strong these monsters are, and those who did not participate have also heard of these monsters that claim to be a tie with Vermilion Bird Azure Dragon. Divine Immortal are weighing. "Can you beat them? A lot of Divine Immortal died in the war. Do you really have any hope of survival?"

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