"Bah!" The big pot of rice got up from the ground and spit out the seawater in his mouth. "This thing is really strong!"

"Celestial Court and chicken coop that are not strong enough?"

Hong Yue walked over and threw the control crystal at hand. Coming over, I caught it smoothly, and she took out the Haotian mirror again. "I'll be tracking, you are in charge of control."

"Okay." I first looked up at the divine arrow transmitter erected there, and stepped back a few steps to the side before holding the crystal to launch.

The launch platform quickly turned and adjusted the angle after receiving the signal from the control crystal, and opened a small lid on the top of the launch platform. bang! Both ends of the launch pad ejected a large group of flames at the same time, and a magic missile jumped out from the front end.

The big pot of rice just stood downwind, coughing with smoke. "This thing is real, it smokes at both ends!"

"Don't complain, some of them are good!"

The flying speed of magic missiles is quite fast, bottle gourd I was caught up quickly, but now we don’t plan to experiment. The distance is too close. I don’t want to rebuild Isinger again if it really blows up. I controlled the magic missile to sway and fly there, so that I could slow down and follow the bottle gourd without exceeding it.

Hong Yue is standing next to me holding the Haotian mirror. What is shown in the picture is the chaotic bottle gourd and the bunch of Divine Immortal chasing you. Originally I thought they would keep chasing like this, so I kept controlling the magic missile to hang far behind. Anyway, it is easy to catch up at this distance at the speed of the missile. But I forgot one thing.

China has national boundaries, and China’s Divine Immortal cannot run around. The system restricts these Divine Immortals from leaving the border, and they cannot go out of the border, so Celestial Court will actively support my expansion of the territory. If I expand the territory, it is equivalent to expanding the scope of their activities. This is their goal, but at present our national borders still have borders.

Qiankun bottle gourd is not an NPC, it is not restricted by the system treaty, and the only condition to control it is the law of nature. It crossed the border of China's territorial waters and entered the high seas without any hindrance, but the Divine Immortals were suddenly stopped as if they had hit a wall.

A pile of Divine Immortal was stuck on the invisible wall in big font like biscuits, and then slowly slid down the wall one by one.

"pu... hahahaha..." Hong Yue couldn't help laughing, and the big pot of rice sprayed out all the salty drinks that he had just drunk in his mouth.

It seems that I am not the only one who forgets the boundary line. The Divine Immortal also forgot to apply it, otherwise they would not hit the boundary! This level of boundaries is not effective for us players, but they can intercept these Divine Immortal. Although they are very powerful, they are still there's no resistance in the face of the main system.

"Missile!" A member behind me, who was relatively astute, suddenly remembered that the missile was still behind, and hurriedly called out.

Suddenly I heard the reminder and I reacted too. The control crystal quickly twisted the missile and twisted a peculiar curve and passed through the gap of Divine Immortal. Fortunately, it didn't hit Divine Immortal. Otherwise, It's troublesome to explain!

The bottle gourd crossed the border and plunged into the storm zone. As soon as the missile was about to follow up, the bottle gourd flew out again. Before I had time to control it, the missiles collided head-on with a bottle gourd.

bang! The picture displayed in the Haotian mirror is covered by flames. The magic missile is a weapon for the city, and the formidable power is very large, so the air burst is naturally flames. But the flame didn't last long, a water jet shot out from the fire, and then the bottle gourd flew out from the position opposite the water jet.

"God! Where is it going to fly?" Da Guofan couldn't help but cried.

The result of the collision between the bottle gourd and the missile came out. The missile failed to destroy the bottle gourd, and it did change the direction of the bottle gourd's flight, but this direction was changed beyond imagination. Qiankun bottle gourd actually flew up like a rocket.

"This guy won't become a satellite, right?" Hong Yue stared at the bottle gourd, which was getting further and further away.

The Haotian Mirror can observe the entire area of ​​Earth that is not obscured by magic, but the sky above is not counted as the Earth's range. The Haotian mirror chased the bottle gourd to the limit and then stopped moving. The bottle gourd flew into the blue starry sky and gradually disappeared. A huge column of water falls from the sky, as if the Milky Way has become a waterfall!

"What should I do now? That guy flew out of the surveillance range!" Da Guofan asked.

"By the way, Babel." Hong Yue cried.

"Isn't that damaged?" I remember that Babel was not taken out the last time the city was destroyed!

Hong Yue said: "Last time when Vermilion Bird destroyed Isengard, you asked us to transfer the supplies in advance. Babel Tower was too big to transfer all of it, so we removed the core and shipped it away. . During this period of time, the core has been repaired in the steel city. Although the weapon system has not been repaired, the observation system is already working."

"What are you waiting for, move in quickly! No, it's us Come on!" I just thought about leaving and confessed: "By the way, send a boat to the border to pick up the Divine Immortal. It seems that the guys are stunned and can't fly back by themselves!" The opportunity to win is not to be missed.

Although we used Transmission Formation, we had already delayed more than ten minutes when we arrived at the steel city to start the observation equipment of the Babel Tower. After the screen appeared, we first zoomed in to the entire Earth, and a bright white line was immediately found. "Found it!"

Qiankun bottle gourd has flown out of the atmosphere, but it did not fly towards space all the time but quickly entered the Earth orbit, but this orbit is not standard. According to this trajectory, it is very fast Will enter the Earth’s atmosphere again. The water jet sprayed from behind the bottle gourd is not restricted by atmospheric pressure in space. As soon as it comes out, it spreads out to form a wide white bright band, which is why we found it so easily.

Dao Idol, the elliptical orbit of the Qiankun bottle gourd, was unstable. As we expected, it plunged into the atmosphere after a period of time. The universe bottle gourd is falling at high speed in the atmosphere, and can withstand the attack of magic missiles and naturally will not be afraid of the high temperature generated by friction. This bottle gourd is probably the strongest magic weapon in the history of Celestial Court.

The picture has been falling back to the ground following the bottle gourd, but this is not Asia anymore. Qiankun bottle gourd is now appearing over the Pacific Ocean and is flying towards the United States. At this speed, it will enter the US airspace in less than ten minutes.

If outside the game, the Americans would have shot down the UFO long ago, but there is no radar or airplane in the sky in the game. Apart from the long spear, it basically relies on wings and magic. In flight, air defense is only limited to battlefield coordination, and there is no real air strike here.

In a port city on the west coast of the United States, players are busy with their own affairs. A sailor player who just bought a telescope was looking around with a new toy, and suddenly he found something on the sea rushing towards it at high speed.

"What is that?" He asked while holding the telescope while adjusting the magnification.

The player next to him took out his telescope and looked over. "Where is it?"

"It's in the West."

"Well, I saw it. Wow! What is this?"

" It seems that something is coming to us with sea water."

"Not good, it must be an enemy attack."

Two people put down the telescope to warn others, but Bottle gourd is too fast. It dragged a huge water column and washed ashore less than one minute after the two people put down the telescope. The water column behind the bottle gourd formidable power incomparable gigantic, the bottle gourd passed through the city within five seconds, and a huge ruin zone appeared in the center of the city. Thousands of tons of sea water were carrying a large number of players and NPC corpses. Will be in the sea.

I originally planned to use missiles to introduce bottle gourd to Japan. Didn't expect bottle gourd was changed by the storm belt and hit the missile. As a result, bottle gourd flew to the United States after entering the high-altitude orbit! The Qiankun bottle gourd is advancing against the ground like a cruise missile on American soil. Any area it flies over becomes a pond. Although the flow of water sprayed by bottle gourd is terrible, in fact, because of its high speed, the amount of water received by a region is not too much. The problem is that the water is too concentrated.

The water left by the bottle gourd in the place it passes by is actually about the same as the precipitation of a heavy rain, but a heavy rain takes one or two hours, but it pours all the water in a few seconds Down. This kind of local flood peak simply cannot flow along the low-lying river, and the soil does not absorb water so quickly, so without exception, all the places it passes by are flooded.

Although Americans are more unlucky, they are not too unlucky. Although bottle gourd entered the United States, the route it flew was basically empty. The only real losses were the two cities that happened to be traversed by it.

After crossing most of the United States, the bottle gourd hit the tip of a mountain, then it turned a turn and hit a lot of things one after another, and finally turned off and started flying back.

The return route is very different from the route at the time of arrival. This time it passed directly towards the densely populated Great Lakes. The first unlucky city was a small city built by players. The City Lord was talking to people on top of the city wall. Suddenly something flew past them, and then two people were knocked out in two directions. On the way through the city, the bottle gourd crashed into a taller building and then turned a little because of the effect of the building and flew in from the window of a tall restaurant next to it.

The speed of the bottle gourd is exaggerated. As soon as it entered from here, it passed through the opposite window, and then it turned and flew out of the city. The doors and windows on the first floor of the restaurant suddenly opened outwards, even if the doors and windows that did not open outwards were rushed open. The floodwater was washed out by the windows and doors along with the guests and service personnel inside, rolling all over the street. There was still a lot of water coming out of the building, the street instantly turned into a small river, and the pedestrians on the street were basically not spared from being washed up and down.

I can’t smile while looking at the image in Steel City. Although this bottle gourd is sabotaging, it’s not my industry, so at present I only need to take pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

The bottle gourd that flew out of this city has been constantly turning in a small range on the flight route. After attacking three more cities, the bottle gourd returned to the Pacific Ocean, and it stopped flying on the sea. Straight, but unfortunately it encountered a tsunami. Strictly speaking, this tsunami was caused by itself. The water sprayed by the bottle gourd has changed the global climate. The most memorable area is the ocean, which now shows some abnormal phenomena.

Affected by the wind during the tsunami, the bottle gourd flew into the sky again. This time it was even more outrageous, after leaving the atmosphere, it turned around Earth several times. I thought it would keep turning like this, but it didn’t know how it turned and rushed into the atmosphere again.

This time the bottle gourd entered the atmosphere above Japan, but it was inserted diagonally. When it was about to touch the ground, I saw its destination. This guy was rushing down at Isinger.

I quickly threw the control crystal to the cauldron: "Go back and control the divine arrow, no matter how you look at it, don't let it hit Isinger."

"I will try my best!"< /p>

This damn bottle gourd is really a troublesome ancestor. After turning the Americans around, he came back to think about me, but Isengard is not an ordinary city. We have been working since the last time we were destroyed by Vermilion Bird. Hard, the current Isinger is a big bunker, and you must have enough strength to get close to it.

In the screen, the divine arrow transmitter on the top of Isengard is all aimed at the universe bottle gourd. Da Guofan, this guy simply didn't know how to save money, so he hit eight magic missiles at once. After a series of explosions, Isinger was baptismed by the sea again, and the bottle gourd turned again, not to fly to Japan, but to the mainland of China. Is this bottle gourd a spy planted by the Japanese? It has made us and the Americans so miserable, but they just refuse to go to Japan!

Qiankun bottle gourd began to fly along the Yangtze River after entering the land. Through observation, I found that the flight trajectory of this thing is not entirely caused by air currents. If the aerodynamic shape is uneven, it should at least maintain a fixed deflection angle. If it hits an obstacle, the steering should at least follow the law of reflection. But when this thing turns in the air, it turns arbitrarily, sometimes even suddenly turning more than thirty degrees without encountering any obstacles.

Hong Yue looked at me for a long time and felt that there was a problem with this thing, so it shouldn’t have been spinning like this!


This chapter is 4,000, leaving 23,000.

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