It was night when I returned to Isengard, but now Isengard is quite lively. Large groups of players are standing on the street, but they are not waiting Shopping, but looking at the sky in a daze. At this time, Isinger’s oblique side in the sky, a red jade stone gate stood out of thin air among the billowing red clouds. Inside the gate, a large group of flying fairies and colorful Divine Beast came in and out, carrying a large number of wounded heaven soldiers. , The scene is really spectacular.

After entering the Sky City section of Ai Shenge, you can see that Erlangshen is instructing everyone to complete the handling work. After a few words of greeting in the past, I hurried to flash people, and I need to prepare a lot of things for tomorrow's plan. I dragged Rose, Hong Yue and Ying into the secret space used as a confidential warehouse.

Looking at me carefully closing the door, the eagle curiously asked: "Why are you pulling us in?"

I briefly talked about the Monster King hall. Then he said to them: "How? Do you think this plan is feasible?"

Rose nodded and said: "As far as funding is absolutely feasible, Monster Palace's good things are definitely not one or two points. Come out, you can definitely make a special one."

Hong Yue frowned said: "But what if you expose it?"

"That's why I asked you to come in and help me Think about how to hide my identity! Shui Xu said that I have a spirit to protect me, so I don’t need to worry about being tracked by the soul, but I still need to hide it in other aspects."

Ying Shang Xia looked at me and said: "Anyway, you This suit of armor cannot be worn anymore. The order suit is the logo of the guild and it is too easy to reveal the identity."

Hong Yue immediately said: "The guild badge on the chest must also be hidden. Although the guild badge cannot be removed except withdrawing from the guild, the system does not require that the badge be worn outside the clothes."

Rose added: "Silver Moon does not have a familiar body, the guild guardian beast It is also decided not to shoot easily. The large guardian beasts are only available in our guild, and they will be exposed as soon as they are discovered. Phoenix and dragons can come out to help transport items, but they cannot be summoned when there are enemies, otherwise they will still be easily recognized. "

I sat on a treasure chest and said: "The problem now is that the Sky Dog is also in Monster Palace. How do we deal with that guy's dog nose?"

"How about the pepper bomb?" Hong Yue touched one out casually. "The girl in our guild has one. Crystal chocolate is said to be a substitute for anti-wolf spray."

"I am a god dog, this is probably not good, right?" I don't feel relieved about this pepper bomb.

Rose said: "Should we consider using a mustard bomb? I also have a curry bomb here. By the way, Crystal Chocolate also has a chili powder bomb."

"Just these I'm afraid it won't work, is there anything else?"

The eagle jumped up and said: "Wait a moment, I will get the crystal chocolate to ask."

The eagle will go out for a while. The chocolate was brought over. On the way, Crystal Chocolate had heard a brief explanation from Eagle. Recently, she let her Phoenix Dragon pour a bunch of small bamboo tubes out. "Purple Moon, if you want to deal with dogs, just find me. I'm the most afraid of dogs, so I made a lot of bombs specifically to deal with dogs. Huh?" Crystal Chocolate suddenly stopped and looked around the room and looked back towards Eagle: "Didn't you say that President Purple Moon needs it? What about others?"

"I am here." I shook my hand, and I knew what was going on when I saw her surprised eyes. "Don't be surprised, this is my trumpet."

"What I said!" Crystal Chocolate leaned over and held my face and looked at it for a long time before saying: "It looks like the outline, but This is too...too beautiful, isn't it? How can we women mix up with men like you?"

"You should tell me the usefulness of those expellants first. I'm in a hurry."

"That's good." Crystal Chocolate ran back to the pile and picked up some bottles. "This big bottle is called a super foul bomb. I won't demonstrate it because of its overpowering effect. With this, most enemies can be dispelled instantly, and few people can withstand the smell. But this thing has major flaws. Some scavengers will be attracted instead."

"Is there something more powerful?"

"Yes." Crystal Chocolate took out a colored bottle. "It contains powerful tear gas. As long as you break the bottle, the contents will spread to the entire space in an instant. The more confined the environment, the better. But you should also pay attention to protection. Wan accidentally sucked it in, no matter what. Whatever method you use to treat it is useless. Within half an hour, there must be nasal discharge and tears like spring water. Some people may still sneeze more than ever."

"But the dog can still smell it. Me."

"Then you throw this thing again." Crystal Chocolate took out a small red bottle with a skull logo this time. "This thing is called a highly concentrated red pepper bomb. As long as it touches a little bit of the gas it emits, you can't open your eyes for three days, and you won't be able to smell it for a few days. However, this thing will quickly oxidize. If you don’t touch the opponent’s eyes and respiratory tract within 5 minutes after throwing it out, it will fail. Also, if you put this directly into the opponent’s mouth, you can die."

"That means being killed alive. Is it?"

"Of course the super chili powder is amazing. It must be so spicy if you eat it."

"It sounds scary, I hope it will be useful to that big dog." My red bottle shook: "How many more? Give it to me."

"Only 10 red pepper bombs were made. There are many other types."

"Go and get it for me, 100 copies of each, and give me all the red pepper bombs." Seeing the crystal chocolate leave, I asked Rose again: "Is there any equipment in the guild that is suitable for me this time? That kind of complete set? It’s not easy to be recognized. Of course, the attribute should be better."

"I will help you find it."

Hong Yue also jumped up: "I Come with you."

I nodded and said to Eagle again: "Are there any devil beasts that are more common and safe to use?"

Eagle thought about Heavenly Dao for a while:" It seems to be there. I’ll go find it for you."

It took a long time for them to come back after they left. During the period, I searched the treasury, but I didn’t find anything useful. s things. The guild's things are too iconic. Although the battle strength is strong, they will be found to be ours when they come out. So many things look good but they are useless.

Crystal chocolate is the first to come back, and the bottle and bottle are holding a lot of things. After she explained to me the use of various medicines, Rose and Hong Yue also came back, and followed the eagle to get in again. The eagle said empty-handed: "I helped you find a unicorn that can be rented. This is the highest-level devil beast I can find. There is a limit to the number of devil beasts for rent in each city, and the number of devil beasts that can be rented is based on the city level. The level and type are also different. Isengard can rent a higher level, but they all have the logo of our guild. There is really no way to hide it. This is a foreign rented beast borrowed by Yin Mimiao, although it is not a top-level creature, At least you can make do with it. Besides, your level is too low. Unicorns are a bit more docile."

"Unicorns can only be used as mounts. What should I do after entering Monster Palace?"< /p>

Eagle quickly took out two rings and handed them to me. "This platinum ring is a space ring for unicorns. In addition, this black ring contains a fur ball beast. It is for you to explore the way in the Monster Palace."

"Fairball beast? Is there a mistake?"

The eagle said a little embarrassed: "I can't help you at your current level. What do you want me to do at your level?"

"Should we try that thing?" Hong Yue suddenly looked towards Rose and asked.

"What is it?" I looked towards Rose curiously.

Rose thought for a long time before saying: "Remember the Gate of Truth that I got back from Japan?"

"What's wrong?"

"Repaired some time ago Afterwards, in order to see whether the experiment has returned to normal, we sent someone in to do a task. At that time, we asked Gate of Truth to get a way to quickly improve the combat capability, but the people who entered really completed it. But we There is something wrong with the method of getting it."

"What's the problem?"

"We got an extremely fierce creature. The quick improvement method given by Gate of Truth is to bring one Only a fierce devil beast entourage. Bringing a powerful combat creature can indeed increase the battle strength quickly, but this time we get a complete body, and it is a bit too strong. The three great experts in our bank teamed up to get him Stop it. If you can bring such a powerful creature, there is indeed some hope."

"Come on." I shook my head like a rattle: "Three great experts will come together. Put him down, do you think I control such a perverted creature?"

"Then you can only rely on yourself!"

I nodded admits this helplessness matter. This body level is relatively low, and can't bring easily recognizable creatures, there is really no other way except relying on oneself.

"Rose, do you want the equipment you are looking for?"

"Here." Hong Yue smiled and took out a pretty gorgeous costume.

"What kind of equipment is this?" The set that Hong Yue took out is a lightweight armor, and the interior is lined with a pretty gorgeous robe. The overall feeling is very close to the orderly suit I am wearing now. It's just that the armor seems to be tightly closed, which is a tight-fitting armor. Although it seems that the clothes are somewhat neutral, there is nothing too feminine, and it doesn't feel like a big problem. But Hong Yue kept laughing around, and I always felt that something was wrong.

I tentatively asked Rose with my eyes, but Rose just kept urging me to change it quickly. I was almost braced by the two of them and put on new armor. Not to mention, it fits perfectly. The characteristic of light tight armor is that it only protects important parts and joints, so it is relatively light and has little impact on movement. Generally archers and assassins like this kind of clothing. Of course, there are also a few wizards and priests wearing them. I took a picture in the mirror, and it didn't seem to be a problem. Eagle's reaction was normal. Only Hong Yue and Rose were laughing.

The attributes of this set of equipment can be said to be moderate. After all, it is a low-level equipment, which is not much better. With the white armor, white robe and my white wings, it really looks like a light mage.

The eagle looked at me in the mirror and suddenly said: "Although this equipment is not easy to think of our guild, if someone like Erlang Shen encounters it, maybe he will recognize it."

I thought about it and it made sense. "Why don't you do some disguise?"

"Disguise?" Hong Yue suddenly exclaimed, "Yeah! Why don't you put on makeup!"

I am very serious and nodded and said: "Just help me make a big scar, from the corner of the left eye to the right face. Then help me use black paint for some pockmarks. Anyway, even Erlangshen has only seen this face a few times, so I changed a place to dress him. He may not recognize it. If I add some pockmarks, he will not recognize it."

Hong Yue squeezed his eyes at Rose, and I was pressed onto the bench just as I wanted to ask them what they meant. Then Rose took a box from her body. This box is the favorite makeup box of girls, and I bought this one for Rose. Rose took out a bunch of small bits and pieces and began to apply and stick to my face. Hong Yue matched pointing fingers next to her.

The eagle stood opposite me watching Rose and Hong Yue disguise me. I was still planning whether to get some more big moles or make the teeth into big buck teeth. Eagle stood opposite, the expression on his face getting more and more weird, and finally began to turn red continuously. I asked him curiously: "Did they make my face look so different?"

The eagle was nodded when he heard it, but his cheeks began to charge up, seeming to be holding back a smile . I thought my face was painted too funny, so he couldn't help but want to laugh, and my mouth was still comforting him: "Don't smile, it's a big trouble to be recognized when the time comes is not painted. Celestial Court's We can't stop the power."

" hahahaha!" After hearing what I said, the eagle suddenly laughed and rushed out of the secret room.

"mental disorder!" I gave Eagle this comment.

After a few minutes, Braun suddenly ran in. "What are you doing? The eagle smiles like that? I asked him for a long time... ah? This is... Isn't it Purple Moon's trumpet? Ah hahahaha...!" Bai Ling actually laughed wildly like the eagle. Got out.

I started to worry about their extreme performance. Although I don't care about my appearance as a man, I can't be too exaggerated, right? "Rose, what the hell did you paint me? It won't be Sorrowful Ghost? Is it really that ugly?"

"Don't worry, we promise that no one will recognize you as Yinyue after everything is done. ."

"Don’t paint, nobody recognizes me as a human."

It took a lot of time for Rose and Hong Yue to finally finish their work. I just She wanted to look back in the mirror and was pulled out by the two of them. Hong Yue also said: "Don't talk for a while, let's experiment."

I was nodded, and suspiciously was pulled out of the room by the two of them. Halfway through, I ran into the eagle and the lark laughing wildly in the corridor, and they stopped laughing immediately after seeing me coming out. A surprised look was like seeing a mammoth breakdancing.

Rose made a silent gesture to them and then took me to the Conference Hall. Eagle and Bailing immediately followed with dull eyes. We opened the door and walked into the Conference Hall, where there were many guild backbones. Everyone looked over at the sound of the door opening, but they were all stunned for a while.

Is my makeup really that ugly? All the people in the house were stunned. It took a long time in the quiet room to hear a clicking sound, and the pen in King Chuang's hand fell on the table. This sound awakened everyone. The regular big pot meal standing next to King Chuang rushed over with King Chuang. The two pushed each other on the way to pull each other back.

"Hello, I am the commander-in-chief of the navy of this guild. I don’t know what the lady is called?"

I’m not a fool. I understood everything from King Chuang. Rose and Hong Yue didn't paint me in the ugly direction at all, they must have painted the other way around.

Su Mei pushed Chuangwang and Da Guofan away to me and looked at me up and down: "The elder sister is so beautiful."

Awei and gold coin also came over. Ah Wei looked like Brother Pig and said, "Hey! How could I be so impulsive?" After speaking, he glanced at gold coin.

"Do you want to die?" Gold coin immediately chased Awei in a rage.

Vida just came in from the outside holding a stack of papers. After seeing us, his eyes were fixed on my face. After watching for a long time, think about it or ask the rose next to him: "This Who is in here?"

"Don't you know him?" Rose asked Vader on purpose.

Vida hesitated for a long time before opening the mouth and said: "There is a little bit of President Purple Moon's temperament, and it feels more like the soul body of President Purple Moon called Silver Moon. The identity sign is the same as that of Mingming. I don’t remember when such a person was promoted in the guild! Is it the newly added Vice-President? Is it the younger sister of President Purple Moon?"

When I heard Vader's words, everyone suddenly reacted and stared at me again, but by looking at their expressions, they knew they were in doubt. So Mi, this little girl is the most savage. She jumped up and pressed my chest and yelled: "It's the trumpet of the Purple Moon big brother!" On the ground, Awei was also knocked down by the gold coin and slammed on the ground, and several girls swept around.

Asura purple clothed touched my face: "How is this painted?"

Rose smiled and said: "Purple Moon has better skin than girl, I I only helped her make up a little red."

Zhen Hong pointed to my eyes: "This is too charming, right?"

Hong Yue immediately helped her explain: "Purple Moon is a man after all. Although the small silver moon is more feminine, the lines are still not completely feminine, so we helped him glue false eyelashes and hang up the corners of the eyes with eye shadows to increase the feminine charm and cover up the male eyes. "

Sumi immediately said: "Purple Moon big brother, why do you paint as a woman?"

"Because I just took a task, I couldn't be discovered by Celestial Court."

Sumei immediately nodded and said: "Then you dress up so well, even if Erlang Shen and you face to face, you can’t recognize who you are."

gold coin suddenly He jumped out and said: "After some time, our guild will have a beauty tournament. Let me say yes, you are not allowed to participate."

"che, you guys will not ask me to go! This time it is Rose and Hong Yue is bad, I wanted them to make a fake scar for me and get some pockmarks."

Rose immediately defended: "We are not special effects makeup artists for movies, and the girl herself uses makeup for beautiful paintings. , Who can make scars? Besides, it's a pity that such a good template is not beautiful."

Hong Yue also said: "On beauty, your trumpet is already counted in the guild. Ranked in the top ten. But our girls usually wear light makeup, even if they don’t like dressing up, they will at least wear nodded decorations. Because you are a man, you don’t have any decorations, and the walking posture and all kinds of habits are completely male. So you can only count as the end of the top ten. If you dress as today and pay attention to small details, it is definitely the number one beauty of the guild."

Rose immediately added: " If you need to covertly act in the future, you can just dress like this."

"Give me a mirror first, I haven't seen it myself yet."

"Here." Eagle took a big mirror and stood in front of me.

God! Is this still me? These eyes, this nose, this lips! I heard that gossip magazines often like to publish some comparative photos of movie stars with and without makeup. At that time, I thought there should be no difference. Only now I know how great a makeup artist is. In the past, I was just a male and female portrait, but people with a discerning eye can tell that I am a man. Now that I am fine, it is estimated that even my mother will treat me as a daughter!

I didn’t feel much about the armor on my body, but now I can finally understand why Hong Yue and Rose chose this equipment with this face. It seems that they had planned for me to change the costume a long time ago, and this armor was chosen for this purpose.

Even if my face looks like a woman again, I am a man after all. I don't have certain parts of women, and my figure is not in touch with women. Although Yinyue's body is not sturdy, but my body does not have the lithe and graceful curve of a woman's lordosis and back warping, I just follow a straight line to the end, without turning at all. But the equipment on his body happened to cover up all the different parts of men and women.

This suit of armor is tight-fitting, and the waist is tightened very tightly. Because the body is soft, it will naturally sink when it is closed by the armor. The chest area was originally the main point of distinction between men and women, but this armor has a heart armor, so the chest is a bit high. If the average man wears someone else, this height is easy to understand that the armor is thicker, but if it is worn by a man with a face like me, the first reaction of others will be crooked.

The most annoying thing is that there is a mage robe under this armor. My legs do not have the curves of women, but my skin is very white. Usually the robe hangs down to the middle of the calf, and there are combat boots up to the height of the knee joint underneath. Others can't see the leg, but once strenuous exercise, a section of the calf will be exposed from time to time. The robe will fall naturally, and even if it is exposed, it will only be a short moment. Others have preconceived thinking that I am a woman. When he sees the leg that flashes by, he can only see the whiteness without having time to pay attention to the curve. I am also a man myself. Of course, I know very well how a man will commit adultery in this situation. So this suit of armor conceals all the distinctions between men and women, and there is no difference in the remaining parts that can be seen.

As if not enough, Rose took out two metal rings and handed them to me. I took a look at the two golden rings: "What's this for?"

Hong Yue took one with Rose and put one on one of my arms. "Neither the armor nor the robe has an arm part. Your upper arm muscles are slightly developed. You can cover it with this sleeve. By the way, it can also show that your skin is white."

Rose He immediately followed: "Gold is also carried separately. Do you know why people like platinum without gold? In fact, gold is also very beautiful and more noble than platinum, but gold shows skin. The skin of people with gold will be highlighted. If your skin is rough or darker, don’t wear gold jewelry. Your skin is good. Bringing gold will accentuate the smoothness and whiteness of your skin."

"I’m going to do the task, not to hang on to the triumph. If you don’t recognize it, it’s almost the same, don’t make it too exaggerated, okay? In case of, what should I do if I am surrounded by the satyr group when I come out? Silver Moon is not Purple Moon, so I can’t shake those big bad wolves."

Gold coin immediately said: "That's right, you will bring it back when you encounter a pervert. It happens that Asura purple clothed and they have so many people without a boyfriend, you can help them find it together by the way."

" You should find it by yourself. I will finish the task tomorrow morning. There is not so much time delay. Let me say yes. I sacrificed the ego for the guild this time. You are not allowed to tell me what I look like."

"Don't worry, we know you are great." Hong Yue was already laughing hard.

I turned around and moved around and felt okay. "Where's the staff? Who has a staff to find me. I'm going to find some people to form a team. This mission can't bring people from the guild." A Wei said immediately: " Just like you are now, stop at the city center and shout out who wants to team up with you. I guarantee that you can reach the scale of more than 10,000 people within 3 minutes."

※※※※※※※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※

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