“It’s absolutely impossible for Little Japan to rush in.” I said confidently: “Isinger’s defense force is extremely powerful. It is large, so it can form effective damage. We don’t care about the small artillery. The real problem is the landing battle of personnel. Isengard’s firepower is indeed no stronghold one cannot overcome, even if Tianzhao Avatar appears, as long as we are The main weapon of Matsumoto’s hit is definitely dead, but if Matsumoto Masaga plays the human sea tactics. Our super weapons have strong attack and lethality, but the total amount of troops assembled by Matsumoto Masaga this time is too terrifying, even if we can It caused huge casualties to the Japanese, but what if Masaka Matsumoto doesn’t care about the casualties? If he is dead and intends to fill Isinger with a pile of people, shall we really replace him?"

< p>"This is also a problem." Rose thought about it for a while and asked the eagle: "What other troops can we use in our guild?"

"The air force system is basically still there, and the casualties are mainly in the army. .Now the ground forces have 600,000 troops in the best condition and 200,000 lightly wounded personnel to participate in the war. If there is a city war, we can still mobilize 100,000 seriously wounded. If it still can’t stand it, use it. An array of troops, temporarily transforming the eight million citizens of Isengard’s twin cities into the reserve forces to participate in the war, but this trick can only be an emergency, and I don’t think the Japanese will come in. They may be able to climb onto the upper deck, but Entering the interior of the city is tantamount to nonsense, it is basically impossible."

"I also know that the probability is minimal, but it is always good to be prepared first. The soldier who can survive to the end is always the most prepared soldier."

"Report." An NPC guard suddenly ran into the command room.

"What's the matter?"

"Hei Qilin just left."

"Leave? Where did he go? Is he back in Japan?"

"I don't know." The guard reached out and handed me a very beautiful purple sandalwood box. "This is what Black Qilin left when he left. He said this is for you to eat. And he said that there is something private that needs to be resolved. Let us tell you that the snake has been severely injured by him. This fight will not happen. , Let you rest assured."

"So you always know the direction when Tai leaves, right?" Rose asked.

The guard pointed upwards, and everyone knew it was nodded. This guy flies upwards, who knows where he is going! This lunatic is indeed not a good ally. Although the battle strength is indeed good, his behavior is abnormal. When he needs him, he doesn't see people, and when he doesn't need him, he can't figure out where he comes out suddenly.

"What did he leave for you?" Hong Yue turned his eyes to the box in my hand.

"Didn't it just say that it was for Purple Moon?" Gold coin said.

Su Mi suddenly stopped: "Wait. The problem is a bit serious!" She turned to the guard and asked, "What did the black Qilin say? You should follow the original words, don't describe it in your own words. "

"What he said at the time was: This is for your boss. Tell him that it is good to eat."

Su Mei asked again: "Nothing else?"

"Well. Nothing else."

Sumi nodded waved the guard to exit and then turned to us and said: "This is in trouble."

Eagle curiously asked: "Where is the trouble?"

"The trouble is with the question of who eats."

Bai Lingdao: "Didn't the guards tell Purple Moon to eat?" "

"Sister Bailing, are you sure that what Black Qilin said was for Brother Purple Moon?"

I suddenly understood. "Yeah! Hei Qilin told the guard to the boss, and I am indeed the boss of the guard, but I am not a body!"

Everyone understands what I said. When I fight, I will appear on the battlefield in the form of Purple Moon with a relatively high defensive power. First, this is a large size, and the battle strength is relatively strong. Second, this number has a high defensive power and is not easy to hang up. But when I was in the city, I usually kept the silver moon in the small state, because the magic flame on my body in the Purple Moon state was too exaggerated, and it was easy to burn the roof when I entered the room. Although the magic flame has automatic recognition for the guild players and neutral players, it will not cause harm, but for unrelated objects, the flame is the flame, and the magic flame can also light things. So for convenience, I usually appear in the form of a silver moon. Black Qilin said that the things in this box were for me to eat. He knew that I had two bodies, but he didn't specify which body it was for. Which one should I give it to? In case you make a mistake, it is better to waste the attribute. If it is not, there may be counter-effects.

Rose said: "Let’s take a look at what the black Qilin gave you, right?"

I nodded and opened the small wooden box. The box is not big, with red velvet padding inside, and the thing held by the velvet pad in the center of the box is a black spherical object. Under normal circumstances, I would think that this is a medicine pill, but the current situation is obviously not suitable for this understanding. The gloss of this thing does not look like medicine pill. No matter what Immortal pill or general medicine pill I have seen before, it has a texture similar to soil. Although medicine pill is different in size and color, the texture is similar, but this one is completely different. The thing that black Qilin gave me is more like a black glass marble. Not only is the surface shiny and round, it doesn't have the irregular shape of medicine pill.

"This should be a medicine pill, right?" Rose asked in a suspicious voice.

gold coin reached out and took out the medicine pill, but she suddenly called out and threw the medicine pill out. I moved quickly to stretch out the box just to catch the medicine pill. gold coin clutched his hand and jumped there because of the pain, Ah Wei hurriedly around her but didn't know how to help.

"Is this medicine pill or poison?" Gold coin seemed to ease a little, wrinkled and did not endure the pain and said to me.

"What's wrong with you?" Bai Ling also went over to help her look.

gold coin stretched out the hand holding the medicine pill just now, and saw that the entire palm of that hand turned black, and it looked like it was baked.

Rose took a closer look and said: "It looks like a symptom of a burn."

Gold coin shook his head: "I don't feel hot at all, but feel very cold. It seems to be frostbite."

Bailing held gold coin's hand: "Can frostbite be frozen like this?"

The eagle suddenly said: "Could it be evil pollution?"

"What are you talking about? Evil pollution?" I looked at the medicine pill in surprise. "Haha, don’t guess. This is the medicine pill for my Purple Moon."

"How do you know?" Gold coin said while rubbing his hand: "This thing I almost froze my hands when I touched it."

"This is actually simply not a medicine pill, it should be a pearl condensed by evil spirits."

"It's like a glass marble, shiny Such a good pearl is rare, and it is rare to be round such a standard."

"Hehe, this is not a natural pearl, it is an evil pearl condensed by black Qilin with mana, but it is actually a magical aggregate. Because it is condensed by evil energy, it is similar to evil bombs. If you encounter it, it will be a large area of ​​evil pollution. My large Purple Moon itself is the natural adaptive physique of the dark attribute. In addition, this thing will only get stronger, but In the future, there will be no way to hide the evil flame!"

"Anyway, you are already the second generation of the devil, don't care if it gets darker." Gold coin said: "Hurry up and eat it. I read it on the forum. Players who reach a certain level of justice in the game can summon the neutral god of goodness to assist in the battle. Now a French female player has enabled this feature. If you eat this, you may be able to increase the evil value to participate in the battle. "

Asura purple clothed shook his head next to him and said: "Summon Evil God is not that easy. Don’t be afraid to become the most evil super demon in the game. Players are chased by the righteous NPCs in the game. Kill it."

Rose said: "Don’t worry about this. Anyway, he already has the title of the most evil player in the Chinese forces. Up to now, he is still an evil player recognized by the game system. You kill him without adding evil value."

"Huh? Is Purple Moon real?" Asura purple clothed didn't even know about this.

I nodded: "It's been a few months ago. The system announced that I was the number one evil player. The person who killed me not only added the evil value but also the justice value. But this announcement is until now. It's just a decoration."

Sumi smiled and said: "That's right. You usually go out with a demon, and you can go out with 8,000 cavalry at every turn. Even the small city can't stop you, ordinary people. Who dares to attack you?"

Rosé said: "Since it is something to increase your strength, you should eat it quickly, but it is better to eat it on the deck, lest there is a sudden black volcano eruption. It’s troublesome."

"Well, you guys will be busy with your work first, and I will go back."

Everyone wanted to follow it, but time doesn’t allow it, so Everyone was busy discussing combat strategies, and I went to the deck to take medicine.

Although I know that this medicine increases evil spirits, I am still a little worried. Hei Qilin's brain is abnormal, who knows if he really gave medicine pill to evil. It's a pity that I don't have time to experiment now. Besides, I don't dare to try a medicine pill anymore. At worst, I change to Purple Moon state and then stretch out the medicine pill. This medicine pill, which was frostbitten by gold coin, is no problem in my hand. It seems to be an evil attribute. He closed his eyes and swallowed the medicine pill. After waiting for a while, there seemed to be no response. Now that time is running out, I don't have time to wait for medicine efficacy to appear, so I have to change back to Yinyue and discuss battle matters with everyone.

The fastest-moving navy in the Japanese army, the battleships that have just been purchased from Russia are all active battleships, and they are all well maintained. The Russian battleship and the Japanese battleship go to two extremes. Japanese battleships are all small and fast battleships, which the Japanese themselves call short and capable. Russian battleship is another style. People in this country are big, so they have big things. The tonnage of these battleships in Russia is no less than that of cruisers in our guild, and a few of them are actually about the same tonnage as the Biling-class super battleships.

These huge Russian battleship ships are very slow, but the armor is extremely thick and the artillery is also very fierce. Our battleship group has to rely on maneuverability to deal with them. But we still have the initiative on the battlefield. Have anyone ever been better than the black Qilin? That is a sea city, and these battleships are just battleships no matter how big they are. Even if it is not the Black Qilin, the Great White Shark diving dock is much larger than these battleships, not to mention that they are still submarines.

In order to protect Isinger’s safety, King Chuang took the battleship group to the two sides of the strait and blocked the Japanese battleship outside. From Isinger’s side, he can only see a large amount of the sea. The black object is in a melee, and the actual situation is not clear here.

Matsumoto’s idea is the same as Pixelmei guessed. He played too much. This guy actually wanted to kill Isinger and take back the sea supremacy, so he didn’t let the navy approach the coast. Fighting with our battleship under the coordination of the army, instead pressing the main force up and starting a battle for maritime supremacy with our fleet. Masaga Matsumoto's move is a stake all on one throw. He is gambling with Japanese players and his own newly invested funds. If he wins the bet, then he hopes to earn back all the things he has lost, but if he loses the bet, the amount of things left depends on Matsumoto's own command level.

It did not take into account the defense of the navy, so the army commanded by Masaga Matsumoto caught up to Isinger’s vicinity faster than we expected. At this time, our Isinger was still more than three kilometers away from the coast. This distance is not too far, but Isengard’s current speed of several kilometers per hour has to run for more than forty minutes. Today, we can only rely on our army if we want to cross the sea safely.

Masaga Matsumoto also knew that time was not and the others, so he didn't even bother with the whole team and rushed forward with the army without any rules.

"Attention, when the enemy enters range, Isengard's defense weapon system shoots autonomously." I took the leaves of the city tree to notify each defense unit to shoot autonomously.

Isinger's defense weapon system immediately started rumbling sound. When the enemy was discovered, the shells and the like were already installed, and it was waiting for the enemy to enter the range. Although it is free shooting, the city tree still maintains a certain control ability, and the coordination of various weapons is still controlled by him.

The first shot was the magic light cannon equipped on the edge of the city. These magic light cannons are all medium-caliber magic light cannons. Although they don't have the formidable power of the main battle magic light cannon on the battleship, they are still enough to deal with people. The crystal at the tip of a magic light gun suddenly lit up with a dazzling white light, and the nearby guns responded in the same way, with a neat row of light beams shooting out.

Only at this time did we discover that the Japanese players’ unruly charge is not really chaotic. They did not have the whole team, but they have already finished the team. The reason why the Japanese front seemed so scattered was not because their front was chaotic, but because Masaka Matsumoto had arranged the troops in a skirmish formation.

There is actually no good or bad troop formation, it all depends on which enemy you are dealing with. In modern warfare, the formidable power of machine gun firepower and blasting killing weapons is too large. If the formation is dense, it is easy to be killed in large numbers, so the loose skirmish formation is the best charging formation. But in the era of cold weapons, it’s another matter. Infantry groups can provide perfect killing effect by covering each other, and the dense formation can perfectly overwhelm the opponent in imposing manner and battle strength. Therefore, the cold weapons battle formation is The denser the better. Although there are magic and gunpowder weapons in this game, gunpowder weapons are underdeveloped here. The magic firepower not only has a low range, but also has a messy continuous shooting ability. At most it is an imperfect mortar, so it is still a dense group in the game. Charge can give full play to battle strength. The most famous steel cavalry formation in our guild is the dense cavalry charge. The Japanese army has been crushed by this formation N many times, but it still cannot resist such a dense cavalry charge.

Although the above all show that Masaka Matsumoto's skirmish formation is not suitable for the actual situation of the game, but today his formation is absolutely correct. The reason is not on Matsumoto's side, but on our side. Isinger is an alien in this game. There is no city in this game that is armed to the teeth like Isinger. Even the top of the city is sealed with an armored roof, and there is no city with so many cannons that can arm itself into one. Steel hedgehog, so the attack tactics in most cities are the rapid advance of large corps, but Isengard must be treated as a modern city, and only the skirmish formation is the safest attack formation.

The formation of Masaga Matsumoto quickly showed its advantages. Our guild’s first round of attacks on formidable power turned out to be magical light scattering and long-range defensive artillery barrage attacks are amazing deterrence, but today they have little effect. Because the formation of Japanese players is too scattered, the rotating attack of the Magic Light Cannon can only hit at most three targets, while the artillery shells generally kill up to four or five people, and sometimes they can only kill one person per shot. This effect is really good. Not even one-tenth of the usual amount.

Seeing such a good result, Masaka Matsumoto was delighted. This formation was not what he thought, it was planned by the helper he went offline this morning. This helper is a retired Japanese military attache and a high-level staff officer. Such professionals are not the same as amateurs. This staff member himself is also a player of "Zero", so he just took a brief look at the situation and immediately invested in the plan. While Masaga Matsumoto was busy contacting troops to purchase battleships, he also worked out the battle plan and general strategy.

At first, Masaga Matsumoto also had some doubts about this skirmisher formation, but the staff immediately understood it by simply saying it. Now the skirmish plan for the staff on the battlefield is really not easy to use. The number of casualties is much smaller than before. If you encounter such intensive firepower coverage before, don't expect to live a few people.

Discovering the change of the Japanese army, our firepower was immediately adjusted accordingly. General Wu and Sumei discussed and said to me: "Order the gun position to replace the long-lasting incendiary bomb."

I didn’t ask why I took the leaves of the city tree and ordered: "Cannon position Attention, replace the long-lasting incendiary bomb."

The chambers on the large and small tens of thousands of gun positions on the city surface were all reopened. The incendiary bomb marked with the red warhead was pushed in. In a burst of rumbling sound, tens of thousands of shells formed a dense fire field in front of the city. The advantage of long-lasting incendiary bombs is that they can burn continuously for a long time.

Although the Japanese players are skirmishers, the large number of fires on the way forward immediately caused them a headache. Just jump over a wall of fire, but there are so many walls of fire here that are different. One floor of the wall loses some blood, and it hangs when it passes through.

The voice of Masaga Matsumoto suddenly appeared behind all Japanese players. "The two wings become forwards, and the Chinese army presses down." The huge sound waves spread by the sound transmission magic array made every Japanese player hear this command. The Chinese army blocked by the flames immediately stopped, and the army on both wings continued to move forward from the side. Passed the fire scene. The Chinese army moved a long distance to the sides, and then began to rush forward again, just to get away from the flame array.

I looked at the following Japanese military road: "General, our method seems to be not very effective!"

"Order the forward guns to fire smoke bombs, and replace the other gun positions with fragment bombs. ."


As soon as I passed the order again, a row of large smoke bombs flew out, and they just fell behind the fire scene. The smoke bomb has a relatively long launch distance, so it flies behind the flames. Smoke bombs fired by large-caliber fortress guns are different from small things thrown by human hands. The smoke screens fired by huge smoke bombs are also very scary. A huge smoke screen covering the entire battlefield with a thickness of ten meters appeared, and its position was just behind the Japanese forward. Matsumoto Masaka and his reserve team were all isolated behind the smokescreen, and the first wave of attacking troops were actually inside the smokescreen, and his command of the battlefield was completely finished. The smoke screen obscured the line of sight, and Masaka Matsumoto, who could not see the battlefield at all, even a genius conductor would definitely not dare to command indiscriminately. The good general made reasonable judgments with the support of intelligence, but how could he obtain intelligence on the battlefield where these two eyes were darkened?

Matsumoto Masaka’s skirmish formation still has shortcomings, that is, the team is too open, and Matsumoto Masaka, who does not have modern communication tools, is making trouble for himself.

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