These white dragon souls rushed down one by one with baring fangs and brandishing claws. The players in our guild thought it was attacking magic at first, but when they found out that these souls ran into themselves All instinctively wanted to run, but the speed of the soul was too fast, and no one flashed away. After the dragon soul possessed the body, all the players and NPCs in the guild stood there for a second, and then all of them returned to normal in the next second, but all of our bodies had a white aperture on the surface.

I called out to everyone with the fastest reaction: "Come on! It's a group blessing technique."

The members of our guild heard that blessings were immediately enthusiasm and rushed forward. It was a fierce blow at the approaching Japanese, and as a result, these players all screamed in excitement. The battle method of giant dragon this thing is to use the powerful physical power and invincible magic defense to cooperate with the terrifying Dragon Language magic battle. Our warrior class members suddenly received the dragon soul blessing, and as a result, their strength increased sharply, although they did not reach the giant dragon. The level is not a human indicator anymore. The situation for the Mage players is similar, and suddenly they find that their magic attack and the upper limit of magic power are all doubled up several times, which is an excitement. A 500-level mage blasted the 600-plus-level Japanese player in front of him with a flame ball, and the formidable power was simply expanded to the point of unimaginable.

The colorful giant dragon in the sky suddenly issued a reminder: "Hurry up, the Ancestral Dragon soul can only stay for two minutes."

Halo, the super magic is indeed flawed, this The duration of magic seems a little short. The blessings I have seen before can generally last for more than five minutes, but this is actually only two minutes. But considering such a huge formidable power, even two minutes is enough.

All the players in our guild drove all the Japanese players on the city wall like doping. A Japanese cavalry just rushed to the city wall and faced the previous heavy hammer warrior of our guild. The characteristic of this profession is its great power. Today it just blessed the dragon soul, and the power after doubled is even more terrifying. The forward war horse was actually intercepted by the warrior forcibly, and then the player raised the war horse and Knight over his head and threw it off the city wall.

The player who finished throwing the horse laughed excitedly: "haha! It's fun! This is the peak of power!"

He patted his shoulder to the front, and the player immediately stopped laughing with complacency when he looked up, because he saw me on the battlefield below the city. I was also possessed by the dragon soul just now, and I am now in a state of over-energy. When he was excited, he rushed down the city wall and fought against the enemy's devil beast. I faced an armed iron beast head-on. This thing is also a large power devil beast, but today he is unlucky.

The beast of my own power is very scary, just after being strengthened completely, it is almost like a Titan. The giant beast in front of me was forcibly blocked by me and fell to the ground, and went up to the monster who punched the monster's head and shattered the skull.

After seeing my performance, the players in the guild were inspired to recoil along the Japanese ladder and into the Japanese camp. The Japanese troops below were brought down like straws. , The army that Isengard rushed down was unstoppable like a flood. The time of two minutes passed quickly, but the form of the overall defeat of the Japanese army has taken shape, and Masaka Matsumoto's brows jumped when he looked at the back.

Tanaka Masata looked at Masaga Matsumoto. "What are we going to do now?"

"We are now...!" Just as Matsumoto was about to speak, a new situation appeared on Isinger's side.

One of the four giant dragons, the Black Dragon, flew over the battlefield suddenly, and then the dragon hovered in place suddenly and began to say something in a very strange language.

"Not good! It's the Dragon Language spell." A player who had fought a giant dragon yelled out, but it was a little slower.

The strange note that suddenly appeared in the sky suddenly turned into a resonance sound, and most of Zhen's people stopped fighting and instead covered their ears with their hands. But not everyone stopped, at least Yeyue didn't stop. The benefits of having more hands are really too much. After Ye Yue covers her ears with two hands, she still has four hands to fight, but the surrounding enemies dare not let go of their ears. The result is passive beating. The devil beasts under the city are even more unlucky. Some devil beasts have too short claws to reach their own heads, and they shook their heads on the ground so shocked by the sound.

The huge resonance sound suddenly ended with an extremely exaggerated rise. Everyone felt as if a thread was broken in their hearts. After this sound, half of the Japanese players and Many NPCs all fell down.

"Sound Dragon!" The Japanese player next to Masaka Matsumoto sighed: "Sure enough, it is a rare sound dragon. Isinger actually hid this thing! Chairman, shall we withdraw quickly? Let's go again. I'm going to be the Chinese!"

Masaga Matsumoto's difficult nodded. "Send a signal to withdraw the troops."

"Now that we withdraw the troops, all our previous efforts have been in vain?" Xintian Zhizuo asked anxiously.

Matsumoto Masaga resolutely nodded: "We will lose more if we don’t retreat. We must not hesitate any more and send a signal to withdraw immediately."

Matsumoto Masaga has been completely frightened. I'm so guilty, it's useless to persuade people around me. Actually, the battlefield situation is not as bad as Masaga Matsumoto thought. Why Isinger’s four giant dragons suddenly come out of reality is that even I am unfathomable mystery. These guys shouldn’t be here at all, and it’s too weird. ! In any case, Masaka Matsumoto resolutely issued an order to retreat. I think the Japanese has already started to run, and it’s useless if you don’t ring it, so the Seven Spirit Dust Bell rang in advance, but the Japanese has already started to run, the bell When the sound rang, it just solved some enemies that hadn't had time to run away.

The sudden activation of the seven spirit dust clock made Masaka Matsumoto, who led the escape, more convinced that he was in our strategy, and even those Japanese who began to oppose his retreat began to praise Masaka Matsumoto for his foresight NS.

Rose stood next to me and watched the Japanese army fleeing wildly in the distance, shook her head helplessly: "I seem to overdo it!"

"It's not yours Wrong." I took Rose into my arms and patted her shoulder. After speaking, I looked up and looked towards the four giant dragons that were still floating in midair. "What the hell is going on with you? Give it all to me. I have something to ask you. Hong Yan will also come."

The four dragons in the sky looked at each other and suddenly became four together. The ball of light flew down and landed beside me and became four people. Hong Yan's huge body also suddenly turned into a red ball of light and flew to my side and became a person. "Will you change human form?" I looked at Hong Yan in surprise.

"Have I said I won't?" Hong Yan has now become a pretty handsome red-haired handsome guy, not in the form of a skeleton, but his body is a translucent phantom, obviously At first glance, it is undead.

Lucky and plague also turned into human forms and fell by my side. I looked at them and said: "Since you can all become human forms, follow me to the Conference Hall!"

Hong Yan beckons with the hand to those four dragons who turned into beckons with the hand, let them follow, and then followed me to the inside of Isengard.

The battlefield situation has changed too suddenly, and many players have not realized why the Japanese retreat suddenly. Although it seems that we have the advantage on the surface, everyone knows that there are not many people in the guild, which is impossible. Faced with nearly 10 million Japanese troops, but the Japanese suddenly retreated. This change is a bit strange.

The eagle stood on a high place and asked the players behind to help make up the sound amplification magic. "Attention everyone, don't gather outside the city now, everyone will return to their posts immediately."

When Rose heard the eagle's call, she remembered something to explain, and quickly climbed up to bless the expansion. Tone magic. "Attention, everyone, thanks to the efforts of the guild’s technicians, Isinger’s power equipment has been repaired ahead of time. Now, please return to your post according to the normal configuration and connect all manual devices to the power pipeline. Isinger will immediately It’s about to resume automation again."

The players in the guild below don’t know the truth of the matter. After listening to this, I remember that the Seven Lingchen Clock was activated just now, so many people think it is The Japanese found Isengard regained his motivation before escaping.

With the sound of rumbling gears running, Isengard was powered on across the board, and the whole city restarted and began to move in the direction of Nagasaki. The Japanese retreated very decisively to the other side of the Kanmon Strait and looked at us. Nine Provinces Island Matsumoto Masaka simply did not intend to intervene. This place has no conditions suitable for building a city, so we are impossible to occupy it, so Matsumoto Masaka He didn't plan to come over and compete for these lands with us right away. He doesn't believe that his strength can confront us head-on.

All the eagles and the others were spent on rectifying the city and restoring normal order. Rose and I walked into the Conference Hall to listen to these giant dragons explaining what was going on. The scene was all giant dragons except for me and Rose. Among them, in addition to the four giant dragons, Hongyan, Lucky, and Plague, there are also a few Totem giant dragons of the guild. They are also Dragon Clan after all. This matter does not seem to be a trivial matter. They need to be in attendance.

After I sat down in the Conference Hall, I first took a closer look at the four human beings who changed the giant dragon. Three of the four dragons are black male giant dragons, and one is female giant dragons with red and purple markings. After they become humans, they will be three males and one female. Although the female giant dragon changed into a human form, the markings on her body did not disappear. Instead, it turned into some strange patterns covering all the possible parts of her body. I believe that the parts covered by clothes are also the same. These patterns may have covered every inch of her skin.

The three Black Dragons turned into men are all handsome, but they feel lifeless and lack vitality at all. Think about the Old Guy for so many years. Although it looks very young, the actual age must be very exaggerated. That is to say, these should be Old Guys. At least the mental age is mature and can't be mature anymore, maybe they are a little bit mature!

"Introduce myself first." I first opened the mouth and said: "My name is Purple Moon, or you can call me Yinyue in this state. Although there are two bodies, they are all mine. People. The place where you are now is the Isengard mobile fortress, one of the three parts of the city Isengard that belongs to the Frost Rose League. This is my wife Rose, who is also the financial director of the guild. My right hand side This row is the Totem giant dragons of our guild. They are usually responsible for the safety of Isengard and sometimes participate in the external strategy of our guild. The two here are Lucky and Plague. They are the First of Asia Dragon Island. Prince and Second Prince, and they are also my beloved.” Seeing the four dragons open their mouths to ask questions, I quickly stopped and said: “I will tell you about the Asian Dragon Island in a moment. Now I will introduce the last one, the hero giant. Dragon Hongyan, one of the super martial powers of our guild. Seeing just now, the four of you met him before, so I won’t introduce more. Okay, now can you explain your identities?"

The beautiful dragon full of strange patterns stood up and introduced to me: "The four of us are Dragon Clan's original hero giant dragon, which is also the legendary epic giant dragon. Hong Yan should know about this. "

"Epic giant dragon? Is it better than hero giant dragon?"

Hong Yan explained to me: "Epic giant dragon is not necessarily better than hero giant dragon. This epic is a title. Only the hero giant dragon who has made great contributions to Dragon Clan can get the title of epic giant dragon."

"Then I hear that the sky seems to be guilty when you appear. People, what does this mean? Are you not the epic giant dragon? You should be the heroes of the heroes! Why have you become the criminals again?"

"Can we not talk about this?" The beautiful dragon looked towards me with very embarrassed eyes. "That was an impulsive mistake we made when we were young, so I don't want to mention it again."

I nodded: "Then can you tell me how you got into that sculpture? The pattern on your body does not seem to be the markings that Dragon Clan should have? Just now, one of the three of you Black Dragon gentlemen used strange magic. I don’t know who it is? What is it? "

"Please let us explain the same way." Beauty Long said: "We are all epic giant dragons who have made mistakes. The God of Dragon Clan has punished the four of us. As a result, we The four became four sculptures. The Dragon God told us to slowly temper ourselves in the seal until one day the seal will finally be lifted, and that day we will have the opportunity to escape from the sinful body, but the Dragon God did not say to How to get out of the criminal body, so we guessed that we need to use our own power to fight for Dragon Clan. At that time, we saw that there were a large number of giant dragons in your guild, but the other party had only a dozen, so we thought it might be an outsider attacking Dragon. Clan’s territory, so I helped you. It seems that we have misunderstood the meaning of the Dragon God, but our behavior seems to be right, because the battle is over, but we are still here. This shows that the Dragon God It’s still testing us, at least we didn’t do something wrong just now."

"We were all confused by you! What does help us have to do with the Dragon God?"

"Neither do I Clear." The beautiful dragon said: "Perhaps the Dragon God thinks you are very important to Dragon Clan!"

"Then what's the pattern on your body, come on?"

"This is part of the punishment." Meilong said with a melancholy expression: "When you started to see my body, there were red and purple stripes, right?"

"Yes." I nodded: "That's why I don't know which category you belong to. Dragon Clan seems to have no color except for the fairy dragon! But the fairy dragon is not as strange as your color!"

"I do It’s a fairy dragon. This can be seen from the magic I use. Dragon Clan is born to adapt to a different school of magic, and is naturally very proficient in other magics of this school. This family is called the innate talent attribute. My innate talent It just happens to be the unpopular among the unpopular—the undead system. In the history of Dragon Clan for more than 30,000 years, there was a fairy dragon of the undead system like me."

"Then you are a good match for us. "Hong Yan interrupted: "People say Isengard is a city built on the White Bone Mountain."

Beauty Dragon nodded: "I have felt this. The death of this city." Spiritual Qi breath is almost equal to the realm of the dead. "

"Then the pattern on your body is because of this undead magic? "

"That's not it. The patterns on my body are the punishment given to me by the Dragon God. The mistake I made back then was because I cared too much about my beautiful appearance, so the Dragon God punished me for printing these ugly patterns on my body. "

Fortunately, it doesn't matter. "It looks like a jungle camouflage. If you hide in the forest, it will definitely not be easy to find." "

The beautiful dragon sighed: "Male giant dragons may think so, but for us female members of a race with high intelligence, disfigurement is a more serious punishment than death. "

Rose suddenly said: "Have you not considered using dye?" "

"Dye? "

Rose took out a piece of chalk from her body. After pulling it apart, she twisted out a section and drew it on her lips. This is actually a lipstick. Didn't expect Rose to carry it with her. Cosmetics! Rose said to the beautiful dragon: "This is for your lips. You have a discoloration of your skin. You can apply a few more layers of foundation. Into the color you like. "

The fairy dragon looked at the rose with disbelief. "Is this really okay?" "

"Have you not tried it?" "

"I knew this thing for the first time. "

"Forget you are an epic giant dragon! This thing was not invented when you were sealed! "

"Will you let me try it later?" "

"Of course. "

I said to her: "You are a fairy dragon. It's really strange to know undead magic, but since it is an innate talent attribute, it is easy to understand. So which of these three people used that magic? "

"That's Zieg's special magic. "

"Will anyone else do it?" "

"At present, only Zieg is known to use this type of magic. Zieg’s innate talent magic attribute is phonological magic, or magic that creates vibrations. This series of magic Early-Stage cultivation is almost like singing, not only has no attack power, but also consumes mana very quickly, but once the sound system magic cultivator is cultivated to the later stage, it will be terrible. Sound magic can restrain almost all middle and low-level magic, and its attack range is very large, and it will not weaken the formidable power due to the number of enemies. "

"That magic on the battlefield just now was phonological magic?" Why don't we distinguish between ourselves and the enemy? Can such a big defect only be able to fight with people? "

"That's not it. Sound magic can also ignore the companion party, but we just came out of the seal and are not considered members of your side, so both parties were attacked when we attacked. However, Zieg had already deliberately controlled the focus of his attack at the time. Didn't you find that the people who fell were your enemies? Your members were only sad when the magic was released, and no one left any influence afterwards, right? "

"This is true. "I nodded and turned to the three handsome guys: "Which of the three of you Ziggle?" It seems that I haven't listened to you until now! "

The handsome man sitting in the middle raised his finger to point to himself, but he still did not speak. The beautiful dragon opened the mouth and said: "This is also part of the punishment. All three of them have their voices banned. Although Zieg can use phonological magic through magic power, he cannot speak. Next to him are Ken and Dino, as are the two of them. "

"Then what are your two strengths? "Although I am asking Dino and Ken, I have to look at the Belle Dragon, because only she can answer me.

"Dino’s specialty is black magic, the most pure Attack Type black magic. Among the giant dragons I know, his magical attack power is the strongest. Ken's specialty is hand-to-hand combat, he is a pure golden armor dragon. "

"Golden armor dragon? "I looked at Ken in surprise and then back at the beautiful dragon. "You mean Ken is from the Golden Dragon clan?" "

"It used to be. "

I know nodded: "It's because of God's punishment again, isn't it? "

"Yes. "The beautiful dragon is nodded.

Hong Yan helped the beautiful dragon add: "The four of them were idols in Dragon Clan. Although Dino is a pure Black Dragon, he is treated by Dragon Clan because of his powerful strength. Ken was originally from the Golden Dragon clan and a member of the royal family. Zige was originally a green Wind Element giant dragon, and has the most beautiful singing voice in Dragon Clan, but it was originally known as the love song Prince in Dragon Clan. But later, he was punished by the Dragon God and made it so dark that even his voice was ruined. As for the beautiful young lady originally called Yinxue, she was a beautiful colorful fairy dragon. Fairy dragons seldom see such beautiful color fairy dragons. At that time, she was the focus of Dragon Clan young man chasing, because she once had two young giant dragons who died in a duel. "

"A young giant dragon died for her duel?" "I looked at Yinxue again in surprise.

Hong Yan said indifferently: "Dragon Clan is different from other races. Our reproductive ability is very bad, so every dragon treats Dragon Clan. It's precious, the whole Dragon Clan who caused the incident at that time knew about it. "

Rose looked at Hongyan with interest: "You weren't one of the suitors at the time, did you?" "

"Me? Hong Yan laughed. "You ask her yourself." "

Rose didn't have time to speak, Yinxue said by herself: "Hong Yan is a member of the Dragon Clan Guardian God troop, I...I once wooed him, but I was rejected! "

Except for the four epic giant dragons, the Dragon Clan in the guild around me and I both looked at Hong Yan in surprise. Rose smiled to Red Flame Dao: "didn' t expect You were so awesome back then? The whole clan number one beauty, oh no, it is the first beauty dragon. You can't even look down on the first Meilong, are you too arrogant? "

Fortunately, this kid followed Skye and they recently broke down. He patted Hong Yan on the shoulder and said: "number one beauty dragon!" You don't look down on this. Could it be that there are difficulties in that area? "

"Fuck you. "Hong Yan kicked the luck to the bottom of the table.

The Yinxue over there explained shyly: "No, it's not. In fact, Hong Yan was not the most handsome young man in Dragon Clan at the beginning, but our dragon girls like strong male dragons. Hong Yan was Vice Captain of Guardian God Guards at the time, and many female dragons chased him. However, he has always been very dedicated to a crystal dragon with a shameless appearance. As you know, the crystal dragon has no wings, which is close to second-class crippling in Dragon Clan. If it were not for the strong battle strength of the crystal dragon, Dragon Clan even considered not to list the crystal dragon as Dragon Clan, because the appearance of the crystal dragon and other giant dragons are very different no matter how you look at it. "

"We know that we also have crystal dragons in our guild. "

The type of crystal dragon is really strange. Their appearance is very similar to the Tyrannosaurus rex in the Long Family, but the crystal dragon is larger and more fierce than the Tyrannosaurus. They are of this type of dragon. The front limbs are much shorter than the hind limbs, and look like a kangaroo. The length of the front and rear limbs of other Dragon Clan is basically the same, and the crystal dragon does not have wings. In addition, the crystal dragon has a larger head. Their heads account for more than one-fifth of their body weight, while the proportion of other Dragon Clan is generally only one-ninth or one-tenth.

Dragon Clan’s overall impression of the crystal dragon is : The head is big and the neck is short, the limbs are out of proportion, and there is no wings at all.

Such a strange category is basically a discriminated group in Dragon Clan. There are often intermarriages between other Dragon Clan but never Get entangled with the crystal dragon. The red Flame Energy saw a crystal Dragon Fruit that has a strange taste. I don’t know if he really loves invincibility or is born with a strange taste.

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