The work of calling NPCs is not anxious. This kind of thing is purely try one's luck, and it is useless to rush, so I didn't worry too much. When he was about to talk to Ashford about the guild he was going to attack in detail, the broadcast on the top of Isinger rang again.

"Attention fleets on the coast, our bank is performing missions, please evacuate irrelevant fleets from the area as soon as possible to avoid unpleasant incidents."

Hearing this broadcast, I and Ah Xiufu naturally knew that there was a fleet that had not left, so the two of us immediately went to the lookout and took a look at the situation below. I saw a small fleet parked not far from Isengard, not only had seven ships, but none of them were large ships, and even one of them was a non-combat ship. Compared with these, what is even stranger is that the flags on these ships actually belong to South Korea.

"It's strange! Why is there a Korean fleet in the European Sea Territory?" Ashford asked me unclearly.

Although I am not quite sure how these battleships came out, compared with Ashford, I understand a little bit more in my heart. I can vaguely feel that these ships are related to our jumping devices. . The facts also proved that my guess was correct. Voma quickly ran over and told me that these ships seemed to have been brought over when we were teleporting just now, speaking of which people were still victims.

Isinger’s broadcast soon stopped. Since we knew that we had brought them over, there was no reason to continue to force others to leave. After the broadcast was reopened, he shouted to the fleets: "Sorry, I am the president of the Frost Rose League. There was a little accident on our side. I just learned that you were caught by our Spatial Teleportation. Please send some representatives. Come and discuss with us how to solve these problems. Before that, please follow the German battleship in front of you and enter the port temporarily."

The Korean battleship below has nothing to say, just catching up with Germany right away. The battleship drove towards the German port, and Isinger also quickly followed along.

The fleet was sailing, and the players on the Korean ships gathered on the deck to watch the surrounding wonders. These players saw Isinger for the first time, not to mention the huge Isinger floating in the air. In addition to admiring Isinger's size, another thing that is very eye-catching is the Great Hundred Shark diving dock hanging below Isinger. Compared to Isengard, fewer people know about Great White Shark, and even if they have seen it, they only see a top. This time the entire ship is off the water, but few people have the opportunity to see it.

A Korean player slapped the people around him and said: "Look at that guy's shape, does it look like a big shark?"

"Are you stupid? The name of that thing is Great White Shark, isn’t it normal to look like sharks?"

"But it’s the first time I have seen such a big shark-shaped ship. I heard that it seems to be called a diving dock, putting it that way That thing should be able to park ships, right?"

A player with a relatively high status said: "Based on such a large volume, it shouldn't be a problem for a battleship like ours to park one or two hundred ships. "

"I really can't see how big that thing is!" The player next to him shook his head.

The original player said: "Because Isengard is too big, it looks like the Great White Shark is very small. In fact, it should be very big. At least a ship like ours is nearby. It’s just like a small one."

"By the way, even if we really have the technology to build such a big ship, I am afraid that the cost of materials can make us bankrupt."

" Or how can I say that they are the richest guild in Asia!"

The players in the Korean fleet are talking about these huge war machines, while the people in our guild above are talking about these Korean battleships. What to do. If they want to return to South Korea, they must be escorted by us, but we currently don’t have so much manpower to escort them. But if they don’t send it, they won’t be able to return to Korea by these ships alone. Let's not talk about the climate problem at sea, they can't recognize the road alone. These ships are obviously not ocean-going ships, and they are basically impossible to run back to South Korea from Europe. Although we can’t send someone to escort them, we can’t let them stay. The Koreans must have something to go to sea. Suddenly we got unfathomable mystery to Europe. We must be responsible for compensation for the delayed time. If we can’t send them right away. The cost of going is even higher.

Although this problem is more difficult to deal with, we still have a think tank that can help us with ideas. Rose quickly figured out a way for me. Her plan is to let us go to Germany first, and then send the Koreans and the supplies on board them to South Korea or Japan using our transnational Transmission Formation located in Tianyu City, and then let them use them first through several battleships of the same level. The battleship here is temporarily lost in Germany, and we will help them to transport it back when we are free. It is convenient to have a think tank, and all problems can be solved easily.

When entering the German port, all Koreans were very excited. Unlike most guild ports, the port facilities of the Iron Crusade are much more complicated. Both our guild and the Iron Crusade are particularly developed in heavy industry, so all the large-scale facilities of our two guilds are very advanced. Korean players rarely see advanced technology shipyards, but they appear in rows here, and several super battleships that are being welded on the large berths here are also about to be completed. Relatively speaking, the hill-like hulls also allow They are envious. Compared with port facilities, the architectural style here is rarely seen by Korean players. The pure European-style architecture can give players who are accustomed to Asian-style architecture a refreshing feeling.

After the fleet entered the port and berthed, all the Korean players were asked to disembark. It was only then that I knew that the non-combat ship was a troop carrier. Although our guild’s Transmission Formation is available from Korea to Japan, the cost is relatively high, so some people still like to go back and forth by boat. This ship is the kind of troop carrier that transports players to Japan, and the ship is full of players. The total number of players on the six battleships in the fleet is less than one-tenth of the number of players on this troop carrier. I had hoped that a smaller number of people involved would save some money! Now it seems to be going to waste again!

The Great White Shark was put into the deep water area outside the port and will be repaired by the divers of the guild. Germany does not have such a large slipway to repair the Great White Shark. The embankment inside the port was full of German players who came to watch the excitement. Although Europeans don't like to gather to watch the excitement, the spectacular scene of Isinger landing in the sky attracted many people to watch. The gravitational chaos caused by Isinger's huge self-weight made the entire city tremble with Isinger's movement. The people below looked at Isinger who flew slowly above his head, feeling the vibration of the ground, and only felt heartbeat. The speed is changing faster and faster.

These people have been watching Isinger stop on the other side of the city after crossing the entire port. We don't plan to leave here too far. I can't help Ashford if I don't deal with the problems of the Koreans. Isinger slowly began to descend over a clearing. This process attracted a lot of onlookers, and some even ran under the city. As a result, we had to send people to expel those who ran under the city. After finally stopping Isinger, we connected the Koreans to Isinger.

There are almost a thousand people on these battleships that have been implicated in the jumping range and brought over. Those crew members are easy to handle. They listen to their captain, but the transport ship’s People are in trouble. When there are too many people, things become troublesome. These people are all free and do not belong to a guild, so they are people with strong self-consciousness. I spent a lot of effort, and finally had to use a loudspeaker to calm them down.

"Well, everyone, first of all, I apologize again for the accidental impact of the bank. We have a general understanding of your situation, and we have already figured out a solution. First of all, everyone Crew. As far as I know, your guild is going to Japan to participate in the war this time, and protect a transport ship by the way to earn some extra money. Our guild will have a transnational Transmission Formation. You should be very clear that we will send you directly to Japan in a while , It’s faster than your original plan."

"Then what about the medicines we transported to sell and our battleship?" Someone among the crew asked.

"We are responsible for sending the medicines and other materials on board to Japan together. The battleship is too big, and the Transmission Formation can't be sent."

There is still someone in the crew before I finish talking. Yelling: "Since you can bring our ship, you can take it back. Since you did something wrong, you should make up for it. There is no price to talk about."

I was a little angry and said: "This Friends, please pay attention to your words and deeds. Although this accident implicated you in our guild, we actually have no obligation to send you back in accordance with international practice. The reason why we apologize to you is because our two countries are dealing with each other. Japan is an alliance in the battle, and it is not that we are afraid of you. You can see the size of Isenger from a hundred kilometers away. According to the seafaring practice, the ships of different countries and even different fleets should be found on the sea according to each other. The scale is appropriate to extend the distance. Now that you have seen Isengard, you are still approaching us so that you are implicated in it. This actually has nothing to do with us. If it is a bit rude, we will all be in the process of approaching us at first. You can sink yours directly. The fleets at sea must be vigilant to each other. If you approach Isengard dangerously without any indication, you are the first to violate international conventions, not us."

The crew member wanted to argue but was caught by his captain. The captain said to me: "At this point, I admit that we at first shouldn't be so close, but we are fighting with a battleship this time. If you only send us over, we will lose a lot. !"

"I was interrupted by your crew before I finished what I said. We are not trying to solve the ship’s problem, but we can’t send these ships back in a short time. You don’t have the problem of being unable to participate in battleships. The guild’s method is to temporarily transfer battleships from the guild to lend them to you for free. There are seven ships in total, one of which is a transport ship and six battleships. We will follow the displacement of these ships. We borrow seven similar ships from you for their purpose. As Koreans, you should know a little bit about the battleship level of our guild. Borrowing your ships of the same tonnage means that the battle strength is definitely much stronger than your ships, so you will not suffer. It also takes advantage. The ammunition consumption in the battle is provided by the bank, but when your ship is shipped back, you have to compensate us according to the cost of your shells. Our shells are actually more formidable power than your shells, and the price is It’s also more expensive. When the time comes, you will pay for the price of your shells multiplied by the amount of ammunition you fired, so you still take advantage. During this time, if the ship is injured, the repair cost will be half of our two guilds. Take it, if it sinks, you have to pay half of the cost, don’t you have any comments on this?"

"No comments, no comments." If you give them such a great benefit, you will fail to appreciate somebody's. kindness, so the captains nodded quickly agreed.

After finishing the work of these crew members, I directly asked Da Guofan to take them to Transmission Formation, and I didn’t care about the rest. Turning to deal with these passengers on the ship, this group is the more troublesome people. I said to these people: "You are all passengers, and the destination should have been Japan. Our bank will send you directly through the Transmission Formation, of course, it’s free of charge. It’s time to take the boat directly to Japan with you. It’s not much difference. You haven’t lost much. What do you think?"

The opinions of the 700-odd people left were messed up and couldn’t be unified at all. I suppressed their voices again and asked them to be quiet, and then said: "This way. Friends who agree with me just now, please stand there directly, we will send you away first, so as not to delay time. Others will wait for now."

Although a large group of people will inevitably have a few particularly messy people, most of them are reasonable. Among the 700-odd people, more than 400 chose to leave directly. The bank would apologize and each sent ten capsules of advanced healing medicine. This thing is very valuable in Japan.

As soon as the 400-odd people left, the remaining 300-odd people didn't look so messy. I first selected one of the girls who seemed more reasonable and asked: "Is there any reason why you do not agree with our plan? Or tell me what you think I will consider."

The girl Immediately said: "In fact, your plan is very fair. I don't want to ask you for compensation. I just think it's good to be able to play in Europe, so I don't plan to go back. I want to play in Europe." /p>

I nodded, and then asked the crowd behind: "Are there anyone who thinks like her?"

Don’t say, this girl’s idea is really mainstream thinking one. When I asked, the crowd separated immediately. More than 200 of them stood behind this girl and showed that they had the same thoughts as her.

I said to them: "Since you plan to play in Europe, of course I have no right to interfere with your decision, but I have to say a few things first. First of all, you do not belong to a city in Germany. Will be directly sent back to South Korea for resurrection, but as compensation, I can give you a temporary permit for your guild city Tianyucheng. Tianyucheng has a Transmission Formation in Germany. If you die in Germany, it will be sent back to Tianyucheng. It’s not South Korea, so you won’t have any problems in case of an accident. You can also consider buying medicines here at Sky City. Of course, you can also buy them in stores in local cities, but you are foreigners. There will be no shops slaughtering customers."

Ashford was unwilling to listen. "Hey, are we Germans so bad?"

"The ten fingers stick out are not the same. Even if the overall quality is high, Germany will inevitably not have scum. I just remind them, you Don’t be so excited, okay!” After I finished speaking, I said to those Koreans who intend to stay: “In addition to giving you the temporary right of passage to Sky City, I will also give you a permanent cross-border Transmission Formation license. You don’t care about anything. At any time, you can use Sky City’s Transnational Transmission Formation to send to South Korea or Japan. This permit will not expire, but it’s just a chance, and the target zone can only be South Korea or Japan, not elsewhere. If you agree, you can follow us now. People left."

"Agree." Those Korean players excitedly followed our guild to the Transmission Formation. We must first send them to Tianyu City to recognize a door, and also give them permission to open it. This can only be done by them in Tianyu City.

As soon as these people leave, there are only less than fifty people left, but I think this group is the most troublesome person.

"Well, let's talk about your thoughts!" Most of these people don't intend to end it simply, so I don't want to go around with them, just go straight to the topic.

One of them stood up and said: "I don’t have any special requirements, but your teleportation point and the place I want to go are not the same place. Before boarding the ship, I said that it’s halfway to disembark, you guys Sending me to that fulcrum city meant that I had to run back, so you must find a way."

As soon as this person finished speaking, a dozen people stood up, all of whom were about to disembark halfway. . I didn't expect that there are some people who didn't plan to enter Fulcrum City. Now it seems that many players still choose a separate leveling method instead of entering Fulcrum City to participate in team battles. Since they only asked for a different location, I am not that difficult to talk, so I should use air cavalry to escort them to their destination. After getting my affirmative answer, these people immediately followed our guide and left, and there were more than 30 people left.

As soon as those people left, before I waited for my question, someone stood up and said: "Even if you send us back to Japan, in fact, you still did something wrong. You should pay compensation."


"What does this mean?" I looked at him and asked, "Your original destination is Japan. Isn't it the same as sending you to Japan? What are your losses?"

"If you were planning to go to work and you were kidnapped as soon as you left home, the kidnappers had a gun battle with the police in the process, and then the kidnappers released you at the door of the company where you were working, and you didn’t I’m late for this matter, so can the kidnapper not be convicted?"

"You said it well." I said to him: "But please clarify a few points. First, the kidnapper is deliberate The assault is an accident for us. Second, it is the national legal institutions that convict the kidnappers. These institutions override the kidnappers. If you can find an institution that is superior to our guild and convict us, I am happy to accept the sentence. However, It seems that there is no such organization at the moment."

"Do you want to make a false accusation without compensation?" The guy immediately jumped up when he heard what I said. "You Chinese are all like this. On the surface, you are all hypocritical people."

I snapped my fingers with a smile, and several guards came over. "What is the City Lord's order?"

I did not immediately answer the guards, but looked towards the savage fellow and said: "You made a mistake, and that is our strength gap. You are just a Ordinary players, and I represent the strongest association in China. The difference between us is the difference between Divine Dragon and Bugs. As Divine Dragon, we are polite to give you a small favor. I shouldn’t have negotiated terms with Divine Dragon. Giving you a favor is to show our generosity, pinching you to death is just a flick of a finger. Do you understand?"

The guy looked at me in surprise, first Nodded then reacted and shook his head desperately, but it was too late. I waved my finger forward, and the guard immediately walked towards the guy. This idiot even dared to resist. The guards didn't notice that he had pushed down two of them, but he was soon pushed to the ground by more guards.

I walked to his head, which was already on the ground, squatted down and said to him: "Mr. Insect. It's time to say goodbye. Next time you meet something bigger than you, remember to be polite. Point." After I said, I raised my head and said to the guard: "Throw it into the inlet of the blood pool and use it as waste."

I looked at the guy after being carried away with a ghost cry. Those people said: "Do you have any more requests?"

These people have been in a daze since just now, and now they are all awake when I ask them. Everyone immediately stood straight and shook their heads desperately. "No comments! No comments."

A fairly clever guy said immediately: "We stay here just to tell you, in fact, you can send us to Japan, and you don’t need to give those medicines. It’s not your fault to make compensation, and you shouldn’t spend it. If you have nothing to tell, let us go?"

I smiled and raised a hand, those people All of his eyes focused immediately. My hand stopped for a while before drawing a circle in the air. "Take them away." All those people exhales one breath saying after seeing the gesture.

After all those people left, the eagle leaned forward and said: "You are really good, you can fool them away with this simplicity."

"Cut! A bunch of fail To appreciate somebody's kindness fools, take politeness as a blessing, and do not kill the chickens and the monkeys. They dare to open any conditions. We are really afraid of them. Such ignorant idiots can be encountered everywhere!"

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