"You are very cheerful."

Pannon Songlan laughed: "Cheerful? Maybe it is true. If not, anything can be done. With a tolerant personality, I probably committed suicide with such a lot of pressure!"

"Anyway, you are now my subordinate. You can rest assured that I will never treat you badly. Your subordinates. Now you let me see your situation first. I know your battle strength so that it is convenient for others to fight with you."

"Okay." Bannon Songlan lay down Come down and let me check it casually. Anyway, he has nothing to worry about now, it's the same everywhere.

Freedom is a concept. The average person spends his entire life in a unit and a family at two points and one line, and occasional travel is similar to prison release. As for the current popular living family, they only live on the Internet and do not even leave their homes (this is the case for this author), which is not much different from going to jail. So it’s better to be with us than Bannon Songlan living alone in the deep mountains. At least I can take him to run around, and occasionally come out to fight with others. It’s also a fitness activity. Counting ants in the mountains is much more colorful.

Open the attribute panel, and compared the various situations of Bannon Songlan, I roughly checked his attributes. The attributes of Super Spirit Physique are quite different from ordinary familiars, which are mainly manifested in the way of attack. Although Super Spirit Physique has physical attack capabilities, they are still not a kind of physical attacking creatures, and their main attack methods are mainly accomplished through various types of bodies. In addition, magic is also their main attack method. The magic attack speed of all Super Spirit Physiques will be significantly increased, because they do not have the limitation of Fleshy body and can better integrate with magic elements. In addition to the attack aspect, the auxiliary function of super Spirit Physique is also strange. The first is that they do not receive medicine treatment, they must use magic to recover their damage, and the type of magic must also be paid attention to. Healing is completely ineffective for Super Spirit Physique. The recovery magic applied to them is actually the Gathering Spirit Technique of the Undead system. Fortunately, the Spirit Controlling Mage class comes with this skill. What's more handsome is that the Spirit Controlling Mage is naturally strengthened with the same level of spirit gathering. The Gathering Spirit Technique is used by a spirit master, and its formidable power is more than 40% when used by other wizards. In addition to this Gathering Spirit Technique, many wizards that can heal undead are also effective for them. In short, Super Spirit Physique's healing is similar to undead creatures.

After reading the attributes, I started to direct Bannon Songlan and my Familiars to harmonize one by one. This is mainly to test the effect. Knowing the attributes behind the body can also choose the most suitable plan for the body according to various situations, in order to give full play to the maximum combat effectiveness. Someone once said on the game forums that for all professions similar to the animal trainer type, the real battle is actually in peacetime rather than on the battlefield. Cultivation of pet loyalty and combat capability, and reasonable arrangement of pet battle strength in multiple pet mode are all very important tasks. Only when these elements are arranged under the battlefield, can they be used reasonably after going on the battlefield. Don't think that if the trainer profession relies on demons to fight, the master doesn't have to worry about anything. In fact, the people who can play the profession of animal trainer are basically the real enterprise management talents. Compared with the master, warrior and archer, it is enough to know how to do it, but the animal trainer must understand his own pets. The specialty of the animal trainer and the reasonable arrangement of them to a place where they can give full play to their abilities are the key points of the beast trainer profession. It can be said that domestication and sales occupations are basically Captain-type personnel.

Following my instructions, Bannon Songlan had a separate body with the three dragons of the plague. Fortunately, they were not online, so I can't try it temporarily, but the situation is almost the same. The result of Bannon Songlan and Dragon Clan's harmony is to increase the various attributes of Dragon Clan, and make them grow a lot of barbs, which looks quite terrifying.

Next let Bannon Songlan and the tank and the body, the shelling equipment on the back of the tank was actually divided into two, and turned into a continuous fire cannon on the left and right sides, and the rate of fire and the formidable power increased in a straight line. , Especially when the shaped energy is launched, the formidable power is really comparable to a small atomic bomb. Xiaofeng and Bannon Songlan became a brand-new creature after their body. It looks like the main body is like a dragon, but part of the position is like Phoenix, but the main thing is that there is an extra Dragon Phoenix magic fire skill, which is basically Dragon Flame and The combination of the Hellfire of Black Phoenix has the dual functions of burning the soul and corroding the body at the same time. It can be described as a huge formidable power.

The harmony model of small dragon female and Bannon Songlan is a little bit more troublesome. Ten times the harmony model actually failed nine times. After many attempts, it still failed more and less successful. It seems that the attribute of small dragon female It's not suitable for blending with Bannon Songlan, but once the blending is completed, the improvement in strength is also the most powerful among all the familiars. After the body is completed, the small dragon female can still change the two basic forms of human form and dragon form. The main change in the shape of the dragon is the increase in size and the addition of a lot of magic attributes of the giant dragon. The physical damage of the small dragon female in human form will be greatly reduced, but the agility will increase in the same proportion, and the magic damage output will be doubled. The most terrible thing is that the small dragon girl in human form has a few special magics. This is the Three Great Systems compound magic after the combination of Immortal Technique, Dragon Language magic, and Divine Dragon spell. Ling and Xiaochun's dual-system magic combination of light and dark has infinite formidable power. It is still magic under one system. The compound magic of small dragon girl is completely the compound of Three Great Systems, and the final formidable power basically has the effect of clearing the scene. The only disadvantage of this kind of compound magic is that the consumption is too exaggerated. No matter which magic is used, the magic value will be cleared to zero once it is used. Fortunately, as long as this kind of magic is used, there is almost no need to consider the subsequent problems.

The red thorns and sickles and Bannon silan and body are similar to tanks, but they are all enhanced attributes. Ling, Xiaochun, Jingjing, Lingling, Emiennes, Pepper, Amina, and Bannon Songlan's combined body are all enhanced magic attributes and they have obtained a set of energy armor composed of dragon souls. The defense test shows that this armor Not only does it look arrogant, but the attribute value is also arrogant. Basically, it is equivalent to the defensive power of a dragon, plus the armor-clad Ling's own defense, it is probably not easy to break the defense.

Darts and Bannon Songlan get the least attributes, and they have almost no changes except for stronger attack power and more skills. However, this extra skill is more exaggerated, the name is gaze transmission. As long as the dart directly sees the position, he can appear there instantly, no matter how far away it is, as long as there is no obstacle blocking it. Although this kind of teleportation is generally impossible to teleport too far, it is faster and does not require preparation time at all. It can be reached instantly as long as you see it. It is a good choice to grab something in a melee.

Bailang and Bannon Songlan appeared alienation on their mouths and paws after their bodies. The effect was mainly to strengthen the physical damage ability and ignore the defense. In addition, the effect of Bailang’s Avatar Technique after being strengthened by the body skills will no longer be separated from the phantom, and all Avatars will have the same actual battle strength as the body.

Yeying and Xiaoxue have the same effect as Bannon Songlan and the body. They directly added a layer of war horse equipment, and greatly improved their speed and defense.

Flying bird and Bannon Songlan became a wyvern-like thing afterwards, of course the jet propulsion capability is still retained. The new body did not greatly improve the flying ability of Asuka, but it suddenly turned Asuka from a fast-flying vehicle into a heavy fighter, and its aerial combat ability increased by more than three times.

The effect of the Pioneer and Bannon Songlan is to increase the ground stab skills, which can stab up to five steel thorns to the ground at the same time. The thorn tips are highly poisonous and the damage is not low. The restriction is that the distance between the two furthest steel thorns cannot exceed one hundred meters, otherwise they will not be able to reach them.

Phantoms belong to spirit creatures, but Bannon Songlan is my soul control. Phantom and body will not swallow each other like other spirits, but will be like a spirit control and a spirit control. The combination between them becomes a big Spirit Physique. The image of Phantom and Bannon Songlan after the body is simply the second generation of Death God, and is basically the same as Death God except for not grasping the sickle. Unlike other familiars, Phantom and Bannon Songlan become a secondary existence after the body. Bannon Songlan can dominate the body, and Bannon Songlan's physical skills remain the same, which means it can still be used. Continue to merge with the third existence. I tried to re-integrate the Bannon Songlan in the physical state with my other familiars, and found that no new skills were added, but the enhancement range was increased a bit.

The abilities of Rose Vine and Bannon Loli and the back of the body are the most funny. They actually have a metal shell similar to a soft whip on the outside of each rattan. The tentacles of the rose vines are all similar to the machine tentacles. . But I have to admit that this layer of carapace has greatly improved Rose Vine's hole-piercing ability and attack defense, and even its winding ability has been greatly improved. Even if Hong Yan was entangled by the rose vine, it would take a long time to get rid of it. In addition, each of the tentacles of the rose vine is accompanied by a dark flame, even a simple entanglement can cause considerable damage.

The last test is Yeyue. On the surface, it seems that she and Bannon Songlan have similar effects on her body, but Yeyue's most powerful petrified pupil has changed. The most prominent manifestation is that petrification has become ossification, and everything that is seen by the petrified pupil will become ossified. If Ye Yue came to the battlefield several times, the battlefield would have to become a forest of bones. Ossification has more benefits than petrochemicals, and the most important thing is that it distinguishes friend from foe. It does not mean that it will not have an effect on one's own people, but that it will have different effects according to the enemy and ourselves. After being ossified, enemies will become rotten bones, their defensive power will drop drastically, and they will be broken when knocked on. If one's own person is ossified, Divine Beast will appear. Not only will the defensive power not drop, it will become stronger.

After everyone has tested it, it's my turn to do it myself. According to the attribute, as long as Bannon Songlan is set as the main spirit, this guy can merge with my armor and open some special attributes to my armor. I tried to choose the main spirit setting, and then I chose Bannon Songlan, and the result was...!

With a bang, my armor exploded and flew out to all directions. The armor was lost! I still don't understand what happened, all the armor that flew out automatically stopped and hovered in midair.

The magic dragon helmet flew in front of me, but it was suspended in midair, more than 20 meters above the ground. The helmet mask is in front of the helmet, about four or five meters away from the helmet. The arm guards and gloves were completely separated and flew in front of me. The metal glove automatically made a four-finger close position and pressed it on the ground, and the forearm part and the back arm part of the arm guard were also automatically separated, floating directly above the glove. The forearm is almost more than five meters above the ground, and the rear arm is directly more than ten meters above the ground. The shoulders of the armor are suspended a little bit behind the upper part of the hind arm, and the height above the ground is about 15 meters. The main armor part was suspended fifteen meters above my head, with the back of the armor facing the sky and the opposite side. The two wings of the dragon are just a few meters above the armor, but they are more than 20 meters apart from the left and the right. The heart armor appeared between the heavy armor and the helmet, standing there like a shield. The skirt armor all flew behind me, and it looked like a heavy armor, facing the ground, and moved towards the sky behind it. The magic dragon boots have appeared on the ground behind me, 40 or 50 meters away from me. The Hu Jia on the thigh is floating above the boots, and the distance is also more than 20 meters.

The two-sided magic dragon shield disintegrated in the sky, splitting into countless small dots, like a star bucket. Eternal ran to the straight line formed by the helmet, armor, and skirt, but it was at the end, and the remaining equipment parts all floated beside me.

Bannon Songlan’s voice suddenly rang: "The first fusion will take some time, and the next time will be very fast. You must not use other skills now. If you fail, It will never be completed."

I said that I heard it. The failure of the fusion is not a joke, it is better to be more cautious.

The changes began after the main armor components were in place. The first thing that changed was the mask at the top. The helmet and helmet of the magic dragon suit can be disassembled. The attribute is also calculated based on two pieces of equipment. Now the first thing that changes is the mask. A burst of red arc flashes on the mask gradually. As the arc flashes, the mask gradually becomes larger, and the middle part begins to extend forward, the outer edges on both sides extend towards the rear, and the entire mask is constantly increasing. Big. In just five or six faces, an ordinary human mask turned into a huge face mask, and it looked like a giant dragon's front face.

After the mask change is completed, the helmet starts to flicker, and this part also begins to grow larger. The two unremarkable barbs on the top of the helmet begin to stretch, and soon you can see the outline of a pair of dragon horns. Shape now. The cloud side cornices of the helmet ear protection also began to expand and stretch out, and finally became a large crown that only male giant dragons have.

After the helmet change was completed, the face of the dragon in front of the mask suddenly flew backwards, and the helmet took the initiative to greet each other. The two parts collided, but they clicked each other to death. . The combination of these two parts is basically a complete giant dragon head. From the outside, what is missing is only the teeth and eyes. There was a sudden click on the mask, and two red crystals were suddenly placed on the eyes that were still two holes. Now they even have eyes.

I thought the following should be the recent change in the shoulder of the protector, but who knew it was the bracelet and ring floating next to me that moved first. They all flew behind the head of the helmet that changed, and then grew larger one by one. Whether it was a bracelet or a ring, they expanded the Great Accomplishment sleeves one after another, and they actually replicated themselves with many identical large individuals. Then these paragraphs are connected to each other to form a fully rotatable pipe connection. This long pipe has been deformed a little more, and now I can see that it is the neck of the giant dragon.

After the neck was completed, the shoulder pads of the armor also began to flash with red arcs and gradually expanded, quickly forming a huge shoulder and the base of the cervical spine, and the shoulder blades on both sides were actually butted. The armor that stood in front of the shoulder blades then began to grow larger, and soon formed a spherical object, but instead of flying up, it flew towards me.

Seeing that it rushed towards me without slowing down, I wanted to run instinctively, but I thought that Bannon Songlan said that it would not affect the first fusion, so I didn't move. The ball formed by this armor really hit me, but it didn't cause any harm. I went straight through it and into the ball. The sphere instantly became transparent and surrounded me and stopped moving.

The middle section of the armor on the top of the head suddenly began to expand, stretched and deformed, and soon became the shape of a dragon body as I expected. The forearm part changed accordingly, and two forelimbs were quickly completed. The heavy gloves pressed on the ground began to expand, and two dragon claws gradually formed.

The skirt armor part expanded to form the hip area, the leg guards quickly expanded into a dragon-shaped retreat, and the combat boots transformed into the hind paws. The two wings of the magic dragon suspended in a high place expanded while deforming, and quickly completed two huge dragon wings.

The Eternal at the end suddenly began to deform. It first stretched to both sides, one end passed through the hip formed by the skirt armor, and continued to penetrate the body formed by the armor, and then from the front again. It stretched out and penetrated into the neck, and finally into the head again. Stretching in the other direction is not as long as this side, but it's not much different. After being fully extended, Eternal, which has completely turned into a long stick, began to look outward, and a large number of cross protrusions gradually appeared. I instantly realized that it was the spine, the part extending forward should be the entire dragon-shaped skeleton frame, and the back part must be the tail.

My guess was quickly confirmed. The eternal change is the spine, but it is even more powerful than I guessed. It even the sternum and leg bones are alienated and penetrated into the completed Among the various sections of armor.

The forward end of Yongheng has entered the dragon-shaped mouth, and suddenly with a click, Yongheng has ejected rows of fangs from dragon's mouth. After that, the dragon head and neck slammed into each other and locked each other with a click, and then they moved back together, completely integrated with the armor turned into a dragon body. The four dragon legs were butted, and then they were butted with the torso, and the dragon wings were lowered and connected to the back of the armor. The eternal dragon tail formed behind has completely formed and sealed the tail hole on the hip. The armor belt floating next to me suddenly flew up, forming a buckle at the gap between the dragon body and the hips, and then zooming in to completely lock the front and rear sections of the dragon body into a whole. The blades on the dragon claw all pop out with a scream, like a sharp dragon claw.

The mercury floating next to me started to move again. The mercury didn't keep up with the armor and body just now, but now it flies over collectively. These mercury separated all the connected gaps, and then red light flashed, but the gaps were invisible, as if they were completely integrated.

In the end, beside me, there are countless fragments of a pair of half moons and two shields, and the Avengers crossbow.

Flew out together for two and a half months, rotating in the air and turning into two very huge fangs connected to the upper jaw of the dragon head. The Avengers also flew over, and after becoming huge, they flew in from dragon's mouth and connected with their jaws. The Divine Weapon Sifang Zun, the national weapon I was carrying, flew out without knowing what to do, went directly into the dragon's mouth, changed its shape, and turned it over and connected it to the dragon's upper jaw.

The dragon shape can be said to have been completed, but there are still these shield fragments and the ball that I am on beside me, I don’t know what I am going to use for it. In the midst of doubt, the small dots formed by the shattered shields all began to expand, and each dot turned into a small shield, with a large number of scary ones. Suddenly these small shields flew towards the giant dragon composed of armor, and the dragon shape was really completed after a pattering sound of oh la la. No wonder this dragon is so awkward just now. The fragments of the original shield are composed of dragon scales. The dragon shape just now has a shape and no scales, so it doesn't look right.

Now this dragon is completely completed, and everything that should and shouldn't be there is all there. Suddenly the sphere under my feet took me to fly, the giant dragon-shaped armor in front opened its mouth, and the sphere flew in through dragon's mouth, and then directly into the dragon's head. Eternal has built a platform here, and the sphere can just be connected to this platform.

After I was put in, the longan was red and light flashed. The scene inside the dragon's head that I saw suddenly disappeared, and Ling and their surprised eyes appeared in front of me instead.

"Huh? How did you Ling become so small?" I suddenly found that Ling and the others seemed to be like ants, and the large creatures such as plague and crystal were about the same size as me. But before Ling and the others answered, I realized that it was not that they were smaller, but that I was bigger. He raised his hand in a panic and looked at it, but what he saw was a pair of metalized dragon claws. Feel it carefully, in addition to the sensation of the limbs, there is actually a sensation of tail and wings. Obviously, all the sensory signals of that great dragon have been received in my consciousness. Putting it that way Bannon Songlan's ability to harmonize is actually the incarnation of a dragon? Isn't that the same ability as the draconian who came back from Dragon Island?

Bannon Songlan's voice suddenly appeared around me. "Haha, they haven't gotten smaller, but you have gotten bigger. How do you feel? How about trying to operate flexibility?"

I tried to move, and my limbs and neck were commanded smoothly. But the wings and tail are particularly troublesome, as if a person accustomed to using the right hand to hold chopsticks with his left hand, although it can command, but the strength and direction are not well controlled. The wings are simpler, the most troublesome is the tail, which is extremely difficult to operate.

"This is your body augmentation ability? Why is it the same as the draconian's transformation?"

"This is not my augmentation performance, to be exact, I help you Opened the body form of the magic dragon suit. This is the ultimate form of the magic dragon suit. All the attributes will look like when it is fully opened. The magic dragon suit is originally a dragon armor, it should be the armor of a giant dragon. At present, what I can help you to unlock is only Part of the abilities and complete appearance, part of the attribute is sealed, but it is definitely stronger than you used to be. Thanks to the good relationship between you and Dragon Clan, otherwise it will be troublesome to harmonize this time!"


"Because your armor was originally not complete. Is your sphere called Eternity fused with Dragon Clan's keel whip?"


"Think about it, is the keel whip originally like a spine? Although you have integrated it into the weapon, the attribute is still there. It actually It is the complete spine of the giant dragon behind the body. And the tooth of the Sacred Dragon that you destroyed at the beginning. That thing was originally the sword with this armor. Now you should know why the sword is called the tooth of the Sacred Dragon, right? "

"Because that is Dragon Tooth."

"Yes, that is Dragon Tooth, but unfortunately it was interrupted by you. Fortunately, you did not throw it away, but also Incorporated into a new weapon, so this eternity still includes the characteristics of the Sacred Dragon's teeth, otherwise the dragon will have no teeth when it is completed. As for the half moon, it is also a dragon's teeth, but it is a fang. You can launch it when necessary. These fangs attack from a distance. As for the crossbow, it was completely caused by the armor fusion, it shouldn't have this part. And those rings and bracelets, they shouldn't be combined. But this set of armor should have been included. You don’t have the magic dragon collar that makes up the dragon’s neck, so you have to replace it with those things. Fortunately, the rings and bracelets in your hand are not Mortal Grade, and the performance is not worse than the original ones."

"What's the matter with the Divine Weapon Sifangzun?"

"There should be a dragon ball in this armor, which is for fire breathing. But you don't have one, so I had to use this instead. Anyway. Don’t suffer, you Sifangzun seems to have formidable power a lot bigger than Dragon Ball!"

"That’s a prize from Nuwa, and of course it’s better than Dragon Ball. But with such a big body, how can I? I always feel that there is no way to operate it?"

"Just practice more." Bannon Songlan said irresponsibly.

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