The originally leisurely and quiet hall was now in a mess. Tables and chairs had been knocked to pieces. Various debris and body parts were scattered on the ground. Sprayed blood stained the originally tidy ground red.

Mimura struggled to open his eyes, his vision was blurry. Before he could figure out what happened, he smelled the smell of blood and gasoline.

In a daze, his vision gradually focused, and he saw a dozen figures wearing black suits and masks on their faces jumping out of the car.

They moved quickly and powerfully. They pulled up the members of the club on the ground one by one by their hair and examined them carefully. As long as they saw those who were still breathing or whining for mercy, they would directly pick up the ax in their hands and chop them on the neck.

Seeing this scene, Sancun's eyes couldn't help but burst into tears. The Japanese people who were able to move in China in this era were all selected and the elites who stood out were now being brutally killed one by one in front of their eyes.

He tried his best to shout for them to stop, but his body was shaking due to pain and tension, and his voice was stuck in his throat and he couldn't come out.

"Boss, I didn't see the old devil named Mimura in the photo. Are we looking in the wrong place?"

"If you don't find it in the lobby, go look for it in the private room and drag out all the devils in this club one by one!"


At this time, the sound of two people talking suddenly came from the hall. Mimura looked up and saw that the person speaking was a tall man. His face was covered with a black cloth, revealing only a pair of sharp and cold eyes.

At this time, he was carefully scanning the corpses on the ground. When he saw Mimura's gaze, a hint of surprise flashed in the man's eyes.

"Hahaha, old bastard, I really found him!"

Zheng Jirong walked up to him quickly, opened his big hands and squeezed his head tightly, and lifted Sancun's entire body off the ground!

Then he fixed the old boy's head and restrained him in front of him. He looked at this guy with sharp eyes and looked at him carefully for a few times.

"Mimura Saki?"

Mimura struggled desperately with his feet dangling in the air, but the big hand was like an iron clamp on his head, without any movement or loosening.

He looked at the man in front of him with hatred and struggled to squeeze out a few words from his throat, "Do you know who we are? If you dare to kill us, you will never leave the rental area alive!"

"Fuck, do you know who I am?!"

Zheng Jirong pulled off the black cloth on his face and shook his head slightly in contempt, "You don't even have the consciousness to die, how dare you assassinate me?"

"I'm telling you, no one from your Black Dragon Society can escape today. I'm going to kill them one by one in front of you, the leader!"

"It's you!"

After seeing his face, Mimura Saaki said in disbelief: "Are you crazy? A gangster dares to touch our Black Dragon Club?"

In the past few dozen seconds, his mind went through countless forces that had a grudge against their Black Dragon Society, including warlords from all over the country, national government, and enemy spies. He never expected that the one who would take action would be Zheng Jirong, the leader of the gang!

"I can tell, you seem to think the black dragon is very awesome, right?"

As he spoke, Zheng Jirong lifted the guy's head and dragged him straight to a member of the Black Dragon Guild who was curled up on the ground and wailing.

Under his unclear gaze, Zheng Jirong waved to one side and took an ax from his younger brother.

Then, he looked at Mimura expressionlessly, "Awesome, right?"


As soon as Sancun uttered a word, the ax in Zheng Jirong's hand suddenly struck down!

After a muffled groan, the Black Dragon Guild member's head was instantly split open like a watermelon, with blood splattering everywhere!

There was no movement in Zheng Jirong's eyes, as if he had just done a trivial thing. He pressed Mimura's head and pressed his face to the red and white liquid on the ground, and asked in a cold voice: "Huh? Now, are you still awesome? "

"You, you devil."

A trace of astonishment flashed in Mimura Zaoki's eyes. He glared at Zheng Jirong and cursed: "They are just ordinary administrative staff and have not participated in the mission to assassinate you!"

Before he finished speaking, Zheng Jirong raised his ax and chopped off half of his arm!

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?" Zheng Jirong stepped on his broken arm and continued to ask in a deep voice: "I ask you, are you still awesome?"

Mimura endured the severe pain and said through his teeth: "Do you know what you are doing!"

"You cut me, and I'll cut you. It's fair. What don't you understand?"

As he spoke, Zheng Jirong chopped off his other arm with an axe.

Seeing this guy sweating profusely but gritting his teeth to hold back from crying out, Zheng Jirong couldn't help but sigh: "He is indeed a scumbag taught by militarism. His bones are really hard."


Mimura Zaoji trembled with his lips trembling: "You led people to attack the concession, and you dared to kill us Japanese people. You don't need the garrison to take action, your own people will not let you go."

"Tsk tsk tsk"

Hearing this, Zheng Jirong turned to look at Dapeng and others around him, and smiled at them: "Look, what is humanitarian spirit? He is obviously about to die, but he is still worried about our safety."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"I'm going to disappoint you, brother." Zheng Jirong spread his hands towards him. "The National Government will not trouble me for this matter. I am trying to eliminate the instability in the rear for them during the Northern Expedition. It is too late to give me meritorious services." What! As for your Japanese garrison?"

He leaned down and smiled, "They are training in Wusongjiang. They won't be back until tomorrow at least."


Seeing a trace of despair flashing in the old boy's eyes, Zheng Jirong clapped his hands with satisfaction. He thought this guy was not afraid of anything, but he gave up immediately after knowing that he would not die.

Now, in addition to the many decapitated corpses in the hall, there are also dozens of Japanese people who have just been captured from the box inside. As the headquarters of the Black Dragon Society in the concession, almost all of these people are members of the Black Dragon Society.

Looking at the corpses scattered all over the ground, these people were not as hard-boned as the old devil Mimura Saaki. At this time, they were either frightened or desperate. Each one of them knelt on the ground and looked at Zheng Jirong and others with eyes begging for life.

"Get the gasoline off the car."

Zheng Jirong let go of Mimura Saki's feet, leisurely raised a chair and sat on it. He lit a cigarette and urged Du Dapeng and the others: "Hurry up, we are in a hurry to go home for dinner after burning." !”

"You and you." Seeing the boys of the Ax Gang pouring gasoline barrels directly over the heads of the Black Dragon Club, Sancun couldn't help but said in shock: "You madmen, it's not enough to kill everyone, you still want to burn us to death? "

"Hey, what are you making such a fuss about?" Zheng Jirong slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said calmly: "As the saying goes, killing people out of anger has killed so many people today. Wouldn't it be a pity not to set another fire?"

Then, he casually said: "But don't blame me for not giving you a way out. Tell me who sent you to assassinate me. If you tell me, I will let them go."


Seeing that this guy didn't say a word but just stared at him with hatred, Zheng Jirong smiled, looked at him and said, "Don't tell me? I can guess it even if you don't tell me, it's Captain Jiuzhen from the garrison, right?"

Mimura, who had been silent all this time, had a sinister smile on his lips, "Commander Hisama is the captain of the garrison army. Although you are wearing a mask, he can definitely guess that you did it. When he comes back, you will die!"

"Haha", Zheng Jirong sneered disdainfully after hearing this: "Captain of the unit. Call him captain to save face. If not, I will hold a funeral for him tonight!"

Mimura Zaoji wanted to say something after hearing this, but Zheng Jirong did not give him a chance to speak again. At this time, all the gasoline had been spilled, and he slowly took off the cigarette butt from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Jirong curled his fingers to pop out the cigarette butt. The cigarette butt drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then hit the gasoline hard!

In an instant, flames shot out, and the gasoline everywhere burned instantly. The fire spread quickly, and all these guys were involved in a sea of ​​​​fire!

Listening to the wails one after another and looking at the blazing fire, Zheng Jirong seemed unusually calm. He calmly picked up a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a deep breath, as if savoring the smoke. The intensity of the fire.

After admiring it for a moment, he gently shook the ashes from his cigarette, turned around and left the club without looking back.

"Let's go to the next place!"

Throughout the day, Shanghai seemed to be shrouded in a dark cloud, with numerous attacks, explosions, and shootings occurring one after another.

First, there were several Japanese-owned casinos in the public concession. A dozen gunmen pretending to be gamblers suddenly rushed out. As long as they heard the Japanese accent, they did not hesitate to pull the trigger and fired a hail of bullets, leaving no one behind. Live mouth.

Immediately afterwards, several dance halls and restaurants, including nightclubs, also suffered similar attacks. The gunmen sneaked in quietly and once they found anyone speaking Japanese, they immediately started killing without mercy.

Even after killing the people, it wasn't enough. Before leaving, they used bombs or gasoline to destroy the entire building.

In addition to the public concessions, there were also many sieges and attacks in the Chinese and French concessions. These killers seemed to be organized and premeditated actions, specifically targeting Japanese people who had been in China for many years.

Whether you are walking in the streets or sitting in a cafe, as long as you are targeted by them, you will inevitably die.

In addition, there are some more brutal attacks. Some people were suddenly broken into by unknown persons while they were sleeping at home and brutally killed. Some people were hit by vehicles that suddenly appeared on the road and then were shot; Some people were also bombed directly in public places, causing many casualties.

The entire Shanghai Bund, including the Concession Patrol Room and the Chinese Police Department, were busy arresting the murderers everywhere, but the citizens seemed unusually calm. After all, almost all of the people who died were Japanese. This was obvious. Yishi Fang is seeking revenge against the Japanese. What do ordinary people have to fear?

At this time, inside a dock warehouse in Shiliupu.

Zheng Jirong hung up the phone in his hand, a deep thought flashed in his eyes.

The Black Dragon Society has been cultivating in Shanghai for many years, and its influence is like a large tree with tangled roots, taking root in every corner.

Whether they were in the business world, politics, or the entertainment industry, they all had their minions and killers lurking among them. He took the list given to him by Shen Zui today and purged almost all the names on it. These people had different identities, and even the native ZG Everyone has it.

An organization like theirs that specializes in sabotage and assassination on the territory of other countries has grown so large in a short period of time. It is conceivable that a huge amount of money and manpower must have been invested, and the ambition of the wolf is obvious.

The phone call just now was made to Shen Zui. Although Shen Zui didn't speak clearly on the phone, Zheng Jirong could roughly understand what he meant. It was just to let him get away with it and then quickly push out a few scapegoats.

Although the Japanese side has never acknowledged the fact that the Black Dragon Society is engaged in espionage and assassination activities in China, they usually choose to avoid talking about Black Dragon Society incidents, but this time after all, so many Japanese people died. In order to calm public opinion, the National Government decided to Bian must introduce a few scapegoats of sufficient weight.

As for who to choose, Zheng Jirong already has a candidate, but at this time, he has another thing to do.

With his thoughts at this point, he raised his eyes and stared at the center of the warehouse, where several people were being tightly tied up. Not only were their faces covered with thick black cloth, but their mouths were also stuffed with cloth balls. He looked extremely helpless in the dim light.

"Boss", Tiezhu came over, pointed at the people and explained: "The old devil named Jiuzhen has stayed in Shanghai for a total of eight years. In addition to the wife he brought from Japan a few years ago, he also raised another He had three lovers and a total of four sons, the youngest of whom is still in his infancy, and the eldest is the eldest son he brought here specially from Japan. Not one of them was left behind, so I kidnapped them all!"


Looking at the baby in the arms of one of the women, Zheng Jirong said helplessly, "Tie Zhu, do you think I'm a pervert?"

"Pervert? How could it be!"

Tie Zhu immediately shook his head and said: "Brother Rong, you help the poor, support the strong and the weak, and even dare to kill Japanese people. You are more like a hero than Wang Yaqiao, how can you be a pervert!"

"Then what are you doing to capture this little kid who's still drinking milk?"

Zheng Jirong raised his hand and hit the kid on the head hard, "You think I'm a natural-born murderer. I just kidnap the adults. But if you kidnap the kid, I have to find a wet nurse for him. Isn't that troublesome?!"

"No need, I even tied up the mother. The child's mother has breast milk."


Zheng Jirong shook his head, walked up to the group of people, and waved to his men to remove all the black cloth on their heads and the cloth in their mouths.

Looking at the frightened faces of these people, before they could ask for mercy, Zheng Jirong took the lead and said: "Your husband, the old man named Jiuzhen, sent someone to assassinate me this morning. Do you know?"

A trace of confusion flashed in the eyes of these women and children after hearing this. They looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Zheng Jirong shrugged upon seeing this and said calmly: "It doesn't matter if you don't know. Don't be afraid. I just want to collect some interest from you."

After saying that, he picked up an iron rod from the table next to him and walked up to the tallest child among the group of people.

According to Tiezhu, this boy should be Jiuzhen’s eldest son in Japan.

After waving the stick in his hand a few times, Zheng Jirong saw that the boy was staring at him in fear, so he couldn't help but smile at him and said: "Kid, don't look at it, turn your head away."


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