Starting My Cultivation With Time Management

Vol 9 Chapter 48: Planning to go to Beiming Fanyang

During this period of time, Long Long was also staring at Beiming Fanyang, writing letters constantly.

Beiming Fanyang is also arrogant. On the one hand, he is eager to learn about the outside world, but on the other hand, he is like a frightened bird, suspicious, and worried that the outside world will follow the news channel to find out the situation of Beiming Fanyang. , and then wipe them all out.

To be honest, Beiming Fanyang is so careful, it is understandable to think about it carefully.

After all, their enemy is the Qilin clan that ruled the entire Eastern Emperor Realm.

"Now the war is temporarily suspended." Long Long wrote in the jade slip that he replied, "but there is a conflict of fundamental interests between the two sides, so it is impossible to maintain peace for a long time."

"Beizhou and Zhongzhou will definitely go to war first. If the war is stalemate, it's fine, but no matter which side gains the advantage, the Yu Clan cannot hold back."

"Beizhou has the upper hand, and because of the Yu clan's hatred for Qilin, they must take advantage of the situation to take revenge; but when Beizhou falls, the Yu clan has to worry that Zhongzhou will turn their guns, so they can't call Beizhou defeated."

"Only in the stalemate stage of war, the Yu clan is not easy to integrate internal voices, so it is easy to be in the wait-and-see stage."

"Very good." Beiming Fanyang replied, "There are intrigues among princes, that's how it is."

"The Nanzhou Yu clan has always been rebellious, and only admires the absolute strong. It seems that the Qilin clan uses political struggle instead of strength to rise to power. Naturally, it is absolutely impossible to win Nanzhou's heart."

"What's Dongzhou's attitude?"

"At present, both camps are wooing the Canglong clan." Long Long continued to explain, "Many voices in Canglong are different. At present, it seems that the wait-and-see faction probably has the upper hand."

"Canglong has always been like this. He only cares about small profits and doesn't care about the overall situation." The opposite party replied, "If the Canglong family was willing to come to serve the king when our family was in danger in the past, now it will not shrink the boundaries of Dongzhou and be cautious among the princes."

"Oh?" Long Long immediately asked gossip, "After Emperor Yinglong fell into the human world in the past, did the Canglong clan fall into trouble?"

"That's not true." The opposite said, "But our clan once asked them for help, and the Canglong clan promised King Qin, but hesitated and backed down at the moment, procrastinating, so that after the Qilin clan came to power, they almost had a fight with Dongzhou .”

"Later, the Xuangui clan interceded for him, and the Yu clan provoked them at the border again. That's why the Qilin clan called on the Qilin clan to play tricks on them, allowing Canglong to escape."

"So that's how it is." Long Long thought to himself, it was a bit like Soochow in the Three Kingdoms period.

Wei wants to fight for hegemony, Shu wants to resist the mighty Wei, and only Soochow is vacillating in the south of the Yangtze River... The main reason is that the internal hearts are not in harmony, and the top decision-maker can't control the situation.

The situation on the Canglong clan's side is actually simpler: the patriarch Qin Beiwang lacks strategic vision, doesn't know which camp will win, and doesn't dare to make rash decisions and blame them for the incident, so he relies on the ancestor of Canglong to make the decision.

On Canglong Patriarch's side, although Long Long couldn't draw a conclusion, he felt that it should be a typical speculator's mentality: see which side will win in the end, and I will stand on that side in the end.

Beiming Fanyang's evaluation is really appropriate.

"That's true." Long Long said as if casually, "It's the daughter of His Majesty Ying Long, Long Hu, who has a noble lineage, so much so that she asks for marriage in many ways. Isn't the Canglong family thinking of selling it for a price? Can you offer a higher price?"

"Let's not talk about it, the clan sent someone to look for me again, I'll go and see what's going on."

After throwing the jade slip into the teleportation array and delivering it to Beiming Fanyang, Long Long found an excuse to slip away.

He knew that since Beiming Fanyang admired that Emperor Yinglong so much, he would definitely pursue his daughter as well.

But until now, the other party has never asked about Longhu, and there is obviously only one explanation: Shi Yao never mentioned the existence of Longhu to the other party.

As for why, it is naturally to blame Beiming Fanyang for treating Shi Yao as a cash machine, and has no intention of communicating with her at all.

If I hadn't been willing to use my blood to win the other party's trust, I wouldn't have been able to quickly reach the current state of trust with Beiming Fanyang—of course, since the relationship has not been established for a long time, the other party's trust must be quite limited. If he directly talked about Longhu, Beiming Fanyang might still be suspicious.

Therefore, first pretend to say something casually, and then immediately leave the other party there.

No matter how suspicious the other party is, when they cannot get more information from the outside world, driven by anxiety and worry, they can only choose to trust themselves... So not only humans are a race that "doesn't shed tears until they see the coffin", but so does Jiaolong.

After stopping communication with Beiming Fanyang, Long Long went to find Longhu to test it out.

Longhu was lying on the bed in the bedroom, playing with two small puppets.

The puppet on the left has a pair of small horns on its head, which seems to be made of chopped chopstick heads;

The puppet on the right has a big tail attached to its buttocks, which is obviously made of a girl's tail hair.

"Fox." The puppet on the left said, "Recently things in the clan are really too busy, and I can't help it. It's not that I deliberately didn't play with you."

"Yes yes yes." The puppet on the right snorted angrily, "Brother Long is a busy man, there are so many important things to deal with in the clan every day, how can there be time to take care of a poor little fox?" Woolen cloth?"

"I'm sorry, fox." The puppet on the left knelt down and said, "I neglected you, I promised my mother clearly, I'm too stupid, I'm nothing..."

The puppet on the right got angry from his heart, so he simply turned around and whipped his big tail at the face of the puppet on the left.

But probably because it was not fastened, the tail fell off and fell to the ground after a few twitches.

Longhu quickly picked up the tail distressedly, manipulated the puppet and said:

"You! Look, I lost my tail in anger."

"I'm sorry, Fox, I was wrong."

"Is it useful to say I'm sorry?"

"Then...then I'll pay you my horn, can I give you my horn?"

"Who wants your stinky feet!"

"It's not the stinky feet, it's the little cute horn growing on the head~"

"Whose tail fell off?" Long Long pushed the door in from the outside.

Longhu quickly rolled over on the bed, pressed the two puppets under him, and said in surprise:

"Long Long? Why are you here?"

"Cough, don't mention it." Long Long said depressedly, "Since entering the realm of Dongyuan, the clan has asked me to receive guests from all over the country every day, making it like a display of military equipment... Do you have tea?"

"Yes, yes!" Longhu stood up (with a sweep of his tail hidden behind him, he swept the two puppets into the quilt), "What kind of tea do you want to drink?"

"Whatever." Seeing Longhu going to make tea, Long Long suddenly said coldly, "Fox, if you want to go to Beiming Fanyang with me, would you be willing?"

Longhu was slightly taken aback, and UU Reading replied:

"Of course, but isn't that what we said earlier?"

"But." Long Long continued to ask tentatively, "If you want to embark on a journey to Beiming Fanyang, then you have everything you have in the Canglong clan, including all kinds of delicious food, fun things, and beds to sleep in. These are all gone, right?"

Longhu hesitated a little after hearing this, but soon smiled freely and said:

"If you don't, then forget it, at least I still have you, don't you?"

Long Long suddenly fell silent.

Actually... I won't stay by your side forever.

But he didn't say this sentence, just nodded with a smile and said:


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