Because Yingluo Wangcheng is in the inland area, it is less affected by the cold current, so there are only a few small snowflakes, which are still falling intermittently.

A ship docked today, and it was Solo’s letter that was delivered to King Yingluo City. After the messenger disembarked, he rushed to King Yingluo City. .

Not everyone can enter the city of King Yingluo, such as refugees, if you can't afford the entry fee, then, sorry, you can only stay outside the city.

Therefore, there are many thatched huts or wooden houses outside the city of Yingluo. They are all poor civilians, because the farmland is outside the city, and they go back and forth every day to enter and leave the city. Once they enter the city, they have to pay a copper coin. How can ordinary civilians I can stand it.

In fact, this is the case in many cities, especially in densely populated cities like King Yingluo. Some nobles and wealthy businessmen occupy a large area of ​​real estate, leaving only a small area for the common people. part, and very expensive.

Therefore, most civilians seldom live in the city, unless they enter the city to sell food, otherwise they live outside the city, which is the so-called slums.

When the messenger entered the royal city, a stench came over his nostrils, which made him feel suffocated. He also spent a few days in Xiyang City. Compared with the wet and dirt-like stone floor of the royal city, It really made him feel sick.

It also made him understand why his master didn't even return to Wangcheng for his beloved daughter's birthday. He couldn't bear such an environment.

To be honest, the messenger can't stand it either. For example, "It's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but hard to go from extravagant to frugal." It makes sense to live in a clean city like Xiyang City for a few days, and then come to a city full of dirt like Wangcheng , It's really hard to live.


As long as the messenger walked back to Solo's house, he saw no less than seven or eight scenes of defecating and peeing in the corner, which made him very contemptuous.

He was still thankful that he came to Wangcheng in winter. If he came to Wangcheng in hot summer, the stench of the air might have suffocated him.

"In comparison, Xiyang City is simply a holy city on earth." The courier sighed and arrived at Solo's house. After the notification, the letter was delivered.

The messenger lingered outside the door. He wanted to take a look at the little lady, that very beautiful girl. He wanted to purify his soul polluted by the royal city.

It's a pity that Solo's youngest daughter didn't come out, she was chatting with her friend at this time.

In Solo's home, in the living room at this time, a girl with blue hair and golden eyes said, "Darina, you really don't like my brother? He is very talented and very courageous."

"No, I don't like it at all, he's too stupid." Darlene responded, "Catherine, stop saying such things that make you feel sick."

Darlene is Solo's youngest daughter. She is sixteen years old this year. She is a girl with red hair and a pair of blue eyes, very lively and energetic.

"Hee hee hee..." Catherine covered her mouth and chuckled, stuck out her tongue, and spread her hands, "I don't want to, you should know that my source of gold coins was cut off by my father recently, so I can only help my idiot Brother pass on the message, and then earn some gold coins."

"You know that your brother is an idiot, and you still want to push me into the fire pit. I'm really careless in making friends."

Darlene glanced at her sad-faced friend with blue eyes, and said angrily, "You deserve it, you agreed to the fourth prince's marriage proposal, and everything will be fine?"

"Bah! That pig-like guy wants me to marry him? Don't even think about it, don't even have a daydream." Catherine jumped up, and the whole body jumped up, and she almost yelled at the sky.

"Catherine, calm down, your father won't agree to it anyway, it's just a show." Darlene's blue eyes shone with wisdom.

"Huh? As expected of Darlene, you can see it all." Catherine was stunned for a moment, then spread her hands and said, "The source of my gold coins is just a mist released by my father, he doesn't like that pig. "

"Please don't say these words anymore, my family is small, but I can't stand your troubles." Darlene waved her hands.

Catherine in front of her was the daughter of a grand duke in the Kingdom of England, and she was just a merchant's daughter after a fallen nobleman.

"Hey... Darlene, you are one year younger than me, why are you pretending to be old-fashioned? People who don't know think you are a few years older than me." Catherine rolled her eyes. It's too mature.

"Alas..." Darlene sighed, and said softly, "My lord father is not in the capital, so I handle all the affairs. I don't pretend to be mature, but it's hard to suppress the consul below."

"Uncle Solo is also true. It's been almost three months since he left. Your birthday is coming soon, and he hasn't come back yet."

Catherine shook her long blue hair and said a little indignantly, "It's really pitiful for a little girl like you to support a family."

"..." Darlene rolled her eyes, put her chin on her left hand, and said slowly, "Maybe Father has discovered some money-making business again."

"Money, money..." Catherine murmured, "Dalena, what kind of boy do you like?"

"Why did you ask this question suddenly?" Darlene was a little startled, the topic changed too quickly.

"I just want to know, Darlene, one of the five magnificent women in the royal capital, what is your criteria for choosing a mate?" Catherine said with her golden eyes shining.

"Uh...that boring title!" Darlene glared at Catherine, and said angrily, "Then, Catherine, one of the five great women in the royal capital, what is your criteria for choosing a mate?"

"What! You're cheating, obviously I asked first." Catherine yelled.

"At least you have to be smarter than me!" Darlene said calmly.

" will be lonely! At that time, you will become an old woman with skin that can hang down to the length of a finger..." Catherine joked indifferently.

"...Are you calling me a monster?" Darlene's eyes trembled.

Chapter 0227 I'm going to Xiyang City.

"Monster?" Catherine tilted her head, blinked her golden eyes, and said with a smile, "Aren't you a monster?"

"You are the monster. Your whole family is a monster." Darlene rolled her eyes and pouted, "Tell me, what are you here for today? You won't come if you don't have anything to do."

"Uh..." Catherine moved her butt embarrassingly, looked at Darlene with her golden eyes, and said in a pitiful tone, "Darlene, the musical instrument workshop in Wangcheng has a new four-stringed lute, that ..."

"You don't want to buy it again, do you?" Darlene stared at her blue eyes and said anxiously, "Your family has more lutes than the musical instrument workshop."

"This time the lute is different." Catherine stood up excitedly and shouted, "It's a four-string lute, the only four-string lute now."

"It's just an extra string!" Darlene said flatly, "Anyway, apart from borrowing money, I can talk about anything."

"Uh..." Catherine was at a loss for words, she came here to borrow money, and immediately said in a pitiful tone, "Dalena, don't be like this, at most, at most I will give you a two-string lute .”

"..." Darlene patted her forehead and said angrily, "No, a piano like that costs several gold coins, which is clearly a scam."

Besides, she doesn't know how to play the piano, so why would she want a lute? And now a two-string lute can be bought for only a few dozen silver coins.

Lute, a musical instrument of this era, is a plucked stringed instrument with a curved neck, similar to guitars and lutes on the other side of the earth.

"But, I really want it. I also want to perform in a theater with a four-stringed lute." Catherine pouted her lips like an abandoned kitten.

"Stop, you do this trick every time, it's fine to borrow money, but I have a condition." Darlene said with a raised finger.

"Tell me, I will agree to any number of conditions." Catherine said with a smile.

"Tell your brother not to bother me anymore. He has been pestering the shop all the time recently, so I can't concentrate on checking the accounts." Darlene said a little annoyed.

Darlene is a prodigy in business. Darlene, one of the five strange women in the capital, is unique in business wisdom. Her business skills have been completely inherited by Solo, and she is even better than Solo in some aspects.

What made Darlene most famous was an auction she presided over at the age of fourteen. The transaction price of that auction was the highest in the history of the Kingdom of Yingluo.

Because of her young age and the success of hosting the auction, Darlene became famous and was called a business genius due to various factors.

Many aristocrats wanted their sons to marry Darlene, and if they had Darlene, they would not have to worry about making money. This was a widely circulated saying in Wangcheng.

Darlene is also known as a genius in business. She manages the family's property accounts in an orderly manner. This is one of the reasons why Solo trusts Darlene to manage the family property.

"No problem, this matter is on me." Catherine agreed without hesitation. Compared with Luteqin, her brother's happiness still had to stand aside.

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