"Hello brother and sister."

Fang Guan smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"The child of the younger siblings was born very well, not only in terms of appearance, but also in the sense of faintly discernable, I can even conclude that within a few years, this child will surely be able to set off a storm. "

Fang Guan looked at the infant Shen Zun, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

When Fang Guan's voice fell, the hall fell into silence for a short time.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Fang Guan couldn't help asking, seeing that there was something wrong with the situation.

"No...Senior Brother, you are right."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"Then why are you not talking anymore?"

Fang Guan then asked.

"Who said that, Senior Brother Shen, hurry up and say something."

Gu Feng immediately turned his attention to Shen Qing and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Oh...Senior Brother is right. We also believe that Zun'er will be extraordinary in the future."

Shen Qing smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Yes, Zun'er must be extraordinary."

Su Ling also smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"That's right."

Fang Guan was hearing this, with a smile on his face.

"Ai, Senior Brother don't understand the situation!"

Gu Feng in the heart said.

"By the way, Senior Brother, since the child has been born, I should be an Adoptive Father, right?"

In order to alleviate the still embarrassing scene, Gu Feng directly opened the mouth and said.

Of course, he really wanted to be an Adoptive Father since this trip.

"That is natural."

Shen Qing opened the mouth and said.

"Then I, as an Adoptive Father, are here, I must give the child a meeting gift."

Speaking, Gu Feng thought together, a few good pills It emerged from the [Yuan Jie] in his palm.

"Take this, it will be useful for the child in the future."

Gu Feng handed the pill to Su Ling, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"No way, no way, we can't ask for such a valuable thing."

When Su Ling saw this, shook the head.

Although she doesn't understand the effect of this pill, but looking at the fragrance and color of the medicine, she thinks there are a few good ones, so she naturally doesn't want to accept it.

"This is not expensive, take it sister-in-law."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

But Su Ling still declined.

"Since it was the kindness of Junior Brother, then you can take it."

Shen Qing opened the mouth and said when he saw it.

"This... well, I thank you for Zun'er."

Su Ling opened the mouth and said.

"What can I thank you for, I am Zun'er's Adoptive Father. Isn't it normal to give him a few pills?"

Gu Feng asked rhetorically .

"That's right."

Shen Qing smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"It's a pity, I came in a hurry, and didn't bring anything."

When the Fang Guan on the side saw this, he couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

"It doesn't matter, we never thought about what we want."

Su Ling opened the mouth and said.

"Yes Senior Brother, you can come if you can."

Shen Qing smiled and opened the mouth and said.

"Although I don't have much, but if Zuner needs anything in the future, then I must be obliged."

Fang Guan continued.

"Then I will thank Senior Brother on behalf of Zun'er."

Su Ling, hearing this, couldn't help but smile and opened the mouth and said.

"haha...there is nothing to thank."

Fang Guan's face also showed a smile, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Senior Brother, since we have seen Zun'er, then we will leave first."

Gu Feng then opened the mouth and said.

"Is it so fast?"

Shen Qing asked.

"Yes, we are here this time to pick up one person."

Gu Feng nodded said.

"Oh? Who is it?"

Shen Qing asked.


Gu Feng lightly opened the mouth and said.

"so that's how it is."

When Shen Qing heard of the princess, Shen Qing understood everything.

"The princess?"

Fang Guan on the side was very puzzled. How could he have something to do with the princess?

"Senior Brother Fang don't know?"

Shen Qing couldn't help but wonder.

"Junior Brother Gu didn't tell me either."

Fang Guan was quite at a loss.

"The county lord is Junior Brother Gu’s friend, and it makes sense for Junior Brother Gu to pick her up."

Shen Qing opened the mouth and said.

"It turns out that the princess is Junior Brother Gu’s friend!"

Fang Guan was hearing this, and then he understood the situation.

"Junior Brother Gu, why didn't you say this before?"

Fang Guan then turned his attention to Gu Feng, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Senior Brother Fang, can't you see it sooner or later? So I didn't talk about her identity, but it's not too late to know now."

Gu Feng smiled opened the mouth and said.

"Okay Junior Brother Gu."

Fang Guan opened the mouth and said.


The two bid farewell to Shen Qing and Su Ling, and then moved towards the palace.

Speaking of the palace, Gu Feng really misses a bit. Of course, the main thing he missed is Fu Yu in the palace.

When the guards of the palace saw Gu Feng and Fang Guan, they were taken aback.

Gu Feng, they know each other, after all, he used to come here often before.

As for Fang Guan, they have never seen him before.

"This is my Senior Brother, come to the palace with me."

Gu Feng looked towards the two, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Since it is your Senior Brother, it is naturally possible to enter."

One of the guards opened the mouth and said.

The guards are not rigid. Since they were brought by Gu Feng, they will naturally not intercept them deliberately.

Otherwise, there will be some troubles afterwards.

When Fang Guan stepped into the palace, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The palace is worthy of being a palace, it is luxurious, much more luxurious than the "mansion" of the Master.

"Junior Brother Gu, where is your favorite?"

Fang Guan said curiously.

"It should be inside."

Gu Feng pointed to the east, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

Speaking, Gu Feng stepped forward.

Fang Guan naturally followed suit.

When the two came to the door, they heard laughter inside.

"Elder Sister Yu, did you hide it?"

"It's good, good."

"Hey...I saw you ."

"Why can you see it at a glance, Lin'er, are you too sharp-eyed?"


"Junior Brother Gu, inside There are actually two princesses, so you..."

Fang Guan immediately cast a strange look at Gu Feng.

"Junior Brother Gu, my role model, but one of them is inevitably too young, and it is not very suitable now. Don't wait anymore..."

"Stop it! ”

Seeing Fang Guan's random inference, Gu Feng quickly opened the mouth and said.

"Why? There are more than two, Junior Brother Gu, you are really..."

"Senior Brother Fang, I am one, and the other is my younger sister."


Gu Feng helps the forehead.

"Oh...that's it, what do I say? Why do you have such a lot of energy."

Fang Guan suddenly realized.


Gu Feng's face was speechless.

"Junior Brother Gu, are we going in?"

Fang Guan asked immediately.

"I will knock on the door first."

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

Speaking, he stretched out his right hand and knocked slightly on the door.


There was a clear childish voice inside the door.

"Guess who I am?"

Gu Feng opened the mouth and said.

"It's the big brother, the big brother is here."

When Lin Er heard the sound, she hurried forward and opened the door immediately.

"Big brother!"

When Liner saw that it was Gu Feng, she hugged Gu Feng's thigh.

"Lin'er is good or not."

Gu Feng touched Lin'er's little head, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Be good, of course Lin'er is good."

Lin'er lifts the head, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

"Yu'er, do you miss me?"

Gu Feng then turned his attention to Fu Yu, and immediately opened the mouth and said.

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