Stay away from Conan

Chapter 145 Email

Chapter 145 Email

The next day, Gao Yuan, Yamazaki Shinichiro, Mizushima Kanae, Sakurai Takeshi, and Inoue Ayako gathered in the rough house rented by Sakurai Takeshi and read the news this morning.

Reports say that last night, a group of Yakuza characters attempted to steal a bank vault and were caught on the spot by the police. The leader was named Junichi Kudo. According to police investigations, this person seems to be related to the previously missing bank president, and is also suspected of being involved in the bank's corruption case.

That's all the report said.

After reading this report, Inoue Ayako said a little decadently: "I still can't accept it. That man is still alive and well?"

"Huh? Why, aren't you both planning to get married? And you can see each other soon."

Mizushima Kanae asked in confusion.

"What's so exciting about that. That bald guy."

Inoue Ayako said.

At this time, Takato was holding the notes of Mizushima Kanae and Yamazaki Shinichiro, watching them carefully record everything in their lives, and make arrangements for everything in advance. They finally understood their serious attitude towards life. Why do two people like this have a crush on each other?

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Gao Yuan asked after handing the notebook back to the two of them.

But seemingly deliberately, Gao Yuan exchanged the two notebooks and handed them into each other's hands. Somewhat unexpectedly, Yamazaki Shinichiro and Mizushima Kanae took each other's notebook, looked at the words recorded on it, and then looked at each other in silence for a long time.

Looking at this scene, Inoue Ayako got up very disappointed, walked out of the room, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Takato did not continue to disturb the two of them, pulled Takeshi Sakurai aside and asked:

"Then Mr. Sakurai, what are your plans? Your acting skills last night were superb."

"At that time, I just gave it my all... If Mr. Yamazaki hadn't taught me acting before, I probably wouldn't have been able to do this."

Takeshi Sakurai said sheepishly, "Maybe, I really am not the material for this."

"But you're not going to commit suicide again, are you?"

Gao Yuan said.

"Not anymore!"

Sakurai Takeshi replied, "I will live well!"

"That's good."

Takato said, looking at Yamazaki and Mizushima who seemed to have officially fallen in love, he couldn't help but smile - this matter was finally resolved.

The matter of "Legendary Killer Kondo" was completely clarified, and Ninagawa Ayako's request was also completed. As for whether Kudo Junichi will confess about "Kondo" after being caught by the police, that doesn't matter. He has never seen the real "Kondo" anyway.

What's more, there was no dead person in the whole incident. Even if the police found Inoue Ayako, they would find that she was alive and well.

At this point, it was all over. After leaving each other's contact information with Mizushima Kanae and Yamazaki Shinichiro, they left alone.

On the way back, Takato sent an email to Ninagawa Ayako about why Mizushima Kanae and Yamazaki Shinichiro were able to date. This female high school student's willful commission was completed.

However, it didn't take long before Gao Yuan received a reply from Ninagawa Ayako:

"After reading their stories, I figured it out. I don't want to marry Dr. Urata just after graduation. I plan to refuse the matter. Thank you, Detective Akechi. - Ayako Ninagawa."

Looking at this reply, Gao Yuan could only smile helplessly, but since it was someone else's choice, Gao Yuan couldn't say anything more, and the settlement panel appeared at the right time.

"The reasoning is over, let's start closing the case."

"Comprehensive evaluation of case closure: A"

"Logic: S"

"Knowledge: A"

"Social: B"

"The settlement is completed, the overall score reaches A, and the reward is 40."

"Detective Rating: Assistant Detective"

"Bounty: 930"

Seeing that this already had a bounty value of "930", Gao Yuan felt a little bit excited - it's almost there! There is only the last "70" points left before the "1000" bounty value required to start the next promotion challenge mission.

But not long after, the settlement panel actually appeared again:

"The reasoning is over, let's start closing the case."

"Comprehensive evaluation of case closure: B"

"Observation: A"

"Knowledge: B"

"Logic: B"

"The settlement is completed, the overall score reaches B, and the reward is 30."

"Detective Rating: Assistant Detective"

"Bounty: 960"

Gao Yuan was a little confused about this. After thinking for a moment, Gao Yuan took out his mobile phone to search for the latest news, and then found that the serial murder case of a woman wearing glasses that he had participated in had been solved, and the important person who helped the police find the murderer had been solved. , it is none other than "the savior of the Japanese police, high school detective" - ​​Kudo Shinichi!

Looking at this result, Gao Yuan smiled helplessly - sure enough, after he helped the police find the connection between the deceased, Kudo Shinichi solved the case immediately.

But Kudo Shinichi’s popularity is really high! There was such overwhelming publicity, and his contribution to this case was mentioned in the news as "a certain detective".

In this regard, Gao Yuan can only feel helpless. After all, Kudo Shinichi is the most famous detective in Tokyo now, and no one else can take advantage of him.

But it doesn't matter, now that there is only "40" bounty left before starting the next promotion challenge mission, you only need to get another "A" grade or above evaluation. After all, the rewards given by the promotion challenge mission are still very generous. Not to mention the special prop "star", even the case itself in the mission can bring huge benefits to oneself - although it is also accompanied by huge dangers.

However, the fact that he is now able to gain a foothold in Tokyo is self-evident because of his last promotion and challenge mission. So your next choice is, of course, to go to "Sandglass" first and see if there are any commissions you can accept!

However, on the way to "Sandglass", a new email disrupted Gao Yuan's plan.

So, after Gao Yuan turned around and went home, he packed his luggage and got on the train to Kyoto:

"Mr. Akechi: Long time no see. Because Heiji was discovered by a talent scout when he was participating in a kendo competition and came to star in a costume movie. He is currently filming in Kyoto. I wonder if you would like to come and watch. - Toyama and Hagami."

The above is the content of this email.

Originally this was nothing, but after seeing the words "Kyoto", Gao Yuan suddenly thought of something and immediately chose to set off.

Night, Tokyo, Metropolitan Police Building——

In the forensic laboratory, a dark figure was holding a stack of files, carefully flipping through one file after another. After flipping through the last file, which recorded the latest case of "successive murder of women wearing glasses", the shadow showed a smile, and then pulled out another file from the drawer:

"Kanagawa Prefecture, Hakone Town, Teitan High School Study Trip Kidnapping Incident" - this is the text on the cover of this file.

Staring at this file, Black Shadow's smile became even more unrestrained: Kudo Shinichi, you are nothing special! Your weaknesses are all exposed! However, before that, I cannot let this person interfere with my plan!

The black shadow thought so, and his eyes suddenly turned to the side, looking at a photo of Mingzhi and Gaoyuan!

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