Stay away from Conan

Chapter 656 Kudo Shinichi’s identity is exposed!

"The 'White Detective' written on the letter might be a trap. And I can't tell anyone about the black organization. Anyone who knows about it...

"I don't know where my parents are at the moment. Hattori Heiji is in Osaka. As for Mr. Akechi and Dr. Agasa, I can't contact them right now, so I have to go alone now?"

After thinking about the current situation, Conan curled his lips slightly and felt very solemn. He knew that now he could only figure out the truth by himself——

"We can't worry so much now. No matter it's a trap or something, we have to find a way to rescue Haiyuan first!"

In this way, Conan made up his mind and looked at Dr. Agasa's house with the door closed in front of him. He tried his best to find an unlocked window, then climbed in and found the solar skateboard placed in Dr. Agasa's house. , and started driving towards Laiyuan City——

Although Raito City is also part of Tokyo, it is about ten kilometers away from Mikawa via Acupido. When you reach the suburbs, you will find Raito...

However, even if I knew from the letter that my destination was Laiyuan, the city of Laiyuan is very big, so how should I find it?

And the other clues on the letter...

"Evolution", "The Door", "A Week without Light", and "Car"...

What is this?

There is no idea at all.

If it's not Dr. Ali's car, what kind of car is it? It can't be the motorcycle driven by the man in black, right?

But he was looking for the man in black based on the information on the envelope. How could the answer to the puzzle be there?

So, what exactly does this “car” refer to?

If it is really a car, there are so many cars on the road, how can you find it?

In this way, Conan set off from Dr. Ari's house on his skateboard and drove towards Laiyuan City in the direction where the man in black left. While thinking anxiously along the way, he was also paying attention to the vehicles on the road.

Suddenly, after driving several blocks, Conan saw in front of a convenience store on the roadside——

The motorcycle that seemed to be the same model that took Haiyuan away was parked in front of the convenience store!

Immediately, after seeing this motorcycle, Conan subconsciously looked towards the convenience store——

Through the huge glass window of the convenience store, Conan saw that the man in black wearing a black helmet and black clothes was actually in the convenience store at this moment, holding a bag inside the convenience store. Magazine, looking at something.

"We found him! Is he still so close?"

Seeing this, Conan was greatly surprised. He didn't expect to be able to catch up with him.

Therefore, Conan did not alert the snake, but quietly hid outside and observed what the man in black who had been wearing a helmet and whose face could not be seen clearly was doing inside the convenience store. At the same time...

Now that this guy is here, where is Haiyuan?

In this way, with the intention of rescuing Xiao Ai first, Conan observed the situation carefully, but other than finding that the man in black was flipping through the map in the convenience store, he found no trace of Xiao Ai——

"Haiyuan isn't here? Did he let her go? Or does he have other companions who took Haiyuan away first?"

In this way, because he couldn't see Xiao Ai, Conan didn't dare to take action rashly, so when he looked at the motorcycle parked by the man in black outside the store, Conan came up with a plan——

"No matter what, now is the best opportunity..."

With this in mind, Conan took out a sticker-type tracker and quietly came to the motorcycle. He first wrote down the license plate of the car, and then attached the tracker to the car——

Next, just wait and see where this guy will go!

So, after doing this, Conan hid nearby, waited for the man in black to come out of the convenience store, got on the motorcycle and started driving.

In response, Conan also turned on the tracking system of the tracking glasses, and began to quietly follow the man in black at a distance——

"Okay! Look where you are going? Is it your hiding place?"

So, with some expectation, Conan followed the other party's whereabouts based on the signal of the tracker, all the way to Acupo——

This direction...

Is this guy going to Laiyuan too?

In this regard, looking at the direction in which the other party was traveling, Conan couldn't help but think about the other party's possible destination.

However, through the tracking glasses, I saw that the other party's signal was still in Abeto City. Suddenly, the signal that should have been heading in the direction of Norihara turned around and came back towards me——

"Strange? How could he..."

In this way, when he saw that the signal was coming towards him, Conan was riding his skateboard on the road and had no place to hide for a while. He could only look solemnly in the direction corresponding to the signal to see what the other party was going on——

As a result, looking along the signal, there was no trace of the motorcycle anywhere. Instead, it was clearly a large bus, coming from that direction!

Seeing this, Conan was shocked. Then after the bus passed by him, Conan turned to look at the car, and then he saw——

My sticker-type tracker was actually stuck on the back of that car!

"Oops! Found out!"

At this time, when Conan saw that the tracker was attached to the bus, he realized that the other party had discovered that he was following him. What should he do?

In this way, just when Conan felt that he had lost the trace of the other party, from the corner of his eye, Conan suddenly caught a glimpse of the man in black riding a motorcycle actually following behind him!

"When! Is it possible that I have been followed by the other party a long time ago?"

Seeing this, he knew that there was no point in hiding. Seeing that the other party was still in his sight, Conan stopped thinking about it and drove straight towards the destination quickly——

If that's the case, then you continue to chase me!

In this way, seeing Conan speeding forward, the man in black on the motorcycle also increased the accelerator and accelerated towards Conan.

At this point, seeing that the opponent was really catching up, Conan chuckled. After passing by a small bush on the roadside, Conan took advantage of his small body and actually rode his skateboard directly from the main road into the small bush. , in this case, the other party riding a motorcycle can't directly chase in, right?

Sure enough, after seeing Conan enter the bushes, the other party parked the car where Conan entered. Looking in Conan's direction, he did not choose to pursue him further.

But this is an excellent opportunity for Conan hiding in the trees——

"Okay! In that case..."

With this thought in mind, Conan opened the watch-shaped anesthesia gun and shot directly at the man in black——

"Give me some sleep!"

In this way, just after Conan injected the anesthetic needle, it seemed that the man in black was aware of the danger. The moment Conan took action, the man in black lifted the motorcycle, supported the front wheel on the ground, raised the rear wheel, and let the motorcycle The car makes a circle around the front wheel as the center of the circle——

In this way, the man in black used the rotating motorcycle to deflect Conan's attack.

In this way, Conan was greatly shocked when he saw that the other party was so skilled, and he simply talked to the other party directly through the bushes:

"There are no flaws like this... Since you have the ability to give me these codes, you must be no ordinary person!"

In this way, after hearing Conan's words, the man in black raised his thumb with one gloved hand, but then pointed downwards and said:


Then, he said in English:

"You are not a white detective, just a blue child!"

In this way, hearing the other party answer him in English showed that the other party understood Japanese, so Conan continued to ask seriously:

"You must be from the organization! Where did you take Huiyuan!"

"Who knows? If you are also a detective, you can search for it yourself!"

Seemingly casual, the man in black continued to reply in English:

"If you are Blue Detective Kudou Shinichi!"

——"If you were "Blue Detective" Kudo Shinichi..."

Immediately, after hearing the other party's words, Conan was stunned——

He knows who I am! ()

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