Stay away from Conan

Chapter 570 The fourth target Jadeite from the Tomb

Chapter 570 The fourth target—Chengzhong Jade

"Witness Protection Program..."

Hearing Nakagawa Momei's words, Gao Yuan said slightly surprised:

"Isn't it a system that only exists in the United States..."

"That's right."

Nakagawa Mome couldn't help but said:

"Originally, he didn't expect to take that step...but since it's wise to be vigilant..."

"With his identity, asking the FBI in the United States to apply for that kind of protection for me is indeed a waste of time..."

Being wise and enlightened, he did not sell things off, but after careful consideration, he considered:

"Moreover, after all, whether my testimony is related to the 'Gus Group'...that is a matter that the FBI is also pursuing. Therefore, there is a high probability that it seems that I can really apply for that kind of protection."

As he said this, Mingzhi Jianwu frowned slightly:

"No, from now on, you can't stay in Yueben..."

"It doesn't matter."

Nakagawa Moemei said nonchalantly:

"Isn't that great? Anyway, it's impossible to come back to the past life."

"Well...since I said that..."

Wise and wise, he thought thoughtfully and said:

"No, he must first confirm the value of the clues I can provide..."

"Hehe... Warning wise, don't play tricks on him at that time. Will he not say one more word until he is truly protected?"

Nakagawa Mome smiled lightly and replied:

"And...although it is said that Coco will be in danger once he is released from prison...but compared to him, shouldn't we be more anxious than him now?"

——"Then don't blame him, otherwise I would have sent it myself..."

Looking at the petite girl with long, black, wavy hair lying on the ground in front of her, wearing the uniform of Sakuraba Women's Academy, she was breathing heavily and seemed a little depressed. As excited as I was outside, I was trying to convince myself with words like that——

"I should have broken up with that detective...he won't contact me again..."

There is still some lingering fear in the figure's mind, and he is still worried about whether any accident will happen in the future.

But no, he kept looking back and forth at the body of the girl in front of him——

Her face is as delicate as a doll, and her body is so ruthless...

Such, the most ideal material, is now lying silently in front of him. The desire that keeps beating in the figure's heart gradually begins to overwhelm the rational worries, and the body is already a little involuntarily, starting to move -

"It's's okay...those stupid police officers, and the so-called detectives, have no way of knowing who committed the crime! In this world, no one can catch him! All his actions have been done. It is extremely hidden, no one will find out about your flaws..."

In the figure's heart, such thoughts kept echoing in his mind, over and over again, admonishing himself not to let go of the perfect opportunity in front of him——

"Besides, I brought it to the door myself... I just appeared in front of him like that, and he wouldn't be able to help it... But no, I missed that time, and I don't know what I will have to pay in the future. The price to capture me so easily... Chengzhong Jade, what a beautiful name..."

The figure kept sighing in his heart, feeling that his heart was beating more and more intensely.

Then, the figure leaned over and gently stroked the sleeping girl's cheek with his leg fingers...

That delicate touch!


so perfect!

So what if there is an accident!

He's got me!

He will never let go of his legs!

Even if that troublesome detective knows how to come to me, so what!

At least now, I deny him!

I already belong to him!

Crazy thoughts, at that moment, completely occupied the high ground of reason.

The figure simply stopped being polite and began to move, stretching out his legs and groping the girl's body...

"Well...showing prosperity...of course you can't keep that kind of thing..."

Just when the girl was searching for a token of prosperity that she was carrying with a cute pendant on it, a faint smile appeared on the corner of the figure's mouth, and then she directly took out the token of token of prosperity. , and threw the demonstration into the water glass on the side——

If water seeps into the open card slot, even a small amount of water will soak the outside of the display, causing it to be scrapped!

"Then...oh! Wrong! You can't stay there! You have to go there! You have to go there! If you are there, you will be discovered!"

The figure was anxious, and then he seemed to recall the very crucial point of his request.

However, when no one noticed, the figure picked up the girl's body and quietly placed her in a cardboard box that happened to be empty.

The petite body is more than enough to hide in a cardboard box!

Just like that, slightly excited, the figure picked up the cardboard box, walked out of the house, and put the cardboard box, together with the girl outside the cardboard box, into his car outside the house——

"Hey? Boss? Why do you close so early tomorrow?"

Suddenly, just as the figure began to close the door to the house and lock it, a person passing by asked in surprise -

This was wrong. The originally highly excited voice couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat after being asked this question.

Bu Nao, when the figure calmed down, he turned to look at the person who asked, and after seeing the clerk who happened to walk out of the nearby store to throw away the garbage, the figure pretended to be calm and replied:

"No... He's doing it all by himself now. If he goes out to do some shopping, he won't be able to take care of the store... Then there's nothing we can do about it."

Naturally, the figure explained his behavior.

"Oh, no."

The inquiring clerk was wrong about that explanation and nodded naturally, and then said without thinking too much:

"Thanks for your hard work."

Then, he turned around and continued to throw away the garbage.

If you don't do this, it will be a small episode.

The figure didn't pay attention, locked the door behind him, walked in the car, drove the vehicle towards the suburbs——

The horse is here! As long as the horse is there!

Perfect material!

The horse can be reproduced now!

What a beautiful piece of art! his girl!


That moment has finally arrived...

The figure looked down at the jadeite tomb spread out in front of him.

Because the effect of the medicine had worn off and the girl who woke up realized her situation and where she was, she shook her head and curled up, trying to get as far away from him as possible.

Like a caterpillar.

"Help, help..."

A little trembling sound of fear came out of the girl's throat——


She crawled and screamed at the top of her lungs——

"Help! Someone... help him! Is there anyone..."

She burst into tears and kept shouting.

——Just like the previous ones.

The figure looked at the girl with eyes in the east proudly, and the excitement in his heart could no longer be contained——

"It's useless. No one can hear it!"

Different from the previous three, looking at the girl in front of him, the figure did not hesitate to talk to her at that juncture——

Otherwise, when the experiment is over and she begs her not to shut up again, she will not be able to hear that wonderful sound that is like the sound of nature!

"No need to ask..."

The girl curled up her body, kicked around with her feet, crawling like a caterpillar, trying to distance herself from the figure.

But no, it is impossible to escape.

"Help...please save him..."

That beautiful face has been distorted by tears and fear, and the bound petite body is rolling helplessly like a caterpillar——

"Mr. Gao Yuan, save him..."

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