Stay away from Conan

Chapter 607 The end of the investigation is Miyano Akemi

"But...since Ryosuke Hasegawa is now in prison, if you want to see him, you can't avoid the one wearing glasses, so we'd better go investigate that publishing house!"

Shirozuka Hisui quickly made a decision and suggested to Gao Yuan with a smile.

Regarding such a suggestion, Gao Yuan briefly thought about it and then said:

"That's what it is, but it's not easy to find clues from a bankrupt publishing house..."

"It doesn't matter. At least it's better to have something to trace than to search aimlessly. And even if the publishing house goes bankrupt, the staff of that publishing house at the time should still be able to find it."

Shirozuka Jade said lightly, and then seemed to think of something. He looked at Gao Yuan beside him with curiosity, unexpectedly changed the topic, and couldn't help but ask:

"By the way, Mr. Takato...who is Ms. Masami Hirota? Do you know anything about her?"

"Huh? Why do you ask?"

Because Tie Zhuyu said the name "Hirota Masami" in front of Shirozuka Hisui in the activity room of the Kendo Club before, it was foreseeable that Shirozuka Hisui would be curious about this name, but Gao Yuan He didn't want her to get involved in the organization's affairs, so he pretended to be confused and asked.

"If I remember correctly, in a one-billion-yen bank robbery that happened before, the name of the criminal who was killed in the port bombing was 'Hirota Masami', and..."

Shirozuka Jade said seriously, her emerald-green eyes stared at Gao Yuan's eyes with watery eyes, and she couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Gao Yuan, don't you think this name sounds the same as the name of Professor Hirota Masami of Nanyang University you went to that night? So are they related in any way? Does Mr. Gao Yuan know something?"

"A billion-yen robbery case... If I remember correctly, this case has been over a long time ago, and all three robbers have died, and all the stolen money has been recovered..."

Pretending to think, Gao Yuan murmured back:

"Is there anything worth investigating?"

"Because of Nanyang University."

Chengzhong Jade couldn't help but said:

"Mr. Gao Yuan, don't you think that the most important clues about the whole matter that we have investigated so far are almost all from Nanyang University? Do you think this is a coincidence or is there another hidden secret?"

"That's it..."

In this regard, Gao Yuan could not help but frown slightly and said thoughtfully:

"What the truth is, we have to find out the whole truth to know."

"Yeah, that's right."

Seeing Gao Yuan's answer, Chengzhong Jade didn't seem to be entangled in this, with a faint smile on his face, urging Gao Yuan:

"Then, Mr. Gao Yuan, let's start investigating the bankrupt publishing house!"

Listening to what Shirozuka Hisui said, Gao Yuan noticed that it was already past the school dismissal time for Sakuraba Women's Academy, and it was impossible to send her back to school, so now Gao Yuan could only continue to take Shirozuka Hisui with him to investigate. …

"There was no success in getting the book."

As the sun sets, in the room where the setting sun shines into the room, a girl wearing a dark blue women's uniform from Seaside Comprehensive High School is sitting on a chair, holding a mobile phone, looking at it with a very calm emotion. The person on the other end said.

On the other end of the phone, after hearing the girl say this, she couldn't help but replied calmly:

"It's okay. Even if I don't have that book, it won't affect my plan. As long as I know the name of the editor of that book, everything will go on smoothly."

On the other end of the phone came a slightly lazy and magnetic woman's voice.

After receiving such an answer, the girl wearing the uniform of Seaside Comprehensive High School seemed to be slightly interested and couldn't help but ask back:

"Then what should we do next? We worked hard to bypass 'Gin', let 'Carbados' invade Nanyang University's database, and investigate the whereabouts of this book, but it's just for a name? What on earth are you doing? What are you planning - 'Belmod'?"

One after another, three organization code names were read out from the girl's mouth. Under the afterglow of the sunset, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth.

In response to this, the charming, mature and sexy voice on the other end of the phone couldn't help but let out a faint chuckle, and then began to say lightly:

"You don't have to worry about this. Since you have made this choice, just listen to my arrangements - 'Hennessy'!"

Saying this, the other party's tone couldn't help but reveal a hint of threat.

"In other words, you arranged for different people to handle affairs at different stages just to conceal your true purpose, right?"

Faced with such a threat from the other party, the girl seemed not to care at all. Instead, she seemed to analyze a hint of profound meaning from the other party's attitude.

However, in the face of the girl's inquiry, the other end of the phone did not give a positive answer, and hung up the call without even saying another word.

Faced with this situation, a bright smile began to appear on the girl's face.

This smile gradually changed from the mysterious one just now to one of joy, and finally turned into a pure smile.

As her smile became duller, the girl seemed to have forgotten the previous phone call. After putting down her phone, she picked up a carving knife from the table beside her.

Then, the girl turned the carving knife around in her hand for a while, as if she had completely let go of her thoughts, and began to use the carving knife in her hand to continue carving on an unfinished statue erected in front of her.

Looking from a distance, in this empty room, the scene of the girl sculpted against the setting sun seems to be filled with a leisurely and tranquil atmosphere.

No matter who looks at this girl's quiet figure, she is a pure and artistic girl.

The pure smile on her face, set against the setting sun, was so beautiful.

At this time, if Gao Yuan were here, he would naturally recognize that this girl was the girl from the sculpture club whom he met in the elevator full of statues before...

Early the next morning, following yesterday's on-the-spot investigation of the address where the publishing house used to be located with Shirozuka Jade, Gao Yuan used the existing information to conduct a network search overnight. In the end, Gao Yuan finally found some information. looks.

So, without notifying Shirozuka Jade on purpose today, Gao Yuan came to a publishing house called "Yu Wentang" alone -

This is the place where I came to investigate before when I came to investigate the "legendary killer Kondo".

Moreover, in this publishing house, I also have an editor-in-chief whom I know——

That lady named Mizushima Kanae.

After making a reservation in advance, Gao Yuan met Mizushima Kanae smoothly, and after finding a coffee shop near the publishing house, the two sat down and prepared to talk in detail——

"Ms. Mizushima, it's really presumptuous of me to come to you in such a hurry. But I do have some very important things here, and I need you to help me."

After ordering coffee, Gao Yuan looked at Mizushima Kanae, who was sitting opposite him with a very dignified and serious expression. After a brief greeting, he was ready to get straight to the point.

In response to this, Mizushima Kanae was very polite. She bowed slightly while sitting and gestured towards Takato, and replied seriously and sincerely:

"Mr. Mingzhi, you are too kind. If I have to say it, if it hadn't been for Mr. Mingzhi's help, I don't know what would have happened last time. This time you have entrusted me with something, and I am naturally obligated."

Saying that, Mizushima Kanae raised her head, looked at Gao Yuan, then gestured to pick up her shoulder bag, opened the zipper of the shoulder bag, and began to rummage through it to find some information——

"Is it the news about the publishing house where Ms. Miyamizu Reimi once worked? After Mr. Akechi contacted me, I tried to search... I can only find these..."

Mizushima Kanae took out the information from her shoulder bag, held it with both hands, and handed it to Gao Yuan very politely, saying:

"I wonder if it will help you?"

Seeing this, Gao Yuan couldn't help but respectfully took the information with both hands, and what came into view was the resume of "Reimi Miyamizu" placed on the top of the pile of information.

In the resume column of this resume, it can be seen that Reimi Miyamizu had worked at another publishing house before joining "Yubundang"——

Yes, that publishing house is exactly the one Gao Yuan wants to investigate, the one that published the comic "The Girl Only Belongs to Me". It is a bankrupt publishing house.

As for Takato, it was precisely because he saw the familiar name "Miyamizu Reimi" after investigating the former staff list of that publishing house that he couldn't help but think of asking an acquaintance, Mizushima Kanae, for help——

Reimi Miyamizu, who used to be an employee of "Yubundo" publishing house and was affiliated with the editorial department headed by Kanae Mizushima, is now dead, and the prisoner who killed her is the wanted criminal Numabuchiro Kiichiro who is still on the run.

According to Takato's guess, Miyamizu Reimi was most likely a peripheral member of the organization. Because she wanted to leave the organization, the organization dispatched Numabuchi Kiichiro to kill her in a manner imitating a serial murder case that was happening at the time.

Since the incident involving Miyamizu Reimi happened to happen to me, I naturally participated in assisting the police investigation, thus discovering traces of the organization's involvement.

Moreover, it was also because of the incident involving Reimi Miyamizu that he met Miyano Akemi, whose pseudonym was "Masami Hirota" at the time, for the first time——

I really didn’t expect that this time, because I was investigating the incident related to the "Gus Group", I would find traces of clues that could be related to Miyano Akemi...

However, business matters now.

Thinking like this, Gao Yuan carefully looked at the resume of Remi Miyamizu, and also looked at the back of the resume to see some news about the bankruptcy of the publishing house, and couldn't help but start to frown and think -

"Mr. Akechi, does the matter you are investigating now... have anything to do with Miss Reimi Miyamizu?"

Seeing Gao Yuan frowning deeply and repeatedly looking at the information he handed over, Mizushima Kanae asked cautiously.

"Well... more or less. But the specific reason is that I need to investigate that publishing house, and I happened to find out that Ms. Miyamizu Reimi was an employee of that publishing house, so..."

It's simple, Gao Yuan responded like this without revealing too many details. After all, it's better for outsiders not to get involved in this kind of thing.

"That's right... I thought there was something else involving Miss Miyamizu..."

Mizushima Kanae seemed a little relieved about this, and said as if she was relaxed.

And after hearing this, Gao Yuan was a little sensitive to some things about Miyami Reimi because of her identity in the organization. So after hearing Mizushima Kanae's words, although it may not have much to do with the things he wants to investigate now. , but still couldn't help but raise his head, looking at Mizushima Kanae's attitude, feeling a little strange and asked:

"Ms. Mizushima, why do you say that? Was it after Miss Miyamizu was killed? What else happened?"

"Well... I don't know if it counts."

Seeing Gao Yuan's intentional inquiry, Mizushima Kanae couldn't help but replied seriously:

"Because, after Ms. Miyamizu was murdered, a bank employee came to our editorial department and said that Ms. Miyamizu's credit card had been overdue for a long time. Because the amount of debt owed was quite large. So the bank clerk made a special trip."

Saying that, Mizushima Kanae thought for a moment, and then continued:

"As far as I know Miss Miyamizu, her usual food and clothing expenses should be completely sufficient based on her income... She would owe so much money on her credit card. I did feel a little strange at the time. It's just Miyamizu After all, the lady has been killed, and it doesn’t matter what happened before. If Mr. Akechi hadn’t asked me about Miss Miyamizu now, I might not have remembered it.”

"Oh, I see."

After hearing this, Gao Yuan thought about it and felt that there were no details worth digging into, so he didn't care much. But then, Mizushima Kanae thought of something and couldn't help but take out her wallet and rummage through it to find something. A business card——

"By the way, speaking of this, there is another very strange thing. At that time, the bank clerk also sent us a business card and said that we could apply for a credit card with her. But then one of our colleagues called her based on the phone number on the business card. But I found out that it was completely empty.”

Saying this, Mizushima Kanae handed the business card to Takato.

Because Mizushima Kanae is an extremely serious person, it is normal for her to keep the business cards given by others. Therefore, Gao Yuan did not find anything strange about Mizushima Kanae's move, and the phone number on the business card was empty. This kind of thing is related to what I am currently investigating...


Suddenly, when Gao Yuan's eyes caught sight of the business card, Gao Yuan felt that his whole heart was startled——

Because, the name on that business card actually had the words "Hirota Masami" written on it!

At this time, Miyano Akemi actually appeared in this way, why...

Therefore, the surprised Takato couldn't help but took the business card handed over by Mizushima Kanae, and intuitively began to feel that something was wrong with this matter.

Since Mizushima Kanae had already mentioned that the phone number on the business card was empty, Gao Yuan first began to observe the string of phone numbers on it.

Then, without any hesitation, Gao Yuan understood the mystery——

This isn't a phone number at all, it's a password!

It was the password that I had agreed with Miyano Akemi before, to use for communication!

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