Stay away from Conan

Chapter 803 Sword Master

Chapter 803 Sword Master

"Mitarai Soxu..."

After hearing this name, he muttered it silently, and Takayuan's mind couldn't help but recall what he said just now after Mitarai Kyousuke woke up, which meant that the person who wanted to harm him was "Mitarai Soxu"...

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan silently looked at Hanada Emi and Mitarai Kyousuke who were standing aside. Seeing that they were looking at Mitarai Munexu with some caution, he felt that the situation seemed to have become subtle again.

In response, Gao Yuan looked at Mitarai Munexu again and couldn't help but said:

"Mr. Zongxu... Mr. Konzong just said that if I can take away the weapon in his hand, he will let us go. I don't know about this, can you do it?"

At this point, even though I felt that Mitarai Munexu and Hanada Emi had secrets that I didn't know, it was not a good thing to stay here. It was better to see if I could leave here and then think of a way. So, Gao Yuan proposed Let's see if the other party is willing to fulfill the statement that Mitarai Konsou made on his own initiative just now.

After hearing this, Mitarashi Konmune seemed to be dissatisfied with this. He raised his head and was about to say something, but was directly stopped by Mitarai Soxu.

I saw Mitarai Munexuo not even turning his head. He always looked at Gao Yuan with an indifferent expression and said in a calm tone:

"Of course. Since it's an agreement, we must abide by it."

"So...thank you."

However, listening to Mitarai Munexu's words, Gao Yuan was basically convinced that the old man must have been the one behind this matter.

Whether it was Mitarai Kyousuke's loss of contact or preventing himself and others from leaving, it should be his idea.

Because, before, in the kendo competition held by Tie Zhuyu and his school’s kendo club, the prizes prepared——

Therefore, in great anger, Takato looked at Mitarai Munexuo aside and asked:

"Mr. Zong Xu! What does this mean!"

And then, Mitarashi Zongxu looked at Gao Yuan, nodded slightly, and said:

"That's right...your swordsmanship talent, experience, and realm are all far superior to those of the near sect. It's really impossible for him to keep you..."

His swordsmanship talent is due to the "Ace of Swords", and his experience and realm should be due to the "Queen of Swords". Without the blessing of these two special props, Gao Yuan believed that he would never be able to escape this sneak attack.

But at this moment, after taking a closer look, Gao Yuan saw that the other party was actually Mitarashi Konsune!

Moreover, it was clear that Mitarai Soxu had come forward to make a promise, indicating that the agreement just now was established, but now he did not stop Mitarai Konsou from taking action again. Gao Yuan did not believe that there was no instruction from Mitarai Soxu behind the scenes.

Then, Gao Yuan glanced at the katana he had just snatched from Mitarai Konmune, thought for a moment, waved it casually, put it gently on the ground, and faced Mitarai Munexu again. After nodding, Gao Yuan turned around and followed Hanada Emi and the others in the direction they left.

But in this regard, Mitarai Munexu did not choose to answer Gao Yuan directly. Instead, he said to Mitarai Chichi Munexu who was lying on the ground at this moment:

"It's too ugly... Jinsong. Your cultivation is completely inferior, so you better stop being embarrassed!"

Wait a moment?

Thinking of this, Gao Yuan suddenly remembered why he was somewhat familiar with the name "Zong Xu".

Seeing this, both Takato, Hanada Emi, and Mitarai Kyousuke felt a little surprised——

Just what he said about Mitarai Konsong actually means that Mitarai Soxu himself must be a master in this way——

As he said that, Mitarashi Konxu winked at the men in black beside him, and several men in black stepped forward to lift and carry Mitarai Konso who had fallen to the ground.

As for what an old man can do at this time...

Hearing the promise made by the other party, Gao Yuan nodded slightly towards Mitarai Munexu, then turned around and nodded to Hanada Emi and the others, indicating that they were ready to leave at this time.

Didn't you agree to let yourself go and wait for others to leave?

Mitarashi Konsou was just the one who showed up at the beginning.

In response to this, Hanada Emi also seemed to be relieved, nodded slightly towards Takato in response, and then helped Kyousuke Mitarai to prepare to leave this place.

However, Gao Yuan did not resist. After the chain successfully blocked the sudden attack, Gao Yuan chose to turn against the guest and directly began to use the chain in his hand to wrap around the blade of the samurai sword. With the help of the chain, He took control of the katana, and immediately took advantage of it. He raised his foot and kicked forward hard, hitting the attacker in the abdomen.

Suddenly, a samurai sword struck Gao Yuan head-on, but was blocked by the chain straightened in Gao Yuan's hand.

However, the power of this knife was extremely strong. Although there was this resistance, the knife still cut down further, making Gao Yuan unable to grasp the straightened chain in his hand.

Immediately, involuntarily, Gao Yuan reached out and took out the monocle named "Star" from the pocket on the right side of his windbreaker. He took it out and shook it off, causing the chain on the monocle to extend directly. About two meters long, he immediately grabbed the other end of the chain with his left hand, straightened the chain in his hands with both hands, then turned around and blocked.

Seeing that Mitarai Konso couldn't handle it, so now, the old man Mitarai Munexuu wants to take action himself?

Thinking like this, just when Gao Yuan was about to turn around and ask Mitarai Munexu what it meant again.

Suddenly, Gao Yuan's hair suddenly stood up, and a feeling of extreme danger enveloped his whole body in an instant——

Just as Takato turned around, before taking a few steps, he saw Hanada Emi and Mitarai Kyosuke who had already walked around the encirclement, but their way was blocked again by the men in black surrounding them.

Therefore, because the opponent did not expect that Gao Yuan, who had no weapon in his hand, would actually take out an iron chain at this time and react so quickly, attacking instead. Therefore, the opponent, who had no defense at all, forcefully attacked After this kick, I felt the pain in my entire abdomen which was completely unbearable. I could only let go of the katana in my hand. I curled up and fell to the ground. I pressed my abdomen with my hands, as if due to the severe pain, Temporarily lost mobility——

If he hadn't reacted in time and had items on him that could be used temporarily as weapons, the sneak attack just now would have almost killed him!

At this point, Mitarai Konsou was taken away from the scene by the group of men in black without saying a word during the whole process, and should have been sent back to the manor.


On that kendo teaching book that had notes written by a kendo master, the signature left by that kendo master was the word "Zong Xu"!

And that book, if I remember correctly, was given to Nanyang University by "Kyosuke Mitarai"!

But later, because of Miyano Akemi's relationship, it was transferred to Tetsuroyu's school...


The two points of the Mitarashi family and the master of swordsmanship actually overlap!

In this regard, Gao Yuan, who thought of this, couldn't help but look at Mitarai Munexu with a deeply fearful look——

The master of swordsmanship, maybe a grandmaster-level figure, now wants to be his enemy?

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