Stay behind the scenes from Super Mario

Chapter 449: The Game Under Legend Begins

Seeing this message, the already restless netizens instantly became even more excited.

"Ah!!! This is the little lion's response."

"Why do you want to live broadcast in Douyu's official live broadcast room again? I suspect that you are advertising!"

"But I didn't dare to do anything, we finally had fun watching it again."


At the same time, there are also many netizens who specially leave messages under the little lion's information.

"Little lion, what are you doing?"

"Do you know the sad handsome guy, who the hell is he?"

"The melancholy handsome guy specifically mentioned that if you clear the game, he will grant your wish. Did you reach some kind of agreement?"


However, no matter how much they asked, the little lion did not send any more messages.

Meanwhile, neither did anyone else.

Until, approaching six o'clock in the afternoon.

The water friends who have watched all the previous games have been waiting for the Douyu live broadcast early.

As soon as the official live broadcast room is opened, they will rush in quickly.

At the same time, the Douyu official staff members were all a little curious.

This matter was such a big deal, of course they all got the news that the little lion was going to borrow the official live broadcast room early.

But the closer it was to six o'clock, the more strange they felt.

Because from the beginning to the end, they didn't get any order to lend out the official live broadcast room.

This is different from Ouyang Luo and Ace in front.

Even, they are still thinking.

"The time is almost up, and this little lion hasn't contacted us. What does he want to do?"

"Is it not going to be used temporarily?"

"Oh, I originally wanted to rely on this to accumulate another wave of traffic, but it's a pity."

But at exactly six o'clock, someone shouted wildly from their side.

"Look, our official live broadcast room is open."

"We obviously didn't give permission, why did we open it?"

"A major event happened, not only that live broadcast room, but all the live broadcast rooms of Douyu, all of which were out of our control in an instant."

"What's the situation? When we can't interfere with the original live broadcast room, who knows what the consequences will be? Or, let's turn them off first, and tell the water friends about temporary maintenance?"

"Are you stupid? Turn off all the live broadcast rooms, and the consequences may be more serious. If you want me to say, let's stabilize first and see how things develop later. Then, report this matter to the leader in advance, and wait for them to make a decision."

"When they come, the day lily will be cold!"

"Then what do you say? If you are willing to take full responsibility, do as you please!"

"Then I...forget it, let's notify the leader first."


Of course, these things all happened inside Douyu TV.

And they were right about one thing at least. When someone really came to solve this problem, the day lily was cold.

Besides, water friends don't care what happens to them here.

What they care about is the little lion who is using the official live broadcast room at this time.

Perhaps because of the filter, the water friends can only see the general situation of the little lion through the camera.

Therefore, they couldn't see the weak appearance of the little lion, but felt that the girl's face was too pale.

However, it can still be seen that this is a relatively young and beautiful girl.

Now, those water friends are even more excited.

"Anchor, are you a little lion? A girl?"

"Wow, the anchor is so beautiful! Can I add WeChat if I use Rocket?"


Of course, apart from such idlers, there are still people who put their minds on the business.

For example, Mr. Zhou, this anchor that many people have forgotten.

"So you are the little lion, brothers, this is a person at the level of a great god."

"In the beginning, she sent me a message and cracked levels 1-4 of Super Mario Generation."

"If she hadn't left for something later, with her brain, Director Ouyang's intelligent robot, God Oss's operation, and my very critical support, maybe I could clear the Super Mario generation on time."

"No! It must be possible."

Soon, like Teacher Zhou, a water friend who also knew a little about the little lion also came out.

"By the way, this little lion is also the creator of the melancholy handsome fan group."

"It's just that, just like Teacher Zhou said, it just bubbled up at the beginning, and then disappeared."

"It's really amazing to come out this time."


Just when everyone was amazed, the little lion in the live broadcast spoke.

"I am coming."

Then, she directly opened the downloaded game, Under the Legend.

But these three short words have aroused discussions among the water friends in the live broadcast room.

Just because the voice of the little lion at this time was very clear, like a child of a few years old.

"The anchor's voice is really nice."

"This voice is a bit strange, did you use a voice changer?"


Apparently with a voice changer!

Otherwise, with the current real voice of the little lion, most of the water friends can be startled.

Of course, none of this matters.

The important thing is that at this time a person walked slowly to the little lion, and put down a cup of coffee on her left.

And this person happened to be captured by the camera in the live broadcast room.

All the water friends are familiar with it, it is Ouyang Luo!

Now, Mr. Zhou was the first to send the barrage.

"Hey? Isn't that Director Ouyang? Why is he with the little lion?"

Soon, other water friends followed.

"I'm going, what's the situation?"

"Am I not mistaken, the mighty director Ouyang is actually serving coffee to the little lion?"

"No, I'm even more curious! Little lion, you asked Ouyang Luo to say something, what's going on?"


However, the little lion didn't seem to be able to see the barrage, and just stared at the game that was opening.

And those water friends also made up a big drama in this short period of time.

"Brothers, do you think they are a couple?"

"I don't think so! Even from Ouyang Luo's expression just now, to put it bluntly, he seems to be the servant of the little lion."

"What age is this, still a servant? Let me tell you, let's not care about Ouyang Luo whether everyone hates him or not, but his strength lies in that! If a melancholy handsome guy didn't appear suddenly, his resume would be as good as it is. Genius!"

"As for things of a kind that gather together, people are divided into groups, just like what Mr. Zhou said earlier, the little lion must be a genius."

"In this case, is this game expected to be cleared?"

"After so many games, are we finally going to win? Just thinking about it makes me feel so excited!"


At this time, the time came to 6:03.

The little lion's game has also officially started and completed.

At the beginning, a scene similar to a cutscene appeared.

In the center of the screen, there are two figures on the left and the right.

On the left is a character with a sheep's head and a human body.

On the right is a little girl holding a spear.

Below, a text similar to the synopsis of the plot appeared.

"A long time ago, the earth was ruled by two races: humans and monsters..."

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