"This is?"

Reverend Anderson looked at the box suspiciously.

"Let's go in and talk!"

"Okay, my lord, please come this way."

After entering the small parlor in the church, Paul was not in a hurry to open the wooden box, but chatted with the priest.

"I heard that Father Anderson has a wide range of interests. Today, the place is filled with exotic flowers and plants."

"Ah... a little hobby, it made you laugh."

Anderson felt a bitterness in his heart.

Paul asked him with yearning expression, "I heard that you are a member of the Consciousness, is that true?"

"This... I am not yet, of course, I also want to be a member of them, er... I admire them very much, and the people inside are all well-educated people."

"Then why don't you join in?"

Anderson blushed, and said: "This sect still has relatively high requirements for new members. You must have major academic achievements or new discoveries to join."

"And I... made you laugh, my lord."

To be honest, Paul was quite interested in the special sect of the Conscientiousness.

Before, he thought that the people in the church were magic sticks who only knew how to chant scriptures and pray to fool people every day. He didn't expect that there were such a group of people doing things similar to scientists, advocating "to approach the truth by exploring the truth in nature." God".

But having said that, in the modern history of the earth, there were quite a few people with religious backgrounds, such as Copernicus who proposed the heliocentric theory, Mendel, the founder of genetics, and Lemaitre, who proposed the universe's àozhà theory. They were all Catholics the priest.

The reason is that Catholicism preserved the cultural knowledge from civilizations such as ancient Greece and ancient Egypt before the Middle Ages, and the schools run by the church were one of the few places at that time where people of civilian origin could receive education.

"Don't be discouraged!"

Paul cheered for Father Anderson: "Gold always shines! You will definitely be able to gain their approval."

"Thank you for your kind words!"

Although he said so, Father Anderson felt that this goal was getting further and further away from him. When he became the dean of the monastery in the future, he would have no time for research.

Paul put the box on the table, "So, I decided to help you! I specially invented this tool for Mr. Priest!"

Under Anderson's curious gaze, Paul opened the box, revealing the contents—a microscope.

In fact, after he heard about Anderson's interest, he planned to send a microscope to the priest, but he forgot because of the many things in the previous period.

Anderson couldn't figure out what this thing was for.

"Please wait..."

Paul held up a thin piece of something to show the priest, "it's a slice cut from a piece of cork".

Paul put the sheet under the eyepiece, "Mr. Priest, please look at that mirror behind this metal cylinder."

According to Paul's knowledge, Father Anderson put his eyes on the eyepiece of the microscope.

"This is…?"

After taking a look, Father Anderson was very surprised. He found that he saw grids, or small rooms. How did they come about?

Paul said triumphantly: "This treasure is called a microscope, and it can magnify the observed object hundreds of times by using the refraction of light by the lens. What you see now is the scene of the cork slice magnified hundreds of times! "

"Incredible! This one is incredible!"

Father Anderson screamed, but his eyes were still firmly attached to the eyepiece of the microscope, and he was reluctant to leave.

"If your statement is true, is the wooden body made up of such small lattices?"

What Father Anderson saw at this time was actually the dead cell wall of the plant.

Paul smiled and said, "How about the truth, you have to rely on someone like you who likes to delve into it to verify it carefully!"

Only then did the priest raise his head, "My lord, this... this..."


"This microscope, are you going to give it to me?"

"Of course, Mr. Father, didn't you just say that?"

Anderson was extremely excited. The moment he moved his eyes to the lens of the eyepiece, a door to a new world opened to him.

He bowed deeply, "Thank you, Lord Earl."

"Haha, easy to talk about." Paul waved his hand and reminded him: "Maybe you can use it to observe other items, such as slices of other plants, leaves, or raw water, I guarantee that it will definitely surprise you. "

Finally he said with a smile: "Of course, if you have time..."

One sentence evoked the sadness of Father Anderson, and more than half of the excitement just now was extinguished.

He finished it dejectedly, and sighed: "Alas...I'm afraid I will have very little private time in the future."

Paul pretended to be surprised: "Oh? Why did Mr. Father say that?"

Anderson said honestly: "To be honest, my teacher, Dean Leonard, is about to take over as the bishop of Northwest Bay."

"It's a good thing. With the justice and piety of the old dean, the congregation will definitely be bathed in more light from God."

"Uh... that's really a good thing, I'm very happy for the teacher."

Anderson hesitated for a moment, but continued: "But the teacher appointed me to take over his original plant, which is to manage the nearby monastery..."

Paul immediately pretended to be happy for the priest: "For you, this is also a promotion!"

"Where is it! As a servant serving the Lord, it doesn't matter whether you are promoted or demoted. But...but..."

Anderson frowns ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ hesitantly said: "Managing a monastery is not an easy task, it takes a lot of energy every day, I am not afraid of hardship and tiredness, but these hobbies in my daily life are just..."

"I understand!"

Paul showed a look of deep understanding.

"Since I took over the position of the lord, I can no longer be as unrestrained as before. I have endless official documents and endless reports every day, and I have to always pay attention to my words and deeds. Regarding your current worries, I It's empathy!"

Anderson was a little moved: "Thank you Earl for understanding me so well."

"But the teacher insisted that I take up the post of dean, and as a servant of God, how could I shirk responsibility because of my own personal interests?"

Anderson suddenly showed a very contradictory look: "Ah~~ I am really guilty. It is really impious to linger on this issue."

Paul shook his head, "After I heard the saying, fish is what I want to eat, and bear's paws are what I want to eat, but I can't have both. It probably reflects your mood."

"Ah—sorry, I was just making a metaphor."

He hastily apologized, it was really inappropriate to compare Mr. Priest's inner piety with food that satisfies his appetite.

"Oh? That's right!"

Paul looked as if he had suddenly thought of a good idea. He slapped his thigh and said hastily:

"Father Anderson, how about I recommend an assistant to you? With his help, you will be able to save a lot of time, so you will have time to do your own things?"

"Oh?" Father Anderson was taken aback, the Earl wanted to recommend an assistant to him.

If this man can really help him take care of the monastery...

Seems like a really good idea!

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