This is a room in a workshop located on the south bank of Lake Weiss. There are strange machines on display. In addition to the machines, there are stacks of papers of different sizes. The workers are busy, they Lay the paper on the machine, and after a series of operations, densely packed characters appear on the paper.

In mid-February, after overcoming technical difficulties such as ink and metal movable type, Arda's first printing factory—or it can be said to be the first printing factory in the world—was finally established.


In the corner of the workshop, a voice containing anger sounded.

"Yes, Mr. Director, I'm coming!"

A typographer ran towards the workshop director in a panic. From the director's tone, he felt that he was about to face disaster.

Sam is a refugee who came to Arda years ago. He can read a few words. When he was looking for a job, he originally wanted to take the examination for the recruitment of a government affairs officer, but he failed the score and was rejected.

In desperation, he had no choice but to retreat and go to work in a factory, and secretly made up his mind to use his spare time to study hard and try his best to compete in the examination room next time. Arda is no different than other places. It requires you to have a relationship with the lord's family. As long as you can pass the exam, you can become a high-ranking official in the eyes of the common people.

After careful and careful comparison, Sam found that the obvious wages of those recruiting conditions that require literacy are much higher. So he became a typesetting worker in a printing factory. At the beginning, he didn't know what a typesetting worker does, let alone what a printing factory does. It wasn't until he actually entered the factory and started to get in touch with the working environment that he discovered such a magical place.

In his previous cognition, books were copied word by word by scribes, but this place called printing factory has a magical machine that can mass-produce books in a jaw-dropping way .

Sam cherishes this job very much. Being a typographer is a good opportunity to exercise, and he can continue to learn while working. However, at the current stage, because of his limited literacy, he was only assigned some simple tasks, such as typesetting some literacy pamphlets compiled by the Department of Education for literacy.

Right now, he was feeling uneasy, wondering if he had made a mistake again, causing the workshop director to lose his temper.

"You mean, stupid outlander, a sloppy walker without eyes!"

A series of swear words came out of the mouth of the workshop director, and he pointed to the printed plate already arranged on the table, which was Sam's previous handwriting.

"Idiot! Open your eyes and take a good look. Are the letters of this word in the wrong order?"

Sure enough, there was a problem with his previous work. Sam looked at the word pointed by the director tremblingly, and found that the word was indeed in the wrong alphabetical order.

"Mr. Director, it's my fault! I'm sorry! I swear I will be careful in the future!"

He bowed his head and apologized repeatedly, regretting why he didn't check it more times.

"If I remember correctly, this is not the first time you have made this kind of mistake! If I hadn't checked it on the spur of the moment, another batch of books would have been ruined!"

The workshop director waved his fist as if he was coming, which made Sam frightened for a while. But even if the director really wanted to beat him, he didn't dare to fight back.

"Need I remind you? You are still in the probationary period! As the workshop director, I have the power to tell you to leave!"

"My lord, please give me one more chance, I swear I will never make a mistake again!"

There was a tear in Sam's voice, fearing that he would lose the job.

Seeing that his intimidation had worked, the workshop director was secretly satisfied. In fact, he didn't want to fire Sam. It was quite difficult to recruit a worker who could read and write, even the half-baked worker in front of him.

But I still have to put it into context, he does not allow typographical errors in the books printed in his workshop, this phenomenon must be eliminated.

He threatened viciously:

"Okay, I'll give you another chance, but I swear, if you make such a stupid mistake again, I will kick you out of my workshop, and if other workshops don't want you, you can just pack up and leave gone."

"Yes! Yes! My lord, thank you old man! I will never do it again."

Sam nodded and bowed again and again, thankful that he was not fired.

"Half of this month's salary will be deducted!"

"Ah? Mr. Director...Yes, yes, you can do whatever you say."

Sam felt distressed secretly. The salary during the probationary period was not high, and half of it would be deducted.

"My God! There are so many books here!"

There was a crisp lark-like sound at the door, causing everyone in the workshop to look at the door.

"Ah~ so beautiful!"

Sam also looked at the door and found that the director of the printing factory walked in accompanied by two women.

The one walking in front has golden hair, and his face is full of liveliness and The one walking behind has green hair, and the expression on his face is more obvious than that of the one in front. He was a little more calm, and he was also looking around at the layout of the workshop at this time, with curiosity in his eyes.

These two girls are very beautiful and have an extraordinary temperament. The workers stopped their work at the same time and couldn't move their eyes stupidly.

The factory manager who was with the two girls put on a dignified face and yelled at the workers: "Why are you stopping? Keep working for me."

The workshop director immediately kicked Sam's **** hard, "Arrange your layout well, don't forget what I just said."

Sam rubbed his ass, focused on his work, and couldn't make any more mistakes.

The workshop director remembered that the factory manager had said that two important figures from the Government Administration Council were coming today. Judging by the polite way the factory manager came in, it was probably these two people.

I didn't expect it to be two young girls, but they were not from common people's families at first glance.

After yelling at the workers, the factory manager put on a smile and introduced to the two girls next to him: "Director Dias, consultant Setia, this is our largest printing workshop, and we plan to print the papers you sent here. sample."

It turned out to be the newly appointed "Acting Director of the Education Department". This incident was widely spread because the acting director turned out to be a woman. It was the first time for a woman to be an official, and many people felt that the lord's move was ridiculous.

The workshop director hurried over.

"My God! I have never seen a book that can be 'made' so easily."

Irene was full of disbelief. Although she had heard Paul talk about the idea of ​​the printing press, she was still surprised after watching the printing process of the book in person.

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