Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World

Chapter 355: There are traitors around the lord

Once it started, the criticism of the businessmen became louder and louder.

Fergus shook his head and cleared his mind, intending to say something fair for the merchants.

"Everyone, although most of them are opportunists, we can't do without them. Without them, where do we buy those goods from other places, and who do we sell the things produced in our own manor to?"

"Lord Fergus is right." The host of the banquet, Master Warren, stroked his mustache.

"But even so, people in this world still rely on our farmers to support them. Land and food are the foundation for us and people in the whole continent to live and live! People around my age here should have experienced famine Have you experienced it?"

Master Warren’s words reminded people of a great famine experienced by the Aldo Kingdom decades ago. The younger generation was fine, but they only heard what the old people said, while those older people’s eyes showed The slightest expression of fear.

It was a terrible time, people were starving everywhere, people on the road suddenly fell down and couldn't get up again, and there were terrible rumors of cannibalism in some places. With the level of famine at the stalls, no matter how rich you are, you can’t buy food. Those who have food at home will not exchange it for gold and silver.

"That's right, Master Warren is right, food is the capital of people's livelihood."

Everyone praised the viewpoint of the host of the banquet.

Suddenly someone became angry: "We are working hard in the fields to grow food, but those businessmen are poaching our corners. Have you forgotten what happened last year? The lord suddenly proposed to build some kind of 'customs union' , to reduce or even cancel the territory's tariffs on goods passing through, the bulk of which is food. Oh my god, this... this... this is really terrible."

One sentence pushed everyone's emotions to the peak.

"Don't guess! It must be the gang of businessmen!"

"Yes, they bewitched Mr. Greyman."

Eldo patted the table in front of him emotionally, as if he had been greatly wronged: "This is not poaching our corner, this is poaching the lord's corner, this is poaching the entire Arda foot of the wall."

Although there are various agricultural machinery popularized, at least last year, Arda’s grain production was not advantageous compared to other territories with a large grain production—such as the territory of the Ferdinand family. This group of manor owners saw it as unimaginable.

But it's different for those businessmen who fall into the eyes of money, which means that they spend less money buying food from other places.

Ah~ These black-hearted maggots used such despicable methods to attack fellow Arda people.

"It must be that they are spreading slander in Lord Gryman's ears, and Mr. Gryman is so young that he fell for their tricks by accident."

"What kind of customs union is not a tool they use to make money."

Speaking of which, everyone rejoiced again.

"Fortunately, we were all twisted together to oppose this matter at that time! We didn't let the tricks of the merchants succeed."

"That's right, I remember that it was Master Warren who took the lead. Let's toast Master Warren!"

"To my lord Warren!"

Old Warren, the host of the banquet, picked up the cup and accepted everyone's cup without hesitation.

"Lord Greyman is surrounded by traitors!"

Old Warren drank a full cup, his complexion became even more rosy, and then he said this with a heartbroken heart.

Hearing what he said, Fergus immediately became nervous. As a retainer of the Greyman family, he still cared about his lord very much.

Traitor? How could it be possible, Arda had just won a resounding and tough battle against the Kent family, one of the best, and his reputation had soared. If the lord was surrounded by traitors, how could he win the battle?

"How not?"

Master Warren continued to grieve, "Think about it, that Hansel Abbott is not a good person! In the past two years, none of you here has been exploited by him less?"

"My lord wants to integrate the cultivated land, which is a kind of good governance, but this southern guy has changed his taste forever!"

Old Warren's words reminded everyone of the experience of being cut by Hansel in the past two years, because they basically invaded the public land, and Hansel, who was in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture, found out one by one during the statistics and measurement, or Spit out the encroached public land and pay a fine, or pay several times the money to buy the land that your family has planted for several generations.

Everyone vomited bitterness.

"Abbott, he is simply a pickpocket! It will be bad luck for anyone who is targeted by him."

"This traitor must have swallowed the fine himself!"

"I don't think those officials from the south are good people!"

Some people began to expand the scope of attack.

"That bushy-eyed chief secretary, that Bernard is probably not a good person!"

Someone stood up in outrage and waved his arms and said, "I saw it with my own eyes in Fulan Port. There are a lot of grains! There are also all kinds of other materials, and they are transported to the sailboat and headed south!"

"It must be the gang of southerners who are transporting to the capital, eating dog food from inside and outside. Lord Greyman is raising them. The slaves of my vassals are not my vassals. They should be loyal to Lord Greyman. The world How can there be someone who is loyal to the next level?"

"The black-hearted maggot, the rat that crawled out of Jingyao's sewer!"

"They are a bunch of moths. If they are left alone, sooner or later the whole of Arda will be emptied."

"Occupy the latrine and don't shit. So many important positions in the Government Council are filled with these southern rats, and they have made so many messes."

"Those positions should be filled by our local children, my lord Earl... well, let's not talk about it."

Someone let out a long There are treacherous ministers inside, and profiteers outside, I think this Arda, I'm afraid it's going to..."

Before he finished speaking, he covered his mouth.

It's just that the atmosphere in the hall has changed. At the beginning, everyone was praising the lord for his wisdom, but now Arda in their mouths is already suffering from internal and external troubles, and will be subverted by the villain in an instant.

Even Fergus was unknowingly infected by the emotions of the crowd.

He is also opposed to the Customs Union, and he also dislikes foreigners who hold important positions in the Government Administration Council.

The lord is not really surrounded by traitors, is he?

He had to find some time to go back to Huxin Town and ask those old friends about it.

A sentence from the host of the banquet, Master Warren, hit his heart.

"Only our peasant family is the foundation of the lord and Arda! We must protect the earl from being deceived by treacherous officials."

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