~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Nathan sat on the second floor of the tavern, watching the crowd gathered below. With him was Sita in a huge chain.

The crowd outside the tavern seemed to have filled the entire street, and the bustling scene seemed to be a celebration. In the distance, a court official of the Kingdom of Indon climbed onto a high platform, unfolded a roll of parchment, and opened his mouth to read out the contents.

Nathan and Sita were far away from the official, so they couldn't hear what he was saying clearly, but judging from the exaggerated body movements of the other party, the official was shouting at the top of his lungs.

The people around the official showed surprised expressions, and then whispered to each other to discuss with each other. As they discussed, the news began to spread around, and their movements formed a ripple, from far to near to The tavern where Nathan was located spread over.

The chattering voices finally reached the ears of Nathan and Sita.

"Wizard? Wizard?" "The Grand Duke recognized the legal status of wizard?"

"Do wizards really exist?"

Nonsense, if wizards don't exist, is the church dealing with the air these years? "

"I heard gossip in a tavern a few days ago..."

Nathan and Sita, of course, did not know what the official read to the people just now. The Grand Duke's edict first denounced the church's oppression of the countries in the Horn Bay, which caused countless losses of life and property, and finally forced the coastal countries to resist by force, and the church army's immoral, despicable and shameless attack behavior Putting Yinton into a dangerous situation, in order to defend the lives and property of the people of Yinton, he had to accept the help of the casters, and then praised the decisive role played by the spellcasters in fighting against the church army, benefiting Thanks to their fighting, the lives and properties of the people of Indon were saved, and all the people of Indon should be grateful for the help of the casters. In order to thank the spellcasters for their great contributions to Inton, the Grand Duke announced that he would abandon previous misunderstandings and prejudices, and endow all law-abiding spellcasters in Inton with the status of normal people, and enjoy the same protection as others under the law of Inton. all rights.

Naturally, as soon as the contents of the imperial edict were announced, it immediately caused an uproar, and the people talked about it, with various voices. However, after only half a day, the crowd on the street dispersed in twos and threes.

"It seems to be much smoother than we expected." Sita, who had been silent all the time, said, "I thought there would be a large-scale riot or something on the spot." This guy in chains just stood by the window all the time , Watching the movement on the street expressionlessly.

Nathan picked up the wine glass, gulped down a few gulps of beer, wiped his mouth with his sleeve, "Isn't this great? Mortals are ignorant, but they know the basics, right? Who attacked them, and who Who protected them and what to do is not very clear?"

"And... the Grand Duke played some tricks, and quietly spread the matter of recognizing the legal status of the spellcaster among the people a week ago. In the streets and alleys, in the taverns and hotels, it has been quietly discussed for a long time, but There is no official statement. After so many days of deliberation, it was suddenly officially announced, and the public has actually been psychologically prepared."

"Now that the first country has stood up, let's see how much impact it can have on the world. Uh... yes, Nathan." Sita asked suddenly: "Where is Ms. Mariana? Why didn't I see you today?" he."

"Ahhh, I've been busy drinking." Nathan scratched his head embarrassedly, "I received a message from Gabela yesterday, and I left urgently to go back at night. I should have told you as soon as we met."

"News from Gabela?" Sita was startled, and the chains on her body rattled, "Could it be that something serious happened to His Highness?"

"Even I didn't tell, maybe." Nathan spread his hands, "Do you think the two princes are going to have a showdown? Then there will be a big scene to watch."

"If that's the case." There was a trace of regret on Sita's face, "It's really disappointing that I can't personally contribute my strength by His Highness's side and witness that great moment."

"Hahaha!" Nathan laughed. He looked out the window at the uncrowded street. "I don't care, it's the same everywhere. Isn't it a huge contribution for us to nail the power of the Holy See here?"

Sita returned to her usual expression, nodded and said, "You're right, I'm too narrow."


In the golden-roofed temple of the Holy City of Light, a dull and irritating atmosphere filled the place.

Pope Harrington II sat around a conference table with high-level officials of the Holy See, discussing the latest situation in Horn Bay.

"That idiot Elvis, he made a mess of Jiaowan, it's nothing more than a mess, he can wipe his own **** clean, and now he is ashamed to ask us for help."

Tours, the director of the Inquisition, was scolding Elvis, the bishop of the Horn Bay Church, and slapped the letter written by the other party on the table. The tainted language in his mouth made people wonder if he was a senior Priest.

Harrington frowned tightly at twenty. The Holy See did not support or even faintly opposed the witch hunt movement of the Jiaowan Church from the beginning, and now he has finally been kidnapped~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There is no doubt that in the Holy See In the eyes of many people, the so-called "new sect" created by the countries along the coast of Jiaowan is an out-and-out heresy, but who gave birth to this heresy?

After Tours's venting was over, he said slowly: "Criticism and abuse can no longer solve the problem. The Jiaowan Church has suffered huge defeats on two fronts, and the heretical army is attacking the church. Collins advances, should we sit back and let them suffer the consequences, or step in and save them."

"Send the army to help them now!" "Let them fend for themselves and we'll kill heresy!"

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously. There is nothing to say about the heretics of the new sect. Of course, they should be eliminated, but the timing of the attack has caused disagreements among the senior leaders of the Holy See present.

The dispute between the two sides gave Pope Harrington II a headache. He asked a young priest sitting beside him in a low voice.

"What do you think, Anthony?" Maybe this young man can give him a different feeling.

"My lord, all I can say is..." replied the young priest: "If there is a fire in my house, I will do my best to put it out before it spreads throughout the house."

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