Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2209: Empire Tour (11)

【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

A few hours later, at 2 a.m., Lele, Hae, and Cassia met at a luxurious residence and soon settled on a trip back to Manoma. It is a large commercial airship at 5 pm today, which will stop at the airport in the surrounding area of ​​Manoma, and then enter Manoma by other means.

The result after considering many aspects, although there is a direct flight to Manoma, the internal situation of the empire has always been a huge wave in the dark. Baggage and identity issues can be resolved, but the risk of leakage cannot be ruled out. Entering from the surrounding area, the selectivity of the method is several times looser.

During the waiting time, Cassia read the information from various parties gathered by Lele in recent months, and listened to his interpretation and description, speeding up the understanding of the changes within the empire over the past few years. Knowing the importance of information, the attitude of the Quartet forces often determines the degree of importance and specific investment ratio in some matters. It only takes a little careful understanding, and in the situation encountered later, you can immediately get the approximate strength of the enemy, which is convenient for making your own plan.

The interpretation and description continued until the early morning, when the routine business of the special operations agency came to an end. Cassia continued to obtain the remaining part of the intelligence, while Hae and Leier needed to do the necessary processing.

"The Guard and several branches of the Knights are increasingly sending people from all over the place to increase their strength here. The corresponding things have also become more and more." Lele has explained, "But according to Mr. Cassia It is said that after a short period of time, the proportion here should be reduced a lot.”

"It won't be a long time." Cassia also replied, "It is very important to have a clear purpose, otherwise it will be easily affected by various emergencies. The changes will be more rapid and huge at that time."

Near noon, Cassia was able to read all the gathered information. There are many insufficiencies in the connection of information, but as a result so far, what happened in the middle has lost most of its importance.

Regarding the content of the information, Cassia didn't care much about it. Apart from the fact that it would continue to change in the future, the remaining part had no substantial effect on the current self and Delia, who would return to the empire in part in the future.

It will take some time for them to interact with each other.

"Military schools have further expanded the scale of enrollment, and the number of students in one-star and two-star colleges has increased by about half. The number of students in the seminary has been reduced accordingly. The affiliated colleges of the two have undergone rapid expansion a year or two earlier. The number has also almost doubled. In addition, in the large cities across the empire, well-known schools in the region have also carried out similar operations to increase the reserve of professional talents as much as possible.”

"The recruitment of the military has been maintained, and there has been no significant change from the beginning of recruitment until now. It has been a few years since the initial recruitment. When Delia arranged for members of the army to enter various places, I remember that there were more than half of them. During this period, people lost contact one after another, and each time the resource allocation was not received again. This part of the members, more than half of the people who are still alive, just received better treatment? "

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【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

"Among those who still have contact, because they have received formal training before going to the military, they have a good level of physical strength and knowledge, but after all, there is no clear background force to support them, and the promotion routes are all It's not good. At present, the highest rank is only a major, and there is only one person. The rest are lieutenants with different ranks, and the places they go to have almost nothing to do with good stations such as big cities and fortresses. ."

Putting down the materials, Cassia, who was walking slowly around the room, said to herself, "Ye Jielin and Mr. Hai must have arranged arrangements in the military, waiting for the arrival of Red Star to speed up the promotion of their members. Put these It is a good choice to put people in it, but the danger is further increased,,,”

"Mr. Zero's place may be a better place..."

"The other is the factory. The consumption of war will definitely promote production, and the firearms and ammunition are all handled by the military's own super factory. In addition, there is Webley Arms Company as an absolute corporate giant, even if the dark world inside the empire is comparable to that. The small countries have expanded very, very much, but when Delia and the others come back, the competitive pressure they will face will definitely not be small."

"Parts production, battle armor and kinetic armor information may become another fulcrum for Delia and Waters to gain a firm foothold in the empire."

After confirming that Hao had accepted the invitation, Cassia then thought about the next step and plan. There is also a huge gap between living and living well. If he had a choice, he hoped to live well. And one of the necessary prerequisites is a steady stream of money. Although money will expire for a period of time, it will also lose its sense of reality after exceeding a certain amount.

But one thing that can never be denied is that whether it fails or loses its sense of reality, it is based on having a lot of them.

"The Star Wants To Retire"

Time passed quickly into the afternoon, and it was Laier driving the limousine to the airport. He'll be here for a while.

At 5:12 p.m., the airship rose into the sky, broke through the clouds, and sailed in the direction of Manoma.

"Welcome back, Mr. Cassia." In the stable airship room, he said in a formal tone, "I am very much looking forward to the passing of your name in a few months, Mr. Cassia. The sight of the whole three continents is sure to be a lot of fun."

"I just hope it comes a little slower."


In the Holy Ten Roman Empire, the Holy See headquarters still has the ancient architectural style that only appears in the history books. In the center of the palace, the next Pope Stant, the current Pope Novi Sas is watching the third general open and place it in the center of the palace. Take out the three silver spears from the silver metal box on the front stone platform.

Two of the spears have the same appearance, while the other one is significantly thicker. The spear body also has a twisted shape of tree roots, and is covered with densely packed small and strange text symbols.

"The trident has been separated, and the bioelectric induction stand of the Pope's series can complete their re-fusion within ten seconds." After showing the spear, the third general put it back in the box and pushed it to Stant and Novi Sas, "Don't do this as much as possible. As the sacred equipment in your mouth, even if I separate the trident, it will not be easy."

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【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

"Compared to a complete trident, the damage is definitely down one level, you better have psychological expectations."

"Thank you very much, we are very clear about what we are doing." The current Pope Novi Sas said, "The sacred equipment has been prepared, and most of the awakened people have recovered. The third general, can we start the next step? Pollution The proliferation plan was half successful and half failed, and now it is necessary to follow up with follow-up forces, otherwise the 'half success' will also be lost in the near future."

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