Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2233: The undead resurrected in the forest (12)

【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

As time went to night, the heavy rain gradually turned into blizzard. After the number of hail increased, many ancient evergreen branches and leaves were knocked off, becoming a new nutrient reserve on the wet ground.

Returning to the place where Cassie was, thinking that it would stay here for a long time, it started to dig a hole. It has been able to accommodate most of its body. Seeing this speed, Cassia finally understands how that huge tunnel network is formed.

Digging tunnels is probably as easy for Kashye as it is for him to kill the team just now.

"It doesn't have any difficulty, and it's not even a work of moving the body." With a sigh, Cassia stopped Cassia who was digging a large piece of soil, "This is the growth rate of dragons and all aspects of it. If the dragons are willing to trust and cooperate with humans, will the development speed of the city be many, many years ahead of time?”

Steel machines and giant construction machines could not surpass dragons. Cassia thought of the huge underground cavity of Green Oasis. Even the giant mining machine built by the imperial mine to mine limestone could not surpass a few high-level dragons. The speed at which to mine ore.

The thin ice on Cassie Hei's body has melted completely, and he climbed up from the deep pit. Cassia quickly made a decision, jumped on his back, and after roughly planning the route forward in his head, he approached several hunting grounds controlled by the Flame Alliance.

It is expected to be close to a day or two of alternating subsonic and supersonic flight. During this period, Cassia was thinking about how to forge an identity and rationalize herself to participate in the hunt.

After a little more time, at nine o'clock that night, Cassia looked upwards, wrote down an image of the stars circulating in the dark blue night sky, and then smashed the black scales around him. Cathy Black, who received the signal, immediately folded his wings, twisted them at a near right angle, and plunged straight down into the dark gray snow cloud.

At this moment, Cassia, who had developed her spiritual perception, finally "saw" a stray light-like thread from the clouds. Although the number is rare, if you want to collect it, you can still gather a very considerable amount.

"Has the latest batch of polluted dragons arrived in this sea area?" I can't get more judgment, but it is very good news to be able to observe the frozen air energy of giant whales from the rain clouds, making me feel more at ease. .

At this moment, Cassia no longer has to deliberately use the giant whale method. Just like the rejection that has disappeared, and the devouring method that has already become an instinctive ability of itself, the method of the giant whale has also become a part of Cassia himself.

Actively attracting the frozen air energy in the clouds, they began to gather in the free state. Cassia immediately gathered the range of mental perception and concentrated into a thin and sharp line. Following the free freezing air, it quickly spread to the sea area regardless of the distance. A flowing water-like scene automatically appeared in his head. At the same time as the feeling of tiredness appeared very quickly, he finally saw a sea that could not see the edge. The dark blue waves were surging, and the powerful hurricane easily cut the waves and the floating like a sharp blade. Snowy air.

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【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

The mental perception continued to move forward, but as the speed and distance continued to increase, when the tiredness began to increase geometrically, Cassia did not hesitate to cut off the connection, and in a faint humming sound, she returned to the front of her eyes. In the environment wrapped in snow clouds.

"Almost, it seems that I can establish a connection with the giant whale group in the deep sea." Cassia took a deep breath, blinked her eyes, and patted her face with her hands to relieve the exhaustion of the moment. "Compared to the root network of the World Tree After all, the network established by the giant whale group using the weather is only a region. But it is also very terrifying. It is not so much that it is not comparable to the World Tree, but it is better to praise it as the successor after the white whale. Ultra-long-distance communication The machine cooperates with many communication airships as nodes, and it can only achieve the effect of weakening several levels in a period of time with little climate impact."

"And after the influence of the red star comes, the effect will be greatly affected,,,"

Glancing in the direction of the sea, Cassia sighed and focused her attention. After a few breaths, the cloud and mist disappeared, and he and Cassie, who were covered in ice, broke through the snow cloud as if they were falling, and entered a world filled with heavy snow.

The snowflakes the size of half a palm no longer look light and fluttering, and under the strong wind, they are only inclined at a small angle, and they are drawn towards the forest below with force. Casey Black maintained a vertical fall position and approached the ground very quickly. When it was about to touch the forest, it spread its wings with a bang, the ice layer on the body shattered, and at the same time, layers of translucent air ripples were stirred up, and the strong wind was pressed down. slid, keep going.

The distance from the destination is not far, and in another hour or two, Cassia will also enter the hunting area after resting.

"What could the pollution be?" Cassia imagined.

At the same time, somewhere in the distant Endless Sea, a storm swept through, the rain water like a thin line connecting the sky and the sea surface, and the huge waves were stacked layer by layer, and then shattered by the hurricane, and then accumulated strength again, and it went on and on.

The sound of emptiness came from under the sea surface, and the surging sea surface was boiling in an The extremely high-frequency tremor caused the seawater on the upper layer of the large sea surface to completely turn into water mist, and it exploded with a bang.

More than a dozen huge tentacles with a diameter of more than ten meters stretched out from the water, covered with viscous dark green blood that was not diluted by seawater. Then a huge oval-shaped head burst through the sea, and the twenty-odd gleaming giant eyes were all covered with different shapes of gray and white, as well as the fear of death.

It screamed, and the sound wave turned into a circle of ripples, and a dozen tentacles were twisted and bent. But the next moment, the exploding air, the swept hurricane, and the thin-line rainwater were almost artificially stationary in this space, but in an instant, all objects in the entire area were frozen, and a thick layer of ice covered the sea surface, and the atmosphere Disappeared, the air was still, only the coldness remained.

"Om—" After a few breaths, the sound of Kongming came from the bottom of the sea again, breaking an extremely calm mirror, and the frozen space shattered into pieces. The hurricane and the waves then beat from a distance, layer by layer. And the short-lived scene that happened here just now seemed to have never existed, and all traces were wiped away by the wind and waves.

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【Steel Steam and Flame】【】

Not long after, it was already a long distance apart, and two island-like dark heads stood up against the sea, revealing a pair of dark but huge eyes that could detect the light.

"A new land messenger?"

"It seems,,, not,,, According to the connection, the location of this land messenger is around the World Tree."

"The pollution is about to pass, perhaps, he is sending a signal to seek help,,,"

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