Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 2349: Premonition of heavy rain (8)

"It will be the huge alliance that is currently detected, and they will give the answer. The Kira Andi family that Elinor belongs to, the alliance that uses it as the core of communication, and all the information about it points to this. It is composed of various families and companies in the three giant countries on the Houxiang continent, and each structure provides technical materials and resources to each other, shares information, and only waits for a suitable opportunity."

"Besides, for a long time, whether it is the Far Sea Commonwealth supported by the Holy Kingdom, or the Flame Alliance established and strengthened by the Nature Association, we are on the surface controlled by us. But in reality, what the two want to be like is Saint Dorag The appearance of the empire. This is no different from those families in the church that are far away from the core area of ​​the Holy See. They are located in remote areas. On the one hand, they want to obtain various resources from the Holy See, and on the other hand they want to obtain absolute rights and free.

For them, if there is a suitable opportunity, they will instantly turn from their own people into enemies, turn around and swing their sharp swords at us, it will definitely happen. There are people from the Far Sea Commonwealth and the Flame Alliance in the giant alliance, which has already explained this point. "

Stant is more worried. If the main battlefield is within the territory of The Church and the Natural Society, he will not have similar concerns at all. The Houxiang Continent is the enemy's home field, and all kinds of preparations on our side will take time, and relying on the accumulation of numbers, we cannot see the desired effect in a short period of time.

"One of the main purposes of the revived popes going to the Empress Continent is to solve such problems."

"I know, but recently, whenever I think about issues that have nothing to do with this, my intuition is that the sense of comfort frequently warns you. You normally attach importance to the current era, and you will use all your power and means for it. The enemy The mood will not be worse than yours. The advantages of the Theocracy and the Nature Association may be hindered unexpectedly." Speaking of this, Stant became serious, "That may be the same as the hunting of Cassia eight years later. The situation is similar, there will be various unexpected situations in the process. And that time, it will not be what you speculated. It is possible that the final result will change."

"After thinking about all aspects, the reason why you don't think so is because the giant whale group will fully participate in the war in the post-epoch era."

No matter when, Novissas also seemed to be right again: "This is the domain of the eighth general and various dragon leaders. Relying on the surgeon alone does not have any advantage over the giant whale group." flattering

Thinking of a sentence, Liu Xuelan said: "You are lucky to be under the land. But the land is not for your imprisonment, but for your protection."

"His level of theoretical knowledge has always been wrong." Novissa gave a compliment. Diagonally below, the stone door leading to the corridor on the ground receded into sight, and the perception of both of them quickly recovered as they got closer to the stone door.

"He is also vague about whether you have the habit of going outside the door when you leave the house." Lavia said, straightening her long hair that was wet by the perennial fog around the tree house, and then threw the suitcase away Passed over, "There are eighteen weapons outside. The work of the Holy Cross Research Institute and the Low Tower in the Sky is enough to fight against the weapons developed by the Avalon Agency of the Saint Shaolag Empire."


Nuowei Liuxue sighed and turned around, "The material should be fine, but the main reason is that its source has nothing to do with the disappearing small land groups. That is a fact that can be changed, and the imitation products have not been optimized and improved. , it’s not bad news yet. After all, you and the Nature Society don’t have multiple awakened members. Worse weapons can weaken our strength.”

"Tomorrow, I will meet with the Eighth General Kamias, so prepare for it." Novissa said as he walked towards the right side of the fork in the corridor, before disappearing around the corner tens of meters away.

The conversation started there tacitly, and Stant walked in front of Novissa, and the two walked back along the corridor like walking. flattering

"Little land group took away too few things, especially the will of the ancient historical world tree that has not yet been clarified." Stant followed with a sigh.

On the other side, the Natural Society Alliance, with hundreds of ancient trees as its foundation, interweaves and builds in the noisy tree house building below. Letitia, who closed her eyes and thought in a narrow room, felt the movement around her, and turned her eyes Opening it, I saw Lavia Watrenier backing out of the open window carrying a long alloy suitcase.

It cannot be foreseen that in the near future, the few remaining members will go to Xiang Xiaolu one after another one after another, becoming stuffing for empty wars, or corpses that someone knows and will mix with the enemy.

"I haven't traded bone materials and fragments of the ancient world tree with the dragon leaders in the two phases of the right and left, and the auxiliary items are all the lowest quality available, but the results compared with the two small research institutions The finished products of each can only be regarded as not improving, but can be called regressing,,,"

"Is it really necessary to do that? Former Prime Minister Koriku, UU Read Book The only person who can threaten the awakened members is the first one without Eleanor Kiraan?"

"In the time period when the eight red stars are coming, there may still be opportunities. Regarding the reconstruction plan, he is the person in charge of the Holy See. Your opinion is to provide the materials and resources needed by the two small research institutions with all your strength. Influence." Novissa glanced at Stant and said with a smile, "Leave the question to the previous pope. In short, every pope in the Holy See is like that. Your next one is like that, and then you gradually It becomes the same. As for him,,, those who are related, it is a tradition between you to leave the problem to the past."

"It's true now, but he and you have the same intuition, maybe there is no more time, that's it. He just needs to wait for the latest news, the former Prime Minister Lu will surprise you, probably The surrounding area was quiet, and due to the impact of the upcoming red star, members of the various regional branches and headquarters of the Holy See were transferred away, and what was left was only basic maintenance. flattering

Liu Xuelan, who was standing there, turned his gaze back to the eighth halberd in his hand. I breathed a sigh of relief: "It's not been more than ten days." I walked back, and I was completely secluded outside the huge Holy See headquarters a long time ago.

"Whether the door is locked or not, he knows that you also have the habit of not locking the door."

"You remember that the reconstruction plan for the sacred equipment has been launched, and it seems that the speed is very fast." When the two stood at a fork in the corridor, Nuowei Liuxue turned around, looked at Stant and said, "Holy The joint cooperation between the Cross Research Institute and the low tower in the air failed to break through the problem, and the results achieved were only the optimization of various existing imitations."

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